Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

Only by agreements (Israeli-Palestinian) is it understood to be Arab Palestinian control.

That so called "no go zone" is in Gaza territory. Israel is shooting Palestinian civilians in Palestinian territory.
The Daily Beast Newspaper said:
BEIT HANOUN, Gaza — This narrow strip of land that used to be called “the Gaza Strip,” already one of the more densely populated places on Earth, is growing dramatically smaller. The Israeli military, relentlessly and methodically, is driving people out of the 3-kilometer (1.8 miles) buffer zone it says it needs to protect against Hamas rockets and tunnels. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the buffer zone eats up about 44 percent of Gaza’s territory.
Jesse Rosenfeld
Updated Jul. 12, 2017 / Published Jul. 28, 2014
This is nothing new, no surprise at all. Periodically, the Arab Palestinians have to be reminded that the actions by the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) are painting the box tighter and tighter. All HoAP know that they enter such areas at their peril. Several such Demilitarized Zones (DMZs) are maintained in various places around the world. The Six-Day War was essentially started when the UN peacekeepers in Sinai and Gaza were expelled by Egypt, and then replaced by heavily armed Egyptian Forces.

Most Respectfully,
You are a hoot, Rocco. :laugh::laugh::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
You clearly do not understand Israel.

Indeed. Someone who retreats to silly YouTube videos as a way to sidestep addressing historical fact.
Israel's facts. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laughing0301::laughing0301::poop:

Indeed. The facts you won’t find in you Press TV YouTube videos.

Muslims love to say that Israel is trying to turn this into a religious conflict - but what is a "protest praying" if not a desire to turn it into a religious conflict? Using prayer as a protest tool pretty much ignores the entire purpose of prayer.

If religious Jews held a "protest prayer" there would be angry op-eds that they don't know what prayer is. (When left-wing Jews try to hijack religious rituals for their own politics, no one seems to mind.) But a Muslim "protest prayer" shows again what a huge double standard there is between Muslims and Jews.

(full article online)

Muslim "Protest praying" in Hebron ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
There’s something really creepy about Moslems and their exploitation of young girls.

I wonder where that comes from?

Young girl at Fatah rally:
"Death is insignificant...
I love Palestine, blood is spilled for it"

  • Fatah rally honors 2 murderers, giving "plaques of glory and honor" to their families
  • Fatah added songs that encourage violence against Israel and glorify death to the video of the rally posted on Facebook
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

Only by agreements (Israeli-Palestinian) is it understood to be Arab Palestinian control.

That so called "no go zone" is in Gaza territory. Israel is shooting Palestinian civilians in Palestinian territory.
The Daily Beast Newspaper said:
BEIT HANOUN, Gaza — This narrow strip of land that used to be called “the Gaza Strip,” already one of the more densely populated places on Earth, is growing dramatically smaller. The Israeli military, relentlessly and methodically, is driving people out of the 3-kilometer (1.8 miles) buffer zone it says it needs to protect against Hamas rockets and tunnels. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the buffer zone eats up about 44 percent of Gaza’s territory.
Jesse Rosenfeld
Updated Jul. 12, 2017 / Published Jul. 28, 2014
This is nothing new, no surprise at all. Periodically, the Arab Palestinians have to be reminded that the actions by the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) are painting the box tighter and tighter. All HoAP know that they enter such areas at their peril. Several such Demilitarized Zones (DMZs) are maintained in various places around the world. The Six-Day War was essentially started when the UN peacekeepers in Sinai and Gaza were expelled by Egypt, and then replaced by heavily armed Egyptian Forces.

Most Respectfully,
You are a hoot, Rocco. :laugh::laugh::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
You clearly do not understand Israel.

Wow! Those Israelis are awful!

Maybe the Muslim morons should stop pissing them off by firing rockets at Israeli civilians, eh?
Palestinian Authority policy is to routinely deny the entire Jewish history in the Land of Israel. Jews were never here, the PA says, until they came and “occupied” Palestine in 1948. Palestinian Media Watch has documented that the PA habitually refutes the authenticity of the numerous archeological artifacts and non-Biblical sources that testify to the Jewish presence and nationhood thousands of years ago. The following are three recent examples of this Palestinian denial of Jewish presence and history, showing that the PA’s political message passed on by Palestinian leaders for decades has been successfully adopted and is being repeated even by Palestinian academics.

Riyad Al-Aileh, a Palestinian political science lecturer from Al-Azhar University, stated that Jews only came as ”invaders 70 years ago”:

(full article online)

The Jews came as "invaders 70 years ago," no evidence of Jews before then | PMW Analysis
So, basically, no one noticed and no one cared that angry Mahmoud was lobbying a Spanish diplomat to pressure the UN to recognize a “Pal’istanian State”. Odd, because we’re told that the “country of Pal’istan” was invented way back in 1924 by the Treaty of Lausanne.

But get this, the Spanish diplomat serves as something called the “UN High-Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations.” What that suggests to me is another UN agency with funding for letterhead stationary, free pens with a logo on the side and people getting paid for doing not very much.

What’s laughable was angry Mahmoud lecturing others about “International Law”. A laughable joke as the PA is explicitly promoting Islamic terrorism, paying Islamic terrorists to murder Israelis and participates in the UNRWA welfare entitlements of payments to support a criminal enterprise.

Palestinian Authority urges all EU members to recognize Palestinian state

Abbas also stressed the importance of the role the international community could play in preserving the principles of international law and international legitimacy, on which the peace process was based, to end the occupation and establish an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital on the June 4, 1967 borders.”

Sometimes it seems like the world is standing by and doing nothing while Islamic terrorists presume an entitlement to be taken seriously as capable of establishing a working society.

How does anyone take seriously the rantings of Islamic terrorists? There are two competing tribes of angry Islamists who function as separate entities, utterly hostile to one another so how does anyone take appeals for an Islamic terrorist “state”, seriously?
Hamas has an Islamic terrorist problem.

Netanyahu: Islamic Jihad doesn't absolve Hamas' responsibility for Gaza

Hamas is responsible for attacks on Israel emanating from the Gaza Strip because it is responsible for that territory, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting.

Netanyahu's words follow IDF strikes inside Gaza over the weekend – in response to rocket fire from there – that included a Hamas military compound in the northern part of the coastal enclave.
Such is the legacy of Islamism in Gaza.
Surf’s up.


Palestinians walk past a pool of sewage on a beach in the northern Gaza Strip July 13, 2018 [File:Mohammed Salem/Reuters]
Israel Blocks Terrorists, Palestinians Block Critics
  • On the one hand, leaders of the Palestinian Authority (PA) condemn Facebook for "surrendering to Israeli pressure" and taking action against those who incite terrorism and hate speech. On the other hand, the same PA leaders keep pressuring Facebook to silence Palestinians who demand an end to financial and administrative corruption in the PA.
For more that two weeks (or perhaps as many as 43 days) former prisoners have been holding a sit-in in tents in Ramallah, some holding a hunger strike, in order to protest the cuts in their salaries. This past Tuesday PA police tore down the tents; when the prisoners complained officials said that the space was needed for setting up a Christmas tree and the tent was relocated.

Palestinian prime minister Mohammad Shtayyeh offered to meet with the prisoners to work on their demands, but the meeting failed.

It is possible that these are Hamas members and the PA doesn't want to pay the. But it appears that this is one of those cases where no one has any desire to be upfront about the truth - Israel wants to maintain maximum pressure, and the PA wants its people to think that these payments to terrorists and their families are their highest priority - so any change in the PA's policy can only be gleaned by reading between the lines.

(full article online)

Has the Palestinian Authority stopped paying (some) terrorists? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Hamas has an Islamic terrorist problem.

Netanyahu: Islamic Jihad doesn't absolve Hamas' responsibility for Gaza

Hamas is responsible for attacks on Israel emanating from the Gaza Strip because it is responsible for that territory, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting.

Netanyahu's words follow IDF strikes inside Gaza over the weekend – in response to rocket fire from there – that included a Hamas military compound in the northern part of the coastal enclave.
Clearly, Israel never should have withdrawn from Gaza.
In case you missed it, the Islamic terrorists in Gaza held another goofy fashion parade. As usual, this one showcased children indoctrinated into the Arab-Moslem Death Cult.


Families and supporters of Hamas lined the roads of Khan Younis, the second largest city inside the Gaza Strip; Trey Yingst reports the Gaza Strip.

Hamas holds massive military parade in Gaza
I don’t believe there was ever any doubt that the Fatah Death Cult was an Islamic terrorist enabler during the reign of Arafat mini-caliphate.

Nevertheless, celebrations were in order for the current Islamic terrorist dictator in fatah’istan.

Fatah admits it supported Hamas during the Arafat era

December 1, 2019 / PMW) In a recent video posted by Fatah on its official Facebook page, the party of Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas admitted that it supported Hamas “with money, weapons and political cover” during the era of PLO leader Yasser Arafat.

Fatah, the party claims in the video, “has led and will continue to lead the national project,” and was “the first to fight in the Second Intifada.”
19 Nov 2019

The recent series of attacks against Israelis is the direct result of incitement by radical Islamist and terrorist elements, calling on Palestinian youth to murder Jews.

50 months of terror – 13 September 2015 to the present
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