Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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How old should children be before they are taught that the Dark–Eyed Virgins await them in Paradise if they become Martyrs for Allah? According to the Palestinian Authority no age is too young, as this message was broadcast on occasion of World Children’s Day on an official PA TV children’s program that addresses children as young as pre-schoolers.

In the same episode of the program The Best Home, two children recited poems encouraging Martyrdom-death for “Palestine.”

One poem, recited by a girl probably not more than 10 years old, taught that Palestinian kids – “lion cubs” – should use violence and fight with a “drawn” sword that “won’t return to the sheath.” The poem further told the kids that they have “the blood of the Martyrs” in their veins, and reminded them that according to Islam, the 72 virgins of Paradise – “the Dark-Eyed” - are “yearning” for them, and appreciate them when they die as Martyrs. The poem further stressed the ideal and urgency of seeking death – even right now – as it stated that “today I carry my shrouds.” Representing Palestinian adult approval, the PA TV host enthusiastically applauded the girl:


(full article online)

"The Dark-Eyed [Virgins] yearn for me" - Martyrdom-death promoted to kids on PA TV children's program | PMW Analysis
Not much is made of the Egyptians keeping an islamic terrorist kingpin with Hamas under a travel ban. However, the Egyptian government has a real self- interest in keeping Hamas on a short leash as Egypt has had a number of clashes with Hamas terrorists.



Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh next to his destroyed office (REUTERS/Handout). (photo credit:" HANDOUT/REUTERS)
[ And now......from the people who embraced Naziism and Nazis......Al Husseini......the Farhoud.......]

PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports head Jibril Rajoub wrote on his Facebook page: "Our brothers are here – and foremost among them His Honor [PA] Prime Minister [Muhammad Shtayyeh], government ministers, members of the PLO Executive Committee and the Fatah Central Committee, commanders of the PA Security Forces, and pillars of the private sector… in order to say to this fascist and Nazi occupation that Jerusalem is ours, and that Jerusalem will only be Islamic-Christian." This from Palestinian Media Watch (PMW).

(full article online)

Top PA official: 'Jerusalem is ours and will only be Islamic-Christian'
OK, So Arab-Moslem "academics" (keep the laughter to a minimum), deny Jewish history in this area of the Middle East.

I auppose the Arab-Moslem "academics" are graduates of the Hamas gee-had youth camps.

Palestinian deny archaeological evidence of Jews in Israel

Jews are 'colonialists' and 'occupiers' who only arrived in Israel in 1948, the academics claimed on Palestinian TV.

It seems our friend P F Tinmore attended the same madrassah as the Islamic “academics”.
Arab “Pal’istanian” history. A history of fraud, waste and corruption.

Corruption: A major cause of Palestinian suffering - documentary

Much has been said about the sums that the Palestinian Authority spends on salaries of terrorists imprisoned in Israel and the families of “martyrs” – in other words, suicide-terrorists and those killed during their murderous operation. But when you talk to Palestinians about the misappropriation of funds allocated by the international community, the first term they use is “corruption.”
Oh, dear. The Arabs-Moslems are angry. Aren't they always whinng about some perceived offense to their tender sensibilities?

Israel planning new settlement in flashpoint city of Hebron



Israel planning new settlement in flashpoint city of Hebron
Palestinian officials slam plan, calling it result of US decision to no longer consider settlements illegal.

01 Dec 2019 GMT+3
Israel's defence minister has approved plans for the building of a new illegal settlement in the heart of the flashpoint city of Hebron, drawing sharp criticism from Palestinian officials.

What kind of society consciously and purposely sacrifices its own youth for political gain and tactical advantage?

Today the overwhelming majority of Palestinian Arabs nurture a blind hatred of Israel. They have created a cultural milieu of vengeance and violence – preparing their children to be sacrifices in a death cult.

Palestinian Arabs are killing their youth because they make effective delivery systems for killing Israelis. This tactic encourages Palestinians to enlarge the role of their children by using them as human shields, direct combatants and suicide bombers – glorifying, rather than mourning their deaths.

The death of Arab children on the front lines – extolled as shahids or martyrs – has become a cynical weapon in the arsenal of Arab leaders. They have learned that when their children are killed, they gain world sympathy, as the death of any child is considered a tragedy and consequently portrayed as such in the media, regardless of circumstance.

A criminal Palestinian Arab leadership, along with intimidated Palestinian parents on the West Bank and Gaza, exploit their children to engage in armed conflict – in opposition to values held by the rest of the civilized world and in flagrant violation of international law and common decency.

Some parents and social organizations do protest the barbaric use of children as warriors, although not necessarily criticizing suicide bombing as a tactic. Unfortunately, they are small voices in the wilderness.

Protecting our children is a universal trait that unites the Family of Man. But in Palestinian society, that standard has been turned on its head.

Learn more at www.mythsandfacts.org
Sami, a transgender Palestinian originally from Hebron, who now lives in Tel Aviv, was severely beaten on Monday afternoon in Kfar Aqab, a village close to Ramallah.

Sami and his friend were able to escape after reaching the Kalandia checkpoint, not before the youth damaged his car and destroyed much of its exterior body.Because of his transgender identity, Sami was kicked out his home by his family, later gaining refuge in Tel Aviv. The circumstances surrounding the incident are still unclear.

According to social media, the victim went to Ramallah to get a rhinoplasty.

Video of the incident is online. Apparently, the original videos were far worse and the worst violence has been edited out.

I could not find a word about this in the left-wing, pro-gay rights, anti-Israel Twitter accounts I follow.

Neither was there any outrage from the alQaws Palestinian gay rights group, or from "Queers for Palestine."

(full article online)

Video: Palestinians beat up transgender Arab in Ramallah, pro-BDS queer groups silent ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Emir of Mahmoud’istan.

Just another crank dictator in the never ending parade of crank dictators in Arab-Moslem’istan.

The Palestinian Authority’s Corruption Dooms Chances for Peace

JNS.org – The Palestinian Authority (PA) has been a hotbed of corruption and financial mismanagement since its birth in 1993 under Yasser Arafat. This has been an impediment both to Palestinian self-rule and to peace with Israel.

Arafat’s successor, PA President Mahmoud Abbas — now serving the 15th year of his four-year term of office — has elevated the crookedness of PA finances to a level even Arafat might admire. The misappropriation of billions in Western funds by PA cronies — facilitated by a lack of financial transparency or any sort of accountability — makes the realization of Palestinian aspirations more unrealistic by the day
Arab-Moslem elections?

I’m not sure what the point is when the Islamic terrorists in control now will be the same Islamic terrorists running in elections.

'Swamped in corruption': Dispirited Palestinians see little hope in 2020 elections.

Palestinian Authority, Hamas, Fatah agree on election proposal


HEBRON, West Bank — It will be the first vote of its kind in more than a decade, but proposed Palestinian elections face a wall of apathy from voters tired of infighting and corruption among their leadership and frustrated by the increasingly remote prospect that they will ever secure their own homeland

What kind of society consciously and purposely sacrifices its own youth for political gain and tactical advantage?

Today the overwhelming majority of Palestinian Arabs nurture a blind hatred of Israel. They have created a cultural milieu of vengeance and violence – preparing their children to be sacrifices in a death cult.

Palestinian Arabs are killing their youth because they make effective delivery systems for killing Israelis. This tactic encourages Palestinians to enlarge the role of their children by using them as human shields, direct combatants and suicide bombers – glorifying, rather than mourning their deaths.

The death of Arab children on the front lines – extolled as shahids or martyrs – has become a cynical weapon in the arsenal of Arab leaders. They have learned that when their children are killed, they gain world sympathy, as the death of any child is considered a tragedy and consequently portrayed as such in the media, regardless of circumstance.

A criminal Palestinian Arab leadership, along with intimidated Palestinian parents on the West Bank and Gaza, exploit their children to engage in armed conflict – in opposition to values held by the rest of the civilized world and in flagrant violation of international law and common decency.

Some parents and social organizations do protest the barbaric use of children as warriors, although not necessarily criticizing suicide bombing as a tactic. Unfortunately, they are small voices in the wilderness.

Protecting our children is a universal trait that unites the Family of Man. But in Palestinian society, that standard has been turned on its head.

Learn more at www.mythsandfacts.org
Load of hooey.
Today the overwhelming majority of Palestinian Arabs nurture a blind hatred of Israel.
The Palestinians always opposed the Zionist settler colonial project. They have every right to resist that project.
It’s back.

Islamic Terrorist Friday Fun Day™️

The Shia Iranian Mullocrats likely decided that their Sunni dhimmi subjects needed to earn their welfare money.

Hamas set to renew Gaza border protests despite talks with Israel

The terror group publishes leaflets featuring violent imagery, calling on the enclave’s residents to come out in droves for the March of Return on Friday after a three-week long hiatus
I tend to think that over time, there is a growing realization that the islamic terrorist enterprises in Gaza and the West Bank are little more than excuses for thievery and degeneracy.

In surprise change, 13 countries vote against pro-Palestine UN resolution

In surprise change, 13 countries vote against pro-Palestine UN resolution.

States led by Germany change their voting pattern in favor of Israel, opposing Division of Palestinian Rights, although motion still passes by wide margin

By RAPHAEL AHREN Today, 1:49 am 3

Over a dozen countries on Tuesday abruptly changed their voting pattern at the United Nations in Israel’s favor, opposing an annual resolution expressing support for a pro-Palestinian UN agency traditionally critical of the Jewish state.

Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Lithuania, Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Brazil and Colombia for the first time voted against the resolution regarding the Division ofrf Palestinian Rights at the UN Secretariat.
  • The new field hospital in the Gaza Strip is currently being built with the help of Friendship, a US NGO, as well as partial funding from Qatar. The hospital, which is being constructed near the Gaza-Israel border, will provide medical services to thousands of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

  • Jamal Nasr, a representative of the Palestinian Democratic Union (FIDA) party went as far as claiming that the new hospital will serve as a center for spying on the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. "This is a suspicious project," Nasr said. "It can't have any humanitarian purposes. It's actually a base for intelligence gathering."

  • As with the hospital, the PA leadership has also come out against the proposed artificial island port, which aims to improve the situation in the Gaza Strip. This is the same PA that has been repeatedly condemning Israel for imposing a "blockade" on the Gaza Strip. Instead of welcoming the Israeli initiative, PA officials are denouncing it as another "conspiracy" against the Palestinians.

  • Abbas and his senior officials are seeking to prolong the suffering of their people in the Gaza Strip so they can continue to blame Israel alone for the crisis there. By calling the hospital a "spying center," they are also endangering the lives of the volunteers and medical staff, whose sole "crime" is providing medical treatment to Palestinians.

  • The next time anyone talks about the harsh conditions in the Gaza Strip, the world needs to realize that those who are trying to block aid to their people are the Palestinian leaders.
(full article online)

How Palestinian Leaders Sabotage Palestinians' Interests
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