Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,
She slapped a criminal after her cousin was shot in the face.

Your typical slime post.

Slap and kick a Military Service Member construed to be performing police duties or a sworn Police Officer anywhere in the civilized world and see if you don't get arrested for: Assault and Battery on a Police Officer (or equivalent).

I take it - that you live in the US someplace. Slap and Police Officer in the face for whatever reason, you are going to jail. It is just that simple.

The juvenile delinquent was angry over the use of non-lethal devices (shot with a rubber bullet) for his advance in an orchestrated demonstration. Tamimi, flanked left and right by friends, taking videos, intentionally making aggressive moves towards the IDF Soldier. She was clearly the antagonist and was attempting to provoke the incident for media exploitation.
Most Respectfully,
Slap and kick a Military Service Member construed to be performing police duties or a sworn Police Officer anywhere in the civilized world
Israel is not a part of the civilizes world. Their goons are criminals operating under the color of law.

What laws do they enforce? Theft? Killing? Kidnapping? Shooting an unarmed 14 yo kid in the face?

Again the anti-Israel camp always makes outlandish accusations without any backup,
as if just making those makes the case, and usually excuse the exact crimes done by Arabs.

Israel is at the front of the civilized world -ahead of Western nations, and certainly any Arab country.

RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

kan-ga-roo court → a an unofficial court held by a group of people (Israelis) in order to
try someone regarded, esp. without good evidence, as guilty of a crime or misdemeanor.
As I originally stated, young adults are handled under the concepts so dissimilar to that expressed in the Geneva Convention. It is a standardized "OFFICIAL" procedure. It is by no means an erratic unofficial process.

I object to the view that Ahed Tamimi was anything other than a juvenile delinquent.

Convicted in Israel's kangaroo court.
Why am I not impressed?
You’re unimpressive.

The question becomes: What is "fair and equitable" as a duty of Israel to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety? The idea of "normal" tends
(inevitably) to be based on what moral or political practices are acceptable → "at that time." In the case of the juvenile delinquent Ahed Tamimi, she is both a "victim" of being affected by Arab Palestinian incitement to disorderly activity, as well as being the "perpetrator" of disorderly activity. This became a case of discontent that was passed down from generation to generation with no real demonstrated pride in her culture. Tamimi only exhibits a disgruntled view of the political environment that was created through the accumulative effect dissatisfaction from generations before her.

The actions of Ahed Tamimi - celebrated by the Arab Palestinians - were NOT a case of Tamimi's refusal to comply with certain civil laws as a peaceful form of political protest. That associated came afterward as a matter of unscrupulous exploitation of the event leading to her detainment, apprehension, and juvenile processing. Tamimi was artificially shaped into a spot heroine; not because of what she did right, but rather what she did wrong.
Most Respectfully,
I object to the view that Ahed Tamimi was anything other than a juvenile delinquent.
She slapped a criminal after her cousin was shot in the face.

Your typical slime post.
Is that why the most televised family in the middle east has no proof of that?
Proof of what?

Proof that an Israeli injured him, where is that?
So much footage, yet zero account of that incident, only claims.
khalida jarrar
kan-ga-roo court → a an unofficial court held by a group of people (Israelis) in order to try someone regarded, esp. without good evidence, as guilty of a crime or misdemeanor.
Khalida Jarrar has been in prison many times, Why?

For facilitating criminal activity.
One of main activities of her organization is training child soldiers, others include hijacking airlines.

Khalida Jarrar's work:



I was concerned about what she did. Collective punishment is illegal.
khalida jarrar
kan-ga-roo court → a an unofficial court held by a group of people (Israelis) in order to try someone regarded, esp. without good evidence, as guilty of a crime or misdemeanor.
Khalida Jarrar has been in prison many times, Why?

For facilitating criminal activity.
One of main activities of her organization is training child soldiers, others include hijacking airlines.

Khalida Jarrar's work:



I was concerned about what she did. Collective punishment is illegal.

Then why do you have to change the subject?

See, you don't do discussion,
only outlandish accusations.
It's an expectation that the Palis will glorify mass murder / suicide. I just can't understand why some portions of the global community still donate welfare money to these psychopaths.

Hamas glorifies suicide bombings, promises imprisoned terrorists will get “reward” from Allah

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Sep 10, 2020

Hamas continues to be unwavering in its hate of Israel and its desire to destroy it entirely. Not surprisingly, a filler on Hamas TV expressed support and joy over suicide bombings in Israel, and taught that imprisoned terrorists and murderers will also – just like the suicide bomber - be rewarded for their actions by Allah.
In the filler, actors portraying imprisoned Palestinian terrorists cheer “the worst suicide bombing in Tel Aviv” as the news of it is broadcast on Israeli TV. But in the midst of their rejoicing and shouts of “Allahu Akbar” – “Allah is greatest” – one prisoner is crying. While he weeps over the missed opportunity to carry out the attack with the suicide bomber as he had planned, a fellow terrorist assures him that he too will be rewarded for his actions by Allah:
khalida jarrar
kan-ga-roo court → a an unofficial court held by a group of people (Israelis) in order to try someone regarded, esp. without good evidence, as guilty of a crime or misdemeanor.
Khalida Jarrar has been in prison many times, Why?

For facilitating criminal activity.
One of main activities of her organization is training child soldiers, others include hijacking airlines.

Khalida Jarrar's work:



I was concerned about what she did. Collective punishment is illegal.

Then why do you have to change the subject?

See, you don't do discussion,
only outlandish accusations.

khalida jarrar
kan-ga-roo court → a an unofficial court held by a group of people (Israelis) in order to try someone regarded, esp. without good evidence, as guilty of a crime or misdemeanor.
Khalida Jarrar has been in prison many times, Why?

For facilitating criminal activity.
One of main activities of her organization is training child soldiers, others include hijacking airlines.

Khalida Jarrar's work:



I was concerned about what she did. Collective punishment is illegal.

Then why do you have to change the subject?

See, you don't do discussion,
only outlandish accusations.

There hasn't been a hijacking since Khalida Jarrar was a baby. Why do you post dumb shit.
khalida jarrar
kan-ga-roo court → a an unofficial court held by a group of people (Israelis) in order to try someone regarded, esp. without good evidence, as guilty of a crime or misdemeanor.
Khalida Jarrar has been in prison many times, Why?

For facilitating criminal activity.
One of main activities of her organization is training child soldiers, others include hijacking airlines.

Khalida Jarrar's work:



I was concerned about what she did. Collective punishment is illegal.

Then why do you have to change the subject?

See, you don't do discussion,
only outlandish accusations.

khalida jarrar
kan-ga-roo court → a an unofficial court held by a group of people (Israelis) in order to try someone regarded, esp. without good evidence, as guilty of a crime or misdemeanor.
Khalida Jarrar has been in prison many times, Why?

For facilitating criminal activity.
One of main activities of her organization is training child soldiers, others include hijacking airlines.

Khalida Jarrar's work:



I was concerned about what she did. Collective punishment is illegal.

Then why do you have to change the subject?

See, you don't do discussion,
only outlandish accusations.

There hasn't been a hijacking since Khalida Jarrar was a baby. Why do you post dumb shit.

Law enforcement and the airlines developed methods to deter that islamic terrorist tactic.
Infidel justice waits patiently.

Police in Norway on Wednesday announced the arrest of a suspect in the deadly attack by a radical Palestinian terrorist faction on a kosher restaurant in Paris in 1982 that claimed the lives of six people.

A spokeswoman for the PST — Norway’s counterterrorism agency — told the AFP news agency that a man in his sixties had been arrested in the southern town of Skien “on a European arrest warrant issued by the French authorities.”
RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,
She slapped a criminal after her cousin was shot in the face.

Your typical slime post.

Slap and kick a Military Service Member construed to be performing police duties or a sworn Police Officer anywhere in the civilized world and see if you don't get arrested for: Assault and Battery on a Police Officer (or equivalent).

I take it - that you live in the US someplace. Slap and Police Officer in the face for whatever reason, you are going to jail. It is just that simple.

The juvenile delinquent was angry over the use of non-lethal devices (shot with a rubber bullet) for his advance in an orchestrated demonstration. Tamimi, flanked left and right by friends, taking videos, intentionally making aggressive moves towards the IDF Soldier. She was clearly the antagonist and was attempting to provoke the incident for media exploitation.
Most Respectfully,
Slap and kick a Military Service Member construed to be performing police duties or a sworn Police Officer anywhere in the civilized world
Israel is not a part of the civilizes world. Their goons are criminals operating under the color of law.

What laws do they enforce? Theft? Killing? Kidnapping? Shooting an unarmed 14 yo kid in the face?
Wrong. Israel is a legit country and part of the U.N .

Palestine is.....well. Not part of the civilized world

I was on one of those planes hijacked by Palestinian terrorists 50 years ago, so hear me out
And lived to tell about it.

Imagine that.
Yeah. Islamic Pali terrorist hijackers are no threat to anyone. Such is the success of the Pali terrorist airport.

Imagine that - Islamic Terrorist Airlines.
There was another performance of the Islamic terrorist clown show. For this performance, Saleh ''another intifada'' Al-Arouri was rattling on with the familiar script about Islamics finally, finally, avoiding a humiliating defeat at the hands of The Zionists™.

"Al'', was mouthing something about ''the great Arab wars of '67, 73'. "Al'' lives in some strange, alternate reality that denies the great Arab humiliations of '67 and '73, oh, and '48.

Happy gee-gad, ''Al''.

Saleh Al-Arouri: "I assure you that the results of the next confrontation [with Israel] will be different from all the previous confrontations. There will be new facts. The occupation will pay an unprecedented price.

"If an open confrontation takes place, the [Zionist] entity will face unprecedented consequences, even compared to the wars of the past. It will face unprecedented consequences. Its home front, which was safe during the great Arab wars of '67, 73' and so on, will be a part of the war. The capabilities that the resistance has prepared for confronting this enemy – despite all the international support the enemy receives – will also come to the enemy as a surprise. The enemy's losses and the results on the ground will be unprecedented. This is not an empty threat because I know what we have in store for that enemy.
RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: The fact that Arab Palestinians have been effectively deterred from aircraft high-jacking or suicide bus bombings does not mean that they are not still a dangerous threat in other ways and means.
[I]Yaser Mazhar said:
Yaser Mazhar, the Director of the Communications Department of the Muhjat Al-Quds Foundation, was interviewed on Al-Quds Al-Youm TV (Islamic Jihad - Gaza), which is headquartered in Lebanon. Mazhar and the show host, Majed Al-Babili, discussed the 1996 suicide bombing at Dizengoff Center in Tel Aviv that killed 13 people and injured 130 others. Saying that the Islamic Jihad had carried out the operation, they praised the terrorist and terrorists who have carried out similar attacks, and Mazhar said that martyrdom operations bring a lot of joy to the Palestinian people. He recalled how Palestinians have handed out sweets throughout their provinces in celebration of terrorist attacks, and he called on Palestinians in the West Bank to carry out terrorist attacks in Israel. Al-Majli added: "What was taken by force can only be taken back by force." The Muhjat Al-Quds Foundation offers aid to the families of Palestinian terrorists who were killed or who are imprisoned.
Source: Al-Quds Al-Youm TV Mar 05, 2020 (Palestine Islamic Jihad)​

The Baron von Richthofen, Ace of Aces and Commander of the Flying Circus [Jagdgeschwader (JG) 1], flew an F-1 Fokker Triplane. None of the major World Powers employ Triplanes in aerial combat today. The German Air Force (Luftwaffe) of today, is very much a 21st Century air command. And the Tactical Air Force Wing 71 "Richthofen", at Wittmundhafen Air Base, flies the Eurofighter Typhoon. Just because the Luftwaffe has not downed another aircraft in several decades does not mean that JG-71 will not or cannot. JG-71 has the exact same esprit de corps as the "Richthofen" Wing of a century ago.
  • “Palestinian” activist: “We are longing for bombings of ...
    Mar 23, 2020 · The Muhjat Al-Quds Foundation offers aid to the families of Palestinian terrorists who were killed or who are imprisoned. TV Host Majid Al-Babili: “When we discuss an operation like the Dizengoff Street [suicide bombing in Tel Aviv]…
There hasn't been a hijacking since Khalida Jarrar was a baby. Why do you post dumb shit.

Your logic is flawed. Just because the method of operation of the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) has evolved, or forced to change, does not mean that it will not reemerge. The Islamic Jihad and the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) are still out there.

Saudi Arabia has put dozens of Palestinian activists on trial,
accusing them of supporting the Gaza-based rulers Hamas.
AL-Jazeera (9 MAR '20)
Don't for one moment, underestimate the danger the HoAP pose, not just to Israel, but to all the core Middle Eastern Arab states.
Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
It’s as though the Palis are emotionally / socially dysfunctional children.

Always blame Israel! Palestinian custom of shooting in the air at celebrations is Israel's fault, says PA Security Forces

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Sep 11, 2020
Feeding the libel that Israel deliberately spreads weapons among Palestinians so they can shoot each other and not attack Israelis, the spokesman of the Palestinian Authority Security Forces, Adnan Al-Damiri, claimed that Israel is turning a blind eye to and even encouraging those Israelis who sell weapons to Palestinians:
PA TV caption: “Gunfire at events – a dangerous phenomenon that disturbs the residents”
Official Spokesman of the PA Security Forces Adnan Al-Damiri:“The aims of these weapons are not defined by those carrying them, but rather the occupation – the enemy – is the one that has defined them. They have defined them as not harming their security and not harming their interests. They have been silent about them and allowed the Israeli merchants and discharged soldiers to sell them.”
[Official PA TV, Topic of the Day, Aug. 30, 2020]
Oh, dear. The Palis are complaining they have been “stabbed in the back”, again. A bit ironic as they promote knife attacks, but, you know, whatever.

There are persistent reports that the KSA will follow and announce normalizing of relations with Israel. As the trade, technology and economic benefits of cooperation begin to appear for Arab nations, I have to believe that others will not choose to be left behind.

PA recalls its Manama envoy, says deal ‘torpedoes’ Arab Peace Initiative; PLO slams ‘betrayal of Jerusalem and the Palestinians,’ while terror group Hamas brands it an ‘aggression’
RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: This is another case of Arab Palestinian exaggeration.

PA recalls its Manama envoy, says deal ‘torpedoes’ Arab Peace Initiative; PLO slams ‘betrayal of Jerusalem and the Palestinians,’ while terror group Hamas brands it an ‘aggression’

What "Arab Peace Initiative" was viable and on the table under an active negotiation process?

Most Respectfully,
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