Who does or does not support Israel?

Who supports Israel as an Ally?

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Christians and Jews from the US and around the world visit ME countries regularly and walk the streets in safety.

You've never been to the Middle East, so, you are clueless, nitwit.

Palestine’s Christians Continue to Suffer Persecution

You are the Forum Dunce.

Another Israeli attempt to demonize Muslims and pit Palestinians against each other. What a surprise.

Palestinian Christians themselves tell it differently:

The Israeli policy of divide and conquer has not split Christian and Muslim Palestinians despite attempts to sow discord between the two communities.

According to Palestinian Christian leaders, Israeli military authorities have tried repeatedly to foster an atmosphere of mistrust between the two communities, for the purpose of eroding Palestinian national unity and crushing Palestinian aspirations for freedom and liberation.

Christians, though a minority, have always been an integral part of the Palestinian social, cultural and political fabric.

Sharing a vision: Palestinian Christians

This tradition of good Christian-Moslem relations has evolved through centuries of coexistence and exchange in the cities of Jerusalem, Nazareth, Bethlehem, Ramallah and in the rural areas such as Zababdeh, BirZeit and other towns and villages where Moslems and Christians live side by side and interact in their pursuit of daily pre-occupations and concerns.

'No Muslim harassment'

According to Bishara Awad, dean of the Bible College in Bethlehem, Israeli persecution is first and foremost to blame for Christian (and Muslim) emigration.

We, Muslims and Christians alike, have been on the receiving end of oppression since 1967. The occupation is the root cause of economic deterioration. Some people can?t live under constant pressure for a long time; so they emigrate when they are no longer able or willing to withstand oppression.

Awad denies Israeli allegations that many Christians leave because of harassment by Muslims.

I haven't seen any attack on our churches or institutions. We're like brothers here. We share and attend each others social occasions. We're one people

Christians and Jews from the US and around the world visit ME countries regularly and walk the streets in safety.

You've never been to the Middle East, so, you are clueless, nitwit.

Palestine’s Christians Continue to Suffer Persecution

You are the Forum Dunce.

Another Israeli attempt to demonize Muslims and pit Palestinians against each other. What a surprise.

Palestinian Christians themselves tell it differently:

Sharing a vision: Palestinian Christians

This tradition of good Christian-Moslem relations has evolved through centuries of coexistence and exchange in the cities of Jerusalem, Nazareth, Bethlehem, Ramallah and in the rural areas such as Zababdeh, BirZeit and other towns and villages where Moslems and Christians live side by side and interact in their pursuit of daily pre-occupations and concerns.

'No Muslim harassment'

According to Bishara Awad, dean of the Bible College in Bethlehem, Israeli persecution is first and foremost to blame for Christian (and Muslim) emigration.

We, Muslims and Christians alike, have been on the receiving end of oppression since 1967. The occupation is the root cause of economic deterioration. Some people can?t live under constant pressure for a long time; so they emigrate when they are no longer able or willing to withstand oppression.

Awad denies Israeli allegations that many Christians leave because of harassment by Muslims.

I haven't seen any attack on our churches or institutions. We're like brothers here. We share and attend each others social occasions. We're one people


From the OP.

Israeli attorney and author, Justus Reid Weiner, has just penned a new book, ‘Human Rights Christians in Palestinian Society’, based on eight years of research into the human rights abuses directed at Muslims who converted to Christianity.

According to Don Finto, pastor and author of ‘God’s Promise and the Future of Israel’, due for release in February, the persecution is happening primarily within the Palestinian territories.

Nope, no bias here!;)
I Tariq do NOT support the Zionists in Israel. The land is ours, the Jews took it with the help of america. We will regain control, ultimately the land and the world will be ours.

Allah Akbar

Wrong, you sand rat. Arab trash invaded Palestine in the 7th century when Jews and Christians had been there for centuries.

You losers have the entire Middle East and what have you done with it: Nothing. You live in cesspools and still drive camels.

You're just an ignorant nomad.

...says a jewish parasite.....

Not one bit.

Would you rather see Israel wiped off the map?

Be honest.

I'd rather see a single state of Palisrael become a shared nation for both jews AND palis to enjoy equally.

fat fucking chance of that happening when you kind is more interested in your jebus salvation via blank checks for jews, eh buddy?

if jesus were caucasian we'd still have slavery.
Shogun, even if Israel gave back all the "Land" Hamas, every other country wanting to Eliminate Israel and the Jews would continue to do so.

It's not about Land, it's about Killing and Wiping off Israel.

They already failed twice if i might add..
Lebanon ost the Israeli land the wanted to conquer.

Syria lost the Israeli land the wanted to conquer.

Jordan lost (Most of) the Israeli land the wanted to conquer.

Egypt lost (Most of) the Israeli land they wanted to conquer.

and all together lost 10,000-15,000 troops to the IDF.

any more questions?

Actually, none of those countries lost any land. Israel wanted to take all of Palestine. The other countries wanted to liberate all of Palestine. Neither accomplished their objective.

The war between all parties, except the war between Israel and Palestine, was called to an end by a UNSC resolution calling for an armistice. No one "lost" that war. No land was transferred.

Liberate??? don't make me laugh (yet again....to late :rofl:). What kind of liberty did egypt and jordan give the palestinians during their occupation? they brutally repressed them in both countries. of course, no one was screaming "palestinian state" back then. yet another example of the hypocracy of the world community whenit comes to israel.

and you keep hanging on to that "no one lost land" and "no one lost the war" illusion. i guess it is the only thing that keeps you and your likes from going crazy from shame.


Not one of those countries lost any of their land to Israel. The war was called by the UN. No one surrendered. How can you say they lost the war?
Not one bit.

Would you rather see Israel wiped off the map?

Be honest.

I'd rather see a single state of Palisrael become a shared nation for both jews AND palis to enjoy equally.

fat fucking chance of that happening when you kind is more interested in your jebus salvation via blank checks for jews, eh buddy?

if jesus were caucasian we'd still have slavery.

That is what Israel was and it remained that way for many years.

Many Arabs in Palestine do not wish to be part of a Sunni state sponsered by Saudi Arabia, that is why their tribes fled to Palestine in the first place.

The two state solution is what a small group of Arabs hungry for power want, the two state solution is what Saudi Arabia wants.

Of course Saudi Arabia wants to eliminate Israel completely but the Sauds will be happy to accomplish their goal in steps.
Actually, none of those countries lost any land. Israel wanted to take all of Palestine. The other countries wanted to liberate all of Palestine. Neither accomplished their objective.

The war between all parties, except the war between Israel and Palestine, was called to an end by a UNSC resolution calling for an armistice. No one "lost" that war. No land was transferred.

Liberate??? don't make me laugh (yet again....to late :rofl:). What kind of liberty did egypt and jordan give the palestinians during their occupation? they brutally repressed them in both countries. of course, no one was screaming "palestinian state" back then. yet another example of the hypocracy of the world community whenit comes to israel.

and you keep hanging on to that "no one lost land" and "no one lost the war" illusion. i guess it is the only thing that keeps you and your likes from going crazy from shame.


Not one of those countries lost any of their land to Israel. The war was called by the UN. No one surrendered. How can you say they lost the war?

whatever gets you though the night, bubbi....
Actually, none of those countries lost any land. Israel wanted to take all of Palestine. The other countries wanted to liberate all of Palestine. Neither accomplished their objective.

The war between all parties, except the war between Israel and Palestine, was called to an end by a UNSC resolution calling for an armistice. No one "lost" that war. No land was transferred.

Liberate??? don't make me laugh (yet again....to late :rofl:). What kind of liberty did egypt and jordan give the palestinians during their occupation? they brutally repressed them in both countries. of course, no one was screaming "palestinian state" back then. yet another example of the hypocracy of the world community whenit comes to israel.

and you keep hanging on to that "no one lost land" and "no one lost the war" illusion. i guess it is the only thing that keeps you and your likes from going crazy from shame.


Not one of those countries lost any of their land to Israel. The war was called by the UN. No one surrendered. How can you say they lost the war?

The palestinians did indeed lose the war. A surrender is not required when the defeated are kicked squarely in the butt, their collective face forced into the dirt by the conqueror's boot, and their collective butt is in up the air for the conqueror to do what he wants with it.

Why give the defeated the recognition of letting them surrender. Treat them like banditti and move on.
Liberate??? don't make me laugh (yet again....to late :rofl:). What kind of liberty did egypt and jordan give the palestinians during their occupation? they brutally repressed them in both countries. of course, no one was screaming "palestinian state" back then. yet another example of the hypocracy of the world community whenit comes to israel.

and you keep hanging on to that "no one lost land" and "no one lost the war" illusion. i guess it is the only thing that keeps you and your likes from going crazy from shame.


Not one of those countries lost any of their land to Israel. The war was called by the UN. No one surrendered. How can you say they lost the war?

The palestinians did indeed lose the war. A surrender is not required when the defeated are kicked squarely in the butt, their collective face forced into the dirt by the conqueror's boot, and their collective butt is in up the air for the conqueror to do what he wants with it.

Why give the defeated the recognition of letting them surrender. Treat them like banditti and move on.

The problem is that the war continues today. It has flared up regularly over the last 20 years. Hamas has made a major shift in their strategy over the last few years and Israel is having a tough time dealing with it.
I do NOT support Israel as an ally.

I think the USA needs to revise their list of allies Post Cold War.

The alliance with Israel is a Cold War Anachronism that serves no purpose other than to continue to involve the USA in regional conflicts about which there is nothing to be gained, and much to be lost. As long as Israel is allied with the USA, they have no incentive to develop and expand more meaningful alliances with regional partners.

In Short:

Israel needs to Grow The Fuck Up.

A. The equation that Israel is the only one the profits from the Israel-US relationship is wrong.

B. With which one of the countries that want us obliterated from the map should Israel form a regional alliance?

A. I never said the US didn't benefit from the existing alliance.

I said the benefit isn't worth the cost.

B. Since I'm in the USA, I don't care if, or when, Israel forms regional alliances with anyone. Sounds like something the Israelis need to work out, though.
I do NOT support Israel as an ally.

I think the USA needs to revise their list of allies Post Cold War.

The alliance with Israel is a Cold War Anachronism that serves no purpose other than to continue to involve the USA in regional conflicts about which there is nothing to be gained, and much to be lost. As long as Israel is allied with the USA, they have no incentive to develop and expand more meaningful alliances with regional partners.

In Short:

Israel needs to Grow The Fuck Up.

A. The equation that Israel is the only one the profits from the Israel-US relationship is wrong.

B. With which one of the countries that want us obliterated from the map should Israel form a regional alliance?

A. I never said the US didn't benefit from the existing alliance.

I said the benefit isn't worth the cost.

B. Since I'm in the USA, I don't care if, or when, Israel forms regional alliances with anyone. Sounds like something the Israelis need to work out, though.

The cost is arounding figure in the overall budget. Israel benefits the US infinitely more greatly than you do.
Not one of those countries lost any of their land to Israel. The war was called by the UN. No one surrendered. How can you say they lost the war?

The palestinians did indeed lose the war. A surrender is not required when the defeated are kicked squarely in the butt, their collective face forced into the dirt by the conqueror's boot, and their collective butt is in up the air for the conqueror to do what he wants with it.

Why give the defeated the recognition of letting them surrender. Treat them like banditti and move on.

The problem is that the war continues today. It has flared up regularly over the last 20 years. Hamas has made a major shift in their strategy over the last few years and Israel is having a tough time dealing with it.

You know less than nothing of the matter.

You are the Forum Dunce.
A. The equation that Israel is the only one the profits from the Israel-US relationship is wrong.

B. With which one of the countries that want us obliterated from the map should Israel form a regional alliance?

A. I never said the US didn't benefit from the existing alliance.

I said the benefit isn't worth the cost.

B. Since I'm in the USA, I don't care if, or when, Israel forms regional alliances with anyone. Sounds like something the Israelis need to work out, though.

The cost is arounding figure in the overall budget. Israel benefits the US infinitely more greatly than you do.

I'm debating whether or not to ignore you or continue to read your posts for their entertainment value.
A. I never said the US didn't benefit from the existing alliance.

I said the benefit isn't worth the cost.

B. Since I'm in the USA, I don't care if, or when, Israel forms regional alliances with anyone. Sounds like something the Israelis need to work out, though.

The cost is arounding figure in the overall budget. Israel benefits the US infinitely more greatly than you do.

I'm debating whether or not to ignore you or continue to read your posts for their entertainment value.

Be flattered I even acknowledge you.
I do NOT support Israel as an ally.

I think the USA needs to revise their list of allies Post Cold War.

The alliance with Israel is a Cold War Anachronism that serves no purpose other than to continue to involve the USA in regional conflicts about which there is nothing to be gained, and much to be lost. As long as Israel is allied with the USA, they have no incentive to develop and expand more meaningful alliances with regional partners.

In Short:

Israel needs to Grow The Fuck Up.

A. The equation that Israel is the only one the profits from the Israel-US relationship is wrong.

B. With which one of the countries that want us obliterated from the map should Israel form a regional alliance?

A. I never said the US didn't benefit from the existing alliance.

I said the benefit isn't worth the cost.

B. Since I'm in the USA, I don't care if, or when, Israel forms regional alliances with anyone. Sounds like something the Israelis need to work out, though.

what i meant with the B. point was to respond to what you said:" As long as Israel is allied with the USA, they have no incentive to develop and expand more meaningful alliances with regional partners." the thing is, israel has no regional partners with which they can make alliances with, regardless of US support. is that america's problem. well, if the US wants to maintain a global leadership role, than it has to have alliances with local partners in global regions. in the mid-east, the ally is israel.
Shogun, even if Israel gave back all the "Land" Hamas, every other country wanting to Eliminate Israel and the Jews would continue to do so.

It's not about Land, it's about Killing and Wiping off Israel.

They already failed twice if i might add..

I said nothing about "giving back the land". I said sharing Palisrael under a united nation for both jews and palis. Now, if you want to think it's not about the land go ahead and figure out why no zionist jew will ever go for the same kind of ethnic equality THERE as they enjoy HERE in the US.

it's too bad that your concept of israel hinges on preserving a jewish dominance. If only white southerners had your zeal.
Shogun, even if Israel gave back all the "Land" Hamas, every other country wanting to Eliminate Israel and the Jews would continue to do so.

It's not about Land, it's about Killing and Wiping off Israel.

They already failed twice if i might add..

I said nothing about "giving back the land". I said sharing Palisrael under a united nation for both jews and palis. Now, if you want to think it's not about the land go ahead and figure out why no zionist jew will ever go for the same kind of ethnic equality THERE as they enjoy HERE in the US.

it's too bad that your concept of israel hinges on preserving a jewish dominance. If only white southerners had your zeal.

Your right you didn't, must have thought you were reffering to that since you said Sharing Land. My apologies.

But to answer your question, Even if we did share the Land we would still be under threat and constantly getting Qassam rockets thrown over to the Jewish "Side".

Actually it doesn't, It was split up into 2 mandates, a Jewish and a Muslim Mandate.

But apparently they don't any Jewish Mandate or Presence in the Middle East.

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