Who did 9/11??

What is building 7?
Thank you for confirming that you are a flaming ignorant idiot.

Towards the end of the video it talks about psychology and why people have such a hard time believing the evidence because accepting the evidence shatters their world view and sense of security ... like being punched in the gut and denial taking over. I had that happen to me when I read the book "The Unseen Hand" back in the 80's. I didn't want to believe it but it was all well-documented evidence, many many different things throughout history, all put in one place probably for the first time, and the conclusion was / is inescapable. There are no accidents in world history, every bit of it was well-planned. It was / is a huge conspiracy, slowly, inexoribly, leading us into a one-world government controlled by the international banker elite. The New World Order. I was depressed for a good year after reading it. My entire world view had been crushed. I fell into resignation that there was nothing I could do about it. I have been depressed / resigned ever since. I remember exactly where I was when I first saw those planes crashing into those buildings and when they came down I knew they were controlled demolitions, I knew who had done it, and I knew why. Just ask yourself what came directly from 9/11 - the Patriot Act which stripped us of many of our "inalienable" rights. A huge step forward for the NWO agenda. No question about it, none at all. READ THAT BOOK !!! Unless you do you are just a sheep being lead to the slaughter.
maybe someday w
It wasn't Bush. It is ludicrous to think that a new president in his first year in office after a bitterly contested election ultimately decided by the Supreme Court could or would engineer an attack on the nation's leading city and the heart of the world's financial system. Rulers don't as a general rule attack themselves. Besides, in 2001, the entire DC establishment hated Bush--not Trump levels of spit-rage hatred--but hated. It is unimaginable that during the weeks that it took for the hundreds of operatives it took to bring down those three skyscrapers into their own footprints, somebody wouldn't have looked around at his colleagues and said, you know, we are wiring three skyscrapers with explosives that will kill thousands of innocent people when they detonate on behalf of this weak, unpopular, brand new president everybody hates so that that dim bulb can, you know, do--and his father wants to... well, they have reasons and stuff--you know, New World Order--do you really think we should do this?

Israel did it. Guaranteed.

yes you are correct.the role of Israels mossad has not been discussed here.they had a huge hand in it.the best researchers all know it was a joint CIA.mossad operation. The evidence is overwhelming of the mossads role in it. There were the Israelis that were arrested because they were found dancing on the rooftops of buildings and then strangely released and let go back to israel and they were all warned not to come in that day.

these two videos have overwheling evidence in them it was a joint CIA/mossad operation,they have never been debunked. I am very surprised i can still find this video of the mossads role in it.no telling how muh longer this video 9/11 missing links will stll be up on youtube.

Israels role in 9/11

The role of the CIA in 9/11
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What is building 7?
Thank you for confirming that you are a flaming ignorant idiot. View attachment 460460

Indeed,proof of his ignorance about 9/11 and that he has only listened to the version of events from the lamestream media.:auiqs.jpg: as he said kid,stop being an idiot only seeing what you WANT to see and watch the fucking video or go away.
Towards the end of the video it talks about psychology and why people have such a hard time believing the evidence because accepting the evidence shatters their world view and sense of security ... like being punched in the gut and denial taking over. I had that happen to me when I read the book "The Unseen Hand" back in the 80's. I didn't want to believe it but it was all well-documented evidence, many many different things throughout history, all put in one place probably for the first time, and the conclusion was / is inescapable. There are no accidents in world history, every bit of it was well-planned. It was / is a huge conspiracy, slowly, inexoribly, leading us into a one-world government controlled by the international banker elite. The New World Order. I was depressed for a good year after reading it. My entire world view had been crushed. I fell into resignation that there was nothing I could do about it. I have been depressed / resigned ever since. I remember exactly where I was when I first saw those planes crashing into those buildings and when they came down I knew they were controlled demolitions, I knew who had done it, and I knew why. Just ask yourself what came directly from 9/11 - the Patriot Act which stripped us of many of our "inalienable" rights. A huge step forward for the NWO agenda. No question about it, none at all. READ THAT BOOK !!! Unless you do you are just a sheep being lead to the slaughter.
maybe someday w
It wasn't Bush. It is ludicrous to think that a new president in his first year in office after a bitterly contested election ultimately decided by the Supreme Court could or would engineer an attack on the nation's leading city and the heart of the world's financial system. Rulers don't as a general rule attack themselves. Besides, in 2001, the entire DC establishment hated Bush--not Trump levels of spit-rage hatred--but hated. It is unimaginable that during the weeks that it took for the hundreds of operatives it took to bring down those three skyscrapers into their own footprints, somebody wouldn't have looked around at his colleagues and said, you know, we are wiring three skyscrapers with explosives that will kill thousands of innocent people when they detonate on behalf of this weak, unpopular, brand new president everybody hates so that that dim bulb can, you know, do--and his father wants to... well, they have reasons and stuff--you know, New World Order--do you really think we should do this?

Israel did it. Guaranteed.

yes you are correct.the role of Israels mossad has not been discussed here.they had a huge hand in it.the best researchers all know it was a joint CIA.mossad operation. The evidence is overwhelming of the mossads role in it. There were the Israelis that were arrested because they were found dancing on the rooftops of buildings and then strangely released and let go back to israel and they were all warned not to come in that day.

these two videos have overwheling evidence in them it was a joint CIA/mossad operation,they have never been debunked. I am very surprised i can still find this video of the mossads role in it.no telling how muh longer this video 9/11 missing links will stll be up on youtube.

Well, damn, now I have to confess my own ignorance. I was pretty much unaware of Mossad's involvement. You mentioned two videos with evidence of that, but no links to the videos. I would love to see those videos.
Oh, you guys, you mean World Trade Center 7? It got hit by a collapsing piece of the twin towers. It got destroyed by falling debris.
yeah except my earlier post that there were other buildings MUCH closer to the towers with FAR MORE extensive damage to them ALSO hit by debris with FAR MORE serious fires than bld 7 yet they did not collapse. most sheep are not aware of those facts so you get a pass on that especially being a kid in all.LOL
Towards the end of the video it talks about psychology and why people have such a hard time believing the evidence because accepting the evidence shatters their world view and sense of security ... like being punched in the gut and denial taking over. I had that happen to me when I read the book "The Unseen Hand" back in the 80's. I didn't want to believe it but it was all well-documented evidence, many many different things throughout history, all put in one place probably for the first time, and the conclusion was / is inescapable. There are no accidents in world history, every bit of it was well-planned. It was / is a huge conspiracy, slowly, inexoribly, leading us into a one-world government controlled by the international banker elite. The New World Order. I was depressed for a good year after reading it. My entire world view had been crushed. I fell into resignation that there was nothing I could do about it. I have been depressed / resigned ever since. I remember exactly where I was when I first saw those planes crashing into those buildings and when they came down I knew they were controlled demolitions, I knew who had done it, and I knew why. Just ask yourself what came directly from 9/11 - the Patriot Act which stripped us of many of our "inalienable" rights. A huge step forward for the NWO agenda. No question about it, none at all. READ THAT BOOK !!! Unless you do you are just a sheep being lead to the slaughter.
maybe someday w
It wasn't Bush. It is ludicrous to think that a new president in his first year in office after a bitterly contested election ultimately decided by the Supreme Court could or would engineer an attack on the nation's leading city and the heart of the world's financial system. Rulers don't as a general rule attack themselves. Besides, in 2001, the entire DC establishment hated Bush--not Trump levels of spit-rage hatred--but hated. It is unimaginable that during the weeks that it took for the hundreds of operatives it took to bring down those three skyscrapers into their own footprints, somebody wouldn't have looked around at his colleagues and said, you know, we are wiring three skyscrapers with explosives that will kill thousands of innocent people when they detonate on behalf of this weak, unpopular, brand new president everybody hates so that that dim bulb can, you know, do--and his father wants to... well, they have reasons and stuff--you know, New World Order--do you really think we should do this?

Israel did it. Guaranteed.

yes you are correct.the role of Israels mossad has not been discussed here.they had a huge hand in it.the best researchers all know it was a joint CIA.mossad operation. The evidence is overwhelming of the mossads role in it. There were the Israelis that were arrested because they were found dancing on the rooftops of buildings and then strangely released and let go back to israel and they were all warned not to come in that day.

these two videos have overwheling evidence in them it was a joint CIA/mossad operation,they have never been debunked. I am very surprised i can still find this video of the mossads role in it.no telling how muh longer this video 9/11 missing links will stll be up on youtube.

Well, damn, now I have to confess my own ignorance. I was pretty much unaware of Mossad's involvement. You mentioned two videos with evidence of that, but no links to the videos. I would love to see those videos.

Re read the post again,i just posted the two videos just now.the first one is Israels involvement,you will want to watch that one first,set aside two hours of your time cause thats how long it takes to get through it. next one of course is the role of the CIA.that one you wont be surprised on though sense you are already aware of their role.
Oh, you guys, you mean World Trade Center 7? It got hit by a collapsing piece of the twin towers. It got destroyed by falling debris.
If you believe that you are beyond stupid. Go find videos of controlled demolitions of buildings. There are hundreds of them out there. All three of those buildings came down in that exact same manner, impossible for them to come straight down like that, collapsing into their own footprints other than by controlled demolition.
Oh, you guys, you mean World Trade Center 7? It got hit by a collapsing piece of the twin towers. It got destroyed by falling debris.
If you believe that you are beyond stupid. Go find videos of controlled demolitions of buildings. There are hundreds of them out there. All three of those buildings came down in that exact same manner, impossible for them to come straight down like that, collapsing into their own footprints other than by controlled demolition.

sense he does not believe there was massive vote fraud in the election i doubt he will want to watch those videos or will be interested in all the witnesses that heard explosives going on in the basements before the planes hit the towers above or interested to know there were many witnesses that were credible witnesses including firefighters experienced in the sound of explosives nor interested in the fact that even demolition experts said bld 7 came down by explosives.:uhoh3::biggrin:
What is building 7?
Thank you for confirming that you are a flaming ignorant idiot. View attachment 460460
a task that is obviously too complicated for him to take the time out to do.:auiqs.jpg: just wondering,wjhy are you talking about 9/11? Its like the JFK assassination done and over with.the covid virus hoax is what we have to worry about now.
Do us a favor and don't believe everything you hear on Q .
You were doing good there for awhile.
I didn't hear it from Q, numbnuts, it is common knowledge everywhere but CNN and your commie propaganda MSM.
Dissolution of the US Corporation was completed two days before Biden's fake inauguration, so he is the illegitimate (election fraud) "President" of NOTHING. :auiqs.jpg:
Not a good judge of character are you ?
Do us a favor and don't believe everything you hear on Q .
You were doing good there for awhile.
I didn't hear it from Q, numbnuts, it is common knowledge everywhere but CNN and your commie propaganda MSM.
Dissolution of the US Corporation was completed two days before Biden's fake inauguration, so he is the illegitimate (election fraud) "President" of NOTHING. :auiqs.jpg:
Not a good judge of character are you ?
I am a VERY good judge of character and I dub thee "Troll Numbnuts".
And I dub Biden "Babbling Biden".
And I dub the entire MSM "Commie Liars".
And you just got yourself placed in my IGNORE list due to accute lack of intelligence. Bye bye.
Oh, you guys, you mean World Trade Center 7? It got hit by a collapsing piece of the twin towers. It got destroyed by falling debris.
If you believe that you are beyond stupid. Go find videos of controlled demolitions of buildings. There are hundreds of them out there. All three of those buildings came down in that exact same manner, impossible for them to come straight down like that, collapsing into their own footprints other than by controlled demolition.
Fucking moron, WTC7 did not fall like any controlled demolition ... anywhere ... ever.

Unlike an actual controlled demolition, there were no visible detonations accompanied with audible explosions.

Unlike an actual controlled demolition, the interior of the building collapsed before the exterior of the building.

You conspiracy nuts are ... well, conspiracy nuts. :cuckoo:
I am a VERY good judge of character and I dub thee "Troll Numbnuts".
And I dub Biden "Babbling Biden".
And I dub the entire MSM "Commie Liars".
And you just got yourself placed in my IGNORE list due to accute lack of intelligence. Bye bye.
^^ If he's having a hard time with me....God help him.:71:

This guy's gonna flame out in less than 2 weeks.
Towards the end of the video it talks about psychology and why people have such a hard time believing the evidence because accepting the evidence shatters their world view and sense of security ... like being punched in the gut and denial taking over. I had that happen to me when I read the book "The Unseen Hand" back in the 80's. I didn't want to believe it but it was all well-documented evidence, many many different things throughout history, all put in one place probably for the first time, and the conclusion was / is inescapable. There are no accidents in world history, every bit of it was well-planned. It was / is a huge conspiracy, slowly, inexoribly, leading us into a one-world government controlled by the international banker elite. The New World Order. I was depressed for a good year after reading it. My entire world view had been crushed. I fell into resignation that there was nothing I could do about it. I have been depressed / resigned ever since. I remember exactly where I was when I first saw those planes crashing into those buildings and when they came down I knew they were controlled demolitions, I knew who had done it, and I knew why. Just ask yourself what came directly from 9/11 - the Patriot Act which stripped us of many of our "inalienable" rights. A huge step forward for the NWO agenda. No question about it, none at all. READ THAT BOOK !!!
Don't forget - the national debt was on its' way down at $5 trillion before Bush took office.
It's now at $ 28 trillion and spiraling up.
So what. The Federal Reserve prints money out of thin air, lends it to our treasury, then our treasury pays it all back with interest. But know what? That little arrangement was made when the United States became a Corporation, and the Corporation owes that money to the Fed. TRUMP DISSOLVED THE CORPORATION and the Fed can go screw itself, the REPUBLIC doesn't owe it one thin dime.
Interesting. Link? (See my sig.)

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