Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Hero of the UNRWA Welfare Fraud.

Supporters of the Fatah movement hold up a portrait of late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat during a rally

I'm curious Hollie. Do you ever have anything good to say about Palestinians? Are they all without redemption evil in your eyes?

I suppose it’s that, overwhelmingly, the good Pal’istanians, wherever they are, are cowed by their pious (what many mistakenly call “extremist”), brethren both theologically and physically. They will not rise against those among them who, in the simplest reading of Islamist scriptures, are the ones practicing authentic Islam. They wouldn't do so even if the balance of weaponry and willingness to fight were the reverse of what it is today.

Yours truly,

The Dirty Kuffar.


Not at all.

Just wondered if you ever posted anything other than demonizing Palestinians.

Thanks for clarifying :)
Hero of the UNRWA Welfare Fraud.

Supporters of the Fatah movement hold up a portrait of late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat during a rally

I'm curious Hollie. Do you ever have anything good to say about Palestinians? Are they all without redemption evil in your eyes?

I suppose it’s that, overwhelmingly, the good Pal’istanians, wherever they are, are cowed by their pious (what many mistakenly call “extremist”), brethren both theologically and physically. They will not rise against those among them who, in the simplest reading of Islamist scriptures, are the ones practicing authentic Islam. They wouldn't do so even if the balance of weaponry and willingness to fight were the reverse of what it is today.

Yours truly,

The Dirty Kuffar.


Not at all.

Just wondered if you ever posted anything other than demonizing Palestinians.

Thanks for clarifying :)

You could convince me otherwise. Consider doing some outreach to the pious Moslems in Islamic gee-had. Maybe approach one of those pious Moslems who is pointing the business end of an AK-47 in your face and explain to him how his reading of Islam and his understanding of the Koran is misguided and incorrect.

Keep in touch as to how that goes.
What is interesting is that the court rejects confessions made under “torture” ... but that doesn’t apply to confessions made under “torture” by Palestinian youth.

How many of those confessions would be thrown out if they were afforded the same protections and justice as the Dumas attackers?

When Palestinian youth goes through what these Jews went through, and actually present this as defense in court, rather than just telling stories for the media, then you can judge the courts behavior or prejudice. And they do have the same support both in the Knesset and with the armies of attorneys and NGO's for every case. If there was something there would already be a case in the court.

Meantime you're trying to hold the stick by both its ends.
Implying that it's not just that not all confessions under torture are held off,
while at the same time insisting on using such a confession to accuse Jews when it fits your preconceived notions.

This sounds awfully similar to one of Rashida Tlaib's latest gems of wisdom: "Analysts need to be African Americans, not people that are not".

In other words, you guys have to decide - are you against racism or do you use it to further promote a racist agenda?

B.S. And I mean TOTAL B.S, this assumption that Palestinian kids couldn't possibly have gone through what these Jewish kids CLAIM to have gone through is so laughable...in fact, it's a total farce.

First: did Shin Bet use torture?

If YES - then YES - it is wrong.

Do we agree on that point?

If torture WAS used...then, there is the uncomfortable question. And - maybe this addresses your preconceived notions on Palestinians?

If torture was used...well shouldn't the SAME STANDARD be applied to Palestinian suspects who's confessions were coerced at the hands of the Shin Bet? Or does that only apply to Jewish kids?

Personally - I disapprove of torture all around. Period. NO exceptions.

How about you?
What is wrong with you? You have no information about torture being used on children and yet you go on and on about it as if it were an established fact. The fact is this, Palestinian children are encouraged to commit acts of terrorism and to violently confront Israelis by their entire culture, and a terrorist is a terrorist to his victims regardless of his age and a person who violently confronts an Israeli soldier is a danger to that soldier regardless of his age. If you want to complain about what is happening to Palestinians children, complain about their parents who encourage them to commit acts of terror and to violently confront Israeli soldiers, complain about the Palestinian schools that teach Palestinian children to look up to terrorists, complain about Palestinian mosques that teach children to hate Jews and encourage them to fight them, complain about the Palestinian government that celebrates acts of terrorism again Jews and pays children as well as adults to kill Jews.
Hero of the UNRWA Welfare Fraud.

Supporters of the Fatah movement hold up a portrait of late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat during a rally

I'm curious Hollie. Do you ever have anything good to say about Palestinians? Are they all without redemption evil in your eyes?
Taken as a group, there is nothing good to say about them. While there may be some Palestinians who are not crazy with hate, if they speak up, they are called collaborators and likely will be killed. So why are you so enamoured of a society that destroys its own people and is driven by a passion to destroy others?
Hero of the UNRWA Welfare Fraud.

Supporters of the Fatah movement hold up a portrait of late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat during a rally

I'm curious Hollie. Do you ever have anything good to say about Palestinians? Are they all without redemption evil in your eyes?

Wait. Is there are tit for tat requirement for all posters here to post balanced views and one-for-one “good” articles vs “bad” articles?

Is there a requirement for everyone to say something “good” about the opposing side?

Did I miss the post where you called out Tinmore for this?

And is Hollie required to assume some sort of redemption BEFORE a CHANGE in behaviour? Hollie tends to post about people doing things. Performing acts. People don’t get redeemed for performing acts of evil. They don’t even get redeemed for ignoring acts of evil.

Hollie also goes out of her way to point out the leadership of Hamas as being the problem.
Hero of the UNRWA Welfare Fraud.

Supporters of the Fatah movement hold up a portrait of late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat during a rally

I'm curious Hollie. Do you ever have anything good to say about Palestinians? Are they all without redemption evil in your eyes?

I suppose it’s that, overwhelmingly, the good Pal’istanians, wherever they are, are cowed by their pious (what many mistakenly call “extremist”), brethren both theologically and physically. They will not rise against those among them who, in the simplest reading of Islamist scriptures, are the ones practicing authentic Islam. They wouldn't do so even if the balance of weaponry and willingness to fight were the reverse of what it is today.

Yours truly,

The Dirty Kuffar.


Not at all.

Just wondered if you ever posted anything other than demonizing Palestinians.

Thanks for clarifying :)

You don’t seem to understand what “demonizing” actually means.
As time has passed, Nakba Day (lit. “Day of Catastrophe”) has become the most actively performed ritual of the Palestinian myth, a myth that has assured for itself the most essential support of the West, a ritual that provokes the hatred that has been aroused throughout the Muslim world.

Each year it revives a flurry of literature, or to put it more crudely, a lie.

Hidden behind the exodus of the Arab population of Mandatory Palestine during the 1948 war, which this ritual commemorates every year, is the effective war of extermination launched by many Arab countries against the Jews in the young state of Israel. The Palestinians were the allies of these countries, and a large number of them left to watch from afar, in safety, as the proclaimed massacre of the Jews was efficiently carried out by the Arab armies. They then expected to enjoy the chance to seize the spoils after the victory that their side anticipated.

The defeat of their armies and their political failure in opposing the partition of Mandatory Palestine are thus rewritten, with the Nakba, as a shocking, congenital injustice of which they are the victims. This injustice is affixed to the very existence of Israel, which, in order to exist, purportedly dispossessed an innocent people of their land so that it could take their place. The Palestinian aggressors became the victims. The extermination of others became self-pity and compassion.

This simplistic image, in purest ideological terms, has become the decisive framework for anti-Zionism, through which some justify the notion of “Israel’s original sin,” a quasi-theological term. This prevailing justification, objectively and morally, has contributed to turning “anti-Zionism” into a new form of anti-Semitism. The depiction of the assumed nature of the Jewish state is similar to that of Jew Süss, the film that Nazi propaganda produced to enhance the hatred of Jews and provide moral and emotional justification for the Nazis’ treatment of them.

(full article online)

Deconstructing the Three Stages of the Nakba Myth
How Does Hamas Get New Weapons?

Hamas made extraordinary efforts to establish its local arms industry, but it still must receive infusions of weapons and technology to sustain its war against Israel. But, specific components such as fiberglass, targeting kits, and surveillance equipment for drones are beyond their ability to manufacture.

Truck convoys bearing weapons believed headed to the Egyptian-Gaza border were blasted in Sudan in 2009 and 2012 by aircraft, presumably from Israel.4 The Hamas-Iranian connection attempted to provide munitions via huge shipments onboard cargo ships like the Klos-C (2014) and the Victoria (2011) and through tunnels that originated on the Egyptian side of the Gaza border. The ships were intercepted, and it is believed most supply tunnels were destroyed by Egypt or Israeli bombs. But there is little doubt that some subterranean smuggling continues.


Missiles and mortars found on the Klos-C in 2014 after it was intercepted by the Israeli Navy.
So, how can a terrorist organization and its Iranian patron supplement its arms supply?

(full article online)

Hamas Obtains New Weaponry Anyway It Can
As time has passed, Nakba Day (lit. “Day of Catastrophe”) has become the most actively performed ritual of the Palestinian myth, a myth that has assured for itself the most essential support of the West, a ritual that provokes the hatred that has been aroused throughout the Muslim world.

Each year it revives a flurry of literature, or to put it more crudely, a lie.

Hidden behind the exodus of the Arab population of Mandatory Palestine during the 1948 war, which this ritual commemorates every year, is the effective war of extermination launched by many Arab countries against the Jews in the young state of Israel. The Palestinians were the allies of these countries, and a large number of them left to watch from afar, in safety, as the proclaimed massacre of the Jews was efficiently carried out by the Arab armies. They then expected to enjoy the chance to seize the spoils after the victory that their side anticipated.

The defeat of their armies and their political failure in opposing the partition of Mandatory Palestine are thus rewritten, with the Nakba, as a shocking, congenital injustice of which they are the victims. This injustice is affixed to the very existence of Israel, which, in order to exist, purportedly dispossessed an innocent people of their land so that it could take their place. The Palestinian aggressors became the victims. The extermination of others became self-pity and compassion.

This simplistic image, in purest ideological terms, has become the decisive framework for anti-Zionism, through which some justify the notion of “Israel’s original sin,” a quasi-theological term. This prevailing justification, objectively and morally, has contributed to turning “anti-Zionism” into a new form of anti-Semitism. The depiction of the assumed nature of the Jewish state is similar to that of Jew Süss, the film that Nazi propaganda produced to enhance the hatred of Jews and provide moral and emotional justification for the Nazis’ treatment of them.

(full article online)

Deconstructing the Three Stages of the Nakba Myth
Israel's version of history by an Israeli organization. :poop:
As time has passed, Nakba Day (lit. “Day of Catastrophe”) has become the most actively performed ritual of the Palestinian myth, a myth that has assured for itself the most essential support of the West, a ritual that provokes the hatred that has been aroused throughout the Muslim world.

Each year it revives a flurry of literature, or to put it more crudely, a lie.

Hidden behind the exodus of the Arab population of Mandatory Palestine during the 1948 war, which this ritual commemorates every year, is the effective war of extermination launched by many Arab countries against the Jews in the young state of Israel. The Palestinians were the allies of these countries, and a large number of them left to watch from afar, in safety, as the proclaimed massacre of the Jews was efficiently carried out by the Arab armies. They then expected to enjoy the chance to seize the spoils after the victory that their side anticipated.

The defeat of their armies and their political failure in opposing the partition of Mandatory Palestine are thus rewritten, with the Nakba, as a shocking, congenital injustice of which they are the victims. This injustice is affixed to the very existence of Israel, which, in order to exist, purportedly dispossessed an innocent people of their land so that it could take their place. The Palestinian aggressors became the victims. The extermination of others became self-pity and compassion.

This simplistic image, in purest ideological terms, has become the decisive framework for anti-Zionism, through which some justify the notion of “Israel’s original sin,” a quasi-theological term. This prevailing justification, objectively and morally, has contributed to turning “anti-Zionism” into a new form of anti-Semitism. The depiction of the assumed nature of the Jewish state is similar to that of Jew Süss, the film that Nazi propaganda produced to enhance the hatred of Jews and provide moral and emotional justification for the Nazis’ treatment of them.

(full article online)

Deconstructing the Three Stages of the Nakba Myth
Israel's version of history by an Israeli organization. :poop:

Maybe one of your Press TV YouTube videos to clarify things.
What better way for Arabs-Moslems to celebrate the founding of the Islamic terrorists franchise that has helped to keep them retrograde and ideologically bankrupt?

Yes - do what they usually do and make their miserable lives even more retrograde and miserable.

Gazans clash with IDF troops along border as Hamas marks 32 years since founding

Army vehicle hit by molotov cocktail but no injuries to troops; 5 Palestinians said hurt; senior Hamas member: Israeli captives won’t be freed ‘until our prisoners see the light’
13 December 2019, 6:22 pm
Gee. If we just showered them with more welfare money,.. well, wait.

Hasn’t showering antagonistic Islamic terrorist franchises with kuffar welfare dollars been a complete waste of resources for the last several decades?

Palestinian Authority arrests scores of Hamas supporters

The Palestinian Authority security forces have arrested dozens of Hamas supporters in the West Bank in the past few days.

The arrests came as Hamas celebrated the 32nd anniversary of its founding by holding mass rallies in the Gaza Strip.

At least 66 Hamas supporters have been arrested or summoned for interrogation by PA security forces in recent days, according to Hamas spokesman Abdel Rahman Shadid.
Hero of the UNRWA Welfare Fraud.

Supporters of the Fatah movement hold up a portrait of late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat during a rally

I'm curious Hollie. Do you ever have anything good to say about Palestinians? Are they all without redemption evil in your eyes?

I suppose it’s that, overwhelmingly, the good Pal’istanians, wherever they are, are cowed by their pious (what many mistakenly call “extremist”), brethren both theologically and physically. They will not rise against those among them who, in the simplest reading of Islamist scriptures, are the ones practicing authentic Islam. They wouldn't do so even if the balance of weaponry and willingness to fight were the reverse of what it is today.

Yours truly,

The Dirty Kuffar.


Not at all.

Just wondered if you ever posted anything other than demonizing Palestinians.

Thanks for clarifying :)

You don’t seem to understand what “demonizing” actually means.

I do. Very much. I just don't apply a one sided definition of it.
Hero of the UNRWA Welfare Fraud.

Supporters of the Fatah movement hold up a portrait of late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat during a rally

I'm curious Hollie. Do you ever have anything good to say about Palestinians? Are they all without redemption evil in your eyes?

Wait. Is there are tit for tat requirement for all posters here to post balanced views and one-for-one “good” articles vs “bad” articles?

Apparently. I've been chewed out for only saying bad things about Israel (that didn't bother you?).

Is there a requirement for everyone to say something “good” about the opposing side?

How is asking a simple question a "requirement"?

Did I miss the post where you called out Tinmore for this?

I've criticized Tinmoe. Do you criticize Holly? Come on.

And is Hollie required to assume some sort of redemption BEFORE a CHANGE in behaviour? Hollie tends to post about people doing things. Performing acts. People don’t get redeemed for performing acts of evil. They don’t even get redeemed for ignoring acts of evil.

Hollie can post what ever she wants just like Tinmore and you are free to defend it and support it. Like Tinmore - it tends to be very one sided (but that only bothers you when Tinmore does it?).

Hollie also goes out of her way to point out the leadership of Hamas as being the problem.

She also goes out of her way to portray ALL of Islam as being the problem.

I have my right to disagree with her just as YOU have a right to disagree with Tinmore.
As time has passed, Nakba Day (lit. “Day of Catastrophe”) has become the most actively performed ritual of the Palestinian myth, a myth that has assured for itself the most essential support of the West, a ritual that provokes the hatred that has been aroused throughout the Muslim world.

Each year it revives a flurry of literature, or to put it more crudely, a lie.

Hidden behind the exodus of the Arab population of Mandatory Palestine during the 1948 war, which this ritual commemorates every year, is the effective war of extermination launched by many Arab countries against the Jews in the young state of Israel. The Palestinians were the allies of these countries, and a large number of them left to watch from afar, in safety, as the proclaimed massacre of the Jews was efficiently carried out by the Arab armies. They then expected to enjoy the chance to seize the spoils after the victory that their side anticipated.

The defeat of their armies and their political failure in opposing the partition of Mandatory Palestine are thus rewritten, with the Nakba, as a shocking, congenital injustice of which they are the victims. This injustice is affixed to the very existence of Israel, which, in order to exist, purportedly dispossessed an innocent people of their land so that it could take their place. The Palestinian aggressors became the victims. The extermination of others became self-pity and compassion.

This simplistic image, in purest ideological terms, has become the decisive framework for anti-Zionism, through which some justify the notion of “Israel’s original sin,” a quasi-theological term. This prevailing justification, objectively and morally, has contributed to turning “anti-Zionism” into a new form of anti-Semitism. The depiction of the assumed nature of the Jewish state is similar to that of Jew Süss, the film that Nazi propaganda produced to enhance the hatred of Jews and provide moral and emotional justification for the Nazis’ treatment of them.

(full article online)

Deconstructing the Three Stages of the Nakba Myth
Israel's version of history by an Israeli organization. :poop:

And a good example of denying a people's history. Deconstruct it.
Hero of the UNRWA Welfare Fraud.

Supporters of the Fatah movement hold up a portrait of late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat during a rally

I'm curious Hollie. Do you ever have anything good to say about Palestinians? Are they all without redemption evil in your eyes?

I suppose it’s that, overwhelmingly, the good Pal’istanians, wherever they are, are cowed by their pious (what many mistakenly call “extremist”), brethren both theologically and physically. They will not rise against those among them who, in the simplest reading of Islamist scriptures, are the ones practicing authentic Islam. They wouldn't do so even if the balance of weaponry and willingness to fight were the reverse of what it is today.

Yours truly,

The Dirty Kuffar.


Not at all.

Just wondered if you ever posted anything other than demonizing Palestinians.

Thanks for clarifying :)

You don’t seem to understand what “demonizing” actually means.

I do. Very much. I just don't apply a one sided definition of it.

No, I don't think you do.

See, when Tinmore posts a photo with no source, no caption, no news article, no link, and often no comment, or if with a comment, a soundbyte painting Jews/Israelis (but he means Jews) as evil -- that's demonizing.

When Hollie (or Sixties) posts a news article with factual information about actual events, and then comments on the religious or cultural ideology, funding, government, international commentary, or terrorist groups which support and even drive those events -- that is not demonizing.

The one is simply assumes and illuminates the position that Jews are obviously evil. The other attempts to understand and demonstrate the causes of the events posted. You may disagree with Hollie's points that, say, UNWRA and financial aide to the Palestinians motivates them to ensure the continuation of "welfare dollars" or that there is a fundamental ideology within Islam which feeds certain aspects of the conflict, but if so make your case.
As time has passed, Nakba Day (lit. “Day of Catastrophe”) has become the most actively performed ritual of the Palestinian myth, a myth that has assured for itself the most essential support of the West, a ritual that provokes the hatred that has been aroused throughout the Muslim world.

Each year it revives a flurry of literature, or to put it more crudely, a lie.

Hidden behind the exodus of the Arab population of Mandatory Palestine during the 1948 war, which this ritual commemorates every year, is the effective war of extermination launched by many Arab countries against the Jews in the young state of Israel. The Palestinians were the allies of these countries, and a large number of them left to watch from afar, in safety, as the proclaimed massacre of the Jews was efficiently carried out by the Arab armies. They then expected to enjoy the chance to seize the spoils after the victory that their side anticipated.

The defeat of their armies and their political failure in opposing the partition of Mandatory Palestine are thus rewritten, with the Nakba, as a shocking, congenital injustice of which they are the victims. This injustice is affixed to the very existence of Israel, which, in order to exist, purportedly dispossessed an innocent people of their land so that it could take their place. The Palestinian aggressors became the victims. The extermination of others became self-pity and compassion.

This simplistic image, in purest ideological terms, has become the decisive framework for anti-Zionism, through which some justify the notion of “Israel’s original sin,” a quasi-theological term. This prevailing justification, objectively and morally, has contributed to turning “anti-Zionism” into a new form of anti-Semitism. The depiction of the assumed nature of the Jewish state is similar to that of Jew Süss, the film that Nazi propaganda produced to enhance the hatred of Jews and provide moral and emotional justification for the Nazis’ treatment of them.

(full article online)

Deconstructing the Three Stages of the Nakba Myth
Israel's version of history by an Israeli organization. :poop:

And a good example of denying a people's history. Deconstruct it.
The Zionist's stated goal was to transfer the Palestinians out and create an exclusive Jewish state. The Palestinians knew this. About 300,000 Palestinians were expelled before any Arab army entered Palestine.

Yet Israel still denies that it was the aggressor.
As time has passed, Nakba Day (lit. “Day of Catastrophe”) has become the most actively performed ritual of the Palestinian myth, a myth that has assured for itself the most essential support of the West, a ritual that provokes the hatred that has been aroused throughout the Muslim world.

Each year it revives a flurry of literature, or to put it more crudely, a lie.

Hidden behind the exodus of the Arab population of Mandatory Palestine during the 1948 war, which this ritual commemorates every year, is the effective war of extermination launched by many Arab countries against the Jews in the young state of Israel. The Palestinians were the allies of these countries, and a large number of them left to watch from afar, in safety, as the proclaimed massacre of the Jews was efficiently carried out by the Arab armies. They then expected to enjoy the chance to seize the spoils after the victory that their side anticipated.

The defeat of their armies and their political failure in opposing the partition of Mandatory Palestine are thus rewritten, with the Nakba, as a shocking, congenital injustice of which they are the victims. This injustice is affixed to the very existence of Israel, which, in order to exist, purportedly dispossessed an innocent people of their land so that it could take their place. The Palestinian aggressors became the victims. The extermination of others became self-pity and compassion.

This simplistic image, in purest ideological terms, has become the decisive framework for anti-Zionism, through which some justify the notion of “Israel’s original sin,” a quasi-theological term. This prevailing justification, objectively and morally, has contributed to turning “anti-Zionism” into a new form of anti-Semitism. The depiction of the assumed nature of the Jewish state is similar to that of Jew Süss, the film that Nazi propaganda produced to enhance the hatred of Jews and provide moral and emotional justification for the Nazis’ treatment of them.

(full article online)

Deconstructing the Three Stages of the Nakba Myth
Israel's version of history by an Israeli organization. :poop:

And a good example of denying a people's history. Deconstruct it.
The Zionist's stated goal was to transfer the Palestinians out and create an exclusive Jewish state. The Palestinians knew this. About 300,000 Palestinians were expelled before any Arab army entered Palestine.

Yet Israel still denies that it was the aggressor.
As is so often the case with your posts, none of this is true.
Apparently. I've been chewed out for only saying bad things about Israel (that didn't bother you?).
I believe you've been called out for internal inconsistency in claiming to be balanced in your approach, when you actually tend to post about Israel in a negative light.

Like Tinmore - it tends to be very one sided (but that only bothers you when Tinmore does it?).
I have no problem with anyone being one-sided. Kinda the nature of a discussion board on a contentious topic such as this one. The problem I have with Tinmore is not his one-sidedness. Its his vile views about the Jewish people -- you know, like claiming that it is morally and legally permissible to target and murder Jewish children.

I have my right to disagree with her just as YOU have a right to disagree with Tinmore.
Of course. So disagree with her. What you don't have the right to do, in my humble opinion, is try to silence her or shame her into posting a more "balanced" point of view. Its an odd reversal on the "Jews are uniquely and irredeemably evil" trope -- the idea that Jews have to prove that they are actually "good" by posting "good" things.
As time has passed, Nakba Day (lit. “Day of Catastrophe”) has become the most actively performed ritual of the Palestinian myth, a myth that has assured for itself the most essential support of the West, a ritual that provokes the hatred that has been aroused throughout the Muslim world.

Each year it revives a flurry of literature, or to put it more crudely, a lie.

Hidden behind the exodus of the Arab population of Mandatory Palestine during the 1948 war, which this ritual commemorates every year, is the effective war of extermination launched by many Arab countries against the Jews in the young state of Israel. The Palestinians were the allies of these countries, and a large number of them left to watch from afar, in safety, as the proclaimed massacre of the Jews was efficiently carried out by the Arab armies. They then expected to enjoy the chance to seize the spoils after the victory that their side anticipated.

The defeat of their armies and their political failure in opposing the partition of Mandatory Palestine are thus rewritten, with the Nakba, as a shocking, congenital injustice of which they are the victims. This injustice is affixed to the very existence of Israel, which, in order to exist, purportedly dispossessed an innocent people of their land so that it could take their place. The Palestinian aggressors became the victims. The extermination of others became self-pity and compassion.

This simplistic image, in purest ideological terms, has become the decisive framework for anti-Zionism, through which some justify the notion of “Israel’s original sin,” a quasi-theological term. This prevailing justification, objectively and morally, has contributed to turning “anti-Zionism” into a new form of anti-Semitism. The depiction of the assumed nature of the Jewish state is similar to that of Jew Süss, the film that Nazi propaganda produced to enhance the hatred of Jews and provide moral and emotional justification for the Nazis’ treatment of them.

(full article online)

Deconstructing the Three Stages of the Nakba Myth
Israel's version of history by an Israeli organization. :poop:

And a good example of denying a people's history. Deconstruct it.
The Zionist's stated goal was to transfer the Palestinians out and create an exclusive Jewish state. The Palestinians knew this. About 300,000 Palestinians were expelled before any Arab army entered Palestine.

Yet Israel still denies that it was the aggressor.

The Zionist's stated goal was to transfer the Palestinians out

They failed......millions of Palestinians still lounging around.
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