Who do liberal gun owners vote for?

Liberal gun owners face dilemma in 2020 field

Is there a strong 2A liberal candidate?

Liberals, moderates, and progressives who own guns probably will vote for the Democrat of their choice. Most likely they do not own, or defend owning the kind of useless military weaponry that the 2A radical fanatics champion. Not all gun owners are goobers prancing around in military fatigues brandishing rapid-fire, bullet-spraying weaponry while yelling about some nameless "them," of whom they seem to be very, very afraid, as if screaming hordes of "them" are going to invade Gooberville, USA. Many gun owners have common sense.

There are no military weaponry sold in the US to the public, and has not been since around 1935.
The military uses full auto, and all civilian weapons sold are single shot.
They are no more rapid-fire, bullet spraying than they were back in the Civil War, with Spencers, Sharps, and revolvers.
Single shot.
You pull the trigger on an AR, and you get a single shot.

Common sense should tell anyone that in a democracy, it is the general population that should be trusted with the best weapons, not the mercenary police or military. We already know the police are murdering Blacks and the military lied to us and murdered half a million innocent Iraqis.

Disagree. Whatever you want to call these weapons, we have seen the carnage that these weapons can cause at the hands of the "general public" and we have seen the blatant stupidity of the people who carry them. We have seen the proliferation of these white gangs that hide out in the woods playing soldier. There is no need for the "general public" to possess this kind of fire-power.

Any household need for a gun can be satisfied by a pistol, rifle, or shotgun, all of which we had growing up, kept under lock and key and transported in locked leather cases, with strict instructions never to point them at any other living thing unless we actually were in bonafide danger. But I once shot at a large spider on the back of a garage in Castroville, TX, with my aunt's pistol. I missed.

Yes, we have seen African-Americans being murdered by police, but I'm not that sure that arming all African-Americans with high-powered weaponry is the answer. As for killing people in foreign countries, I don't know how we can stop it. Our foreign policy has been screwed up for my entire life, at least. Who else could come up with a slogan like "kill a commie for Christ" or put bible verses on bullets?

You are misinformed.
These so called assault weapons are no more rapid fire, high capacity, or powerful than most weapons were by 1870 or so.
They are single shot.

The solution to abusive police is to not have a police state, and to defend yourself instead of falsely believing police can or will defend you. There is no legal basis for police, and they did not exist for the first 100 years or so of this country.
The solution to abusive military is to do what the founders wanted, and that is to have citizens soldiers instead of paid mercenaries.

If you look at mass shootings, like at schools, they are almost all suicides, so then clearly it is a mental health issue, and not a criminal justice problem. Reagan shut down all the mental health facilities that could identify and help prevent these tragedies. Gun control can not. For there is no minor gun control penalty you can impose that is going to prevent a person bent on murder and suicide. They are not going to hesitate to obtain the firearms illegally. All you do then with gun control, is disarm the honest people, who are the ones we should want to be armed.

If you really look at what those who support gun control are talking about, it actually does boil down to every single pistol, rifle, or shotgun.
They do not want the general public to have any recourse when the fossil fuels start to run out, and the 1% are not willing to accept the same slice of a shrinking pie. So far it has only been Blacks, immigrants, and those in other countries that have been abused. But all but the 1% will eventually be targeted.

Are you saying that all of these weapons are single shot? How do so many get killed in one minute if they are single shot? Or do you just mean that one squeeze of the trigger will fire off many more than one bullet or that it's one squeeze and hold it down and many bullets will be fired?
Essentially the 2nd amendment does only one thing, which is to grant state and municipalities totally jurisdiction over weapons, and deny any federal jurisdiction over weapons, at all. So while gun control is possible, it can NOT be federal, and it still likely to be very questionable in a democracy. In a democracy, we trust the general population, not the government, which is hired by and supposed to be subservient to the general population.

See also, the Tenth Amendment, which speaks of powers belong to the federal government, powers belonging to the states, and powers belonging to the people.

To whom does the right to keep and bear arms belong? Does it belong to the states?

No, it belongs to the people, and government is forbidden from infringing it. This means •ALL• government. The states have no more legitimate authority than the federal government does, to violate a right that belongs to the people.
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Biden owns a shot gun doesn't he? LOL
Like all liberal hypocrite gun grabber politicians biden also surrounds himself with men carrying guns

so guns for him but no one else
Its pretty simple. Any weapon that gives limp dicks a thrill when they want to play Rambo. Doesnt really matter if the action is the same. Its the image these dumb fucks want to associate themselves with. That picture on the bottom makes military and law enforcement rejects feel tough. We know because they wouldnt be whining over one weapon being banned if they could just get another that looks different but does the same thing.

And here, we see, on display, the intellectual zenith of the anti-Second-Amendment movement.

Of course, all the sexual references in this person posts go to show something else, that the quote of unknown provenance, commonly misattributed to Freud, which states that a fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual development, is based on a considerable amount of truth.
Who told you anyone had a fear of weapons? I probably have more hand guns than you do.

I do not believe you for a second.
Anyone who knows anything at all about firearms knows that a civilian AR is single fire, just like any rifle or pistol in the last century that is not bolt action.
There is nothing at all about an AR that makes it dangerous.
In fact, its main characteristic is that it is very low power, so there is less recoil and lighter to carry.
Yeah but it looks like the M16A1 rifle used in the military thats fully automatic. Its all about image for you little dick military rejects. :laugh:

Liberal gun owners face dilemma in 2020 field

Is there a strong 2A liberal candidate?

Liberals, moderates, and progressives who own guns probably will vote for the Democrat of their choice. Most likely they do not own, or defend owning the kind of useless military weaponry that the 2A radical fanatics champion. Not all gun owners are goobers prancing around in military fatigues brandishing rapid-fire, bullet-spraying weaponry while yelling about some nameless "them," of whom they seem to be very, very afraid, as if screaming hordes of "them" are going to invade Gooberville, USA. Many gun owners have common sense.

There are no military weaponry sold in the US to the public, and has not been since around 1935.
The military uses full auto, and all civilian weapons sold are single shot.
They are no more rapid-fire, bullet spraying than they were back in the Civil War, with Spencers, Sharps, and revolvers.
Single shot.
You pull the trigger on an AR, and you get a single shot.

Common sense should tell anyone that in a democracy, it is the general population that should be trusted with the best weapons, not the mercenary police or military. We already know the police are murdering Blacks and the military lied to us and murdered half a million innocent Iraqis.

Disagree. Whatever you want to call these weapons, we have seen the carnage that these weapons can cause at the hands of the "general public" and we have seen the blatant stupidity of the people who carry them. We have seen the proliferation of these white gangs that hide out in the woods playing soldier. There is no need for the "general public" to possess this kind of fire-power.

Any household need for a gun can be satisfied by a pistol, rifle, or shotgun, all of which we had growing up, kept under lock and key and transported in locked leather cases, with strict instructions never to point them at any other living thing unless we actually were in bonafide danger. But I once shot at a large spider on the back of a garage in Castroville, TX, with my aunt's pistol. I missed.

Yes, we have seen African-Americans being murdered by police, but I'm not that sure that arming all African-Americans with high-powered weaponry is the answer. As for killing people in foreign countries, I don't know how we can stop it. Our foreign policy has been screwed up for my entire life, at least. Who else could come up with a slogan like "kill a commie for Christ" or put bible verses on bullets?

You are misinformed.
These so called assault weapons are no more rapid fire, high capacity, or powerful than most weapons were by 1870 or so.
They are single shot.

The solution to abusive police is to not have a police state, and to defend yourself instead of falsely believing police can or will defend you. There is no legal basis for police, and they did not exist for the first 100 years or so of this country.
The solution to abusive military is to do what the founders wanted, and that is to have citizens soldiers instead of paid mercenaries.

If you look at mass shootings, like at schools, they are almost all suicides, so then clearly it is a mental health issue, and not a criminal justice problem. Reagan shut down all the mental health facilities that could identify and help prevent these tragedies. Gun control can not. For there is no minor gun control penalty you can impose that is going to prevent a person bent on murder and suicide. They are not going to hesitate to obtain the firearms illegally. All you do then with gun control, is disarm the honest people, who are the ones we should want to be armed.

If you really look at what those who support gun control are talking about, it actually does boil down to every single pistol, rifle, or shotgun.
They do not want the general public to have any recourse when the fossil fuels start to run out, and the 1% are not willing to accept the same slice of a shrinking pie. So far it has only been Blacks, immigrants, and those in other countries that have been abused. But all but the 1% will eventually be targeted.

Are you saying that all of these weapons are single shot? How do so many get killed in one minute if they are single shot? Or do you just mean that one squeeze of the trigger will fire off many more than one bullet or that it's one squeeze and hold it down and many bullets will be fired?

Single shot means that if you pull the trigger, you only get one shot from that trigger pull.
That is the way most firearms were since the Civil War, like a revolver.
No firearm has been for sale to the general public that fires more than one bullet per trigger pull, since around 1935.
Holding down the trigger will not fire more than a single shot with the firearms that would be effected by an assault weapons ban.
No actual military assault weapon is for sale to the general public.
The ones that are being banned just are similar in appearance, but are single shot, so are not military assault weapons.
If these single shot weapons can be banned, then any and all firearms can be.
Liberal gun owners face dilemma in 2020 field

Is there a strong 2A liberal candidate?

They realize they don't want mass shooters in their kids' schools, either.

And they vote for any of these guys.

You know, even gun owners are a little afraid of the gun nuts.

But it should be obvious to anyone that you can not use gun control laws to reduce school shooting, as all school shootings so far have been committed with illegally obtained firearms.
The way to reduce school shootings is to make schools nicer and less competitive, or to guard them better.
Its pretty simple. Any weapon that gives limp dicks a thrill when they want to play Rambo. Doesnt really matter if the action is the same. Its the image these dumb fucks want to associate themselves with. That picture on the bottom makes military and law enforcement rejects feel tough. We know because they wouldnt be whining over one weapon being banned if they could just get another that looks different but does the same thing.

And here, we see, on display, the intellectual zenith of the anti-Second-Amendment movement.

Of course, all the sexual references in this person posts go to show something else, that the quote of unknown provenance, commonly misattributed to Freud, which states that a fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual development, is based on a considerable amount of truth.
Who told you anyone had a fear of weapons? I probably have more hand guns than you do.

I do not believe you for a second.
Anyone who knows anything at all about firearms knows that a civilian AR is single fire, just like any rifle or pistol in the last century that is not bolt action.
There is nothing at all about an AR that makes it dangerous.
In fact, its main characteristic is that it is very low power, so there is less recoil and lighter to carry.
Yeah but it looks like the M16A1 rifle used in the military thats fully automatic. Its all about image for you little dick military rejects. :laugh:


No, ARs are popular because they are inexpensive to buy and supply ammunition for, due to the surplus market.
They also are light and have less recoil.
There is no military connotation to them, and they just are the most practical rifle right now.
And it is mostly those who were trained on M-16s in the military who want them because they are familiar with them.
Single shot means that if you pull the trigger, you only get one shot from that trigger pull.

The term single shot properly refers only to firearms which hold only one round of ammunition. You have to fully reload it from one shot to the next. The best example that I can think of, that might be familiar to most, would be a classic double-barrel shotgun, which is actually two single-shot guns in one unit.

Firearms which have a magazine, holding more than one round, but which require you to perform some other action to cycle a new round into the chamber, between shots, are repeating firearms. A pump-action shotgun would be a good example, or a lever-action rifle.

A semi-automatic gun is one which has a magazine, and which uses some of the energy from the fired round to work the action, ejecting the spent round and loading a fresh round into the chamber. Once you load it, chamber a round, and cock the action, all you have to do is pull the trigger, for each shot. With each pull of the trigger, one shot is fired, and the gun is set up for the next shot without you having to perform any other action.

Fully-automatic guns, are of course, guns which fire repeatedly, as long as the trigger is held back, like a machine gun.

Revolvers, for some reason, are not considered to fall under any of the above categories, though in practice, a single-action revolver is like a repeating gun, while a double-action revolver is like a semi-automatic.
Its pretty simple. Any weapon that gives limp dicks a thrill when they want to play Rambo. Doesnt really matter if the action is the same. Its the image these dumb fucks want to associate themselves with. That picture on the bottom makes military and law enforcement rejects feel tough. We know because they wouldnt be whining over one weapon being banned if they could just get another that looks different but does the same thing.

And here, we see, on display, the intellectual zenith of the anti-Second-Amendment movement.

Of course, all the sexual references in this person posts go to show something else, that the quote of unknown provenance, commonly misattributed to Freud, which states that a fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual development, is based on a considerable amount of truth.
Who told you anyone had a fear of weapons? I probably have more hand guns than you do.

I do not believe you for a second.
Anyone who knows anything at all about firearms knows that a civilian AR is single fire, just like any rifle or pistol in the last century that is not bolt action.
There is nothing at all about an AR that makes it dangerous.
In fact, its main characteristic is that it is very low power, so there is less recoil and lighter to carry.
Yeah but it looks like the M16A1 rifle used in the military thats fully automatic. Its all about image for you little dick military rejects. :laugh:


No, ARs are popular because they are inexpensive to buy and supply ammunition for, due to the surplus market.
They also are light and have less recoil.
There is no military connotation to them, and they just are the most practical rifle right now.
And it is mostly those who were trained on M-16s in the military who want them because they are familiar with them.
First you say there is no military connotation to them (which is bullshit) and then in in the very next sentence you agree with me. How can they be familiar with them if there is no military connotation or connection? Whats up with that? :rolleyes:

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