Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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it really could get very ugly for the Islamic terrorists if Israel decides itā€™s time to react with ā€œmore than a proportional responseā€ to attacks on Israeli civilians and cities.

I think itā€™s also worth noting that Pal ā€œleadersā€ are likely not making any unilateral decisions about attacks aimed at Israel. Those attacks require weapons and ammunition so it is likely that Iran will be making decisions about attacks. The Pals will do what theyā€™re told.

The Palestiniansā€™ leaders appear to be preparing the ground for outright conflict. The question Israeli policy makers have to ask themselves is whether they are finally ready to fight fire with fire.
Mahmoud ā€œThe Emir of Nothingā€ Abbas, Is lamenting the fact that his caliphate is collapsing before him.

Israel is already achieving some grudging peace agreements with Arab nations.

Abbas: Normalization between Arabs, Israel wonā€™t achieve peace
AUGUST 25, 2020 18:55
President Mahmoud Abbas gestures during a meeting with the Palestinian leadership to discuss the United Arab Emirates' deal with Israel to normalize relations, in Ramallah in the Israeli-occupied West Bank August 18, 2020 (photo credit: REUTERS/MOHAMAD TOROKMAN/POOL)

The PA president also said that peace can be achieved only on the basis of international resolutions and the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative.
Seemingly, some islamo-shenanigans taking place as the Arabs-Moslems are presenting different welfare budget values depending on the intended audience.

PA budget reports differ from Arabic to English

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. and Itamar Marcus | Aug 25, 2020
Is this accidental or the PAā€™s attempt to deceive the international community?
Every month, the Palestinian Authority publishes a monthly budget performance reports in Arabic, and for the international donor community a translation is published in English. The Arabic and English reports with hundreds of entries should be identical, which they are, except for one item in all the reports since February 2020: the Arabic includes the budget entry ā€œCommission for Prisoners and Releasedā€ - which ostensibly documents the PA salaries to terrorists ā€“ while this entry is missing from the English.
This is the Arabic chart with PMWā€™s translation

This is the English chart as it appears on the PA website
Yep. While Hamas and the PA had visions of their respective mini-caliphates being the forever source of Arab indulgence, the region is moving beyond the bottomless pit of want and entitlement that defines Pal whiners.

The August 13 announcement of normalized relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates breaks the quarter-century standstill in Arab-Israeli relations and shows that Arab states will no longer hold their interests hostage to the long-dormant Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations.
Good work by Israel for suppressing the ever present islamic terrorist threat.

Itā€™s been over a year since Rina Shnerb (17 at the time) was killed when Palestinian terrorists detonated a bomb along a popular hiking trail in Samaria.

Since her tragic death, no other Israeli civilians have lost their lives to Palestinian terrorism. Itā€™s the first time in 56 years that Israel has gone a full year without a terror-related civilian death.
The Palis need an intervention. Theyā€™re just, you know, yesterday's news.

For more than 60 years, the centrality of the Palestinian cause to the Arab world was without dispute, capturing the hearts and minds of people throughout the region and commanding the support of their governments. Today, however, this position has eroded and more Arab countries are pursuing enhanced relations with Israel despite its continued occupation and settlement of Palestine. This month, the United Arab Emirates announced it would establish official ties with Israel, and other countries are reportedly considering following suit. These developments beg the question: What has happened to Palestineā€™s place in the region and its relationships to regional allies?
Yes, I have to agree that the Pals will probably never achieve statehood. In terms of the various Islamic terrorist mouthpieces who have assumed the role of Emir-in-charge of the UNRWA welfare fraud syndicate, its difficult to accept that there has ever been a serious effort by the Palis to build anything like a functioning ''state''.

The Palestinians will probably never achieve statehood, and the newly formalized United Arab Emirates-Israel diplomatic relationship is neither the first nor the last acknowledgment of that sad truth. But regional developments continue to add nails to the proverbial coffin of Palestinian self-determination. The irony is that while support for Palestinian rights in the U.S. is slowly but steadily strengthening, many Arab states, long rhetorically supportive of the Palestinians, are now more openly embracing an Israel that has politically moved far to the right.
Mahmoud ā€œThe Conquerorā€ Abbas is going to stay the course. At some point, a new generation of welfare thieves will inherit the legacy of incompetence and ineptitude left by the Islamic terrorists now occupying the West Bank and Gaza.

While the names have changed, the gee-had, infliction of suffering and misery doesnā€™t change. Arafat, Yassin, Rantisi, and al-Husseini are all gone, but their legacy of virulent hatred, bloodlust and Islamic terrorism lives on with Abbas, Sinwar, Haniyeh and a host of other misfits.

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) ā€” In three decades of failed peace efforts, the Palestinians have never faced a more hostile U.S. administration, a more self-assured Israel or a more ambivalent international community.

But even as their hopes for statehood have never seemed so dim, thereā€™s no indication their aging leadership will change course.
Because the Pals are unable to manage their affairs or take responsibility for their actions...

The Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip proclaimed on Thursday that they hold Israel fully responsible for the lives of Palestinians in the besieged enclave, in light of the outbreak of COVID-19, Safa News Agency reported.
Since the establishment of the country, all Israeli governments have pursued peace with its Arab neighbors. The late Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin signed a historic peace treaty with Egypt and the late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin signed a similar peace treaty with Jordan. The State of Israel is proud of both peace agreements and has sought to replicate these agreements with other Arab states. However, over the past decade, no one has pursued peace with the greater Arab world more aggressively than Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

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The establishment of peaceful relations with the United Arab Emirates surprised many people. However, at the same time, it revealed the true face of the Palestinian Authority. Instead of signing peace agreements, the PA encourages its citizens to attack Border Policemen in Jerusalem; glorifies the dispatching of incendiary balloons and Qassam rockets into the Israeli communities near Gaza, and systematically incites violence and terrorism.

In the same spirit, Palestinian leaders and PA media outlets have described UAE Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed as a "traitor," "collaborator," and even a "tumor" for making peace with the State of Israel. Since 1993, the Palestinian Authority has rejected every peace offer that came their way. Simultaneously, they have actively attempted to maintain the Arab world's opposition toward Israel and have worked against other Muslim countries making peace with the Jewish state.

The Palestinian Authority and its leadership cannot continue to hold the Arab world hostage. The PA wants the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to continue and to take precedence over other things happening in the Middle East.

(full article online)

[ Whatever happened to Qatar's help to the Palestinians? Where is the EU ?]

ā€œI donā€™t know what or how we will eat tomorrow,ā€ Gaza resident Ahmed Eissa told AP, complaining about the Hamas governmentā€™s lack of concern for the population. UN official Nickolay Mladenov demands change.

(full article online)

Pal terrorism. Its a syndicate.

British authorities arrested Association of Palestinian Communities in Scotland chairman Dr. Issam Hijjawi on Saturday for allegedly committing preparatory acts of terrorism in connection with the New Irish Republican Army.
Islamo-pay to play.

The Israel Defense Forces soldiers raided the West Bank home of a Palestinian suspected of stabbing an Israeli man to death and began planning to demolish the structure, the military said Thursday.

In a predawn operation, Israeli troops measured the home of Khalil Abd al-Khaliq Dweikat, 46, in the northern West Bank village of Rujeeb outside Nablus in order to begin drawing up demolition plans for the structure.
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