Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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This morning, the PLO "foreign minister" Dr. Riyad Malki gave a speech to the Arab League where he expressed the Palestinian frustration at the lack of response by the Arab League to the UAE's decision to make Israel an ally.

But he went further than that.

Malki said that usually any joint Arab actions at the Arab League supporting the Palestinians were "only for show, not implementation...But there was neither commitment nor respect for these decisions."

He called this "duplicity" and said that it put "Palestine" in many embarrassing situations, particularly when non-Arab countries would note that what they hear behind closed doors from Arab governments contradict their Arab League commitments (speaking of payments to the PLO and "supporting Jerusalem.")

"We would boast about the Arab resolutions," Malki said in his speech, "only to be told that those were nothing more than just ink on paper."

(full article online)


And the worst is yet to come for the Hamas. The non Arab Muslims will not touch this ...

For "Palestinians" are genetic Arabs from Arabia.
RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: She was a Rabble Rouser, who hhad no dag in the conflict. She was punished under International Humanitarian Law.

People of Israel vs Ahed Tamimi. How a teenage girl became a Palestinian hero

She caused a disturbance. She assaulted the Israeli Border Police. She was convicted and punished as prescribed by Article 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Like all the Arab Palestinian Heroes, she was a criminal.

Most Respectfully,
People of Israel vs Ahed Tamimi. How a teenage girl became a Palestinian hero

Seems better defined as “People in Gaza and the West Bank vs. Their Children”

You won’t want to address it but children are a commodity routinely used by Hamas and Fatah in the gee-had against Israel.

Hamas has cancelled school and sent them to the border riots.

Hamas has used UNRWA schools to wage gee-had.

The Islamic terrorist version of the Hitler Youth share a common theme.

Fatah is notorious for exploiting children in the service of Jew hating.

When you raise generation after generation of children you train to behave like Death Cultists, it’s not surprising that you perpetuate inadequacy and incompetence.
RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: She was a Rabble Rouser, who hhad no dag in the conflict. She was punished under International Humanitarian Law.

People of Israel vs Ahed Tamimi. How a teenage girl became a Palestinian hero

She caused a disturbance. She assaulted the Israeli Border Police. She was convicted and punished as prescribed by Article 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Like all the Arab Palestinian Heroes, she was a criminal.

Most Respectfully,
Convicted in Israel's kangaroo court.

Why am I not impressed?
RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: She was a Rabble Rouser, who hhad no dag in the conflict. She was punished under International Humanitarian Law.

People of Israel vs Ahed Tamimi. How a teenage girl became a Palestinian hero

She caused a disturbance. She assaulted the Israeli Border Police. She was convicted and punished as prescribed by Article 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Like all the Arab Palestinian Heroes, she was a criminal.

Most Respectfully,
Convicted in Israel's kangaroo court.

Why am I not impressed?
You’re unimpressive.
The Pals are shifting into panic mode. They're getting no cooperation from Arab states in their hope to hope to negate the UAE - Israel agreement to normalize relations.

The Palestinian foreign minister Wednesday unsuccessfully called on Arab states to dismiss a deal between the United Arab Emirates and Israel to normalize relations, describing the agreement scheduled to be finalized next week as “an earthquake.”

The UAE and Israel announced the deal to establish full diplomatic relations on Aug. 13. It reflected a changing Middle East in which shared concerns about archenemy Iran have largely overtaken traditional Arab support for the Palestinians.
RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

kan-ga-roo court → a an unofficial court held by a group of people (Israelis) in order to
try someone regarded, esp. without good evidence, as guilty of a crime or misdemeanor.
As I originally stated, young adults are handled under the concepts so dissimilar to that expressed in the Geneva Convention. It is a standardized "OFFICIAL" procedure. It is by no means an erratic unofficial process.

I object to the view that Ahed Tamimi was anything other than a juvenile delinquent.

Convicted in Israel's kangaroo court.
Why am I not impressed?
You’re unimpressive.

The question becomes: What is "fair and equitable" as a duty of Israel to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety? The idea of "normal" tends
(inevitably) to be based on what moral or political practices are acceptable → "at that time." In the case of the juvenile delinquent Ahed Tamimi, she is both a "victim" of being affected by Arab Palestinian incitement to disorderly activity, as well as being the "perpetrator" of disorderly activity. This became a case of discontent that was passed down from generation to generation with no real demonstrated pride in her culture. Tamimi only exhibits a disgruntled view of the political environment that was created through the accumulative effect dissatisfaction from generations before her.

The actions of Ahed Tamimi - celebrated by the Arab Palestinians - were NOT a case of Tamimi's refusal to comply with certain civil laws as a peaceful form of political protest. That associated came afterward as a matter of unscrupulous exploitation of the event leading to her detainment, apprehension, and juvenile processing. Tamimi was artificially shaped into a spot heroine; not because of what she did right, but rather what she did wrong.
Most Respectfully,
RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

kan-ga-roo court → a an unofficial court held by a group of people (Israelis) in order to
try someone regarded, esp. without good evidence, as guilty of a crime or misdemeanor.
As I originally stated, young adults are handled under the concepts so dissimilar to that expressed in the Geneva Convention. It is a standardized "OFFICIAL" procedure. It is by no means an erratic unofficial process.

I object to the view that Ahed Tamimi was anything other than a juvenile delinquent.

Convicted in Israel's kangaroo court.
Why am I not impressed?
You’re unimpressive.

The question becomes: What is "fair and equitable" as a duty of Israel to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety? The idea of "normal" tends
(inevitably) to be based on what moral or political practices are acceptable → "at that time." In the case of the juvenile delinquent Ahed Tamimi, she is both a "victim" of being affected by Arab Palestinian incitement to disorderly activity, as well as being the "perpetrator" of disorderly activity. This became a case of discontent that was passed down from generation to generation with no real demonstrated pride in her culture. Tamimi only exhibits a disgruntled view of the political environment that was created through the accumulative effect dissatisfaction from generations before her.

The actions of Ahed Tamimi - celebrated by the Arab Palestinians - were NOT a case of Tamimi's refusal to comply with certain civil laws as a peaceful form of political protest. That associated came afterward as a matter of unscrupulous exploitation of the event leading to her detainment, apprehension, and juvenile processing. Tamimi was artificially shaped into a spot heroine; not because of what she did right, but rather what she did wrong.
Most Respectfully,
I object to the view that Ahed Tamimi was anything other than a juvenile delinquent.
She slapped a criminal after her cousin was shot in the face.

Your typical slime post.
RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,
She slapped a criminal after her cousin was shot in the face.

Your typical slime post.

Slap and kick a Military Service Member construed to be performing police duties or a sworn Police Officer anywhere in the civilized world and see if you don't get arrested for: Assault and Battery on a Police Officer (or equivalent).

I take it - that you live in the US someplace. Slap and Police Officer in the face for whatever reason, you are going to jail. It is just that simple.

The juvenile delinquent was angry over the use of non-lethal devices (shot with a rubber bullet) for his advance in an orchestrated demonstration. Tamimi, flanked left and right by friends, taking videos, intentionally making aggressive moves towards the IDF Soldier. She was clearly the antagonist and was attempting to provoke the incident for media exploitation.
Most Respectfully,
RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,


The use of children by the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) leaders in the West Bank is yet another demonstration of how the Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters will turn to the use of children out in front. Almost an example of Human Shield, except the HoAP Adults didn't both to get even close, except to operate the HD quality camera to record the incident. Well behind Tamimi and her two friends. (This not being an isolated incident.)
Most Respectfully,
RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

kan-ga-roo court → a an unofficial court held by a group of people (Israelis) in order to
try someone regarded, esp. without good evidence, as guilty of a crime or misdemeanor.
As I originally stated, young adults are handled under the concepts so dissimilar to that expressed in the Geneva Convention. It is a standardized "OFFICIAL" procedure. It is by no means an erratic unofficial process.

I object to the view that Ahed Tamimi was anything other than a juvenile delinquent.

Convicted in Israel's kangaroo court.
Why am I not impressed?
You’re unimpressive.

The question becomes: What is "fair and equitable" as a duty of Israel to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety? The idea of "normal" tends
(inevitably) to be based on what moral or political practices are acceptable → "at that time." In the case of the juvenile delinquent Ahed Tamimi, she is both a "victim" of being affected by Arab Palestinian incitement to disorderly activity, as well as being the "perpetrator" of disorderly activity. This became a case of discontent that was passed down from generation to generation with no real demonstrated pride in her culture. Tamimi only exhibits a disgruntled view of the political environment that was created through the accumulative effect dissatisfaction from generations before her.

The actions of Ahed Tamimi - celebrated by the Arab Palestinians - were NOT a case of Tamimi's refusal to comply with certain civil laws as a peaceful form of political protest. That associated came afterward as a matter of unscrupulous exploitation of the event leading to her detainment, apprehension, and juvenile processing. Tamimi was artificially shaped into a spot heroine; not because of what she did right, but rather what she did wrong.
Most Respectfully,
I object to the view that Ahed Tamimi was anything other than a juvenile delinquent.
She slapped a criminal after her cousin was shot in the face.

Your typical slime post.
I wonder how much Hamas paid her to slap the officer....
RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,
She slapped a criminal after her cousin was shot in the face.

Your typical slime post.

Slap and kick a Military Service Member construed to be performing police duties or a sworn Police Officer anywhere in the civilized world and see if you don't get arrested for: Assault and Battery on a Police Officer (or equivalent).

I take it - that you live in the US someplace. Slap and Police Officer in the face for whatever reason, you are going to jail. It is just that simple.

The juvenile delinquent was angry over the use of non-lethal devices (shot with a rubber bullet) for his advance in an orchestrated demonstration. Tamimi, flanked left and right by friends, taking videos, intentionally making aggressive moves towards the IDF Soldier. She was clearly the antagonist and was attempting to provoke the incident for media exploitation.
Most Respectfully,
Slap and kick a Military Service Member construed to be performing police duties or a sworn Police Officer anywhere in the civilized world
Israel is not a part of the civilizes world. Their goons are criminals operating under the color of law.

What laws do they enforce? Theft? Killing? Kidnapping? Shooting an unarmed 14 yo kid in the face?
RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,




The use of children by the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) leaders in the West Bank is yet another demonstration of how the Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters will turn to the use of children out in front. Almost an example of Human Shield, except the HoAP Adults didn't both to get even close, except to operate the HD quality camera to record the incident. Well behind Tamimi and her two friends. (This not being an isolated incident.)
Most Respectfully,
of how the Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters
Oh geese, another name calling rant.
RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

kan-ga-roo court → a an unofficial court held by a group of people (Israelis) in order to
try someone regarded, esp. without good evidence, as guilty of a crime or misdemeanor.
As I originally stated, young adults are handled under the concepts so dissimilar to that expressed in the Geneva Convention. It is a standardized "OFFICIAL" procedure. It is by no means an erratic unofficial process.

I object to the view that Ahed Tamimi was anything other than a juvenile delinquent.

Convicted in Israel's kangaroo court.
Why am I not impressed?
You’re unimpressive.

The question becomes: What is "fair and equitable" as a duty of Israel to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety? The idea of "normal" tends
(inevitably) to be based on what moral or political practices are acceptable → "at that time." In the case of the juvenile delinquent Ahed Tamimi, she is both a "victim" of being affected by Arab Palestinian incitement to disorderly activity, as well as being the "perpetrator" of disorderly activity. This became a case of discontent that was passed down from generation to generation with no real demonstrated pride in her culture. Tamimi only exhibits a disgruntled view of the political environment that was created through the accumulative effect dissatisfaction from generations before her.

The actions of Ahed Tamimi - celebrated by the Arab Palestinians - were NOT a case of Tamimi's refusal to comply with certain civil laws as a peaceful form of political protest. That associated came afterward as a matter of unscrupulous exploitation of the event leading to her detainment, apprehension, and juvenile processing. Tamimi was artificially shaped into a spot heroine; not because of what she did right, but rather what she did wrong.
Most Respectfully,
I object to the view that Ahed Tamimi was anything other than a juvenile delinquent.
She slapped a criminal after her cousin was shot in the face.

Your typical slime post.
Is that why the most televised family in the middle east has no proof of that?
RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,
She slapped a criminal after her cousin was shot in the face.

Your typical slime post.

Slap and kick a Military Service Member construed to be performing police duties or a sworn Police Officer anywhere in the civilized world and see if you don't get arrested for: Assault and Battery on a Police Officer (or equivalent).

I take it - that you live in the US someplace. Slap and Police Officer in the face for whatever reason, you are going to jail. It is just that simple.

The juvenile delinquent was angry over the use of non-lethal devices (shot with a rubber bullet) for his advance in an orchestrated demonstration. Tamimi, flanked left and right by friends, taking videos, intentionally making aggressive moves towards the IDF Soldier. She was clearly the antagonist and was attempting to provoke the incident for media exploitation.
Most Respectfully,
Slap and kick a Military Service Member construed to be performing police duties or a sworn Police Officer anywhere in the civilized world
Israel is not a part of the civilizes world. Their goons are criminals operating under the color of law.

What laws do they enforce? Theft? Killing? Kidnapping? Shooting an unarmed 14 yo kid in the face?

Again the anti-Israel camp always makes outlandish accusations without any backup,
as if just making those makes the case, and usually excuse the exact crimes done by Arabs.

Israel is at the front of the civilized world -ahead of Western nations, and certainly any Arab country.
khalida jarrar
kan-ga-roo court → a an unofficial court held by a group of people (Israelis) in order to try someone regarded, esp. without good evidence, as guilty of a crime or misdemeanor.
Khalida Jarrar has been in prison many times, Why?
khalida jarrar
kan-ga-roo court → a an unofficial court held by a group of people (Israelis) in order to try someone regarded, esp. without good evidence, as guilty of a crime or misdemeanor.
Khalida Jarrar has been in prison many times, Why?

For facilitating criminal activity.
One of main activities of her organization is training child soldiers, others include hijacking airlines.

Khalida Jarrar's work:



Last edited:
RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,
She slapped a criminal after her cousin was shot in the face.

Your typical slime post.

Slap and kick a Military Service Member construed to be performing police duties or a sworn Police Officer anywhere in the civilized world and see if you don't get arrested for: Assault and Battery on a Police Officer (or equivalent).

I take it - that you live in the US someplace. Slap and Police Officer in the face for whatever reason, you are going to jail. It is just that simple.

The juvenile delinquent was angry over the use of non-lethal devices (shot with a rubber bullet) for his advance in an orchestrated demonstration. Tamimi, flanked left and right by friends, taking videos, intentionally making aggressive moves towards the IDF Soldier. She was clearly the antagonist and was attempting to provoke the incident for media exploitation.
Most Respectfully,
Slap and kick a Military Service Member construed to be performing police duties or a sworn Police Officer anywhere in the civilized world
Israel is not a part of the civilizes world. Their goons are criminals operating under the color of law.

What laws do they enforce? Theft? Killing? Kidnapping? Shooting an unarmed 14 yo kid in the face?

Again the anti-Israel camp always makes outlandish accusations without any backup,
as if just making those makes the case, and usually excuse the exact crimes done by Arabs.

Israel is at the front of the civilized world -ahead of Western nations, and certainly any Arab country.

RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

kan-ga-roo court → a an unofficial court held by a group of people (Israelis) in order to
try someone regarded, esp. without good evidence, as guilty of a crime or misdemeanor.
As I originally stated, young adults are handled under the concepts so dissimilar to that expressed in the Geneva Convention. It is a standardized "OFFICIAL" procedure. It is by no means an erratic unofficial process.

I object to the view that Ahed Tamimi was anything other than a juvenile delinquent.

Convicted in Israel's kangaroo court.
Why am I not impressed?
You’re unimpressive.

The question becomes: What is "fair and equitable" as a duty of Israel to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety? The idea of "normal" tends
(inevitably) to be based on what moral or political practices are acceptable → "at that time." In the case of the juvenile delinquent Ahed Tamimi, she is both a "victim" of being affected by Arab Palestinian incitement to disorderly activity, as well as being the "perpetrator" of disorderly activity. This became a case of discontent that was passed down from generation to generation with no real demonstrated pride in her culture. Tamimi only exhibits a disgruntled view of the political environment that was created through the accumulative effect dissatisfaction from generations before her.

The actions of Ahed Tamimi - celebrated by the Arab Palestinians - were NOT a case of Tamimi's refusal to comply with certain civil laws as a peaceful form of political protest. That associated came afterward as a matter of unscrupulous exploitation of the event leading to her detainment, apprehension, and juvenile processing. Tamimi was artificially shaped into a spot heroine; not because of what she did right, but rather what she did wrong.
Most Respectfully,
I object to the view that Ahed Tamimi was anything other than a juvenile delinquent.
She slapped a criminal after her cousin was shot in the face.

Your typical slime post.
Is that why the most televised family in the middle east has no proof of that?
Proof of what?
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