Who do you think hates America?

Putin does. Xi does.

America's partisans don't hate the country. They just refuse to work together to improve it.

Ego. Paranoia. Tribalism. Putin and Xi are very thankful that we're doing their work for them.
Why should people die for those who are fascists with many inferior to them? Empowerment accumulates arrogance, obnoxiousness and ignorance with self-importance. Progs are pure fascists. No other views allowed in our so-called democracy. And of course, there are stupid asses who screw with others and get away with who work with the empowered as well as those who are not charged with crimes that we have seen over the last several years.
Politics can get heated, and I can understand that opposing parties could think the other party's goals might not be the best for the country, but that's not how the rhetoric is playing out. "You hate America" and " You want to destroy the country" have become common accusations. Of course, there are terrorists that fit both descriptions, but do you really think any of our politicians, or the other party actually embrace that kind of goal? Please identify anyone, other than terrorists, who you believe actually hates our country, and tell why you think that person or those people actually hate America and want to destroy the country. This kind of rhetoric can only separate us further and hurt our country.
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Let's use an example of making America worse.

Congress put a lot of effort to change how the Border is handled. They sent to the Senate an approved law called HR2. When the Senate got it, Biden killed it. Schumer killed it. And it's a law that was purely for immigration criminals.
This thread is not about bills being better or worse. It's about hating America and wanting to destroy it. Biden didn't kill it. The Senate did. Do you believe the senate hates America like the poster above said?
Country over party, working together for the many,
not for the power & money hungry.
So, congress hates America? The Supreme court ruled that the constitution allows collection of taxes. Do they hate America too?
So you favor every Supreme Court ruling?

I personally think of the two parties, one party alleges it does not like a group, called the rich, yet want to sucker them out of vast sums of cash. This in effect proves that to them, the taxes on the Rich show they do not like the Rich based on personalities, yet they are pleased to take from the rich vast sums of cash. Do you see high taxes as punishment.
The Supreme Court is blamed by Democrats then praised. I am also believing that even Republicans blame the supreme court and also praise the court. The Supreme Court that shoved income taxes onto us sure looks as if those Justices did not like America at all. Even now we have conflicts over taxes. Nothing was settled when Congress said Income taxes can be law.
This thread is not about bills being better or worse. It's about hating America and wanting to destroy it. Biden didn't kill it. The Senate did. Do you believe the senate hates America like the poster above said?
You really need to define hate.
This thread is not about bills being better or worse. It's about hating America and wanting to destroy it. Biden didn't kill it. The Senate did. Do you believe the senate hates America like the poster above said?
If you plan to keep this going, expand your thesis. You did not start it by proving your own thesis. Can you prove Americans hate America?
Politics can get heated, and I can understand that opposing parties could think the other party's goals might not be the best for the country, but that's not how the rhetoric is playing out. "You hate America" and " You want to destroy the country" have become common accusations. Of course, there are terrorists that fit both descriptions, but do you really think any of our politicians, or the other party actually embrace that kind of goal? Please identify anyone, other than terrorists, who you believe actually hates our country, and tell why you think that person or those people actually hate America and want to destroy the country. This kind of rhetoric can only separate us further and hurt our country.
Communists, Marxists, socialists, globalists all hate America, it is their greatest obstacle to one world, one without borders...since they don't have the constitution to destroy us themselves, they infect our institutions and pit us against each other and kill us in the womb in retribution for our success against them around the world.
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Wouldn't lowering taxes be better?
Again. I'll have to ask you to stay on subject. This thread is not about better or worse tax rates. It's about actively hating America and wanting to destroy it.
This thread is not about bills being better or worse. It's about hating America and wanting to destroy it. Biden didn't kill it. The Senate did. Do you believe the senate hates America like the poster above said?
I believe the leadership of both parties hate America. Free people are just a pain in the ass for them.
This thread is not about bills being better or worse. It's about hating America and wanting to destroy it. Biden didn't kill it. The Senate did. Do you believe the senate hates America like the poster above said?
But back to Biden. If he told the Senate he wanted the HR2 law, do you think Schumer would have killed it? I believe Schumer takes direction from Biden.

Immigration seems a major way to discuss your topic. It focuses on a problem that posters can discuss as a way to point out who loves America vs who hates this country.
Again. I'll have to ask you to stay on subject. This thread is not about better or worse tax rates. It's about actively hating America and wanting to destroy it.
Expect more to duck your question given how you duck questions.

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