Who do you think is the smartest liberal and the smartest conservative on television?

You might as well you lost before you even posted.

Shut up, hack. Go troll someplace else.

I'm a Hack? Don't think so. But you on the other hands are liberal approved hack. We can compare post to see who is a hack and who isn't.

That sounds like a great idea. Let's do it.

Here's the OP question:

Who do you think is the smartest liberal and the smartest conservative on television?

Here's my answer:

Liberal: possibly Ezra Klein

Conservative: possibly Ron Christie

Here's your answer:

1. If they are liberals they aren't very smart
2. Any true Conservative hick is smarter then a liberal who others thinks smart

Yep, just as I thought. You're a hack. Now run along. It's past your bedtime.
Ratigan is very bright but so is Madow and Olbermnan and Chris hayes.

There are many on the left.

Not so many on the right.
Rachel Maddow, hands down.

She's a Rhodes scholar with a Phd from Oxford.

While that is impressive, it is not direct proof that she is more intelligent than anyone else.

I don't know what to say to a comment like that except....

What is proof of intelligence, if not a Rhodes scholarship and a Phd from Oxford?

Being able to think?

Your score on an IQ terst?

A sense of humor?

I can go on for a long time.

The fact that you ask the question indicates your lack of intelligence. Would you like me to provide examples of Rhodes Scholars, all of whom, by definition, have a PhD from Oxford, that you think are stupid simply because they disagree with your political views?
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I like Ratigan. He's not afraid to call anyone out... even people on the left when they're wrong.

Of course, I've heard Maddow also criticizing the administration when it comes to the wars abroad.

But Ratigan gets it about the money in politics and the resulting corruption in both parties. He also understands the BUSINESS Benefits for a Comprehensive health care plan and paying workers a family sustaining wage.
Liberal...Dylan Ratigan

Conservative... Ron Christie

Ratigan is a really smart guy. Though, you'll probably be surprised to learn that Ratigan is a self-professed conservative.

It was a good time and a great debate, but the comment that caught my attention most didn't come from a panelist, but rather from Ratigan, himself, who said, "I consider myself a conservative."

Ratigan went on to clarify, adding that, "you can do whatever you want. The social [issues] ... I could care less. ..."

Sadly, Ratigan didn't get to finish explaining, but it was still an interesting moment -- if for no other reason that that it is generally assumed that most MSNBC hosts are liberal Democrats.

MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan: 'I Consider Myself a Conservative'

I chose Christie too. It's impossible to decide who is THE smartest (it's all opinion), but those two guys are some of the smartest.
I already did , its a childish insult

And because you copied him, do you by any chance realize that it makes your post even more childish?

No, somehow, I doubt you do.


why do you do this?

I answered the question honestly and all you did was insult someone.

All he did was insult.

You dont even know who David Gergen is do you?

You honestly don't consider your post to be an insult?

Here this was your post and I even highlighted the insult for you since you seem incapable of understanding.

Left too many to pick from.
right David Gergan

And then you just go on compiling your idiocy and prove that the way I read your first insult was appropriate:

Ratigan is very bright but so is Madow and Olbermnan and Chris hayes.

There are many on the left.

Not so many on the right.

That was insulting and unless you are much more idiotic than I think, you knew it and meant it to be. Too many to pick from, but you can come up with one conservative? Bet you had to struggle to think of that name.

Do you ever stop and read your own posts?


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