Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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This brief 2-minute interchange last week between Sen. Young, who chaired the session, and Kevin Moley is very informative, substantial and well worth watching.

It shows that a new study of the pervasive radicalization in the UNRWA school curriculum, recently released by the Jerusalem-based research and policy organization IMPACT-se (Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education), is beginning to generate a long overdue challenge of UNRWA’s educational work.

(full article online)

Sen. Todd Young: Palestinian Authority-supplied textbooks for UNRWA schools "promote violence and support martyrdom"

If there is to be any sort of durable peace -- we first need a generation or two which is NOT raised on violence, martyrdom, non-recognition, and the denial of Jewish history and Jewish rights. Perhaps Israel should write the Arab curriculum and the Arabs should write the Israeli curriculum.
This brief 2-minute interchange last week between Sen. Young, who chaired the session, and Kevin Moley is very informative, substantial and well worth watching.

It shows that a new study of the pervasive radicalization in the UNRWA school curriculum, recently released by the Jerusalem-based research and policy organization IMPACT-se (Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education), is beginning to generate a long overdue challenge of UNRWA’s educational work.

(full article online)

Sen. Todd Young: Palestinian Authority-supplied textbooks for UNRWA schools "promote violence and support martyrdom"

If there is to be any sort of durable peace -- we first need a generation or two which is NOT raised on violence, martyrdom, non-recognition, and the denial of Jewish history and Jewish rights. Perhaps Israel should write the Arab curriculum and the Arabs should write the Israeli curriculum.
Israel is having some Arab schools in Israel follow the Israeli curriculum. They were using the PA one before, where all they learned was the same as the children in Gaza, PA, Jordan, Lebanon, etc learn.

I hope in the future all students in Israel are taught the Israeli curriculum, because that is as it should be.
This brief 2-minute interchange last week between Sen. Young, who chaired the session, and Kevin Moley is very informative, substantial and well worth watching.

It shows that a new study of the pervasive radicalization in the UNRWA school curriculum, recently released by the Jerusalem-based research and policy organization IMPACT-se (Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education), is beginning to generate a long overdue challenge of UNRWA’s educational work.

(full article online)

Sen. Todd Young: Palestinian Authority-supplied textbooks for UNRWA schools "promote violence and support martyrdom"

If there is to be any sort of durable peace -- we first need a generation or two which is NOT raised on violence, martyrdom, non-recognition, and the denial of Jewish history and Jewish rights. Perhaps Israel should write the Arab curriculum and the Arabs should write the Israeli curriculum.

Israelis could use more Arabic in their curriculum.
However I'm not sure we need more than that, especially since it's more likely that the only ones to actually study the new curriculum would be the Israeli kids, while Arabs probably simply check off another victory while pushing for even more incitement in schools.
Israeli society is evenly represented between those who support a Palestinian state or opposing it... we even have Islamists and anti-Zionists in our parliament. So our kids grow in an environment where they can hear all sides and express support for Arab aspirations. Our education is education.

The problem starts when incitement to murder is being presented as education by UNRWA.
I couldn't care less what they think about Jews, as long as they don't act on it.
This brief 2-minute interchange last week between Sen. Young, who chaired the session, and Kevin Moley is very informative, substantial and well worth watching.

It shows that a new study of the pervasive radicalization in the UNRWA school curriculum, recently released by the Jerusalem-based research and policy organization IMPACT-se (Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education), is beginning to generate a long overdue challenge of UNRWA’s educational work.

(full article online)

Sen. Todd Young: Palestinian Authority-supplied textbooks for UNRWA schools "promote violence and support martyrdom"

If there is to be any sort of durable peace -- we first need a generation or two which is NOT raised on violence, martyrdom, non-recognition, and the denial of Jewish history and Jewish rights. Perhaps Israel should write the Arab curriculum and the Arabs should write the Israeli curriculum.

Israelis could use more Arabic in their curriculum.
However I'm not sure we need more than that, especially since it's more likely that the only ones to actually study the new curriculum would be the Israeli kids, while Arabs probably simply check off another victory while pushing for even more incitement in schools.
Israeli society is evenly represented between those who support a Palestinian state or opposing it... we even have Islamists and anti-Zionists in our parliament. So our kids grow in an environment where they can hear all sides and express support for Arab aspirations. Our education is education.

The problem starts when incitement to murder is being presented as education by UNRWA.
I couldn't care less what they think about Jews, as long as they don't act on it.

Ya totally had me until the last sentence.
This brief 2-minute interchange last week between Sen. Young, who chaired the session, and Kevin Moley is very informative, substantial and well worth watching.

It shows that a new study of the pervasive radicalization in the UNRWA school curriculum, recently released by the Jerusalem-based research and policy organization IMPACT-se (Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education), is beginning to generate a long overdue challenge of UNRWA’s educational work.

(full article online)

Sen. Todd Young: Palestinian Authority-supplied textbooks for UNRWA schools "promote violence and support martyrdom"

If there is to be any sort of durable peace -- we first need a generation or two which is NOT raised on violence, martyrdom, non-recognition, and the denial of Jewish history and Jewish rights. Perhaps Israel should write the Arab curriculum and the Arabs should write the Israeli curriculum.

Israelis could use more Arabic in their curriculum.
However I'm not sure we need more than that, especially since it's more likely that the only ones to actually study the new curriculum would be the Israeli kids, while Arabs probably simply check off another victory while pushing for even more incitement in schools.
Israeli society is evenly represented between those who support a Palestinian state or opposing it... we even have Islamists and anti-Zionists in our parliament. So our kids grow in an environment where they can hear all sides and express support for Arab aspirations. Our education is education.

The problem starts when incitement to murder is being presented as education by UNRWA.
I couldn't care less what they think about Jews, as long as they don't act on it.

Ya totally had me until the last sentence.

"The things You learn to live with" unfortunately.
I look at our neighbors and how they treat their own, and I remind myself of the understanding we have with Egypt.

If only a dove was not a signal to war in the middle east...
The Palestinian Authority increased its payments to terrorists and their families in 2018 by nearly $56 million, Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee chairman Avi Dichter (Likud) said overnight Monday, when a bill to discourage the practice passed a first reading.

Dichter pointed out that President Mahmoud Abbas authorized the 2018 PA budget on Sunday, and that there is a PA law that says 7% of each budget must go to paying terrorists, or to their families, if they’re killed in the act.

The increase “means that the PA will employ more terrorists as PA workers,” Dichter said. “Except that the terrorists who work for the PA have a special quality – they are employed both as dead and living terrorists.

(full article online)

Palestinians increase payments to terrorists to $403 million
The terror group said that it is following the Arab nations who are warming up to Israel, complaining that it "strengthens the occupation and covers its ongoing crimes against the Palestinian people."

"There is a great and new effort of normalization in which the scandal of the practice of normalization does not embarrass the media, in an attempt to penetrate into the awareness of generations to entrench acceptance of the occupation as a fact that can not be overcome."

This is exactly the BDS philosophy. If Israel is accepted as a fact, then BDS loses. Its purpose is to make the world think that Israel will fall, that it is a temporary blip and it makes no sense to work with it because its disappearance is inevitable. This was the way the Arab world looked at Israel as well until the past decade or so.

Ordinary Palestinians, however, may accept Israel's existence, but poll after poll shows that the ones who support a two state solution only want peace as a tactic towards the eventual destruction of Israel. BDS and Hamas are a little more honest.

(full article online)

Hamas ❤️ BDS ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Hey Tinmore, Here is one of your favorite Pallywood producers, director, filmmakers. Same one you posted a video this morning on the other thread about the Balfour Declaration.

Notice how beautifully EDITED it is. How Arabs are wearing fake Israeli uniforms or stolen ones (like the ones recently stolen by Arabs from a base). But if they are real Israeli soldiers, there is no background at all as to why the child was arrested.
Throwing dangerous rocks at civilians or soldiers?

She should have received an Oscar or BAFTA for this and all the other shorts she has made.

Well, she had the privilege of being born in Britain and not have to live there, just make some shorts there.

It is so HEAVILY acted, instead of her being actually THERE at the time it happened, or maybe it never happened and it is all fictional. After all, they are actors.

No, Habib, she should not tell how the PA and Hamas teach hatred for Jews and Israel on a DAILY basis and incite them to go kill the Jews.

From the safety of her home in England, she begs for money for the poor, poor children who are being arrested "for no cause at all" by the "evil Israelis" (my words, but that is the message for those who know nothing about the daily education these children receive and how many have gone to attack Israelis with rocks, knives, screw drivers.......INSTEAD of being at school or with other children reading, playing, doing things children should be doing instead of being used by their governments in Gaza and the PA to make Israel look bad and give up the rest of Israel (all of it ) which the Arabs have not been able to get (post Gaza exit).

Let us mourn for all Arabs in Gaza and the PA, and Lebanon, Egypt, etc, who continue to be deceived by those who have been deceived themselves for the past 100 years.

Palestine Today has an article showing a protest by Gaza families of "martyrs" claiming that the PLO-run Foundation for the Care of the Families of the Martyrs and the Injured has not paid them anything from the 2014 war.

The PLO has said in the past that its budget for paying families of terrorists is sacrosanct, and there is much anger (and hilarious justifications for the payments by Israel haters) when the US or EU complains about so much of the PLO budget going to paying prisoners and families of "martyrs."

But just as the PLO has been denying medicines, fuel, power and salaries to Gazans, it has also apparently been denying even this.

(full article online)

The PLO is not paying Gaza "martyrs"? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Women in Gaza held a protest for International Women's Day.

Were the demanding equal rights with men? An end to honor killings? Perhaps a protest against forced headcoverings in schools?

No - this protest, organized by Hamas, was against Trump recognizing that Jerusalem was the capital of Israel.

The head of the Hamas women's movement, Raja al-Halabi, explained that the Palestinian women celebrate International Women's Day differently from the women of the world. Palestinian women have one form of protest, she explained, "dyed with the blood of the martyrs and the wives of the women and children."

In other words, if you are planning to hold a protest in Gaza, you better make sure that you are protesting something that the rulers allow you to protest. And protesting Israel and the US are always safe bets.

(full article online)

Palestinians trying to hijack International Women's Day ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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