Who do you think hates America?

Joe Biden. George Soros, Chuck Schumer. Adam Schiff. All hate America. If Joe loved America, he would not have 50 bazillion illegals cross his open border.
Thank you for a direct answer. Now, can you say why they might hate America?
So both parties hate America, and their specific goal is to destroy it?
Sure seems that way.
Throwing us into debt, to pay for other countries wars. Make us world enemy number 1.
Spend so much money, they ruin our currency.
No accountability in govt.
They go against our principles DAILY. If that doesnt scream you dont care for america, idk what does.
So, yes, it sure seems that way.
I like to use examples such as of parents. If parents keep changing rules for their childen, can a child ever get it right? Why must Congress think it's tasks is to keep changing things. How did they manage to get wrong laws to begin with? Why assume the changes are needed and produce great results?
That is a very complex question and is worthy of its own thread. That's not what this thread is about. The founding fathers set it up that way, and change is their one and only job.
Increasing taxes on just a group is destroying America. It was terrible in the first place to segregate humans by their earnings.
That might be the case, but is increasing taxes an effort, even if misguided, to make taxes fairer across the board, or a direct effort toward the goal of destroying America?
Sure seems that way.
Throwing us into debt, to pay for other countries wars. Make us world enemy number 1.
Spend so much money, they ruin our currency.
No accountability in govt.
They go against our principles DAILY. If that doesnt scream you dont care for america, idk what does.
So, yes, it sure seems that way.
So spending money is an effort to destroy the country, or just spending on things you don't want? You understand both parties spend tons of money, and it generally takes both parties to pass a spend bill, don't you?
That might be the case, but is increasing taxes an effort, even if misguided, to make taxes fairer across the board, or a direct effort toward the goal of destroying America?
Increasing taxes is not being fair to anybody. What has happened is Congress switched roles to fund America. When our founders funded the country, they did it much better. They did not tax incomes. I believe money can be a terrible root of evil. And the evil is removing money from workers.
That is a very complex question and is worthy of its own thread.
Not really. Most everyone who sees a problem automatically goes to some legislative body to pass a statute or ordinance. They act like like that's the only way to fix something. Try rescinding statutes.
So spending money is an effort to destroy the country, or just spending on things you don't want? You understand both parties spend tons of money, and it generally takes both parties to pass a spend bill, don't you?
Let's use an example of making America worse.

Congress put a lot of effort to change how the Border is handled. They sent to the Senate an approved law called HR2. When the Senate got it, Biden killed it. Schumer killed it. And it's a law that was purely for immigration criminals.
Increasing taxes is not being fair to anybody. What has happened is Congress switched roles to fund America. When our founders funded the country, they did it much better. They did not tax incomes. I believe money can be a terrible root of evil. And the evil is removing money from workers.
So, congress hates America? The Supreme court ruled that the constitution allows collection of taxes. Do they hate America too?
Politics can get heated, and I can understand that opposing parties could think the other party's goals might not be the best for the country, but that's not how the rhetoric is playing out. "You hate America" and " You want to destroy the country" have become common accusations. Of course, there are terrorists that fit both descriptions, but do you really think any of our politicians, or the other party actually embrace that kind of goal? Please identify anyone, other than terrorists, who you believe actually hates our country, and tell why you think that person or those people actually hate America and want to destroy the country. This kind of rhetoric can only separate us further and hurt our country.
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Iran, Dembots, Hamas....
That is a very complex question and is worthy of its own thread. That's not what this thread is about. The founding fathers set it up that way, and change is their one and only job.
Frankly your OP is very complex and suffers a major problem with the thesis. It ASSUMES we hate America. We as a collective do not hate this country. We do not believe the Congress managed by Democrats gets it right.

Give you some examples. Many Americans simply do not want a thing to do with wars. Even when wars are made against this country, particular groups are against defense of this country. They might think the good came from the enemy. Such as today posters see Gaza as good and Israel as bad. All the Jews have done is defend their country.
Controversy is in your OP. Created as a truth. That citizens hate America. We can't deny such as the Gaza issue proves some do hate America. But many do not like policies shoved at us all the time by the Democrats as an example.
It really came to the fore with The Halfrican administration.

If you think on it everything American has stood for as far as traditional values was tuned on it's head. It all started with that "beer summit" BS and went rapidly downhill from there.

Obama and his wide-assed Wookie wife hates America.....You can easily see Obama's influence in FJB's administration.

Remember this in 2015?

Not really. Most everyone who sees a problem automatically goes to some legislative body to pass a statute or ordinance. They act like like that's the only way to fix something. Try rescinding statutes.
Rescinding statutes? Rescinding is a change as well, and in this thread, change has been said to indicate hate for the country.

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