Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Abbas’ Fatah Movement published this young girl’s message to US President Trump not to “defile” Jerusalem because it’s “ours.” The young girl has clearly absorbed the constant messaging by the Palestinian Authority, which rejects Jews/Israelis any rights to Jerusalem and denies that Jews had a history in Jerusalem. In the girl’s words, Jerusalem “was, is, and will remain our capital over the years, and we will not agree to our Jerusalem being defiled”:



(full article online)

Palestinian girl to "cursed Trump": "We won’t agree to our Jerusalem being defiled" | PMW Analysis
Abbas’ Fatah Movement published this young girl’s message to US President Trump not to “defile” Jerusalem because it’s “ours.” The young girl has clearly absorbed the constant messaging by the Palestinian Authority, which rejects Jews/Israelis any rights to Jerusalem and denies that Jews had a history in Jerusalem. In the girl’s words, Jerusalem “was, is, and will remain our capital over the years, and we will not agree to our Jerusalem being defiled”:



(full article online)

Palestinian girl to "cursed Trump": "We won’t agree to our Jerusalem being defiled" | PMW Analysis

Capital? At the rate they're going, their entire "state" will be smaller than Jerusalem.
Another angry Mahmoud going off on a predictable rant.

Mahmoud Habbash, an advisor to PA President Mahmoud Abbas, said in a Friday, November 29, 2019 sermon that aired on Palestine TV that the entire world conspired against the Palestinian people to issue the United Nations Partition Plan in 1947.

"Friday Sermon by Mahmoud Habbash, Advisor to PA President: The Forces of Colonialism Have Been Conspiring for Centuries to Plant Here a Foreign People with No Religious or Historical Connection to Palestine"

When angry Mahmouds launch themselves into these silly tirades its best to tell them “keep your hands where I can see them” and let them humor themselves.
It seems I woke up this morning at it was CE 634. The Islamic barbarians are spilling out of the Peninsula.

Transparency International has released a report on corruption in Middle East and North Africa countries, and the Palestinian Authority is regarded as one of the most corrupt in the region.

The most shocking result is in the area of government institutions demanding sexual favors from women in exchange for services.

(full article online)

Study: Palestinian government corruption second only to Lebanon in MENA; 21% aware of "sextortion" to receive services ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Why am I not surprised? They would be even more corrupt if they were fully independent.
Arabs-Moslems masquerading as “Pal’istanians” have training films that teach their history of corruption, greed and thievery and guide the new thieves and Islamic terrorists.


Islamic terrorists doing the only thing they know.

And the terrorists on the other side...


For what it's worth Coyote, I am against such aggression. But I think you need to look up the definition of 'terrorism'

I know you are...

But if it's a Palestinian sending out incendiary kites or throwing stones or a settler throwing stones or burning olive trees, and the intent is to frighten and kill - it's the same. When they fire bombed a house and burned a family to death - that IS terrorism. It may not be at the same level of frequency, but it is still the same thing.

Islamic terrorists doing the only thing they know.

And the terrorists on the other side...


For what it's worth Coyote, I am against such aggression. But I think you need to look up the definition of 'terrorism'

I know you are...

But if it's a Palestinian sending out incendiary kites or throwing stones or a settler throwing stones or burning olive trees, and the intent is to frighten and kill - it's the same. When they fire bombed a house and burned a family to death - that IS terrorism. It may not be at the same level of frequency, but it is still the same thing.

The act itself is not what makes it terrorism, but the intent is.

Personally, I don't believe that when settlers destroy olive trees, that it is to cause fear among the Palestinian population.

Islamic terrorists doing the only thing they know.

And the terrorists on the other side...


For what it's worth Coyote, I am against such aggression. But I think you need to look up the definition of 'terrorism'

I know you are...

But if it's a Palestinian sending out incendiary kites or throwing stones or a settler throwing stones or burning olive trees, and the intent is to frighten and kill - it's the same. When they fire bombed a house and burned a family to death - that IS terrorism. It may not be at the same level of frequency, but it is still the same thing.

The problem with this statement is that it's all based on fake media spins.
I have brought this several times before You, in other publications that have been proven evidently false, and in this one.

No one has been charged with the murder. I know You can flaunt headlines,
but the facts remain - the court ruled expressly removing all connection to the family death, and there's variety of documented evidence that was prior investigated by police, that showed history of arson during family disputes in the village, as well as documented testimonies from the residents themselves that this was done by other residents.

Here's one of them just several month ago:

Duma resident: "It's nonsense, leave it"
Investigator: What's nonsense? What was there? It wasn't the Jews who did.
Resident of Duma: No no yaZalame, nothing."

Then the he tells the version of the village residents to what happened that night.

Duma resident: The first arson wasn't for them. Not for them at all!

Investigator: What does it mean not for them?
Duma resident: "Like they don't go straight to burn their house. Now there's a man, was working with Jews, was a thief and troublemaker. Now he buys a house in Shchem. Now he always says I'm in Shchem I'm in a restaurant. They call him this and that. So people knew this house was empty. The house of this man they went to burn it...so someone burnt the house of that thief, thought they saw and knew who made the arson, so they burnt it, so they don't talk about how did burnt the house.Understand me?"

Another participant: "Ah, they wanted then, actually the kid that was burnt and the parents - they wanted them to die not to speak?"

Duma resident: "Aiwah (exactly)"

The village resident was as well documented saying the police didn't charge witness or evidence from the village residents in this issue.

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Another look into the gaping maw of Islamic terrorists / thieves.

Leaked documents raise anger over Palestinian corruption

Leaked documents raise anger over Palestinian corruption

Abbas has been criticised for ignoring corruption among his loyalists while targeting political rivals

One document signed by Majdi Al Khaldi, a diplomatic adviser to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas who accompanies him on his trips to world capitals, asked a Gulf country’s foreign minister for $4 million (Dh14.6 million) to fund a private neighbourhood complex for Palestinian officials in an upscale area of Ramallah in the West Bank. He insisted the complex was “meant to resist the Israeli [colonies],” even though there are no colonies where the complex was built.

Islamic terrorists doing the only thing they know.

And the terrorists on the other side...


There're many provocateurs on the ground, coming with armies of photographers that are funded by foreign governments to make stories - best known as Pallywood.



And in-spite sounding serious "Rabbis for Human Rights" are entirely funded by foreign governments and several Churches...and beside faking reports right and left, have also been documented in passing funds to an activist of another foreign agent who's main activity is to snitch on Arabs who sell property to Jews to be tortured and later executed by the PA.

Instead of relying on questionable sources like Haaretz and foreign NGO's like that, that are a megaphone of the Palestinian propaganda, I suggest a more self-respecting fact based publication of the traditional Left in Israel - Ma'ariv, which is both critical of the current admin. and factual, or at least has such reputation.
Maariv (newspaper) - Wikipedia
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