Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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I think what the Israeli defense Minister is saying is that Islamic terrorist attacks will be met with the delivery of generous Islamic Terrorist Retirement Packages™️ courtesy of Lockheed Martin.

Bennett warns IDF will act at right time against terror groups in Gaza

Israel’s Defense Minister Naftali Bennett warned terror groups in the Gaza Strip that the IDF will act at the right time in the blockaded coastal enclave during a visit to southern Israel after a night of rocket fire.

We need to move from a defensive approach to an attacking approach. Whatever we'll do - we'll do it at the right time - in the right way and with great power. No one will drag us to it. A good ruse is served cold, not when the blood is boiling and the other side waits of it.” he said during a visit to the college town of Sderot on Sunday night.
Israel keeps trying to shoot its way out of a political problem.



"Political problem"...

Do you idiot ever have anything remotely intelligent to say,
besides these retarded one liners?
Last edited:
I think what the Israeli defense Minister is saying is that Islamic terrorist attacks will be met with the delivery of generous Islamic Terrorist Retirement Packages™️ courtesy of Lockheed Martin.

Bennett warns IDF will act at right time against terror groups in Gaza

Israel’s Defense Minister Naftali Bennett warned terror groups in the Gaza Strip that the IDF will act at the right time in the blockaded coastal enclave during a visit to southern Israel after a night of rocket fire.

We need to move from a defensive approach to an attacking approach. Whatever we'll do - we'll do it at the right time - in the right way and with great power. No one will drag us to it. A good ruse is served cold, not when the blood is boiling and the other side waits of it.” he said during a visit to the college town of Sderot on Sunday night.
Israel keeps trying to shoot its way out of a political problem.



"Political problem"...

Do you idiot ever have anything remotely intelligent to say,
besides these retarded one liners?
Israel has been shooting up Palestinian civilians for many decades and it has gotten them nowhere.
I think what the Israeli defense Minister is saying is that Islamic terrorist attacks will be met with the delivery of generous Islamic Terrorist Retirement Packages™️ courtesy of Lockheed Martin.

Bennett warns IDF will act at right time against terror groups in Gaza

Israel’s Defense Minister Naftali Bennett warned terror groups in the Gaza Strip that the IDF will act at the right time in the blockaded coastal enclave during a visit to southern Israel after a night of rocket fire.

We need to move from a defensive approach to an attacking approach. Whatever we'll do - we'll do it at the right time - in the right way and with great power. No one will drag us to it. A good ruse is served cold, not when the blood is boiling and the other side waits of it.” he said during a visit to the college town of Sderot on Sunday night.
Israel keeps trying to shoot its way out of a political problem.

Israel is dealing with an islamic terrorist problem.
I think what the Israeli defense Minister is saying is that Islamic terrorist attacks will be met with the delivery of generous Islamic Terrorist Retirement Packages™️ courtesy of Lockheed Martin.

Bennett warns IDF will act at right time against terror groups in Gaza

Israel’s Defense Minister Naftali Bennett warned terror groups in the Gaza Strip that the IDF will act at the right time in the blockaded coastal enclave during a visit to southern Israel after a night of rocket fire.

We need to move from a defensive approach to an attacking approach. Whatever we'll do - we'll do it at the right time - in the right way and with great power. No one will drag us to it. A good ruse is served cold, not when the blood is boiling and the other side waits of it.” he said during a visit to the college town of Sderot on Sunday night.
Israel keeps trying to shoot its way out of a political problem.



"Political problem"...

Do you idiot ever have anything remotely intelligent to say,
besides these retarded one liners?
Israel has been shooting up Palestinian civilians for many decades and it has gotten them nowhere.

I guess you're one of those who would stick his head into sand, leaving his bottom up,
and as a gesture of good welcome offer your family to the Jihadi filth.

"For a brighter future" of course...
Last edited:
I think what the Israeli defense Minister is saying is that Islamic terrorist attacks will be met with the delivery of generous Islamic Terrorist Retirement Packages™️ courtesy of Lockheed Martin.

Bennett warns IDF will act at right time against terror groups in Gaza

Israel’s Defense Minister Naftali Bennett warned terror groups in the Gaza Strip that the IDF will act at the right time in the blockaded coastal enclave during a visit to southern Israel after a night of rocket fire.

We need to move from a defensive approach to an attacking approach. Whatever we'll do - we'll do it at the right time - in the right way and with great power. No one will drag us to it. A good ruse is served cold, not when the blood is boiling and the other side waits of it.” he said during a visit to the college town of Sderot on Sunday night.
Israel keeps trying to shoot its way out of a political problem.



"Political problem"...

Do you idiot ever have anything remotely intelligent to say,
besides these retarded one liners?
Israel has been shooting up Palestinian civilians for many decades and it has gotten them nowhere.

Actually, Israel has been defending against an islamic terrorist problem while establishing the State as an economic / technology leader.

You folks can’t quite manage indoor plumbing. An Islamic terrorist enclave that survives on welfare.
I think what the Israeli defense Minister is saying is that Islamic terrorist attacks will be met with the delivery of generous Islamic Terrorist Retirement Packages™️ courtesy of Lockheed Martin.

Bennett warns IDF will act at right time against terror groups in Gaza

Israel’s Defense Minister Naftali Bennett warned terror groups in the Gaza Strip that the IDF will act at the right time in the blockaded coastal enclave during a visit to southern Israel after a night of rocket fire.

We need to move from a defensive approach to an attacking approach. Whatever we'll do - we'll do it at the right time - in the right way and with great power. No one will drag us to it. A good ruse is served cold, not when the blood is boiling and the other side waits of it.” he said during a visit to the college town of Sderot on Sunday night.
Israel keeps trying to shoot its way out of a political problem.



"Political problem"...

Do you idiot ever have anything remotely intelligent to say,
besides these retarded one liners?
Israel has been shooting up Palestinian civilians for many decades and it has gotten them nowhere.

Israel has been shooting up Palestinian civilians for many decades and it has gotten them nowhere.

Muslims have been shooting at Israeli civilians for many decades and it has gotten them nowhere.
Oh, no. Not Outbursts of Rage™️

The MNN (Mullah News Network), is reporting that their occupation army, AKA Hamas, is angry. I thought Hamas was always angry about something or other.

Apparently, today’s Outburst of Rage™️ has something to do with al-Aqua. As we know, al-Aqua is claimed to be islam’s 8,043rd “most holy site”.

Hamas warns Israel of ‘upcoming outburst of rage’ over violations against al-Aqsa



This clown looks pretty angry... I guess. It’s hard to tell an angry Islamic buffon in a burqa.

May I suggest they just “do an islam” and hire a really, really angry buffon?

How about this buffoon?


Now we’re talkin’

Speaking at the Christmas tree lighting at Birzeit yesterday, Palestinian prime minister Mohamed Shtayyeh addressed the small crowd by talking about how proud they should be that the first Palestinian martyr who identified as part of the student movement came from that village.

He then said, "Christmas is a Palestinian national holiday, and Christ was a Palestinian guerrilla, who stood against injustice."

The Arabic word he used for guerilla is "fidai", singular for "fedayeen" which is what Palestinians call terrorists who murder Jews.

Palestinian leaders have for years referred to Jesus as "Palestinian," a term he himself would not have recognized. Official media has even compared terrorists to Jesus. But this is the first time I can recall that a Palestinian leader has literally called Jesus the same word used for murderers.

(full article online)

Outrageous: Palestinian prime minister says "Christ was a Palestinian guerilla" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
There is nothing real about the so called Palestinians. There is absolutely no correspondence between their narrative of events and the history the rest of the world understands.
Odd, how a ceasefire with Islamic terrorists really means that the Islamic terrorists just attack with a few less rockets than before the ceasefire.

The Arab-Moslem squatters are babbling on with their usual blustering tirades.

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Fatah: “We won’t relinquish a grain of soil… from the [Mediterranean] Sea to the [Jordan] River”
Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Dec 9, 2019
Fatah officials:
“We won’t relinquish a grain of soil from the land of historical Palestine
from the [Mediterranean] Sea to the [Jordan] River”

“We are at the beginning of an ongoing confrontation,”
Israel will leave as other “invaders” have
Turkey announced this hospital to much fanfare in 2018, which was to be jointly run between Turkey and the PA, but it never opened due to financial and staff shortages. For some reason this was not considered a scandal.

Now, Shtayyeh is saying that he is negotiating with Turkey on finally opening this hospital. "We are in the final stages of agreeing with our Turkish friends to cover the operating expenses of this hospital," Shtayyeh said today.

It is hard to explain how petty and uncaring the Palestinian Authority is for its own people and how willing it is to use Palestinian lives for political purposes. This Turkish hospital has been empty and unused for an entire year, but only now that the PA wants to not look like idiots for opposing another Hamas-approved hospital does it make any moves to open the Turkish hospital.

Both the Turkish and American hospitals were approved by Israel, proving yet again that the Jewish state cares more about Palestinian lives than the Palestinian Authority does.

(full article online)

Once again, Israel shows that it cares more about Palestinian lives than the Palestinian Authority does ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Turkey announced this hospital to much fanfare in 2018, which was to be jointly run between Turkey and the PA, but it never opened due to financial and staff shortages. For some reason this was not considered a scandal.

Now, Shtayyeh is saying that he is negotiating with Turkey on finally opening this hospital. "We are in the final stages of agreeing with our Turkish friends to cover the operating expenses of this hospital," Shtayyeh said today.

It is hard to explain how petty and uncaring the Palestinian Authority is for its own people and how willing it is to use Palestinian lives for political purposes. This Turkish hospital has been empty and unused for an entire year, but only now that the PA wants to not look like idiots for opposing another Hamas-approved hospital does it make any moves to open the Turkish hospital.

Both the Turkish and American hospitals were approved by Israel, proving yet again that the Jewish state cares more about Palestinian lives than the Palestinian Authority does.

(full article online)

Once again, Israel shows that it cares more about Palestinian lives than the Palestinian Authority does ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Why not just upgrade existing hospitals. That would make more sense.
Turkey announced this hospital to much fanfare in 2018, which was to be jointly run between Turkey and the PA, but it never opened due to financial and staff shortages. For some reason this was not considered a scandal.

Now, Shtayyeh is saying that he is negotiating with Turkey on finally opening this hospital. "We are in the final stages of agreeing with our Turkish friends to cover the operating expenses of this hospital," Shtayyeh said today.

It is hard to explain how petty and uncaring the Palestinian Authority is for its own people and how willing it is to use Palestinian lives for political purposes. This Turkish hospital has been empty and unused for an entire year, but only now that the PA wants to not look like idiots for opposing another Hamas-approved hospital does it make any moves to open the Turkish hospital.

Both the Turkish and American hospitals were approved by Israel, proving yet again that the Jewish state cares more about Palestinian lives than the Palestinian Authority does.

(full article online)

Once again, Israel shows that it cares more about Palestinian lives than the Palestinian Authority does ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Why not just upgrade existing hospitals. That would make more sense.

Why would the Arabs-Moslems do anything that made sense?
The act of co-opting religious figures from faiths that preceded Islam has been a long, lurid tradition of Islamism.

Islam’s inventor, Muhammud (swish), stole ruthlessly from both Judaism and Christianity in the formulation of the politico-religious ideology he cobbled together.

In Christmas Message Palestinian PM Calls Jesus a “Palestinian Guerrilla Fighting Occupation”

A recent article in WAFA, a Palestinian news site, described a bizarre pre-Christmas ceremony in which Jesus was described as a “Palestinian guerrilla fighter” and the Arab Christians were presented with the greatest holiday gift: the Intifada and its martyrs.
Turkey announced this hospital to much fanfare in 2018, which was to be jointly run between Turkey and the PA, but it never opened due to financial and staff shortages. For some reason this was not considered a scandal.

Now, Shtayyeh is saying that he is negotiating with Turkey on finally opening this hospital. "We are in the final stages of agreeing with our Turkish friends to cover the operating expenses of this hospital," Shtayyeh said today.

It is hard to explain how petty and uncaring the Palestinian Authority is for its own people and how willing it is to use Palestinian lives for political purposes. This Turkish hospital has been empty and unused for an entire year, but only now that the PA wants to not look like idiots for opposing another Hamas-approved hospital does it make any moves to open the Turkish hospital.

Both the Turkish and American hospitals were approved by Israel, proving yet again that the Jewish state cares more about Palestinian lives than the Palestinian Authority does.

(full article online)

Once again, Israel shows that it cares more about Palestinian lives than the Palestinian Authority does ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Why not just upgrade existing hospitals. That would make more sense.

Why not just upgrade existing hospitals.

The space they need to upgrade is already filled with rockets and explosives.
He is similarly fuzzy on Palestinian Arab motivation. He states, “Most of the [Palestinian Arab] volunteers were villagers and of the urban lower class, and…the economic motive played a central role in volunteering,” noting that these “motives…differed from [that of] their Jewish friends, who enlisted in the army mainly because of opposition to Nazi Germany and its racial policy toward their people, besides other motives such as the revival of a Jewish army, and the serious employment situation in the country at the beginning of the war.”

Compensation as the prevailing motivation for Palestinian Arab enlistment is supported by the evidence, but Abbasi claims their motives were in fact manifold and varied. Some Palestinian Arabs, he states, enlisted for ideological reasons, to express their opposition to Nazi ideology and loyalty to the British and their values. This motive was especially true of the urban elite and the intellectuals, he alleges, who were highly influenced by British education and culture. He does not substantiate this point sufficiently and ignores available evidence documenting contemporary Palestinian contempt for the British Army (see, for example, Prof. Kimberly Katz’s A Young Palestinian’s Diary 1941-1945, The Life of Sami Amr).

Abbasi laments that “there is hardly any reference to the thousands of Palestinian volunteers, some of whom fell in battle, while others are still listed as missing in action, and no commemoration of the fallen can be found anywhere.” He suggests this “evil” is explained by “what the Palestinian people experienced during the Nakba and its aftermath, the destruction of archives and records in addition to the loss of personal documents, and the fact that no organization was established to commemorate the volunteers and their deeds.” He thus accuses Israel of covering up the Palestinian Arab role in defeating the Nazis.

It should be noted that Abbasi persistently uses the term “Palestinians” rather than “Palestinian Arabs” in his article, starting with the title. This manipulation services the popular narrative denying any linkage between the Jewish People and Palestine. In her book World War II – The Story of a Jewish Soldier, Jewish Women of Mandatory Palestine Serving in the British Army, Esther Herlitz (later an Israeli diplomat and politician who served as a member of the Knesset) wrote, “As far as the British were concerned, we from the Jewish Yishuv, and some Arabs, were Palestinians.”

Academic research needs to be cautious and precise, particularly when the audience is not in a position to either challenge or verify its conclusions. Abbasi’s contribution to the study of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which is one of the most contentious topics in the world, is an attempt to implant a “corrective” history and characterize the Palestinian Arabs as “good guys” who fought the Nazis rather than allying with Hitler.

The actual contribution, according to facts and evidence, of Palestinian Arab volunteers during WWII was marginal. In the early war years, the Axis countries appeared to be on the road to victory and a Nazi victory was perceived by many Arab leaders as an opportunity to achieve their aspirations—and none more so than the Mufti. In his prolonged and extensive interaction with the Nazi leadership, from its rise to power in 1933 to its downfall in 1945, he demanded not Palestinian-Arab independence but the creation of a vast Arab state, or rather empire, presumably headed by himself.

(full article online)

Palestinian Arab Volunteers in the British Army in WWII: A Reality Check
According to ex-Muslim terrorist, Jews and Muslims are quite different. And this is coming from a Muslim himself! Walid Shoebat said that Muslims teach hate, and Jews teach love. His own father was saved by a Jewish doctor, yet his father still considered him an enemy. As Shoebat was speaking to a crowd of Jews, he asked rhetorically, “The question is why do you still do it? Why do you still rescue us even though we want to murder you? Why do you hide your children while we put our children in the front to die so we can make propaganda?”

(full article online)

Ex-"Palestinian" terrorist asks a question to Jews and Muslims everywhere
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