Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Fatah official promises terror: “A comprehensive intifada”
  • PA leaders call for “Day of Rage”: Escalate the struggle
  • PA Ministry of Education closes schools for an hour so students can participate in Day of Rage marches
Palestinian reactions to US declaration that Israeli settlements are “not… inconsistent with international law”:
  • Fatah official Muhaisen: “The Day of Rage is the start of a comprehensive program of struggle to deal with the American-Israeli steps, [which will reach] even to the point of a comprehensive intifada”
  • Abbas’ deputy Al-Aloul: We will escalate the struggle
  • Fatah: Rage!
  • Official PA daily op-ed: Trump and Netanyahu are a “two-headed cobra”
  • PLO factions “called on their activists and our people to take part in these [Day of Rage] activities… to express our people’s opposition to all of the Zionist-American plots against the Palestinian cause”

(full article online)

PA closes schools - tells children to participate in Day of Rage | PMW Analysis
They did not attack Palestine.

Oh please. You just can't help but keep dancing.

They occupied and annexed (or at least attempted to) territory that was NOT UNDER THEIR SOVEREIGNTY, in complete contravention of IL.

The question on the table is whose sovereignty did they violate by doing so? The answer is the sovereignty of the self-determination and the realization of a State of the Jewish people.
Red herring.
Day of Rage Tuesday™️

The mini-caliphate is closed today. Any lightly used and/or unwanted Arabs-Moslems you wish to throw on muhammud's bonfire of hatred will be appreciated.

Around 2,000 people gathered in the West Bank city of Ramallah by midday, where they set ablaze posters of U.S. President Donald Trump as well as Israeli and American flags. Schools, universities and government offices were closed and rallies were being held in other West Bank cities.


They did not attack Palestine.

Oh please. You just can't help but keep dancing.

They occupied and annexed (or at least attempted to) territory that was NOT UNDER THEIR SOVEREIGNTY, in complete contravention of IL.

The question on the table is whose sovereignty did they violate by doing so? The answer is the sovereignty of the self-determination and the realization of a State of the Jewish people.
Red herring.

Ironic that you should say that.

Red Herring
Ignoratio elenchi

(also known as: beside the point, misdirection [form of], changing the subject, false emphasis, the Chewbacca defense, irrelevant conclusion, irrelevant thesis, clouding the issue, ignorance of refutation)

Description: Attempting to redirect the argument to another issue to which the person doing the redirecting can better respond. While it is similar to the avoiding the issue fallacy, the red herring is a deliberate diversion of attention with the intention of trying to abandon the original argument.

Logical Form:

Argument A is presented by person 1.

Person 2 introduces argument B.

Argument A is abandoned.

Example #1:

Mike: It is morally wrong to cheat on your spouse, why on earth would you have done that?

Ken: But what is morality exactly?

Mike: It’s a code of conduct shared by cultures.

Ken: But who creates this code?...

Explanation: Ken has successfully derailed this conversation off of his sexual digressions to the deep, existential, discussion on morality.

Tinmore: Where are the treaties granting the territories to the Jewish people?
Shusha, Rocco, Hollie: Here they are.
Tinmore: Where are the treaties that are land or border treaties?
Shusha, Rocco, Hollie: Here they are.
Tinmore: But Palestine has international borders.
Shusha, Rocco, Hollie: We know. Those are Israel's international borders.
Tinmore: Why are all those foreign people in Palestine?
Shusha, Rocco, Hollie: Because of these things.
Tinmore: No Arab army invaded Israel.
Shusha, Rocco, Hollie: Arab armies invaded sovereignty not their own.
Tinmore: None of them entered Israel.
Shusha, Rocco, Hollie: Whose sovereignty did they violate then?
Tinmore: Red herring.

Israeli bullshit, of course. No Arab army invaded Israel.

The continued ridiculousness of your arguments astounds me.

Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt armies crossed OUT OF THEIR OWN sovereign territorial boundaries, thus interfering with the territorial integrity of another sovereign. To argue otherwise is silly.
They crossed into Palestine. None of them entered Israel.

As usual, you hope to invent a history that never happened, and / or, you simply don’t know the facts.

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948
No invasion of Israel was mentioned.

Thanks for the link.

"Diamond Member"

...but i bet you leave a skimpy tip!

"No invasion of Israel was mentioned."

blech......israel is "invaded" every time your 'freedom-fighters' [terrorists] launch rockets, toss hand grenades or fly kite bombs into israel [unprovoked].

The IDF was performing Islamic terrorist behavior modification after attacks from Gaza.

IDF hits Hamas targets in Gaza airstrikes in response to rocket fire

The Israel Defense Forces launched airstrikes on Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip late Tuesday night and early Wednesday in response to a rocket attack from the coastal enclave earlier in the evening, the army said.

Fighter jets hit a number of targets in southern Gaza, including one site “for the production of arms,” the IDF said.
Arab-Moslem holiday with schools closed for

Day of Rage Tuesday™️


Palestinians throw rocks at security forces during a demonstration against Israel and the US in Ramallah [Anadolu Agency]
The demonstrators chanted slogans emphasizing the need for UNRWA to continue its work until the "right of return" is realized.

In plain English, that means that the UN agency should continue being funded until millions of Arabs of whose ancestors lived in Palestine in 1947 can flood Israel and destroy the Jewish state.

They aren't demanding the world recognize a Palestinian state side by side with the Jewish state. They are demanding the "right" to move to an enemy state in order to destroy it from within.

UNRWA, of course, is on board with that plan. They have taught generations of Palestinians that they will "return" one day and are complicit in keeping them stateless for over 70 years.

Ironically, large numbers of schoolchildren took off from their UNRWA schools and participated in the demonstrations. This was probably with UNRWA's blessing. They are being taught that protests are more important than education.

Schoolchildren in the West Bank were off school yesterday as well for the "Day of Rage" declared by the PLO.

(full article online)

Gazans rally for @UNRWA to exist until Israel is destroyed ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The demonstrators chanted slogans emphasizing the need for UNRWA to continue its work until the "right of return" is realized.

In plain English, that means that the UN agency should continue being funded until millions of Arabs of whose ancestors lived in Palestine in 1947 can flood Israel and destroy the Jewish state.

They aren't demanding the world recognize a Palestinian state side by side with the Jewish state. They are demanding the "right" to move to an enemy state in order to destroy it from within.

UNRWA, of course, is on board with that plan. They have taught generations of Palestinians that they will "return" one day and are complicit in keeping them stateless for over 70 years.

Ironically, large numbers of schoolchildren took off from their UNRWA schools and participated in the demonstrations. This was probably with UNRWA's blessing. They are being taught that protests are more important than education.

Schoolchildren in the West Bank were off school yesterday as well for the "Day of Rage" declared by the PLO.

(full article online)

Gazans rally for @UNRWA to exist until Israel is destroyed ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

This is Tinmore's wish but it will never happen.
Tomorrow is the UN-created "International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People" set up in 1977 specifically to be on the anniversary of the UN partition resolution that would have created a Palestinian Arab state if those same Palestinian people had not rejected it.

Hanan Ashrawi of the PLO, a person with more chutzpah than any Jew, said today that the UN system that has done more to legitimize the Palestinian national cause than anyone in the world did not give the Palestinians a minimum level of justice, encouraged extremist groups in "the State of Palestine" and the region in general, and provided Israel with "a cover to continue its crimes based on ethnic cleansing, forced displacement, apartheid and escalating settlement expansion." She also said the UN allows Israel to "practice fundamentalist Zionism and extremist colonial ideology."

Ashrawi also made a bizarre claim about the 1947 UN General Assembly resolution 181 I had not previously seen: "Although the partition resolution, which marks the beginning of the suffering of our people, gives the Security Council the right and the ability to take action against any dissenting party, it has repeatedly failed to exercise this right. "

The dissenting parties were the Arabs in Palestine and the entire Arab world, which attacked the Jews of the region within hours of the resolution being passed!

(full article online)

Hanan Ashrawi complains the UN is too pro-Israel! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

A young boy is brimming with excitement waiting for a toy from his mother. But instead of rewarding her son with a toy for finishing his food, his mother hands him a rifle. When the boy expresses confusion, she responds with a grim announcement:

My son, we were not created for happiness. In my eyes, you are meant for Martyrdom!

[Official Fatah Facebook page, Nov. 22, 2019]

This is one of the abusive messages in a poem recited by a young girl on Palestinian radio that Abbas’ Fatah Movement chose to share with its 250,000 followers on Facebook. A second message in the poem that is clear child abuse tells Palestinian children why they are to die as Martyrs: They are merely the “ammunition” for Islam – the “weapon" with which to liberate and conquer Jerusalem.

“Jerusalem is ours, our weapon is our Islam, and our ammunition is our children. And you, O my son, are meant for Martyrdom.”

The ideologies expressed in this poem illustrate the Palestinian Authority’s abuse of its own children that Palestinian Media Watch has documented since the first years of the PA. Palestinian children are taught to romanticize and seek death.

(full article online)

Extreme Palestinian child abuse! Mom tells her son he is destined for Martyrdom - in girl's poem | PMW Analysis
I’m just beside myself. Angry Mahmoud is threatening to break off relations with us here in the Great Satan™️. Apparently, angry Mahmoud is angry that the US has revised its position on land occupied by Islamic terrorists who presume an entitlement to such territory.

Gee whiz. The Arabs-Moslems masquerading as “Pal’istanians” have taken billions of our welfare dollars while at the same time despising us over our support of a like-minded democracy with whom we share common values.

Here’s hoping angry Mahmoud can break off relations today.... soon, today.

HomeWorld News

Palestine warns breaking off relations with US over ‘legalization’ of West Bank settlements is imminent
26 Nov, 2019 19:27 / Updated 1 day ago
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Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has threatened to end the nation's relationship with the US after the Trump administration declared Israel's Jewish-only settlements in the West Bank – illegal under international law – legal
Welfare fraud recipients with firearms, a Koran and a death wish - the next generation.

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