WHO calls for the return of the mask regime. The reason may be the failure of sanctions against Russia and coming election theft

I'm thankful my local television station always reports who's dying from covid, giving their ages and whether or not they were vaccinated. The majority are unvaccinated and those unvaccinated are generally younger than the vaccinated who are dying in lesser numbers. I do agree, the vaccinations have failed to live up to the expectations over a long period of time, but obviously from the statistics they do work. This is a coronavirus, they mutate readily and they're highly infectious, fortunately they're not very deadly yet. Unfortunately the pandemic is still ongoing and that possibility is still there. Let's hope most people survive it. The modern world is very conducive to the spread of a pandemic, much more so than any past generations. I will consider the world lucky to finally get rid of this with a death toll of less than 100 million. It's the plague that keeps on giving.
Henry Ford Exterminated the Spanish Flu

What makes you think that the cronyvirus could have survived in the "polluted" air prevalent before the Lethal Lockdown lowered auto emissions? Before that fatal response, no other pandemic had happened in 100 years. Before the internal-combustion engine fumigated the air, pandemics were extremely common. After, none.
Words are just that, words. The virus that caused the pandemic is very much alive and continuing the attack on the human race, how you want to word that is up to you, it doesn't make a difference to the virus.
"Pollution" Is a Dishonest Word Taken From a Pagan Superstition

It is a very primitive and ancient virus that has not mutated to deal with the modern atmosphere. And it never will. Proof is the extremely low death rate in China (5,226!), which has the most "pollution" in the world.
If you live in Omaha then you know the majority of us never complied with the bullshit.
In the beginning compliance was very good; but then trump started undermining the efforts because of economic concerns I made the whole thing political. So here we are today still fighting the virus. Nobody wins.
"Pollution" Is a Dishonest Word Taken From a Pagan Superstition

It is a very primitive and ancient virus that has not mutated to deal with the modern atmosphere. And it never will. Proof is the extremely low death rate in China (5,226!), which has the most "pollution" in the world.
Most likely because of their total lockdowns, the government didn't have to deal with personal rights violations. Tyrannical regimes can do that. Free Nations can only do that if they declare martial law. It's hard to declare martial law when people are willing to die for their personal freedoms. I guess they have the right to die.
In the beginning compliance was very good; but then trump started undermining the efforts because of economic concerns I made the whole thing political. So here we are today still fighting the virus. Nobody wins.

You've chosen to live in fear. I never did fear it and now that I had it 3 weeks ago and recovered it was no worse than the flu. The nation will not submit to more lock downs or mask edicts.
You've chosen to live in fear. I never did fear it and now that I had it 3 weeks ago and recovered it was no worse than the flu. The nation will not submit to more lock downs or mask edicts.
I fear nothing in this world,; especially I do not feel death at this point at the end of my life I will welcome it. Understand I'm not promoting it I take all the practical precautions. Who wants to be sick and miserable, that would be a sign of insanity. I'm glad you were lucky, currently in Omaha we now have nearly 120 people in the hospital 11 are in ICU, five are on ventilators. So here, like many places in the United States it's getting worse and it's nowhere near fall yet when it's supposed to get a lot worse, like what is happening in Australia during their winter. Their population is only 25 million and they're having 30,000 cases a day now. Like I said I do not fear the virus but I'm very much aware of it. Awareness and precautions equals saving lives and better health.
It takes on average 10 years to develop a standard type vaccine. We would have had to waited until about 2029 to have developed one of those. That's why they went this route. Without any vaccine the death toll could have easily been 50 to 100 million.
You're so full of shit your breath stinks.
Henry Ford Exterminated the Spanish Flu

What makes you think that the cronyvirus could have survived in the "polluted" air prevalent before the Lethal Lockdown lowered auto emissions? Before that fatal response, no other pandemic had happened in 100 years. Before the internal-combustion engine fumigated the air, pandemics were extremely common. After, none.
Fever dream.
"Pollution" Is a Dishonest Word Taken From a Pagan Superstition

It is a very primitive and ancient virus that has not mutated to deal with the modern atmosphere. And it never will. Proof is the extremely low death rate in China (5,226!), which has the most "pollution" in the world.
If you believe a word from China, I have a beautiful oceanfront house really cheap, about an hour north of Topeka.
You're so full of shit your breath stinks.
Right, you're so stupid and lazy you don't even look up the facts. It took 56 years to develop the anthrax vaccine. It took 19 years to develop the vaccine for yellow fever and it took 15 years to develop the vaccine for polio. These are just a few examples of just how long it takes to develop standard vaccines, plus the costs are getting prohibitive to produce them that way. That's one good reason we need socialized medicine. Medicine is a business; unfortunately making profit is quite important to any business so cures are not readily sought out. It's much more lucrative to simply treat and not cure. Socialized medicine has the people in mind not profits therefore we would move far ahead if we just made that one simple but monumental change.
Fever dream.

If you believe a word from China, I have a beautiful oceanfront house really cheap, about an hour north of Topeka.
It'd be in Wetmore Kansas. About all they have there is the Indian casino called Golden Eagle Casino.
ah....the astounding, magical masks......they work in every eventuality....failure of sanctions against Russia, coming election theft.... and this as well....

Truly awesome!

Right, you're so stupid and lazy you don't even look up the facts. It took 56 years to develop the anthrax vaccine. It took 19 years to develop the vaccine for yellow fever and it took 15 years to develop the vaccine for polio. These are just a few examples of just how long it takes to develop standard vaccines, plus the costs are getting prohibitive to produce them that way. That's one good reason we need socialized medicine. Medicine is a business; unfortunately making profit is quite important to any business so cures are not readily sought out. It's much more lucrative to simply treat and not cure. Socialized medicine has the people in mind not profits therefore we would move far ahead if we just made that one simple but monumental change.
It'd be in Wetmore Kansas. About all they have there is the Indian casino called Golden Eagle Casino.
That roar you heard was the point flying over your head.
That's not the reason the w h o is calling for a return to masks. Look at what is happening in Australia right now, that will be us in our fall in winter.
We're not buying the fairy tale that no one knows the origin of SARS-CoV-2. Mask mandates, as in Germany, also link to children being molested by the pedophiliac Vaccine Pimp, whilst LGBTQ+I attemts to twist the State-sponsored terror knife embedded in the parents. Vaccines molesting an undermature immune system with experimental shit, while the double-twists of perverted narcissism tries to molest young minds. A mimesis of blm jonesing for recognition. The pertinent part of the video starts a timepoint 1:05 at Lira's blog, timepoint 10 hr, Roundtable.
We're not buying the fairy tale that no one knows the origin of SARS-CoV-2. Mask mandates, as in Germany, also link to children being molested by the pedophiliac Vaccine Pimp, whilst LGBTQ+I attemts to twist the State-sponsored terror knife embedded in the parents. Vaccines molesting an undermature immune system with experimental shit, while the double-twists of perverted narcissism tries to molest young minds. A mimesis of blm jonesing for recognition. The pertinent part of the video starts a timepoint 1:05 at Lira's blog, timepoint 10 hr, Roundtable.
The w h o is making these suggestions. No one can force you to do anything against your will in the free Nations unless it gets so bad that they enforce martial law. Non-compliance is the tool most likely to bring about martial law.
I know exactly what your intent is. Spreading misinformation like you do should be a crime.
Ah, yes, and the mask comes off of the tyrant. You dream of having people who disagree with you locked up, or killed.

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