Who believes "fake news"?


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
New poll reveals the big reason belief in the flat Earth is booming

Link between religion and people who believe the Earth is flat | Daily Mail Online

"up to 2% of people now believe the Earth is not a globe." This is in the US.

"A YouGov poll of 8,215 people in America found that 52% of people believe the Earth is flat consider themselves ‘very religious’"

Yes, 52% of those who BELIEVE the Earth is flat are "very religious". I wonder how many of them are "extremely religious".



The young are also more likely to think the world is flat. Is the internet having an impact on what people believe. That people having so much information at their hands will just pick and choose what they want to believe?

How anyone can think the world is flat when we have photos that show what the Earth is.


When every planet around us is round, when the moon is also round. When we can travel across the globe and see the changing times. In the US, a country with many times zones, nine to be exact, how can people assume this is due to flatness?

It's because they're not thinking, they want to believe, they're blocking out reality and replacing it with something simpler.
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Shameful what Muslims and Buddhists believe.

They should listen to Christians like Buzz Aldrin and every astronaut who walked on the moon. They were all Christians.

It doesn't say all Christians believe the Earth is flat.
New poll reveals the big reason belief in the flat Earth is booming

Link between religion and people who believe the Earth is flat | Daily Mail Online

"up to 2% of people now believe the Earth is not a globe." This is in the US.

"A YouGov poll of 8,215 people in America found that 52% of people believe the Earth is flat consider themselves ‘very religious’"

Yes, 52% of those who BELIEVE the Earth is flat are "very religious". I wonder how many of them are "extremely religious".



The young are also more likely to think the world is flat. Is the internet having an impact on what people believe. That people having so much information at their hands will just pick and choose what they want to believe?

How anyone can think the world is flat when we have photos that show what the Earth is.


When every planet around us is round, when the moon is also round. When we can travel across the globe and see the changing times. In the US, a country with many times zones, nine to be exact, how can people assume this is due to flatness?

It's because they're not thinking, they want to believe, they're blocking out reality and replacing it with something simpler.
They say the earth is kinda of pear shape. After all it did get hit hard a long time ago.
And yet the article at the link didn't reference the scripture passage that mentioned anything about the world being flat?

I believe fake news as little as I do fake polls. My wife does secretarial work for a church and I've never ever met a single Christian who professed something like that.
New poll reveals the big reason belief in the flat Earth is booming

Link between religion and people who believe the Earth is flat | Daily Mail Online

"up to 2% of people now believe the Earth is not a globe." This is in the US.

"A YouGov poll of 8,215 people in America found that 52% of people believe the Earth is flat consider themselves ‘very religious’"

Yes, 52% of those who BELIEVE the Earth is flat are "very religious". I wonder how many of them are "extremely religious".



The young are also more likely to think the world is flat. Is the internet having an impact on what people believe. That people having so much information at their hands will just pick and choose what they want to believe?

How anyone can think the world is flat when we have photos that show what the Earth is.


When every planet around us is round, when the moon is also round. When we can travel across the globe and see the changing times. In the US, a country with many times zones, nine to be exact, how can people assume this is due to flatness?

It's because they're not thinking, they want to believe, they're blocking out reality and replacing it with something simpler.
They say the earth is kinda of pear shape. After all it did get hit hard a long time ago.

It's not a sphere, no.
And yet the article at the link didn't reference the scripture passage that mentioned anything about the world being flat?

I believe fake news as little as I do fake polls. My wife does secretarial work for a church and I've never ever met a single Christian who professed something like that.

Good for you.

That doesn't mean there aren't those who believe that.
New poll reveals the big reason belief in the flat Earth is booming

Link between religion and people who believe the Earth is flat | Daily Mail Online

"up to 2% of people now believe the Earth is not a globe." This is in the US.

"A YouGov poll of 8,215 people in America found that 52% of people believe the Earth is flat consider themselves ‘very religious’"

Yes, 52% of those who BELIEVE the Earth is flat are "very religious". I wonder how many of them are "extremely religious".



The young are also more likely to think the world is flat. Is the internet having an impact on what people believe. That people having so much information at their hands will just pick and choose what they want to believe?

How anyone can think the world is flat when we have photos that show what the Earth is.


When every planet around us is round, when the moon is also round. When we can travel across the globe and see the changing times. In the US, a country with many times zones, nine to be exact, how can people assume this is due to flatness?

It's because they're not thinking, they want to believe, they're blocking out reality and replacing it with something simpler.
They say the earth is kinda of pear shape. After all it did get hit hard a long time ago.

that was Rob Porters x wife's head.
And yet the article at the link didn't reference the scripture passage that mentioned anything about the world being flat?

I believe fake news as little as I do fake polls. My wife does secretarial work for a church and I've never ever met a single Christian who professed something like that.

Good for you.

That doesn't mean there aren't those who believe that.

I'm sure there are.
New poll reveals the big reason belief in the flat Earth is booming

Link between religion and people who believe the Earth is flat | Daily Mail Online

"up to 2% of people now believe the Earth is not a globe." This is in the US.

"A YouGov poll of 8,215 people in America found that 52% of people believe the Earth is flat consider themselves ‘very religious’"

Yes, 52% of those who BELIEVE the Earth is flat are "very religious". I wonder how many of them are "extremely religious".



The young are also more likely to think the world is flat. Is the internet having an impact on what people believe. That people having so much information at their hands will just pick and choose what they want to believe?

How anyone can think the world is flat when we have photos that show what the Earth is.


When every planet around us is round, when the moon is also round. When we can travel across the globe and see the changing times. In the US, a country with many times zones, nine to be exact, how can people assume this is due to flatness?

It's because they're not thinking, they want to believe, they're blocking out reality and replacing it with something simpler.
Purveyors of the ‘flat earth’ nonsense will claim that the picture of the earth you posted is ‘fake.’

That’s what’s so insidious about rightwing fake news and the religious right’s hostility toward facts and the truth: that they’ll continue to blindly adhere to their lies and contrivances no matter how compelling the evidence that proves they are wrong.
New poll reveals the big reason belief in the flat Earth is booming

Link between religion and people who believe the Earth is flat | Daily Mail Online

"up to 2% of people now believe the Earth is not a globe." This is in the US.

"A YouGov poll of 8,215 people in America found that 52% of people believe the Earth is flat consider themselves ‘very religious’"

Yes, 52% of those who BELIEVE the Earth is flat are "very religious". I wonder how many of them are "extremely religious".



The young are also more likely to think the world is flat. Is the internet having an impact on what people believe. That people having so much information at their hands will just pick and choose what they want to believe?

How anyone can think the world is flat when we have photos that show what the Earth is.


When every planet around us is round, when the moon is also round. When we can travel across the globe and see the changing times. In the US, a country with many times zones, nine to be exact, how can people assume this is due to flatness?

It's because they're not thinking, they want to believe, they're blocking out reality and replacing it with something simpler.
Dear lord, are you people this moronic? Polls? This reminds me of polls about how 45% of Americans believe that the earth is 6000 yrs old. Has anyone ever met someone that believes that? I'm 58 years old, know a lot of hard core christians and in 58 years I've never met a single human being that believes that. Supposedly, nearly half the people in this country do believe it. What utter crap. 2% of Americans believe the earth is flat? When I hear that I make a mental note, if anyone polls me on the subject I will not only swear the earth is flat, I will swear I have proof. Oh and by the way, Elvis, Marilyn and Hoffa are alive and well and playing poker on Venus. Call me I'll swear to it.
New poll reveals the big reason belief in the flat Earth is booming

Link between religion and people who believe the Earth is flat | Daily Mail Online

"up to 2% of people now believe the Earth is not a globe." This is in the US.

"A YouGov poll of 8,215 people in America found that 52% of people believe the Earth is flat consider themselves ‘very religious’"

Yes, 52% of those who BELIEVE the Earth is flat are "very religious". I wonder how many of them are "extremely religious".



The young are also more likely to think the world is flat. Is the internet having an impact on what people believe. That people having so much information at their hands will just pick and choose what they want to believe?

How anyone can think the world is flat when we have photos that show what the Earth is.


When every planet around us is round, when the moon is also round. When we can travel across the globe and see the changing times. In the US, a country with many times zones, nine to be exact, how can people assume this is due to flatness?

It's because they're not thinking, they want to believe, they're blocking out reality and replacing it with something simpler.

First off, 12 people.... a massive 12 people out of 8,000 in a survey.

Second, I have a strange suspicion, that people didn't take such a dumb survey seriously, and were just playing with it.
I could be wrong. But I know I would very tempted to say "Oh yeah, the earth is flat for sure" just to screw with the survey.

Seriously... why the heck are people wasting time on this? What good does this do, other than make you think you have a point about something, when you don't? You do realize your entire thread is a pointless waste of time? In fact, the only reason I bothered to respond to you, is because I'm confused what point you think you have made?

If you really want to compare brainless stupid myths people believe, go ask all your left-wing buddies over at Scientology, what that crap is all about.

Better still, go ask all those left-wing morons how many still believe that Reagan fired all the air traffic controllers, so that CIA operatives could fly Cocain into black neighborhoods in LA, to kill off black people.

I bet even money, far more believe in that fictional masterpiece, than the Earth being flat. Funny how you pick and choose which urban ledgends to focus on, huh?

And lastly, this survey doesn't make the left-wing look that good.

It's a well established fact that since G-d was banned from public schools more than 50 years ago, that teachers, teachers unions, and school administrators are heavily left-wing.

So all those people under the age of 50, who don't know what shape the earth is....... whose to blame for that? The heck have you left-wing democrats in charge of all the schools, been teaching all this time? Proof once again, left-wingers are completely incompetent at everything, especially education it seems. We spend more money per student than any other 1st world country, all based on left-wing tax and spend education policies......

....and then you think you have a point to make by saying "hey some of our public school students don't even know the earth isn't flat"....

You just incriminated yourself, and your entire ideology. Maybe you should reconsider your whole life. lol

Oh by the way, I'm very religious.
Isaiah 40:22
It is he who sits above the circle of the earth,
and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers;

Bible says the Earth is round. Enough said.
New poll reveals the big reason belief in the flat Earth is booming

Link between religion and people who believe the Earth is flat | Daily Mail Online

"up to 2% of people now believe the Earth is not a globe." This is in the US.

"A YouGov poll of 8,215 people in America found that 52% of people believe the Earth is flat consider themselves ‘very religious’"

Yes, 52% of those who BELIEVE the Earth is flat are "very religious". I wonder how many of them are "extremely religious".



The young are also more likely to think the world is flat. Is the internet having an impact on what people believe. That people having so much information at their hands will just pick and choose what they want to believe?

How anyone can think the world is flat when we have photos that show what the Earth is.


When every planet around us is round, when the moon is also round. When we can travel across the globe and see the changing times. In the US, a country with many times zones, nine to be exact, how can people assume this is due to flatness?

It's because they're not thinking, they want to believe, they're blocking out reality and replacing it with something simpler.
Purveyors of the ‘flat earth’ nonsense will claim that the picture of the earth you posted is ‘fake.’

That’s what’s so insidious about rightwing fake news and the religious right’s hostility toward facts and the truth: that they’ll continue to blindly adhere to their lies and contrivances no matter how compelling the evidence that proves they are wrong.

Sure, but can they claim that it's 12pm in a part of the US and 12am in a part of Australia, and it's still flat? How does that one work?

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