Who are these people who are for Bust. Where are they?

Bush's negatives are far worse than Hitlaries on social media. When it gets closer to election day, Bush will vanish as a candidate. Money dosn't do that much for you.
Bush is the product of the globalist media. He is the candidate they wish to win the presidency, even over Clinton. The globalists put the last two Bushes in office and want a third one to further their agenda. There is really no difference between Bush, Clinton, or Obama. All of them are Globalists playing the part of either a democrat or republican. They get their people in either way. Bushes true poll ratings are probably less than 5% yet the media would stack the polls and have you think he is the front runner. They try and dupe people into thinking that he is the only one to beat the current globalist establishment when all along he isn't even liked and will continue the globalist agenda. If nobody votes for him they will be ready to rig the voting machines.

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