Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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for the record-----I am so old that I remember when arabs were Caucasian. In fact---
I have worked with lots of muslims------real muslims from real Islamic lands in
the middle east, southeast asia, one from Bosnia, and even one from
Saudi arabia. several from Iran. None were "people of color" -----all
were "white" and had a remarkable level of disdain for "persons of African
descent-----of the dark skinned variety"---including converts to islam. "Palestinian"
muslims-----even before they were so renamed-----were also CAUCASIAN ----
as was muhummad who was so described in DA KORAN ----and absolutely
NOT an.......ABED. I wonder when Rashida turned "abed". Has anyone
claimed that picture is photo-shopped------c'mon---even I suspect it

for the record-----I am so old that I remember when arabs were Caucasian. In fact---
I have worked with lots of muslims------real muslims from real Islamic lands in
the middle east, southeast asia, one from Bosnia, and even one from
Saudi arabia. several from Iran. None were "people of color" -----all
were "white" and had a remarkable level of disdain for "persons of African
descent-----of the dark skinned variety"---including converts to islam. "Palestinian"
muslims-----even before they were so renamed-----were also CAUCASIAN ----
as was muhummad who was so described in DA KORAN ----and absolutely
NOT an.......ABED. I wonder when Rashida turned "abed". Has anyone
claimed that picture is photo-shopped------c'mon---even I suspect it

In Jerusalem alone Muslim inhabitants spoke more foreign languages,
than all the Jewish immigrants all together.
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for the record-----I am so old that I remember when arabs were Caucasian. In fact---
I have worked with lots of muslims------real muslims from real Islamic lands in
the middle east, southeast asia, one from Bosnia, and even one from
Saudi arabia. several from Iran. None were "people of color" -----all
were "white" and had a remarkable level of disdain for "persons of African
descent-----of the dark skinned variety"---including converts to islam. "Palestinian"
muslims-----even before they were so renamed-----were also CAUCASIAN ----
as was muhummad who was so described in DA KORAN ----and absolutely
NOT an.......ABED. I wonder when Rashida turned "abed". Has anyone
claimed that picture is photo-shopped------c'mon---even I suspect it

Muslims living in Jerusalem alone,
spoke more foreign languages than all the Jewish immigrants all together.

thanks----that little thing on the left looks like hubby when he lived in rishon
l'tzion------circa 1950

for the record-----I am so old that I remember when arabs were Caucasian. In fact---
I have worked with lots of muslims------real muslims from real Islamic lands in
the middle east, southeast asia, one from Bosnia, and even one from
Saudi arabia. several from Iran. None were "people of color" -----all
were "white" and had a remarkable level of disdain for "persons of African
descent-----of the dark skinned variety"---including converts to islam. "Palestinian"
muslims-----even before they were so renamed-----were also CAUCASIAN ----
as was muhummad who was so described in DA KORAN ----and absolutely
NOT an.......ABED. I wonder when Rashida turned "abed". Has anyone
claimed that picture is photo-shopped------c'mon---even I suspect it

Muslims living in Jerusalem alone,
spoke more foreign languages than all the Jewish immigrants all together.

thanks----that little thing on the left looks like hubby when he lived in rishon
l'tzion------circa 1950

I should add-----hubby is now called white------even though he is a few shades
darker than is rashida------and that other "brown" thing-----sarsour. Do
freckles count-------I could manage to grow some again if I stay out in the sun---
even the winter sun on a really bright day.

for the record-----I am so old that I remember when arabs were Caucasian. In fact---
I have worked with lots of muslims------real muslims from real Islamic lands in
the middle east, southeast asia, one from Bosnia, and even one from
Saudi arabia. several from Iran. None were "people of color" -----all
were "white" and had a remarkable level of disdain for "persons of African
descent-----of the dark skinned variety"---including converts to islam. "Palestinian"
muslims-----even before they were so renamed-----were also CAUCASIAN ----
as was muhummad who was so described in DA KORAN ----and absolutely
NOT an.......ABED. I wonder when Rashida turned "abed". Has anyone
claimed that picture is photo-shopped------c'mon---even I suspect it

Muslims living in Jerusalem alone,
spoke more foreign languages than all the Jewish immigrants all together.

thanks----that little thing on the left looks like hubby when he lived in rishon
l'tzion------circa 1950

Didn't You notice the close similarity davka between furthest of diaspora communities,
the Jahnun eaters in the south Arabian peninsula and the Kugel eaters in eastern Europe?
The closest typical pronunciation, big side locks, and synagogue garb.

Iraqis and Moroccans have always been kinda in between, both geographically and in attitude, that has become an integral part at the center of Israeli identity without even realizing how its taken for granted.

Yet racist bigots categorize Israelis as white European colonialists fighting poor brown Muslims, when those Muslims came from the same countries where they expelled Jews.
What is interesting is that the court rejects confessions made under “torture” ... but that doesn’t apply to confessions made under “torture” by Palestinian youth.

How many of those confessions would be thrown out if they were afforded the same protections and justice as the Dumas attackers?
What is interesting is that the court rejects confessions made under “torture” ... but that doesn’t apply to confessions made under “torture” by Palestinian youth.

How many of those confessions would be thrown out if they were afforded the same protections and justice as the Dumas attackers?

When Palestinian youth goes through what these Jews went through, and actually present this as defense in court, rather than just telling stories for the media, then you can judge the courts behavior or prejudice. And they do have the same support both in the Knesset and with the armies of attorneys and NGO's for every case. If there was something there would already be a case in the court.

Meantime you're trying to hold the stick by both its ends.
Implying that it's not just that not all confessions under torture are held off,
while at the same time insisting on using such a confession to accuse Jews when it fits your preconceived notions.

This sounds awfully similar to one of Rashida Tlaib's latest gems of wisdom: "Analysts need to be African Americans, not people that are not".

In other words, you guys have to decide - are you against racism or do you use it to further promote a racist agenda?
Hamas and pro-Hamas outlets are conducting an online campaign to help Jeremy Corbyn win the election. A Hamas propaganda outfit deploys armies of trolls to attack Jewish campaigners fighting antisemitism, they support Corbyn online, help to create pro-Corbyn trends and vote for him in online polls.

(full article online)

BUSTED - Hamas linked propaganda unit interfering in UK election
Well that worked well.


FLASHBACK: “Jeremy Corbyn’s success is a model for American progressives,” the Fake News Washington Post claimed in June of 2017.

“Britain’s Jeremy Corbyn: I got my ideas from Bernie Sanders,” the Post in July of 2017.
The Islamic terrorists are making some of the usual pronouncements about glorious gee-had.

Such pompous posturing.

PA ministry: First Palestinian terror wave was "glorious", Fatah pledges to use same "modus operandi"

Fatah encourages more violence and terror, pledging it continues the “popular resistance… while relying on the modus operandi of the great popular intifada”

Official PA daily: “The blessed Intifada”

Fatah glorifies first terror wave and arch-terrorist Abu Jihad: "There is no voice that rises above the voice of the Intifada"

PA ministry: First Palestinian terror wave was "glorious", Fatah pledges to use same "modus operandi" | PMW Analysis

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Dec 13, 2019
Hero of the UNRWA Welfare Fraud.

Supporters of the Fatah movement hold up a portrait of late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat during a rally
U.N.'s Own Audit Found UNRWA Vulnerable to "Graft and Corruption" - UN Watch

A flurry of statements and articles by Sweden, the New York Times, and Foreign Policy, want us to believe that a U.S. reduction in its $360 million annual funding of UNRWA would bring humanitarian disaster and threaten international peace and stability. But according to a little-known internal audit, the United Nations itself found that UNRWA was particularly vulnerable to “misappropriation, graft and corruption” in its “procurement, partner selection, food and cash distribution, hiring and promotions, and other areas.” The U.N. audit also found that UNRWA’s oversight arrangements were deficient.

Masked Palestinian members of Hamas take part in a West Bank rally to celebrate Israel's pullout from the Gaza Strip in September 2005.

Billions of dollars in welfare money given to islamic terrorist misfits since the Israeli withdraw from Gaza.

All for nothing.
What is interesting is that the court rejects confessions made under “torture” ... but that doesn’t apply to confessions made under “torture” by Palestinian youth.

How many of those confessions would be thrown out if they were afforded the same protections and justice as the Dumas attackers?

When Palestinian youth goes through what these Jews went through, and actually present this as defense in court, rather than just telling stories for the media, then you can judge the courts behavior or prejudice. And they do have the same support both in the Knesset and with the armies of attorneys and NGO's for every case. If there was something there would already be a case in the court.

Meantime you're trying to hold the stick by both its ends.
Implying that it's not just that not all confessions under torture are held off,
while at the same time insisting on using such a confession to accuse Jews when it fits your preconceived notions.

This sounds awfully similar to one of Rashida Tlaib's latest gems of wisdom: "Analysts need to be African Americans, not people that are not".

In other words, you guys have to decide - are you against racism or do you use it to further promote a racist agenda?

B.S. And I mean TOTAL B.S, this assumption that Palestinian kids couldn't possibly have gone through what these Jewish kids CLAIM to have gone through is so laughable...in fact, it's a total farce.

First: did Shin Bet use torture?

If YES - then YES - it is wrong.

Do we agree on that point?

If torture WAS used...then, there is the uncomfortable question. And - maybe this addresses your preconceived notions on Palestinians?

If torture was used...well shouldn't the SAME STANDARD be applied to Palestinian suspects who's confessions were coerced at the hands of the Shin Bet? Or does that only apply to Jewish kids?

Personally - I disapprove of torture all around. Period. NO exceptions.

How about you?
Hero of the UNRWA Welfare Fraud.

Supporters of the Fatah movement hold up a portrait of late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat during a rally

I'm curious Hollie. Do you ever have anything good to say about Palestinians? Are they all without redemption evil in your eyes?
Hero of the UNRWA Welfare Fraud.

Supporters of the Fatah movement hold up a portrait of late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat during a rally

I'm curious Hollie. Do you ever have anything good to say about Palestinians? Are they all without redemption evil in your eyes?

I suppose it’s that, overwhelmingly, the good Pal’istanians, wherever they are, are cowed by their pious (what many mistakenly call “extremist”), brethren both theologically and physically. They will not rise against those among them who, in the simplest reading of Islamist scriptures, are the ones practicing authentic Islam. They wouldn't do so even if the balance of weaponry and willingness to fight were the reverse of what it is today.

Yours truly,

The Dirty Kuffar.
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