WHO calls for the return of the mask regime. The reason may be the failure of sanctions against Russia and coming election theft



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the cdc says 1/3 of those death counts were not covid, actually prob half. anyone who died regardless of reason was marked as covid because drs and hospitals got alot of money you moron.
In most pandemics, a lot of deaths are labeled as something else, especially in poorer Nations. The dead are simply buried and the cause of death isn't even recorded. I believe the six and a half million is a very modest estimate.
Mostly among the double-vaccinated and boosted. Their immunity is not as durable as natural infections. Sad, but true.
I'm thankful my local television station always reports who's dying from covid, giving their ages and whether or not they were vaccinated. The majority are unvaccinated and those unvaccinated are generally younger than the vaccinated who are dying in lesser numbers. I do agree, the vaccinations have failed to live up to the expectations over a long period of time, but obviously from the statistics they do work. This is a coronavirus, they mutate readily and they're highly infectious, fortunately they're not very deadly yet. Unfortunately the pandemic is still ongoing and that possibility is still there. Let's hope most people survive it. The modern world is very conducive to the spread of a pandemic, much more so than any past generations. I will consider the world lucky to finally get rid of this with a death toll of less than 100 million. It's the plague that keeps on giving.
I'm thankful my local television station always reports who's dying from covid, giving their ages and whether or not they were vaccinated. The majority are unvaccinated and those unvaccinated are generally younger than the vaccinated who are dying in lesser numbers. I do agree, the vaccinations have failed to live up to the expectations over a long period of time, but obviously from the statistics they do work. This is a coronavirus, they mutate readily and they're highly infectious, fortunately they're not very deadly yet. Unfortunately the pandemic is still ongoing and that possibility is still there. Let's hope most people survive it. The modern world is very conducive to the spread of a pandemic, much more so than any past generations. I will consider the world lucky to finally get rid of this with a death toll of less than 100 million. It's the plague that keeps on giving.

Please provide those numbers not filtered by the MSM from your area, because that's not at all what I'm seeing in mine. In fact, in Australia--you know how draconian they were there about vaccines--deaths are way, way UP. I'm talking Covid deaths.

There are no metrics by which the vaccines were a success. At best they only delayed infections and deaths. They did not prevent them. And now we reap the horrid side effects....
Please provide those numbers not filtered by the MSM from your area, because that's not at all what I'm seeing in mine. In fact, in Australia--you know how draconian they were there about vaccines--deaths are way, way UP. I'm talking Covid deaths.

There are no metrics by which the vaccines were a success. At best they only delayed infections and deaths. They did not prevent them. And now we reap the horrid side effects....
I hadn't heard about Australia currently in their winter having such a great increase in cases. Looked it up, the article I read said it was because of the highly transmissible new Omicron sub-variants Ba.4 and Ba.5. they're offering everyone the 4th injection. We are gearing up here right now for the fall and winter when those sub-variants are expected to be hitting here. Once again thank you.
I hadn't heard about Australia currently in their winter having such a great increase in cases. Looked it up, the article I read said it was because of the highly transmissible new Omicron sub-variants Ba.4 and Ba.5. they're offering everyone the 4th injection. We are gearing up here right now for the fall and winter when those sub-variants are expected to be hitting here. Once again thank you.
Our Republican governor took down the states COVID site. I guess he thinks hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil; means there is no evil. The only news I'm getting is from the Omaha world heroes and mostly channel 7 ABC News.
Our Republican governor took down the states COVID site. I guess he thinks hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil; means there is no evil. The only news I'm getting is from the Omaha world heroes and mostly channel 7 ABC News.
P.S. it's not working, reported cases are way up, in Omaha once again has over 100 people in the hospital for COVID, which includes five children. I'm concerned what the picture might look like by fall. At any rate, here we go again.
P.S. it's not working, reported cases are way up, in Omaha once again has over 100 people in the hospital for COVID, which includes five children. I'm concerned what the picture might look like by fall. At any rate, here we go again.
Everyone is on about cases going up but never mentioning any deaths. Every other week, I hear people around my neck of the woods going through a COVID infection lasting a few days to about 10 days. It's turned into nothing more than the common cold.
Everyone is on about cases going up but never mentioning any deaths. Every other week, I hear people around my neck of the woods going through a COVID infection lasting a few days to about 10 days. It's turned into nothing more than the common cold.
I guess I am at fortunate to live in a very conscientious area. The local ABC affiliate channel 7 here reports daily on the number of deaths, the ages of the individuals that died and whether they were vaccinated or not. In every case the majority are unvaccinated and younger. The vaccinated are fewer and older. Seems to be no exception to that rule.
I guess I am at fortunate to live in a very conscientious area. The local ABC affiliate channel 7 here reports daily on the number of deaths, the ages of the individuals that died and whether they were vaccinated or not. In every case the majority are unvaccinated and younger. The vaccinated are fewer and older. Seems to be no exception to that rule.
The number globally that has died as a percentage of the population, is probably the same odds as winning the lottery, very low.
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Words that no longer have meaning except as propaganda tools.
Words are just that, words. The virus that caused the pandemic is very much alive and continuing the attack on the human race, how you want to word that is up to you, it doesn't make a difference to the virus.
P.S. it's not working, reported cases are way up, in Omaha once again has over 100 people in the hospital for COVID, which includes five children. I'm concerned what the picture might look like by fall. At any rate, here we go again.

If you live in Omaha then you know the majority of us never complied with the bullshit.

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