Who did 9/11??

Yes it was Bush with others. Same day Nessara was to be implemented.

I've seen the bullshit lib investigations. A 31 page one said "the jets did not have their ELT on" Yeah, that's right ELT is "emergency location transmitter" and not on till needed. Maybe they meant IFF? "interrogation friend or foe" which every instrument rated plane has. Ping it you have ID. Off course, you correct or get shot down. "oh, norad was busy on training exercises" BULL yes train every day but 2 interceptors with pilots sleeping next to them on every base are NOT ON EXERCISE.

I was ADC, air defense command, 49th fighter interceptor squadron. I have been in the main control room at NORAD Cheyenne Mountain. I know how it works. NOTHING can stray from it's path or is radioed to correct, and you better. Don't correct you are shot down, no exemption at all, ever. You can't fly over a city or the pentagon, period, can't stray off your flight plan without radio and permission.

9/11 was an inside job, guaranteed. A stand down was issued. Leftist puppet Bush did it.
There were certainly rogue elements within the US govt who worked with the perpetrators. So "inside job." But that doesn't say who the perpetrators were.

Who got what they wanted from it?

A: Zionism

The US at war with Israel's #1 enemy Iraq.

Jeff Epstein's hedge fund loaded with defense stocks, gold, oil etc. on 910

Zionism is behind all of it since JFK at least.

They are behind The Steal because The Steal was to STOP the FBI 911 file from coming out.

Look at which "Republicans" participated in The Steal, all Zionists....

Chris Wray
Comey Barrett, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh (not to mention Roberts, Breyer and Kagan)
Brad Raffensberger of GA

and of course, the greatest outed JDAAC ever, fake Christian 100% pure Zionist Jew who never ever cared about the US at all, Mike Pence (or is it Mike Pentz...???)
JFK was killed by Oswald and no one else.

911 was commited by muslim terrorists.

Trump lost fair and square.

ALL facts
So you are a believer in the Miracle of the Two Planes, Three Skyscrapers?
Norhing miraculous about it and it was more than three
I get it. You are the conscious contrarian and your schtick is to believe whatever the government says no matter how outrageous. Boring

Okay...The floor is yours.

In reasonable detail...tell us what "really" happened on 9/11. Here is my prediction: You won't. 100% of all truthers have declined to answer the most basic question about 9/11.

It's fine to say that the government got the story wrong. Tell us what the "real" story is.
All three buildings were wired for explosives in the weeks leading to 9-11 by Israelis.
No they were not. There is no evidence of any such explosives much less isrealis.

Such claims REQUIRE extraordinary proof and you can post no evidence of any kind whatsoever.
First, to get a skyscraper to fall into its own footprint is a highly technical feat that requires weeks of planning and preparation. It is a very limited number of people in the world with the skills to pull it off.

Second, those buildings had enormous strength. If you've ever stuck your hand out a car window while traveling at 70 miles per hour, you know what kind of force that is on your hand. Now multiply that force by the ratio of the size of one of those towers to the size of your hand. That's the force those towers were built to easily withstand.

The idea that you could knock one of those towers down by randomly running a plane into it is absurd. The idea you could get one of those towers to fall at free fall speed into its own footprint by randomly running a plane into it is beyond ludicrous. The idea you could get two towers to fall like that by randomly running two planes into them is off-the-charts insanity. The idea you could get THREE towers to fall at free fall speed into their own footprints by randomly running planes into TWO of them makes sense if the Jewish controlled press tells you a guy in a cave did it with some hijackers
The towers didn't fall in their own footprint....nor did they fall at freefall speed.
Any demolition expert watching the video of those buildings coming down immediately recognizes them as controlled demolition.
No they do not which is why virtually none have said so.

It was no where near a controlled demolition. Controlled demolition requires massive preparation and the larger the building the more prep is needed. These buildings would have required months of being stripped of all interior walls and furnishings. Explosives installed on every floor on every support column and beam. It would have taken crews of dozens of people working to accomplishthis and such massive efforts could not be hidden from the public.

The only people claiming it was controlled demo are conspiracy theory fools and self proclaimed experts who haqveno expertise.
This was caused by office furniture catching on fire:


Are you a Jew, by any chance?

No one ever said it was caused by office furniture catching on fire.

The burden is on you to prove your assertions and you have failed SENSATIONALLY.

Are you a Jew?

Are you gay?

yes. are you a Jew?
Yes it was Bush with others. Same day Nessara was to be implemented.

I've seen the bullshit lib investigations. A 31 page one said "the jets did not have their ELT on" Yeah, that's right ELT is "emergency location transmitter" and not on till needed. Maybe they meant IFF? "interrogation friend or foe" which every instrument rated plane has. Ping it you have ID. Off course, you correct or get shot down. "oh, norad was busy on training exercises" BULL yes train every day but 2 interceptors with pilots sleeping next to them on every base are NOT ON EXERCISE.

I was ADC, air defense command, 49th fighter interceptor squadron. I have been in the main control room at NORAD Cheyenne Mountain. I know how it works. NOTHING can stray from it's path or is radioed to correct, and you better. Don't correct you are shot down, no exemption at all, ever. You can't fly over a city or the pentagon, period, can't stray off your flight plan without radio and permission.

9/11 was an inside job, guaranteed. A stand down was issued. Leftist puppet Bush did it.
There were certainly rogue elements within the US govt who worked with the perpetrators. So "inside job." But that doesn't say who the perpetrators were.

Who got what they wanted from it?

A: Zionism

The US at war with Israel's #1 enemy Iraq.

Jeff Epstein's hedge fund loaded with defense stocks, gold, oil etc. on 910

Zionism is behind all of it since JFK at least.

They are behind The Steal because The Steal was to STOP the FBI 911 file from coming out.

Look at which "Republicans" participated in The Steal, all Zionists....

Chris Wray
Comey Barrett, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh (not to mention Roberts, Breyer and Kagan)
Brad Raffensberger of GA

and of course, the greatest outed JDAAC ever, fake Christian 100% pure Zionist Jew who never ever cared about the US at all, Mike Pence (or is it Mike Pentz...???)
JFK was killed by Oswald and no one else.

911 was commited by muslim terrorists.

Trump lost fair and square.

ALL facts
So you are a believer in the Miracle of the Two Planes, Three Skyscrapers?
Norhing miraculous about it and it was more than three
I get it. You are the conscious contrarian and your schtick is to believe whatever the government says no matter how outrageous. Boring

Okay...The floor is yours.

In reasonable detail...tell us what "really" happened on 9/11. Here is my prediction: You won't. 100% of all truthers have declined to answer the most basic question about 9/11.

It's fine to say that the government got the story wrong. Tell us what the "real" story is.
All three buildings were wired for explosives in the weeks leading to 9-11 by Israelis.
No they were not. There is no evidence of any such explosives much less isrealis.

Such claims REQUIRE extraordinary proof and you can post no evidence of any kind whatsoever.
First, to get a skyscraper to fall into its own footprint is a highly technical feat that requires weeks of planning and preparation. It is a very limited number of people in the world with the skills to pull it off.

Second, those buildings had enormous strength. If you've ever stuck your hand out a car window while traveling at 70 miles per hour, you know what kind of force that is on your hand. Now multiply that force by the ratio of the size of one of those towers to the size of your hand. That's the force those towers were built to easily withstand.

The idea that you could knock one of those towers down by randomly running a plane into it is absurd. The idea you could get one of those towers to fall at free fall speed into its own footprint by randomly running a plane into it is beyond ludicrous. The idea you could get two towers to fall like that by randomly running two planes into them is off-the-charts insanity. The idea you could get THREE towers to fall at free fall speed into their own footprints by randomly running planes into TWO of them makes sense if the Jewish controlled press tells you a guy in a cave did it with some hijackers
The towers didn't fall in their own footprint....nor did they fall at freefall speed.
Any demolition expert watching the video of those buildings coming down immediately recognizes them as controlled demolition.
No they do not which is why virtually none have said so.

It was no where near a controlled demolition. Controlled demolition requires massive preparation and the larger the building the more prep is needed. These buildings would have required months of being stripped of all interior walls and furnishings. Explosives installed on every floor on every support column and beam. It would have taken crews of dozens of people working to accomplishthis and such massive efforts could not be hidden from the public.

The only people claiming it was controlled demo are conspiracy theory fools and self proclaimed experts who haqveno expertise.
This was caused by office furniture catching on fire:


Are you a Jew, by any chance?

No one ever said it was caused by office furniture catching on fire.

The burden is on you to prove your assertions and you have failed SENSATIONALLY.

Are you a Jew?

Are you gay?

yes. are you a Jew?

No now where is your evidence?

So far you have posted nothing but long debunked lies.
More on NESARA ... and that 9/11 was done to prevent it from being announced on that day ... and that it is coming now, VERY SOON.
I know many of you have never heard of NESARA, but it is time you got woke up to it.

Last edited:
More on NESARA ... and that 9/11 was done to prevent it from being announced on that day ... and that it is coming now, VERY SOON.
I know many of you have never heard of NESARA, but it is time you got woke up to it.

911 was done by foreign terrorists who had nothing to do with such silly acronyms
Post 210,211 should settle things. Bob Graham was A U.S. Senator involved in the investigation. Obama stopped 28 pages from being made public, Graham fought to bring them out so everyone could see. And he was a Democrat. According to Graham Saudi Arabia was the culprit.
Post 210,211 should settle things. Bob Graham was A U.S. Senator involved in the investigation. Obama stopped 28 pages from being made public, Graham fought to bring them out so everyone could see. And he was a Democrat. According to Graham Saudi Arabia was the culprit.
That doesn't settle anything at all. Because no politician will even acknowledge the EXISTENCE of NESARA, much less that keeping it from being announced is the reason for 9/11! All you will get from any politician about 9/11, be it 28 pages or 1,028 pages, is cover-up. Because mere acknowledgement that NESARA even EXISTS is tantamount to ANNOUNCING it and PUTTING IT INTO EFFECT. Go back to the first video directily above, which explains that quite well. Even if you can get them to admit 9/11 were cotroled demolitions, which you never will, the next obvious question is WHY, and if the real REASON ever comes out officially, you KNOW WHO DONE IT and NESARA WILL BE IN EFFECT.

But just because you will never get any OFFICIAL confirmation is no reason to play ostrich when the TRUTH is obviously out there. NESARA will be annonced fairly soon now ... and when it is, so will be the executions of many of the traitors who have kept it buried and covered up for so many years.
Post 210,211 should settle things. Bob Graham was A U.S. Senator involved in the investigation. Obama stopped 28 pages from being made public, Graham fought to bring them out so everyone could see. And he was a Democrat. According to Graham Saudi Arabia was the culprit.
That doesn't settle anything at all. Because no politician will even acknowledge the EXISTENCE of NESARA, much less that keeping it from being announced is the reason for 9/11! All you will get from any politician about 9/11, be it 28 pages or 1,028 pages, is cover-up. Because mere acknowledgement that NESARA even EXISTS is tantamount to ANNOUNCING it and PUTTING IT INTO EFFECT. Go back to the first video directily above, which explains that quite well. Even if you can get them to admit 9/11 were cotroled demolitions, which you never will, the next obvious question is WHY, and if the real REASON ever comes out officially, you KNOW WHO DONE IT and NESARA WILL BE IN EFFECT.

But just because you will never get any OFFICIAL confirmation is no reason to play ostrich when the TRUTH is obviously out there. NESARA will be annonced fairly soon now ... and when it is, so will be the executions of many of the traitors who have kept it buried and covered up for so many years.
It was not done by controlled demolition. Nor did it hav e anything to do with your fictional video
Yes it was Bush with others. Same day Nessara was to be implemented.

I've seen the bullshit lib investigations. A 31 page one said "the jets did not have their ELT on" Yeah, that's right ELT is "emergency location transmitter" and not on till needed. Maybe they meant IFF? "interrogation friend or foe" which every instrument rated plane has. Ping it you have ID. Off course, you correct or get shot down. "oh, norad was busy on training exercises" BULL yes train every day but 2 interceptors with pilots sleeping next to them on every base are NOT ON EXERCISE.

I was ADC, air defense command, 49th fighter interceptor squadron. I have been in the main control room at NORAD Cheyenne Mountain. I know how it works. NOTHING can stray from it's path or is radioed to correct, and you better. Don't correct you are shot down, no exemption at all, ever. You can't fly over a city or the pentagon, period, can't stray off your flight plan without radio and permission.

9/11 was an inside job, guaranteed. A stand down was issued. Leftist puppet Bush did it.
There were certainly rogue elements within the US govt who worked with the perpetrators. So "inside job." But that doesn't say who the perpetrators were.

Who got what they wanted from it?

A: Zionism

The US at war with Israel's #1 enemy Iraq.

Jeff Epstein's hedge fund loaded with defense stocks, gold, oil etc. on 910

Zionism is behind all of it since JFK at least.

They are behind The Steal because The Steal was to STOP the FBI 911 file from coming out.

Look at which "Republicans" participated in The Steal, all Zionists....

Chris Wray
Comey Barrett, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh (not to mention Roberts, Breyer and Kagan)
Brad Raffensberger of GA

and of course, the greatest outed JDAAC ever, fake Christian 100% pure Zionist Jew who never ever cared about the US at all, Mike Pence (or is it Mike Pentz...???)
Exactly,the evidence I posted in my Two videos proves it was a joint cia ,mossad operation and the bush dupes here can only sling shit in fpdefeat like the monkey trolls they are. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :laughing0301: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Post 210,211 should settle things. Bob Graham was A U.S. Senator involved in the investigation. Obama stopped 28 pages from being made public, Graham fought to bring them out so everyone could see. And he was a Democrat. According to Graham Saudi Arabia was the culprit.
That doesn't settle anything at all. Because no politician will even acknowledge the EXISTENCE of NESARA, much less that keeping it from being announced is the reason for 9/11! All you will get from any politician about 9/11, be it 28 pages or 1,028 pages, is cover-up. Because mere acknowledgement that NESARA even EXISTS is tantamount to ANNOUNCING it and PUTTING IT INTO EFFECT. Go back to the first video directily above, which explains that quite well. Even if you can get them to admit 9/11 were cotroled demolitions, which you never will, the next obvious question is WHY, and if the real REASON ever comes out officially, you KNOW WHO DONE IT and NESARA WILL BE IN EFFECT.

But just because you will never get any OFFICIAL confirmation is no reason to play ostrich when the TRUTH is obviously out there. NESARA will be annonced fairly soon now ... and when it is, so will be the executions of many of the traitors who have kept it buried and covered up for so many years.
Yeah that doesn’t settle anything,my two videos I posted that mosssd and the cia were behind it all settles everyth8ng,nobody has ever been able to debunk those videos.
Yes it was Bush with others. Same day Nessara was to be implemented.

I've seen the bullshit lib investigations. A 31 page one said "the jets did not have their ELT on" Yeah, that's right ELT is "emergency location transmitter" and not on till needed. Maybe they meant IFF? "interrogation friend or foe" which every instrument rated plane has. Ping it you have ID. Off course, you correct or get shot down. "oh, norad was busy on training exercises" BULL yes train every day but 2 interceptors with pilots sleeping next to them on every base are NOT ON EXERCISE.

I was ADC, air defense command, 49th fighter interceptor squadron. I have been in the main control room at NORAD Cheyenne Mountain. I know how it works. NOTHING can stray from it's path or is radioed to correct, and you better. Don't correct you are shot down, no exemption at all, ever. You can't fly over a city or the pentagon, period, can't stray off your flight plan without radio and permission.

9/11 was an inside job, guaranteed. A stand down was issued. Leftist puppet Bush did it.
There were certainly rogue elements within the US govt who worked with the perpetrators. So "inside job." But that doesn't say who the perpetrators were.

Who got what they wanted from it?

A: Zionism

The US at war with Israel's #1 enemy Iraq.

Jeff Epstein's hedge fund loaded with defense stocks, gold, oil etc. on 910

Zionism is behind all of it since JFK at least.

They are behind The Steal because The Steal was to STOP the FBI 911 file from coming out.

Look at which "Republicans" participated in The Steal, all Zionists....

Chris Wray
Comey Barrett, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh (not to mention Roberts, Breyer and Kagan)
Brad Raffensberger of GA

and of course, the greatest outed JDAAC ever, fake Christian 100% pure Zionist Jew who never ever cared about the US at all, Mike Pence (or is it Mike Pentz...???)
Exactly,the evidence I posted in my Two videos proves it was a joint cia ,mossad operation and the bush dupes here can only sling shit in fpdefeat like the monkey trolls they are. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :laughing0301: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
You are the only onew slinging shit in defeat,

You have been pwned and crushed everytime.

Your videos are fictiional and have no evidence and you are my bitch
Post 210,211 should settle things. Bob Graham was A U.S. Senator involved in the investigation. Obama stopped 28 pages from being made public, Graham fought to bring them out so everyone could see. And he was a Democrat. According to Graham Saudi Arabia was the culprit.
That doesn't settle anything at all. Because no politician will even acknowledge the EXISTENCE of NESARA, much less that keeping it from being announced is the reason for 9/11! All you will get from any politician about 9/11, be it 28 pages or 1,028 pages, is cover-up. Because mere acknowledgement that NESARA even EXISTS is tantamount to ANNOUNCING it and PUTTING IT INTO EFFECT. Go back to the first video directily above, which explains that quite well. Even if you can get them to admit 9/11 were cotroled demolitions, which you never will, the next obvious question is WHY, and if the real REASON ever comes out officially, you KNOW WHO DONE IT and NESARA WILL BE IN EFFECT.

But just because you will never get any OFFICIAL confirmation is no reason to play ostrich when the TRUTH is obviously out there. NESARA will be annonced fairly soon now ... and when it is, so will be the executions of many of the traitors who have kept it buried and covered up for so many years.
It was not done by controlled demolition. Nor did it hav e anything to do with your fictional video
" It was not done by controlled demolition. "
Let me guess...you believe in the Miracle of the Two Planes and Three Skyscrapers.

Do you also believe in lampshades made from kosher skin?
Post 210,211 should settle things. Bob Graham was A U.S. Senator involved in the investigation. Obama stopped 28 pages from being made public, Graham fought to bring them out so everyone could see. And he was a Democrat. According to Graham Saudi Arabia was the culprit.
That doesn't settle anything at all. Because no politician will even acknowledge the EXISTENCE of NESARA, much less that keeping it from being announced is the reason for 9/11! All you will get from any politician about 9/11, be it 28 pages or 1,028 pages, is cover-up. Because mere acknowledgement that NESARA even EXISTS is tantamount to ANNOUNCING it and PUTTING IT INTO EFFECT. Go back to the first video directily above, which explains that quite well. Even if you can get them to admit 9/11 were cotroled demolitions, which you never will, the next obvious question is WHY, and if the real REASON ever comes out officially, you KNOW WHO DONE IT and NESARA WILL BE IN EFFECT.

But just because you will never get any OFFICIAL confirmation is no reason to play ostrich when the TRUTH is obviously out there. NESARA will be annonced fairly soon now ... and when it is, so will be the executions of many of the traitors who have kept it buried and covered up for so many years.
It was not done by controlled demolition. Nor did it hav e anything to do with your fictional video
" It was not done by controlled demolition. "
Let me guess...you believe in the Miracle of the Two Planes and Three Skyscrapers.

Do you also believe in lampshades made from kosher skin?
Nothing miraculous about it.

You are a flat earther. Sorry you stupid mother fucker but it is not flat
Post 210,211 should settle things. Bob Graham was A U.S. Senator involved in the investigation. Obama stopped 28 pages from being made public, Graham fought to bring them out so everyone could see. And he was a Democrat. According to Graham Saudi Arabia was the culprit.
That doesn't settle anything at all. Because no politician will even acknowledge the EXISTENCE of NESARA, much less that keeping it from being announced is the reason for 9/11! All you will get from any politician about 9/11, be it 28 pages or 1,028 pages, is cover-up. Because mere acknowledgement that NESARA even EXISTS is tantamount to ANNOUNCING it and PUTTING IT INTO EFFECT. Go back to the first video directily above, which explains that quite well. Even if you can get them to admit 9/11 were cotroled demolitions, which you never will, the next obvious question is WHY, and if the real REASON ever comes out officially, you KNOW WHO DONE IT and NESARA WILL BE IN EFFECT.

But just because you will never get any OFFICIAL confirmation is no reason to play ostrich when the TRUTH is obviously out there. NESARA will be annonced fairly soon now ... and when it is, so will be the executions of many of the traitors who have kept it buried and covered up for so many years.
It was not done by controlled demolition. Nor did it hav e anything to do with your fictional video
" It was not done by controlled demolition. "
Let me guess...you believe in the Miracle of the Two Planes and Three Skyscrapers.

Do you also believe in lampshades made from kosher skin?
Nothing miraculous about it.

You are a flat earther. Sorry you stupid mother fucker but it is not flat
Nothing miraculous about it."

LOL, yeah. Natural causes. It just happens sometimes. Like spontaneous combustion. One minute you are sitting on the couch watching your favorite reality TV show and the next minute you just burst into flames. No reason. Just happens. Same with skyscrapers. One minute you've got this massive building that can withstand hurricane force winds against that whole flat surface and then this widdle aewoplane randomly runs into it and glory be to Jesus, why, that big ol' skyscraper just falls down exactly the same way it would fall if it had been brought down professionally with controlled explosions. It just happens that way sometimes, Shlomo. I promise. Natural causes. An' sometimes TWO widdle aewoplanes can run into TWO big ol skyscrapers and fuck-yo-momma-with-a-slab-a-bacon, BOTH a dem muthers come on down jes like they's BOTH been demo'd by prafeshnuls. I seen it on TV. And sit-on-my-dick-then-wipe-it-clean-with-your-favorite-yarmulke but sometimes, a few hours later, hell, anuthern jes up and falls for no reason at all jes like it be control exploded by them prafeshnul demo guys. Not a fuckin miracle in the least, Shlomo. Hell, few years back out there in Utah somewairs, some kid's kite ran into the side of the local post office and twenty minutes later 'ery building in the county just up and collapsed. Free fall speed. Own footprints. Hundreds killed. Nothin' miraculous 'bout it'n the least.
Last edited:
Post 210,211 should settle things. Bob Graham was A U.S. Senator involved in the investigation. Obama stopped 28 pages from being made public, Graham fought to bring them out so everyone could see. And he was a Democrat. According to Graham Saudi Arabia was the culprit.
That doesn't settle anything at all. Because no politician will even acknowledge the EXISTENCE of NESARA, much less that keeping it from being announced is the reason for 9/11! All you will get from any politician about 9/11, be it 28 pages or 1,028 pages, is cover-up. Because mere acknowledgement that NESARA even EXISTS is tantamount to ANNOUNCING it and PUTTING IT INTO EFFECT. Go back to the first video directily above, which explains that quite well. Even if you can get them to admit 9/11 were cotroled demolitions, which you never will, the next obvious question is WHY, and if the real REASON ever comes out officially, you KNOW WHO DONE IT and NESARA WILL BE IN EFFECT.

But just because you will never get any OFFICIAL confirmation is no reason to play ostrich when the TRUTH is obviously out there. NESARA will be annonced fairly soon now ... and when it is, so will be the executions of many of the traitors who have kept it buried and covered up for so many years.
It was not done by controlled demolition. Nor did it hav e anything to do with your fictional video
" It was not done by controlled demolition. "
Let me guess...you believe in the Miracle of the Two Planes and Three Skyscrapers.

Do you also believe in lampshades made from kosher skin?
Nothing miraculous about it.

You are a flat earther. Sorry you stupid mother fucker but it is not flat
Nothing miraculous about it."

LOL, yeah. Natural causes. It sometimes just happens. Like spontaneous combustion. One minute you are sitting on the couch watching your favorite reality TV show and the next minute you just burst into flames. No reason. Just happens. Same with skyscrapers. One minute you've got this massive building that can withstand hurricane force winds against that whole flat surface and then this widdle aewoplane randomly runs into it and glory be to Jesus, why, that big ol' skyscraper just falls down exactly the same way it would fall if it had been brought down professionally with controlled explosions. It just happens that way sometimes, Shlomo. I promise. Natural causes. An' sometimes TWO widdle aewoplanes can run into TWO big ol skyscrapers and fuck-yo-momma-with-a-slab-a-bacon, BOTH a dem muthers come on down jes like they's BOTH been demo'd by prafeshnuls. I seen it on TV. And sit-on-my-dick-then-wipe-it-clean-with-your-favorite-yarmulke but sometimes, a few hours later, hell, anuthern jes up and falls for no reason at all jes like it be control exploded by them prafeshnul demo fellers. Not a fuckin miracle in the least, Shlomo. Hell, few years back out there in Utah somewairs, some kid's kite ran into the side of the local post office and twenty minutes later 'ery building in the county just up and collapsed. Free fall speed. Own footprints. Nothin' miraculous 'bout it.
soupnazi630 and his ilk:
STUPID 2.gif
Post 210,211 should settle things. Bob Graham was A U.S. Senator involved in the investigation. Obama stopped 28 pages from being made public, Graham fought to bring them out so everyone could see. And he was a Democrat. According to Graham Saudi Arabia was the culprit.
That doesn't settle anything at all. Because no politician will even acknowledge the EXISTENCE of NESARA, much less that keeping it from being announced is the reason for 9/11! All you will get from any politician about 9/11, be it 28 pages or 1,028 pages, is cover-up. Because mere acknowledgement that NESARA even EXISTS is tantamount to ANNOUNCING it and PUTTING IT INTO EFFECT. Go back to the first video directily above, which explains that quite well. Even if you can get them to admit 9/11 were cotroled demolitions, which you never will, the next obvious question is WHY, and if the real REASON ever comes out officially, you KNOW WHO DONE IT and NESARA WILL BE IN EFFECT.

But just because you will never get any OFFICIAL confirmation is no reason to play ostrich when the TRUTH is obviously out there. NESARA will be annonced fairly soon now ... and when it is, so will be the executions of many of the traitors who have kept it buried and covered up for so many years.
It was not done by controlled demolition. Nor did it hav e anything to do with your fictional video
" It was not done by controlled demolition. "
Let me guess...you believe in the Miracle of the Two Planes and Three Skyscrapers.

Do you also believe in lampshades made from kosher skin?
Nothing miraculous about it.

You are a flat earther. Sorry you stupid mother fucker but it is not flat
Nothing miraculous about it."

LOL, yeah. Natural causes. It sometimes just happens. Like spontaneous combustion. One minute you are sitting on the couch watching your favorite reality TV show and the next minute you just burst into flames. No reason. Just happens. Same with skyscrapers. One minute you've got this massive building that can withstand hurricane force winds against that whole flat surface and then this widdle aewoplane randomly runs into it and glory be to Jesus, why, that big ol' skyscraper just falls down exactly the same way it would fall if it had been brought down professionally with controlled explosions. It just happens that way sometimes, Shlomo. I promise. Natural causes. An' sometimes TWO widdle aewoplanes can run into TWO big ol skyscrapers and fuck-yo-momma-with-a-slab-a-bacon, BOTH a dem muthers come on down jes like they's BOTH been demo'd by prafeshnuls. I seen it on TV. And sit-on-my-dick-then-wipe-it-clean-with-your-favorite-yarmulke but sometimes, a few hours later, hell, anuthern jes up and falls for no reason at all jes like it be control exploded by them prafeshnul demo fellers. Not a fuckin miracle in the least, Shlomo. Hell, few years back out there in Utah somewairs, some kid's kite ran into the side of the local post office and twenty minutes later 'ery building in the county just up and collapsed. Free fall speed. Own footprints. Nothin' miraculous 'bout it.
soupnazi630 and his ilk:
View attachment 465952View attachment 465953
More on NESARA ... and that 9/11 was done to prevent it from being announced on that day ... and that it is coming now, VERY SOON.
I know many of you have never heard of NESARA, but it is time you got woke up to it.

I am sure you are right that the majority on here have no clue about Nesara,matter of fact i wold wager you are the only one aware of it because i was not even aware of it and i am usually ahead of most everyone here on the board on whats going behind the scenes in government corruption. i was over at bitchute and i saw someone in the comments on a video post that as well,they are only the SECOND person besides you i have ever seen talk about it so it is for sure a well kept secret.
Post 210,211 should settle things. Bob Graham was A U.S. Senator involved in the investigation. Obama stopped 28 pages from being made public, Graham fought to bring them out so everyone could see. And he was a Democrat. According to Graham Saudi Arabia was the culprit.
That doesn't settle anything at all. Because no politician will even acknowledge the EXISTENCE of NESARA, much less that keeping it from being announced is the reason for 9/11! All you will get from any politician about 9/11, be it 28 pages or 1,028 pages, is cover-up. Because mere acknowledgement that NESARA even EXISTS is tantamount to ANNOUNCING it and PUTTING IT INTO EFFECT. Go back to the first video directily above, which explains that quite well. Even if you can get them to admit 9/11 were cotroled demolitions, which you never will, the next obvious question is WHY, and if the real REASON ever comes out officially, you KNOW WHO DONE IT and NESARA WILL BE IN EFFECT.

But just because you will never get any OFFICIAL confirmation is no reason to play ostrich when the TRUTH is obviously out there. NESARA will be annonced fairly soon now ... and when it is, so will be the executions of many of the traitors who have kept it buried and covered up for so many years.

Why aren't you dead...if you know about it and are publicizing it...you should be dead.

Post 210,211 should settle things. Bob Graham was A U.S. Senator involved in the investigation. Obama stopped 28 pages from being made public, Graham fought to bring them out so everyone could see. And he was a Democrat. According to Graham Saudi Arabia was the culprit.
That doesn't settle anything at all. Because no politician will even acknowledge the EXISTENCE of NESARA, much less that keeping it from being announced is the reason for 9/11! All you will get from any politician about 9/11, be it 28 pages or 1,028 pages, is cover-up. Because mere acknowledgement that NESARA even EXISTS is tantamount to ANNOUNCING it and PUTTING IT INTO EFFECT. Go back to the first video directily above, which explains that quite well. Even if you can get them to admit 9/11 were cotroled demolitions, which you never will, the next obvious question is WHY, and if the real REASON ever comes out officially, you KNOW WHO DONE IT and NESARA WILL BE IN EFFECT.

But just because you will never get any OFFICIAL confirmation is no reason to play ostrich when the TRUTH is obviously out there. NESARA will be annonced fairly soon now ... and when it is, so will be the executions of many of the traitors who have kept it buried and covered up for so many years.
It was not done by controlled demolition. Nor did it hav e anything to do with your fictional video
" It was not done by controlled demolition. "
Let me guess...you believe in the Miracle of the Two Planes and Three Skyscrapers.

Do you also believe in lampshades made from kosher skin?
Nothing miraculous about it.

You are a flat earther. Sorry you stupid mother fucker but it is not flat
Nothing miraculous about it."

LOL, yeah. Natural causes. It just happens sometimes. Like spontaneous combustion. One minute you are sitting on the couch watching your favorite reality TV show and the next minute you just burst into flames. No reason. Just happens. Same with skyscrapers. One minute you've got this massive building that can withstand hurricane force winds against that whole flat surface and then this widdle aewoplane randomly runs into it and glory be to Jesus, why, that big ol' skyscraper just falls down exactly the same way it would fall if it had been brought down professionally with controlled explosions. It just happens that way sometimes, Shlomo. I promise. Natural causes. An' sometimes TWO widdle aewoplanes can run into TWO big ol skyscrapers and fuck-yo-momma-with-a-slab-a-bacon, BOTH a dem muthers come on down jes like they's BOTH been demo'd by prafeshnuls. I seen it on TV. And sit-on-my-dick-then-wipe-it-clean-with-your-favorite-yarmulke but sometimes, a few hours later, hell, anuthern jes up and falls for no reason at all jes like it be control exploded by them prafeshnul demo guys. Not a fuckin miracle in the least, Shlomo. Hell, few years back out there in Utah somewairs, some kid's kite ran into the side of the local post office and twenty minutes later 'ery building in the county just up and collapsed. Free fall speed. Own footprints. Hundreds killed. Nothin' miraculous 'bout it'n the least.
Wrong you fucking moron.

They came down as they did due to gravity and not like they were demos

Try learning how to read and stop being such a gullible naive bitch
Post 210,211 should settle things. Bob Graham was A U.S. Senator involved in the investigation. Obama stopped 28 pages from being made public, Graham fought to bring them out so everyone could see. And he was a Democrat. According to Graham Saudi Arabia was the culprit.
That doesn't settle anything at all. Because no politician will even acknowledge the EXISTENCE of NESARA, much less that keeping it from being announced is the reason for 9/11! All you will get from any politician about 9/11, be it 28 pages or 1,028 pages, is cover-up. Because mere acknowledgement that NESARA even EXISTS is tantamount to ANNOUNCING it and PUTTING IT INTO EFFECT. Go back to the first video directily above, which explains that quite well. Even if you can get them to admit 9/11 were cotroled demolitions, which you never will, the next obvious question is WHY, and if the real REASON ever comes out officially, you KNOW WHO DONE IT and NESARA WILL BE IN EFFECT.

But just because you will never get any OFFICIAL confirmation is no reason to play ostrich when the TRUTH is obviously out there. NESARA will be annonced fairly soon now ... and when it is, so will be the executions of many of the traitors who have kept it buried and covered up for so many years.
It was not done by controlled demolition. Nor did it hav e anything to do with your fictional video
" It was not done by controlled demolition. "
Let me guess...you believe in the Miracle of the Two Planes and Three Skyscrapers.

Do you also believe in lampshades made from kosher skin?
Nothing miraculous about it.

You are a flat earther. Sorry you stupid mother fucker but it is not flat
Nothing miraculous about it."

LOL, yeah. Natural causes. It sometimes just happens. Like spontaneous combustion. One minute you are sitting on the couch watching your favorite reality TV show and the next minute you just burst into flames. No reason. Just happens. Same with skyscrapers. One minute you've got this massive building that can withstand hurricane force winds against that whole flat surface and then this widdle aewoplane randomly runs into it and glory be to Jesus, why, that big ol' skyscraper just falls down exactly the same way it would fall if it had been brought down professionally with controlled explosions. It just happens that way sometimes, Shlomo. I promise. Natural causes. An' sometimes TWO widdle aewoplanes can run into TWO big ol skyscrapers and fuck-yo-momma-with-a-slab-a-bacon, BOTH a dem muthers come on down jes like they's BOTH been demo'd by prafeshnuls. I seen it on TV. And sit-on-my-dick-then-wipe-it-clean-with-your-favorite-yarmulke but sometimes, a few hours later, hell, anuthern jes up and falls for no reason at all jes like it be control exploded by them prafeshnul demo fellers. Not a fuckin miracle in the least, Shlomo. Hell, few years back out there in Utah somewairs, some kid's kite ran into the side of the local post office and twenty minutes later 'ery building in the county just up and collapsed. Free fall speed. Own footprints. Nothin' miraculous 'bout it.
soupnazi630 and his ilk:
View attachment 465952View attachment 465953
Yet I state facts proving you wrong every time.
Post 210,211 should settle things. Bob Graham was A U.S. Senator involved in the investigation. Obama stopped 28 pages from being made public, Graham fought to bring them out so everyone could see. And he was a Democrat. According to Graham Saudi Arabia was the culprit.
That doesn't settle anything at all. Because no politician will even acknowledge the EXISTENCE of NESARA, much less that keeping it from being announced is the reason for 9/11! All you will get from any politician about 9/11, be it 28 pages or 1,028 pages, is cover-up. Because mere acknowledgement that NESARA even EXISTS is tantamount to ANNOUNCING it and PUTTING IT INTO EFFECT. Go back to the first video directily above, which explains that quite well. Even if you can get them to admit 9/11 were cotroled demolitions, which you never will, the next obvious question is WHY, and if the real REASON ever comes out officially, you KNOW WHO DONE IT and NESARA WILL BE IN EFFECT.

But just because you will never get any OFFICIAL confirmation is no reason to play ostrich when the TRUTH is obviously out there. NESARA will be annonced fairly soon now ... and when it is, so will be the executions of many of the traitors who have kept it buried and covered up for so many years.
It was not done by controlled demolition. Nor did it hav e anything to do with your fictional video
" It was not done by controlled demolition. "
Let me guess...you believe in the Miracle of the Two Planes and Three Skyscrapers.

Do you also believe in lampshades made from kosher skin?
Nothing miraculous about it.

You are a flat earther. Sorry you stupid mother fucker but it is not flat
Nothing miraculous about it."

LOL, yeah. Natural causes. It just happens sometimes. Like spontaneous combustion. One minute you are sitting on the couch watching your favorite reality TV show and the next minute you just burst into flames. No reason. Just happens. Same with skyscrapers. One minute you've got this massive building that can withstand hurricane force winds against that whole flat surface and then this widdle aewoplane randomly runs into it and glory be to Jesus, why, that big ol' skyscraper just falls down exactly the same way it would fall if it had been brought down professionally with controlled explosions. It just happens that way sometimes, Shlomo. I promise. Natural causes. An' sometimes TWO widdle aewoplanes can run into TWO big ol skyscrapers and fuck-yo-momma-with-a-slab-a-bacon, BOTH a dem muthers come on down jes like they's BOTH been demo'd by prafeshnuls. I seen it on TV. And sit-on-my-dick-then-wipe-it-clean-with-your-favorite-yarmulke but sometimes, a few hours later, hell, anuthern jes up and falls for no reason at all jes like it be control exploded by them prafeshnul demo guys. Not a fuckin miracle in the least, Shlomo. Hell, few years back out there in Utah somewairs, some kid's kite ran into the side of the local post office and twenty minutes later 'ery building in the county just up and collapsed. Free fall speed. Own footprints. Hundreds killed. Nothin' miraculous 'bout it'n the least.
Wrong you fucking moron.

They came down as they did due to gravity and not like they were demos

Try learning how to read and stop being such a gullible naive bitch
The people who do it professionally disagree with you:

3,000 engineers and architects who say those buildings came down in the same way we all saw with our own eyes: controlled explosion demolitions

Are you a Jew, by any chance? Why do you help Larry Silverstein get away with murder? Why do you help him besmirch the name of your people? Aren't the lies you ape almost as bad as the act itself?

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