Who did 9/11??

The word is parlance.

I'll turn in my talk to text software to you to get justice.
WTF?? Are you claiming it's your software that doesn't know how to spell?? :lmao:

I didn't write the software cupckae
No one said you did. No one would ever assert a dumbfuck like you is even capable of developing software. Still, you idiotically claimed it was your software, and not you, who misspelled that word.

I didn't write the software so how is it my software sugar?
It's on your device, it's your copy. And you're still blaming it for your own fuckup.

I am glad you now understand it is not my software finally.

Glad to help.

I understand how public school is.

Feel free to ask for help when you need it again.

Now try and keep up.
The word is parlance.

I'll turn in my talk to text software to you to get justice.
WTF?? Are you claiming it's your software that doesn't know how to spell?? :lmao:

I didn't write the software cupckae
No one said you did. No one would ever assert a dumbfuck like you is even capable of developing software. Still, you idiotically claimed it was your software, and not you, who misspelled that word.

I didn't write the software so how is it my software sugar?
It's on your device, it's your copy. And you're still blaming it for your own fuckup.

I am glad you now understand it is not my software finally.

Glad to help.

I understand how public school is.

Feel free to ask for help when you need it again.

Now try and keep up.

Who needs help to see you're blaming God others for your own mistakes?

The word is parlance.

I'll turn in my talk to text software to you to get justice.
WTF?? Are you claiming it's your software that doesn't know how to spell?? :lmao:

I didn't write the software cupckae
No one said you did. No one would ever assert a dumbfuck like you is even capable of developing software. Still, you idiotically claimed it was your software, and not you, who misspelled that word.

I didn't write the software so how is it my software sugar?
It's on your device, it's your copy. And you're still blaming it for your own fuckup.

I am glad you now understand it is not my software finally.

Glad to help.

I understand how public school is.

Feel free to ask for help when you need it again.

Now try and keep up.

Who needs help to see you're blaming God others for your own mistakes?



God others?
It amazes me how we are on the same page Shawnee ... maybe I'm not as dumb as I thought I was. :)
As for some others on here, well ... there is asleep at the wheel and then there is already crashed. :auiqs.jpg:

They trust the govt 100%. (idiots) The ones not killed by abortion anyway. Fact confuses them.
Oh yeah. No jet hit the third building. So how did it come down in identical fashion as the towers? Controlled demolition on all 3 is how but they couldn't find a third jet to hit it. And you libs believe anything the govt tells you.
The debris from one of the towers gutted it ad it eventually collapsed after burning.

Yet debris didn't affect any other buildings between them? Just 7 and the Towers? Why 7? >

The 47-storey WTC7 fell straight down, at almost free-fall speed, largely into its own footprint: all the hallmarks, the sceptics say, of a controlled demolition. Building 7 had some fascinating tenants. The main occupant was Salomon Brothers, the bank, but on floors nine and 10 was the secret service. On the three floors above that was the Securities and Exchange Commission. The New York Times reported that the building also housed a secret office operated by the CIA dedicated to spying on and recruiting foreign diplomats based at the United Nations. The station’s loss had “seriously disrupted” intelligence operations, it said. The CIA shared a floor with an office of the Defence Department and the Internal Revenue Service. The collapse of the building also wiped out the operations centre of New York City’s Office of Emergency Management on floor 23, throwing the response that day into further mayhem.
It was not an inside job and you are completely full of shit. Personal anecdotes are worthless and typically lies.

The fact is that NORAD is overwhelmingly concerned with external threats they do NOT monitor the US internal airspace to see if aircraft stray off course.

Those are facts.

You're an idiot. I lived it, worked it, knew it inside and out. Canada and US both (Hence NORAD) monitor all of North America. Ever been in the control room inside Cheyene Mountain? If you had you wouldn't post such ignorant shit, I have been inside, saw it.
It amazes me how we are on the same page Shawnee ... maybe I'm not as dumb as I thought I was. :)
As for some others on here, well ... there is asleep at the wheel and then there is already crashed. :auiqs.jpg:

They trust the govt 100%. (idiots) The ones not killed by abortion anyway. Fact confuses them.
Every one of the ignorant dipshits should be "aborted". They are all mental abortions. :laughing0301:
Every one of the ignorant dipshits should be "aborted". They are all mental abortions. :laughing0301:

On that note I am pro life but been thinking on a few things. The left has and wants abortions. If they abort they're own spawn is that such a bad thing?

Now this last idiot, soupnazi thinks NORAD is for existential threats. Like all service connected it's "enemies foreign and domestic.

2 jets off course over NYC and a 3rd headed to the Pentagon. First response is ATC, "air traffic control" IFF shows ID, screens show where. When 2 jets are headed off course, flying very low towards a populated area, and they don't respond to the "get back on course, the charted flight plan... NORAD steps in. Fighters are scrambled. A jet headed off course heading to the Pentagon? That's a shoot down if NORAD weren't made to stand down.

Who shoots it down soupnazi? DC police? No, ADC fighters under NORAD.
It would be a herculean task to COVERTLY wire those three buildings for controlled demolitions, without any of the resident workers in those buildings becoming suspicious ... yet it was OBVIOUSLY done. To get that done would require probably a year or more, and VERY tight security on those doing the work and complete access to everything in the building. Obviously much advance planning. I am VERY suspicious of those claiming MOSAD (Israel) had a hand in it, I think that is just an attempt to point the finger away from those really responsible and to muddy the waters. Thermite is not available to just anyone ... it is only available to entities such as our military ... or the CIA or some such. I know it was not our military. The CIA, however, is TOTALLY CORRUPT and OWNED by the New World Order. And we know for a fact that both Bushes were COMPLETELY OWNED by the New World Order.

Those of us "in the know" know that our military has been planning to completely overthrow the New World Order ever since 9/11 and probably ever since JFK was shot. And we also know that the rampant fraud of this election has set the stage for them to execute those plans any day now. And if we have a brain in our heads, we ought to know that the New World Order is not beyond nuking this country if they think that will prevent their downfall. But things have gotten so bad that if that is their threat, let the bastards go ahead and do it and castrate them anyway ... and nuke wherever that nuke came from. Our military needs to send a strong message to the Rothschilds, Rockerfellers and every other elite banking family that if any such thing happens not one of the bastards or their offspring will survive.
I don't need to watch a video. It was 20 years ago and was the biggest single event of my generation's life. I am aware of the event.
yeah you are aware of the GOVERNMENTS version of events kids,you dont want to see or listen to the facts though.
Oh yeah. No jet hit the third building. So how did it come down in identical fashion as the towers? Controlled demolition on all 3 is how but they couldn't find a third jet to hit it. And you libs believe anything the govt tells you.

bld 7 is the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission these trolls cannot get around on.they have no answers for bld 7. If these trolls want to say that jet fuel fires caused the collapse of the twin towers,then why did bld 7 collapse sense it was NOT hit by a plane? they get desperate and then say that the damage was so bad that it caused it to collapse but the problem with their ramblings is there were other buildings in the area MUCH closer to the towers with MUCH more extensive damage to them and fires that were much worse than what bld 7 had yet those buildings never collapsed.they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are that demolitions brought them down.:auiqs.jpg:
the government's version is everyone's version. Giant planes hit buildings. It was on TV.
Who did 9/11??-Rancid

19 Hijackers, led by Egyptian-national Mohammed Atta and financed by Osama Bin Laden and his Saudi family.
BULLSHIT. WATCH THE VIDEO, YOU DOLT. You did not have TIME to watch it before making your foolish post, so you have no idea what you are talking about.
your wasting your time with this troll.He claims he is 32 years old but it he gives it away with his avatar that he is only 12 or 13 and lives at home.He thinks the government is looking out for him and goes by everything the media says. this kid SERIOUSLY needs to get out of politics. :auiqs.jpg:
the government's version is everyone's version. Giant planes hit buildings. It was on TV.
You dumb ass, nobody is saying planes didn't hit those buildings! What they ARE saying is that those planes could NOT have brought those buildings down, especially building 7 which no plane came anywhere close to. Aliens are on TV too. Do you believe the Borg are real? You probably do. I'll bet you believe there was no election fraud too.
laughing 4.gif
I didn't hear it from Q, numbnuts, it is common knowledge everywhere but CNN and your commie propaganda MSM. Dissolution of the US Corporation was completed two days before Biden's fake inauguration, so he is the illegitimate (election fraud) "President" of NOTHING. :auiqs.jpg:
Mindwars would have liked you.:71:

You just pissed on one of your only potential friends here.
Don't worry -- LARam fan will stick by you.:)
You have never struck me as a potential friend, but as a confirmed idiot. :laughing0301:

the government's version is everyone's version. Giant planes hit buildings. It was on TV.
You dumb ass, nobody is saying planes didn't hit those buildings! What they ARE saying is that those planes could NOT have brought those buildings down, especially building 7 which no plane came anywhere close to. Aliens are on TV too. Do you believe the Borg are real? You probably do. I'll bet you believe there was no election fraud too.
View attachment 460451
:thankusmile: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

i see you are catching on to how stupid he really is cause yes,he honestly thinks there was no vote fraud either.:iyfyus.jpg: this stupid fuck troll kid has no interest in the testimony of witnesses that heard explosives in the basements of the towers before the plane hit or is interested that even demolition experts have said they came down by explosives. :auiqs.jpg:
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It was not an inside job and you are completely full of shit. Personal anecdotes are worthless and typically lies.

The fact is that NORAD is overwhelmingly concerned with external threats they do NOT monitor the US internal airspace to see if aircraft stray off course.

Those are facts.

You're an idiot. I lived it, worked it, knew it inside and out. Canada and US both (Hence NORAD) monitor all of North America. Ever been in the control room inside Cheyene Mountain? If you had you wouldn't post such ignorant shit, I have been inside, saw it.
nazi shill works for Langley,ignore the troll. he is desperate for attention.he knows i have had him on ignore for years yet he STILL replies to me in the first person talking to himself all the time,if that is not a rubber room wacko seeking attention,i dont know what is.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
I didn't hear it from Q, numbnuts, it is common knowledge everywhere but CNN and your commie propaganda MSM. Dissolution of the US Corporation was completed two days before Biden's fake inauguration, so he is the illegitimate (election fraud) "President" of NOTHING. :auiqs.jpg:
Mindwars would have liked you.:71:

You just pissed on one of your only potential friends here.
Don't worry -- LARam fan will stick by you.:)
You have never struck me as a potential friend, but as a confirmed idiot. :laughing0301:

the government's version is everyone's version. Giant planes hit buildings. It was on TV.
You dumb ass, nobody is saying planes didn't hit those buildings! What they ARE saying is that those planes could NOT have brought those buildings down, especially building 7 which no plane came anywhere close to. Aliens are on TV too. Do you believe the Borg are real? You probably do. I'll bet you believe there was no election fraud too.
View attachment 460451
:thankusmile: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

i see you are catching on to how stupid he really is cause yes,he honestly thinks there was no vote fraud either.:iyfyus.jpg:
I caught on to his lack of intelligence with his very first post here. But he is just a typical leftie.

And thank you for the nifty .GIF

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