Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Commit mass murder / suicide.
Make your Sitty proud.


Source: Elder of Ziyon / Terror Groups in Gaza Encourage Kids to Become Martyrs
Oh, I don’t know. Breeding for the purpose of producing little islamo-bots who can be used as a disposable commodity to advance a totalitarian politico-religious ideology... never mind.

UN report: Widespread child abuse in Palestinian Authority


UNICEF reports large number of Palestinian Arab girls forced into child marriages, rampant beatings of children, and forced labor.

Submission to UN urges rights for Palestinian, Israeli children subjected to Hamas abuse

The report provides evidence that Palestinian groups have subjected children to “arbitrary detention and torture … inundating children with messages of hate and violence,” as well as “encouraging them to kill Israelis and become martyrs in the struggle to liberate all of Israel [from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea] for Palestine.”
The next generation of psychopaths.

And for some reason unknown to me, these psychopaths demand an exclusive welfare entitlement to further their acts of islamic terrorism and some parts of the world contribute to that entitlement.

Plaque honoring teen suicide bomber at entrance to PA high school for girls

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Dec 5, 2019

Plaque honoring teen suicide bomber at entrance to PA high school for girls | PMW Analysis
  • Female suicide bomber who murdered 2 glorified on plaque at entrance to Bethlehem high school
  • Exhibition at same high school glorified terrorist murderers who killed hundreds

Every day when Palestinian girls enter their high school in Bethlehem the Palestinian Authority reminds them that the suicide bomber who was their age, 17-year-old Ayyat Al-Akhras who murdered 2 and wounded 28, is their role model.
The next generation of psychopaths.

And for some reason unknown to me, these psychopaths demand an exclusive welfare entitlement to further their acts of islamic terrorism and some parts of the world contribute to that entitlement.

Plaque honoring teen suicide bomber at entrance to PA high school for girls

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Dec 5, 2019

Plaque honoring teen suicide bomber at entrance to PA high school for girls | PMW Analysis
  • Female suicide bomber who murdered 2 glorified on plaque at entrance to Bethlehem high school
  • Exhibition at same high school glorified terrorist murderers who killed hundreds

Every day when Palestinian girls enter their high school in Bethlehem the Palestinian Authority reminds them that the suicide bomber who was their age, 17-year-old Ayyat Al-Akhras who murdered 2 and wounded 28, is their role model.

This is the difference between Palestinians and Israelis.
[ From a Palestinian born in Jordan. But he is not a Jordanian .
Why? ]

Joseph Massad is professor of Modern Arab Politics and Intellectual History in the Department of Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies at Columbia University.

Even though he has written articles that are so antisemiticas to be indistinguishable from neo-Nazi literature, and even though he is a homophobe who accuses gay activists of colonialism and imperialism, he still gets respect. Which makes one wonder if it is possible for an Arab academic to ever say anything to outrageous for the Left to cheer him.

He just wrote an article for Middle East Eye where he uses his normal antisemitic rhetoric, claiming that Israel's Law of Return is illegal and that Palestinian "right of return" is international law.

(full article online)

Columbia professor Joseph Massad admits Palestinian "return" is meant to destroy Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Call her a raving Joooo hater, or, just call her predictable.

Rashida Tlaib Headlines Anti-Semitic Hate Fest

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) was the keynote speaker at a conference hosted by a Muslim organization that traffics in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and that counts among its supporters many who seek Israel's destruction.

Tlaib headlined the American Muslims for Palestine's (AMP) 2020 election conference late last month in Chicago. The freshman lawmaker, known for her routine criticism of Israel and its supporters, shared the stage with a who's who of leading anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists, including Bernie Sanders surrogate Linda Sarsour.
Let’s think about this. A “Pal’istanian” state built around competing Islamic Terrorist franchises.

We Really Need to Talk About Corruption - The Tower

The present efforts to create a Palestinian state are built entirely atop a Palestinian political system that has long suffered from endemic corruption, abuse of power, nepotism, and waste. This problem has dogged the Palestinians at least since the establishment of the Palestinian Authority in 1994, radically undermining the most basic elements required for successful governance—including the faith of individual Palestinians in their leaders. This hinders the ability to administer international assistance, encourage investment, or build effective institutions.
The actual report by the prosecutor, in the middle of seven pages of allegations against Israel, says:

" In addition, the Office has also received allegations that: (i) Palestinian security and intelligence services in the West Bank have committed the crime against humanity of torture and related acts against civilians held in detention centres under their control; and (ii) the PA have encouraged and provided financial incentives for the commission of violence through their provision of payments to the families of Palestinians who were involved, in particular, in carrying out attacks against Israeli citizens, and under the circumstances, the payment of such stipends may give rise to Rome Statute crimes. These as well as any other alleged crimes that may occur in the future require further assessment.
Apparently the prosecutor is just listing things that have been submitted to her; she has not even begun an investigation. "

It is interesting that the PA jumps to defend the idea of paying salaries to terrorists, and doesn't even mention or deny the other charge of torture.

(full article online)

Palestinians seething that ICC is looking at "pay for slay" as a possible war crime ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The eternally aggrieved, always angry, forever complaining, non-stop whining Arabs-Moslems parading around as "Pal'istanians" found something new that offends their tender islamo-sensibilities.

It has become another reaon for the competing islamic terrorist franchises to hate each other as much as they hate Christians.

Can't we just give them more money and, oh yeah, give them their own state?

Construction of field hospital in the Gaza Strip near the Erez crossing. (Screenshot from the Friend Ships-Project-Camp Gaza Facebook page)

US Christians build field hospital in Gaza, deepening rift between PA and Hamas

US Christians build field hospital in Gaza, deepening rift between PA and Hamas
PLO official claims project, funded by pro-Israel evangelical donors, serving ‘military, intelligence and security’ purposes, but terror group brushes off concerns
By ADAM RASGON 4 Dec 2019, 10:26 pm3

A field hospital being built by a US Evangelical Christian aid group in the northern Gaza Strip has become a source of controversy for the already feuding Ramallah-based Palestinian leadership and the Hamas terrorist group that controls the coastal enclave
The bullet points go on and on but you get the point. An islamic terrorist dictatorship that continues due to international welfare

The Palestinian Leaders' War on Preventing Corruption

  • The Palestinian Authority has chosen to crack down on anti-corruption activists as part of an effort to silence its critics and deter others from demanding transparency and accountability.

  • Stories concerning rampant financial and administrative corruption in the Palestinian Authority do not surprise those who have been reporting on Palestinian affairs in the past two decades. What is surprising is the growing number of Palestinian individuals and groups who are openly defying Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his senior officials by talking about and exposing corruption.
"Get'em while they're young".

That was the way of the inventor of islamism, Muhammud (swish).

Good enough for the 7th century, good enough for today.

Palestinians Exploiting Children to Fight Israel

The new Palestinian curriculum for grades 1 to 4 "is significantly more radical than previous curricula," concludes a new study by Hebrew University's Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se). It "teaches students to be martyrs, demonizes and denies the existence of Israel, and focuses on a 'return' to an exclusively Palestinian homeland."
While the linked article has a number of common sense bullet points, I don’t see either Hamas or the PA changing their behaviors.

The leadership of both those Islamic terrorist franchises have spent a solid decade-long program of theft and thievery that supports their personal fortunes and acts of Islamic terrorism.

How Hamas Leaders Fool Palestinians

  • It is also time for the international community to wake up to the fact that it is wealthy Hamas leaders, and not Israel, who are responsible for the humanitarian and economic disaster that is known as the Gaza Strip.
They’re back.

Friday Fun Day at the Border Gee-had™️

As we see regularly, the Arabs-Moslems made sure their children were represented in the acts of violence,

Apparently, they believe It makes for good publicity when they can use injured children for propaganda purposes.

Thousands protest along Gaza border


Protesters clash with Israeli soldiers during demonstration along Gaza boSome 4,000 Palestinian Arabs protested at several locations along the Gaza border on Friday, as the Hamas-orchestrated “March of the Return” protests resumed. In an unusual move, many of them were children, noted Channel 13 News.

Some of the demonstrators threw explosives at IDF forces, who in turn used riot dispersal means.

The Hamas-run “health ministry” in Gaza reported that 27 protesters were wounded, four of whom by live fire
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