Who did 9/11??

Do us a favor and don't believe everything you hear on Q .

You were doing good there for awhile.
Hey numbnuts, I didn't hear it on Q. That Trump dissolved the Corporation is common knowledge everywhere but on the commie MSM. And much more. Babbling Biden is the illegitimate buffoon "President' of NOTHING and he is going bye-bye very soon. The Buffon in Chief is fixing to be executed for treason by firing squad.

Apparently LA RAM FAN adores your conspiracy theories .. Me TOO Dude!!
It would be a herculean task to COVERTLY wire those three buildings for controlled demolitions, without any of the resident workers in those buildings becoming suspicious ... yet it was OBVIOUSLY done. To get that done would require probably a year or more, and VERY tight security on those doing the work and complete access to everything in the building. Obviously much advance planning. I am VERY suspicious of those claiming MOSAD (Israel) had a hand in it, I think that is just an attempt to point the finger away from those really responsible and to muddy the waters. Thermite is not available to just anyone ... it is only available to entities such as our military ... or the CIA or some such. I know it was not our military. The CIA, however, is TOTALLY CORRUPT and OWNED by the New World Order. And we know for a fact that both Bushes were COMPLETELY OWNED by the New World Order.

Those of us "in the know" know that our military has been planning to completely overthrow the New World Order ever since 9/11 and probably ever since JFK was shot. And we also know that the rampant fraud of this election has set the stage for them to execute those plans any day now. And if we have a brain in our heads, we ought to know that the New World Order is not beyond nuking this country if they think that will prevent their downfall. But things have gotten so bad that if that is their threat, let the bastards go ahead and do it and castrate them anyway ... and nuke wherever that nuke came from. Our military needs to send a strong message to the Rothschilds, Rockerfellers and every other elite banking family that if any such thing happens not one of the bastards or their offspring will survive.

Ok that’s it - Henceforth I shall only Agree or Love your posts! :laugh2:
Towards the end of the video it talks about psychology and why people have such a hard time believing the evidence because accepting the evidence shatters their world view and sense of security ... like being punched in the gut and denial taking over. I had that happen to me when I read the book "The Unseen Hand" back in the 80's. I didn't want to believe it but it was all well-documented evidence, many many different things throughout history, all put in one place probably for the first time, and the conclusion was / is inescapable. There are no accidents in world history, every bit of it was well-planned. It was / is a huge conspiracy, slowly, inexoribly, leading us into a one-world government controlled by the international banker elite. The New World Order. I was depressed for a good year after reading it. My entire world view had been crushed. I fell into resignation that there was nothing I could do about it. I have been depressed / resigned ever since. I remember exactly where I was when I first saw those planes crashing into those buildings and when they came down I knew they were controlled demolitions, I knew who had done it, and I knew why. Just ask yourself what came directly from 9/11 - the Patriot Act which stripped us of many of our "inalienable" rights. A huge step forward for the NWO agenda. No question about it, none at all. READ THAT BOOK !!!
Don't forget - the national debt was on its' way down at $5 trillion before Bush took office.
It's now at $ 28 trillion and spiraling up.
So what. The Federal Reserve prints money out of thin air, lends it to our treasury, then our treasury pays it all back with interest. But know what? That little arrangement was made when the United States became a Corporation, and the Corporation owes that money to the Fed. TRUMP DISSOLVED THE CORPORATION and the Fed can go screw itself, the REPUBLIC doesn't owe it one thin dime.
Interesting. Link? (See my sig.)

Rather not see yer sig dude
9/11 was the biggest crime in US history yet there has been no investigation into who did it.

I find that curious.
Exactly,same as with the jfk assassination criminals in high power within the government were the ones we were left to tell us who were behind the events and same as with the jfk assassination sadly,the best work and the best research on it has been done by independent researchers.
Oh, you guys, you mean World Trade Center 7? It got hit by a collapsing piece of the twin towers. It got destroyed by falling debris.
If you believe that you are beyond stupid. Go find videos of controlled demolitions of buildings. There are hundreds of them out there. All three of those buildings came down in that exact same manner, impossible for them to come straight down like that, collapsing into their own footprints other than by controlled demolition.
Fucking moron, WTC7 did not fall like any controlled demolition ... anywhere ... ever.

Unlike an actual controlled demolition, there were no visible detonations accompanied with audible explosions.

Unlike an actual controlled demolition, the interior of the building collapsed before the exterior of the building.

You conspiracy nuts are ... well, conspiracy nuts. :cuckoo:
Hey stupid fuck shill ,stop pretending there were not witnesses who heard explosives in the basements and that demolition experts have said that explosives brought it down,you are the conspiracy nut ignoring those facts.
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They will never watch that video sense it proves how ludicrous the conspiracy theory of the governments it’s so absurd. :abgg2q.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :lmao:
I see Langley shill Dr Love is cowardly ignoring all the evidence I gave demolitions brought down the towers.why is that no surprise?
Do us a favor and don't believe everything you hear on Q .
You were doing good there for awhile.
I didn't hear it from Q, numbnuts, it is common knowledge everywhere but CNN and your commie propaganda MSM.
Dissolution of the US Corporation was completed two days before Biden's fake inauguration, so he is the illegitimate (election fraud) "President" of NOTHING. :auiqs.jpg:
Not a good judge of character are you ?
I am a VERY good judge of character and I dub thee "Troll Numbnuts".
And I dub Biden "Babbling Biden".
And I dub the entire MSM "Commie Liars".
And you just got yourself placed in my IGNORE list due to accute lack of intelligence. Bye bye.
View attachment 460488
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap::up:
Do us a favor and don't believe everything you hear on Q .
You were doing good there for awhile.
I didn't hear it from Q, numbnuts, it is common knowledge everywhere but CNN and your commie propaganda MSM.
Dissolution of the US Corporation was completed two days before Biden's fake inauguration, so he is the illegitimate (election fraud) "President" of NOTHING. :auiqs.jpg:
Not a good judge of character are you ?
I am a VERY good judge of character and I dub thee "Troll Numbnuts".
And I dub Biden "Babbling Biden".
And I dub the entire MSM "Commie Liars".
And you just got yourself placed in my IGNORE list due to accute lack of intelligence. Bye bye.
View attachment 460488
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap::up:
LA flips on me again.
Fucking loser.
Do us a favor and don't believe everything you hear on Q .
You were doing good there for awhile.
I didn't hear it from Q, numbnuts, it is common knowledge everywhere but CNN and your commie propaganda MSM.
Dissolution of the US Corporation was completed two days before Biden's fake inauguration, so he is the illegitimate (election fraud) "President" of NOTHING. :auiqs.jpg:
Not a good judge of character are you ?
I am a VERY good judge of character and I dub thee "Troll Numbnuts".
And I dub Biden "Babbling Biden".
And I dub the entire MSM "Commie Liars".
And you just got yourself placed in my IGNORE list due to accute lack of intelligence. Bye bye.
View attachment 460488
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap::up:
LA flips on me again.
Fucking loser.
You are the fucking loser,you’re the one that gets angry and throws tantrums just when I ask fair questions like if trump is for us,why did he use that criminal murderer guliani as his lawyer. You won’t answer that without acting like a child and start insulting. You in fact are the only trump supporter I know that gets angry at me and insults me everytime I critisize him,no one else does.
Do us a favor and don't believe everything you hear on Q .
You were doing good there for awhile.
I didn't hear it from Q, numbnuts, it is common knowledge everywhere but CNN and your commie propaganda MSM.
Dissolution of the US Corporation was completed two days before Biden's fake inauguration, so he is the illegitimate (election fraud) "President" of NOTHING. :auiqs.jpg:
Not a good judge of character are you ?
I am a VERY good judge of character and I dub thee "Troll Numbnuts".
And I dub Biden "Babbling Biden".
And I dub the entire MSM "Commie Liars".
And you just got yourself placed in my IGNORE list due to accute lack of intelligence. Bye bye.
View attachment 460488
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap::up:
LA flips on me again.
Fucking loser.
You are the fucking loser,you’re the one that gets angry and throws tantrums just when I ask fair questions like if trump is for us,why did he use that criminal murderer guliani as his lawyer. You won’t answer that without acting like a child and start insulting. You in fact are the only trump supporter I know that gets angry at me and insults me everytime I critisize him,no one else does.
Ah the truth hurts so he neg reps me.
I didn't hear it from Q, numbnuts, it is common knowledge everywhere but CNN and your commie propaganda MSM. Dissolution of the US Corporation was completed two days before Biden's fake inauguration, so he is the illegitimate (election fraud) "President" of NOTHING. :auiqs.jpg:
Mindwars would have liked you.:71:

You just pissed on one of your only potential friends here.
Don't worry -- LARam fan will stick by you.:)
You have never struck me as a potential friend, but as a confirmed idiot. :laughing0301:
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :clap::clap::clap::clap:You noticed that about him as well huh? I tried to stay out of this between the two of you but he brought my name into it so that leaves me no choice.

yeah he is not only an idiot but one disgusting ugly looking one at that as well.look at his avatar,that dude is ugly.:auiqs.jpg: He is the only trump supporter I know of that gets angry at me just for asking valid questions like why did trump use criminal murderer guliani for his lawyer if he was for the people like I hoped he was? He just goes and insults you instead of being an adult and being civilized and answering the question and gets unglued. He hurts the cause for 9/11
Who did 9/11? The official story is a lie. The so-called investigation was an utter farce.
My sources say that W Bush ordered it done along with George Bush Sr. who had moved into the White House with W to stop NESARA from being announced later that same day. NESARA would have permanently ENDED the entire New World Order as well as the Federal Reserve and its fiat money. The international bankers who OWN the Federal Reserve ARE LITERALLY the New World Order.

A 2 hour and 20 minute video on some conspiracy nonsense? lol
Do us a favor and don't believe everything you hear on Q .

You were doing good there for awhile.
Hey numbnuts, I didn't hear it on Q. That Trump dissolved the Corporation is common knowledge everywhere but on the commie MSM. And much more. Babbling Biden is the illegitimate buffoon "President' of NOTHING and he is going bye-bye very soon. The Buffon in Chief is fixing to be executed for treason by firing squad.
You are finding out the same thing about this troll I found out a long time ago. :up: He makes false accusations about people as he just did with you on listening to alex Jones.

He gets angry if I have ANY kind of critisem of trump dude.Don’t get me wrong I agree with you whole heartedly on Babbling Biden. I put in my vote for trump sense biden was the alternative same as hildebeast but at the same time I don’t worship trump as he does so I don’t get angry and bent out of shape over critisem of him.

this troll is such a hypocrite,over a year ago he sends me a pm and asks me to never pm him again which I honored yet he sent me one just now,just Like the dems,he has double standards:uhoh3: it’s okay for him to send me a pm but i can’t do the same to him.:uhoh3: That was smart of you to put him on ignore with his juvenile antics he displays.only reason I haven’t is there are trolls on this site much worse than him. Those Are the paid trolls like faun and dr love.

i won’t be surprised if he try’s to get me to come to the bullring again as he once did before,he likes to start pissing contests with me with his juvenile rants but I did not take his bait back then nor will I this time either if he try’s to get me to go there again.
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Who did 9/11? The official story is a lie. The so-called investigation was an utter farce.
My sources say that W Bush ordered it done along with George Bush Sr. who had moved into the White House with W to stop NESARA from being announced later that same day. NESARA would have permanently ENDED the entire New World Order as well as the Federal Reserve and its fiat money. The international bankers who OWN the Federal Reserve ARE LITERALLY the New World Order.

A 2 hour and 20 minute video on some conspiracy nonsense? lol
If you bothered to watch the video before making an asinine snarky comment about it you would know it is not nonsense and that it doesn't point to any conspiracy. The official version is the same line of pure unadulterated bullshit as the MSM telling us that a mask you can piss through will stop the Corona virus.
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