Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Why are all those foreigners imposing on Palestine?

Ah, so once again, rather than acknowledging facts and discussing the last two questions you asked, you introduce a new question.


I know you are going to keep dancing. And in a week, you will ask those same to questions again. You can't possibly actually address the real documents, because it destroys your entire argument.

But in answer to your question:

The Jewish people (not foreign) are exercising their right to self-determination.

The British (and French) were fulfilling their legal treaty obligations.

The Egyptians and Jordanians were first belligerently interfering with the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other states, in contravention of all the most basic and well-established IL; and then entering into peace treaties with their neighbors.

Iraq, Lebanon and Syria were belligerently interfering with the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other states, in contravention of all the most basic and well-established IL.

Did I miss anyone?
The Egyptians and Jordanians were first belligerently interfering with the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other states,
Israeli bullshit, of course. No Arab army invaded Israel.

Now post some pretty pictures.
Why are all those foreigners imposing on Palestine?

Ah, so once again, rather than acknowledging facts and discussing the last two questions you asked, you introduce a new question.


I know you are going to keep dancing. And in a week, you will ask those same to questions again. You can't possibly actually address the real documents, because it destroys your entire argument.

But in answer to your question:

The Jewish people (not foreign) are exercising their right to self-determination.

The British (and French) were fulfilling their legal treaty obligations.

The Egyptians and Jordanians were first belligerently interfering with the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other states, in contravention of all the most basic and well-established IL; and then entering into peace treaties with their neighbors.

Iraq, Lebanon and Syria were belligerently interfering with the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other states, in contravention of all the most basic and well-established IL.

Did I miss anyone?
The Egyptians and Jordanians were first belligerently interfering with the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other states,
Israeli bullshit, of course. No Arab army invaded Israel.

Israeli bullshit, of course. No Arab army invaded Israel.

The continued ridiculousness of your arguments astounds me.

Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt armies crossed OUT OF THEIR OWN sovereign territorial boundaries, thus interfering with the territorial integrity of another sovereign. To argue otherwise is silly.
And of course it was Israel. For all of the reasons I just stated in answer to your ever-moving questions.
Israeli bullshit, of course. No Arab army invaded Israel.

The continued ridiculousness of your arguments astounds me.

Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt armies crossed OUT OF THEIR OWN sovereign territorial boundaries, thus interfering with the territorial integrity of another sovereign. To argue otherwise is silly.
They crossed into Palestine. None of them entered Israel.
Israeli bullshit, of course. No Arab army invaded Israel.

The continued ridiculousness of your arguments astounds me.

Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt armies crossed OUT OF THEIR OWN sovereign territorial boundaries, thus interfering with the territorial integrity of another sovereign. To argue otherwise is silly.
They crossed into Palestine. None of them entered Israel.

Is that why the Arabs lost?
They entered an imaginary country?
Israeli bullshit, of course. No Arab army invaded Israel.

The continued ridiculousness of your arguments astounds me.

Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt armies crossed OUT OF THEIR OWN sovereign territorial boundaries, thus interfering with the territorial integrity of another sovereign. To argue otherwise is silly.
They crossed into Palestine. None of them entered Israel.

Oh, you are ridiculous.

They crossed into territory not under their sovereignty, which is foreign interference, which is what you were whining about.

The Arab nations entered into the territory upon which the Jewish people had the exclusive, recognized right to self-determination and, having fulfilled the requirements of the Mandate and developed self-governing institutions and the necessary qualities for statehood, declared their independence and sovereignty in the normative way, following all accepted legal codes of the time, which was duly recognized.

The name of that place is now called Israel.
Israeli bullshit, of course. No Arab army invaded Israel.

The continued ridiculousness of your arguments astounds me.

Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt armies crossed OUT OF THEIR OWN sovereign territorial boundaries, thus interfering with the territorial integrity of another sovereign. To argue otherwise is silly.
They crossed into Palestine. None of them entered Israel.

As usual, you hope to invent a history that never happened, and / or, you simply don’t know the facts.

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948
Israeli bullshit, of course. No Arab army invaded Israel.

The continued ridiculousness of your arguments astounds me.

Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt armies crossed OUT OF THEIR OWN sovereign territorial boundaries, thus interfering with the territorial integrity of another sovereign. To argue otherwise is silly.
They crossed into Palestine. None of them entered Israel.

Is that why the Arabs lost?
They entered an imaginary country?

...........imaginary or not:

Terrorists [palestinians who call themselves 'hamass' and their extended terrorist families....] should not have "their own country".........[waaaay to many of them already....] terrorist-infested muslim countries.

you can't broker a good deal with terrorist-types.
Israeli bullshit, of course. No Arab army invaded Israel.

The continued ridiculousness of your arguments astounds me.

Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt armies crossed OUT OF THEIR OWN sovereign territorial boundaries, thus interfering with the territorial integrity of another sovereign. To argue otherwise is silly.
They crossed into Palestine. None of them entered Israel.

Oh, you are ridiculous.

They crossed into territory not under their sovereignty, which is foreign interference, which is what you were whining about.

The Arab nations entered into the territory upon which the Jewish people had the exclusive, recognized right to self-determination and, having fulfilled the requirements of the Mandate and developed self-governing institutions and the necessary qualities for statehood, declared their independence and sovereignty in the normative way, following all accepted legal codes of the time, which was duly recognized.

The name of that place is now called Israel.
They did not attack Palestine.
Israeli bullshit, of course. No Arab army invaded Israel.

The continued ridiculousness of your arguments astounds me.

Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt armies crossed OUT OF THEIR OWN sovereign territorial boundaries, thus interfering with the territorial integrity of another sovereign. To argue otherwise is silly.
They crossed into Palestine. None of them entered Israel.

As usual, you hope to invent a history that never happened, and / or, you simply don’t know the facts.

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948
No invasion of Israel was mentioned.

Thanks for the link.
Israeli bullshit, of course. No Arab army invaded Israel.

The continued ridiculousness of your arguments astounds me.

Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt armies crossed OUT OF THEIR OWN sovereign territorial boundaries, thus interfering with the territorial integrity of another sovereign. To argue otherwise is silly.
They crossed into Palestine. None of them entered Israel.

As usual, you hope to invent a history that never happened, and / or, you simply don’t know the facts.

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948
No invasion of Israel was mentioned.

Thanks for the link.
Who mentioned invasion other than you? Pay attention. The combined Arab-Moslem armies crossed the frontier and attacked Israel. Part of that war aimed at Israel was an attack on Tel Aviv.

You’re welcome for the link. BTW the link identifies Arab attacks in the former Mandate. Do you know what the mandate was?

Look it up.
Israeli bullshit, of course. No Arab army invaded Israel.

The continued ridiculousness of your arguments astounds me.

Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt armies crossed OUT OF THEIR OWN sovereign territorial boundaries, thus interfering with the territorial integrity of another sovereign. To argue otherwise is silly.
They crossed into Palestine. None of them entered Israel.

Oh, you are ridiculous.

They crossed into territory not under their sovereignty, which is foreign interference, which is what you were whining about.

The Arab nations entered into the territory upon which the Jewish people had the exclusive, recognized right to self-determination and, having fulfilled the requirements of the Mandate and developed self-governing institutions and the necessary qualities for statehood, declared their independence and sovereignty in the normative way, following all accepted legal codes of the time, which was duly recognized.

The name of that place is now called Israel.
They did not attack Palestine.

They were busy attacking Israel.
They did not attack Palestine.

Oh please. You just can't help but keep dancing.

They occupied and annexed (or at least attempted to) territory that was NOT UNDER THEIR SOVEREIGNTY, in complete contravention of IL.

The question on the table is whose sovereignty did they violate by doing so? The answer is the sovereignty of the self-determination and the realization of a State of the Jewish people.
Hey, folks. It’s Tuesday. You know what that means, rigght?. Yes, it’s:

Day of Rage Tuesday™️

Today will Shirley degenerate into an islamo-fun day of wholesome activities including rioting, rock throwing and maybe some tire burning so be sure to bring the kids. Hey, you’re a welfare recipient so working for a living is nor a concern.

Come on down. Join the fun and you can martyr the bejezzus out of your children.

Palestinians gear up for ‘day of rage’ Tuesday against US settlements policy

PLO official says demonstrations will include marches through city centers and speeches by leaders of Palestinian factions.

Palestinians gear up for ‘day of rage’ Tuesday against US settlements policy
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