Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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That is the problem with the security coordination with Israel. Islamic Jihad, and others like Hamas and the PFLP, are constitutionally protected political parties in Palestine. Israel calls them illegal organizations. Security coordination requires the PA to violate their constitution and the rights of the Palestinians. Security coordination is universally hated in Palestine.
It's a bit of a farce to suggest that the dictators running the competing mini-caliphates in Gaza'istan and fatah'istan are encumbered by a so-called constitution of law.

“God is our Goal. The Prophet is our leader. The Quran is our constitution. Jihad is our way. Death in the service of God is the loftiest of our wishes. God is great, God is great.”

Any questions?
Hamas was actually elected and they cannot use their party plank in the government.

Of course this leads to another never answered question. Fatah lost the elections in 2006. How did they get to rule the West Bank in 2007?
This all leads in circles to your usual conspiracy theory.

Otherwise, I do find it curious that you have designated yourself as the Head Spokesbeard in Charge of what Arabs-Moslems like / don't like.
Arabs - Muslims is your thing no mine.
Of course 9 years of daily pro- Islamist rhetorics - prove You're a pink bunny.
That is the problem with the security coordination with Israel. Islamic Jihad, and others like Hamas and the PFLP, are constitutionally protected political parties in Palestine. Israel calls them illegal organizations. Security coordination requires the PA to violate their constitution and the rights of the Palestinians. Security coordination is universally hated in Palestine.
It's a bit of a farce to suggest that the dictators running the competing mini-caliphates in Gaza'istan and fatah'istan are encumbered by a so-called constitution of law.

“God is our Goal. The Prophet is our leader. The Quran is our constitution. Jihad is our way. Death in the service of God is the loftiest of our wishes. God is great, God is great.”

Any questions?
Hamas was actually elected and they cannot use their party plank in the government.

“Hamas was actually elected and they cannot use their party plank in the government”.

Thank you Mullah Tinmore for another “...... because I say so”, fatwa.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Hollie, P F Tinmore, et al,

As you all know, there are the Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) and Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGTs). HAMAS, as an organization and Ismail Haniyeh, Chief of the Political Bureau have recently been added publically to the §219 List. It was a designated an FTO well before the elections in 2005 and 2006.

Hamas was actually elected and they cannot use their party plank in the government.

“Hamas was actually elected and they cannot use their party plank in the government”.

Thank you Mullah Tinmore for another “...... because I say so”, fatwa.

We could argue the impact of the elections all day long. The fact of the matter is that HAMAS was not able to assume a position of authority over the West Bank and Gaza Strip as a unified political entity. And it has been over a decade since the Arab Palestinians were able to swap government control peacefully.

Most Respectfully,
HAMAS, as an organization and Ismail Haniyeh, Chief of the Political Bureau have recently been added publically to the §219 List. It was a designated an FTO well before the elections in 2005 and 2006.
So, the Palestinians should allow foreign name callers to tell them who to vote for?
We could argue the impact of the elections all day long. The fact of the matter is that HAMAS was not able to assume a position of authority over the West Bank and Gaza Strip as a unified political entity. And it has been over a decade since the Arab Palestinians were able to swap government control peacefully.
Of course that ducks the never answered question.
We could argue the impact of the elections all day long. The fact of the matter is that HAMAS was not able to assume a position of authority over the West Bank and Gaza Strip as a unified political entity. And it has been over a decade since the Arab Palestinians were able to swap government control peacefully.
Of course that ducks the never answered question.

You refuse to address your always cut and pasted conspiracy theory.
HAMAS, as an organization and Ismail Haniyeh, Chief of the Political Bureau have recently been added publically to the §219 List. It was a designated an FTO well before the elections in 2005 and 2006.
So, the Palestinians should allow foreign name callers to tell them who to vote for?
The Arabs-Moslems have no real concern for voting. Arab-Moslem dictators are not allowing such anti-Islamic mechanisms.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

there are positive consequence and adverse consequences. The Arab Palestinian must be free to make their own decisions; and recognize (and embrace) the consequences of their actions.

You should think twice as using this as any kind of logic shield or defense.

HAMAS, as an organization and Ismail Haniyeh, Chief of the Political Bureau have recently been added publically to the §219 List. It was a designated an FTO well before the elections in 2005 and 2006.
So, the Palestinians should allow foreign name callers to tell them who to vote for?

Just, as you imply, the US (foreigners in general) should not force a specific decision upon the Arab Palestinians. They are allowed to use their own moral judgment, integrity and character to select their leadership and representation. BUT, their freedom in this way, DOES NOT impair the US (foreigners in general) from observing, recognizing and acting in accordance with the reality. The right of the Arab Palestinian in the freedom of expression is articulated in Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR) and that any restrictions should only be applied under the law S/RES/1624 (2005) States must cooperate fully in the fight against terrorism, in accordance with their obligations under international law.

WHEN the Arab Palestinians OPENLY SUPPORT Jihadist, the Fedayeen, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric fighters and allow safe haven from international justice, or otherwise support any person facilitates, participates or attempts to participate in the financing, planning, preparation or commission of terrorist acts or provides safe havens, THEN, the Arab Palestinians must be willing to accept the consequences.

There is no law that demands the US to comply with the wishes of the Arab Palestinians that openly
persist in the support the acts of international terrorism in all its forms (A/RES/46/51. Measures to eliminate international terrorism). The Arab Palestinians that are directly or indirectly involved, which endanger or take innocent lives, have a deleterious effect on international relations and may jeopardize the territorial integrity (including the security of the Jewish State) are as much a danger to Regional Stability as any other criminal act.

Most Respectfully,
There is no law that demands the US to comply with the wishes of the Arab Palestinians that openly
persist in the support the acts of international terrorism in all its forms (A/RES/46/51. Measures to eliminate international terrorism).
Such as?
I suppose it's naive to think that the madness delineated below occurs only in the most retrograde Islamist societies. One has visions of remote, islamic controlled tribal areas where women are treated like chattel with no rights or dignity. It seems that the PA is little removed from some Taliban style tribal elder council shoveling out sharia law that is unchanged from practices originating in the 7th century.

Demands to change PA law allowing rapists to marry victims - PMW Bulletins

Demands to change PA law allowing rapists
to marry victims

  • On International Women's Day, call by Women MPs from Arab Countries to Mahmoud Abbas to repeal law which enables rapists to avoid punishment by agreeing to marry the rape victim - because the law "turns the woman into a victim twice"
By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Palestinian Authority law enables a rapist to marry his victim instead of receiving punishment, according to clause 308 of the Jordanian Penal Code, which is still used by the PA, although it has already been repealed in Jordan.

On occasion of International Women's Day, which falls today, the Coalition of Women MPs from Arab Countries to Combat Violence Against Women has expressed hope that PA Chairman Abbas will approve an amendment of the law and repeal the clause, which "turns the woman into a victim twice":

"Secretary of the Women MPs from Arab Countries Sahr Qawasmi said... that the coalition... hopes that clause 308, which allows a rapist to marry the woman who is raped, will be repealed. She expressed hope that [PA] President [Mahmoud Abbas] will approve [amending] this law on March 8 [2018], because this clause means that the man who rapes evades punishment, and because it turns the woman into a victim twice."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 5, 2

A woman who was 11 when she was forced to marry her rapist has worked for six years to ban child marriages in Florida. On Friday, she was hailed as a hero after the Legislature passed a bill prohibiting marriage for anyone under 17.
Johnson was 9 when she was raped by a church deacon, 10 when she gave birth and 11 when she married the man. Johnson said her church pressured her mother to consent to the marriage and a judge approved it.

Florida passes bill preventing marriage of anyone under 17
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I suppose it's naive to think that the madness delineated below occurs only in the most retrograde Islamist societies. One has visions of remote, islamic controlled tribal areas where women are treated like chattel with no rights or dignity. It seems that the PA is little removed from some Taliban style tribal elder council shoveling out sharia law that is unchanged from practices originating in the 7th century.

Demands to change PA law allowing rapists to marry victims - PMW Bulletins

Demands to change PA law allowing rapists
to marry victims

  • On International Women's Day, call by Women MPs from Arab Countries to Mahmoud Abbas to repeal law which enables rapists to avoid punishment by agreeing to marry the rape victim - because the law "turns the woman into a victim twice"
By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Palestinian Authority law enables a rapist to marry his victim instead of receiving punishment, according to clause 308 of the Jordanian Penal Code, which is still used by the PA, although it has already been repealed in Jordan.

On occasion of International Women's Day, which falls today, the Coalition of Women MPs from Arab Countries to Combat Violence Against Women has expressed hope that PA Chairman Abbas will approve an amendment of the law and repeal the clause, which "turns the woman into a victim twice":

"Secretary of the Women MPs from Arab Countries Sahr Qawasmi said... that the coalition... hopes that clause 308, which allows a rapist to marry the woman who is raped, will be repealed. She expressed hope that [PA] President [Mahmoud Abbas] will approve [amending] this law on March 8 [2018], because this clause means that the man who rapes evades punishment, and because it turns the woman into a victim twice."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 5, 2

A woman who was 11 when she was forced to marry her rapist has worked for six years to ban child marriages in Florida. On Friday, she was hailed as a hero after the Legislature passed a bill prohibiting marriage for anyone under 17.
Johnson was 9 when she was raped by a church deacon, 10 when she gave birth and 11 when she married the man. Johnson said her church pressured her mother to consent to the marriage and a judge approved it.

Florida passes bill preventing marriage of anyone under 17

Thanks for showing that we here in the Great Satan™️ will correct aberrations in the law and make corrections to remedy an injustice.

What a shame that you Islamics, still unable to drag yourselves out of the 7th century, still idolize an Arab warlord who preyed upon children. Here’s some news for you Habib, a 7th century Arab warlord is not any model for humanity.

Obviously, your frantic cutting and pasting has nothing to do with the thread, but hey, your days are spent trolling the bowels of the Internet because you have nothing else to do.
Girls Not Brides: Ending Child Marriage in Gaza | UNRWA

“Imagine a 15-year-old child married and having babies; it’s a child raising children,” said Hayat Mahmoud, a lawyer, as she facilitated a two-hour session on child marriage at the Al-Daraj Women’s Programme Centre. The session is one of 14 awareness-raising sessions that were held from 9 to 12 July across the Gaza Strip as part of ‘Girls Not Brides: End Child Marriage’, an initiative implemented by the UNRWA relief and social services programme in cooperation with Women’s Programme Centres (WPCs) across Gaza to highlight the psychological and social impact of child marriage, raise community awareness, and influence the community’s decision-makers.

A 15- year old bride?

Well gee whiz. That’s a child a bit past her prime in Gaza'istan.

The way of the prophet™️ was to get them young, while they’re still playing with dolls.
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