Who finances ISIS?


During its conquest of the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, ISIS fighters looted more than 500 billion Iraqi Dinar, worth about $420 million (308 million euros) at current exchange rates. ISIS is a rebel army composed of Sunni jihadis that calls itself the "Islamic State of Iraq and greater Syria." Its aim is to establish a theocratic Sunni caliphate in the region.

Iraqi officials estimate that the group now has about $2 billion in its war chest. What remains controversial is where the bulk of its money comes from.

Iraq’s Shiite-dominated government accuses Saudi Arabia of supporting the ISIS jihadis. On Tuesday (17.06.2014), Iraqi Premier Nouri al-Maliki said "we hold Saudi Arabia responsible" for the financial and moral support given to ISIS.

muslims have the audacity to call it

in the usa it's tax deductible

From the article:
Additional key financing sources for ISIS, according to Meyer, are the oil fields of northern Syria. "ISIS was able to get those oil fields under their control. They use trucks to bring oil over the border into Turkey. That's an important source of funding for them."
I know oil was was a source of ISIS revenue but I never really looked into how. I find it hard to believe ISIS is getting a significant revenue stream from oil by passing it through Turkey and Turkey not know about it.

From the article:
Additional key financing sources for ISIS, according to Meyer, are the oil fields of northern Syria. "ISIS was able to get those oil fields under their control. They use trucks to bring oil over the border into Turkey. That's an important source of funding for them."
I know oil was was a source of ISIS revenue but I never really looked into how. I find it hard to believe ISIS is getting a significant revenue stream from oil by passing it through Turkey and Turkey not know about it.

zakat-----and love ----from the oil rich muslims of the world and----also "the widow's mite"

From the article:
Additional key financing sources for ISIS, according to Meyer, are the oil fields of northern Syria. "ISIS was able to get those oil fields under their control. They use trucks to bring oil over the border into Turkey. That's an important source of funding for them."
I know oil was was a source of ISIS revenue but I never really looked into how. I find it hard to believe ISIS is getting a significant revenue stream from oil by passing it through Turkey and Turkey not know about it.
I don't believe the Turks are ignorant of it

From the article:
Additional key financing sources for ISIS, according to Meyer, are the oil fields of northern Syria. "ISIS was able to get those oil fields under their control. They use trucks to bring oil over the border into Turkey. That's an important source of funding for them."
I know oil was was a source of ISIS revenue but I never really looked into how. I find it hard to believe ISIS is getting a significant revenue stream from oil by passing it through Turkey and Turkey not know about it.

zakat-----and love ----from the oil rich muslims of the world and----also "the widow's mite"
This is really weird though. Turkey assisting ISIS must have a connection to something/someone else. That connection must be really strong. It could be with the U.S. but Turkey and the U.S. really do not seem to be getting along lately. So who has Turkey allied with who gives the wink to ISIS? Saudi Arabia? Does that mean Saudi Arabia is really not the U.S. ally they once were? It is beginning to look that way, despite what the U.S. still believes.

From the article:
Additional key financing sources for ISIS, according to Meyer, are the oil fields of northern Syria. "ISIS was able to get those oil fields under their control. They use trucks to bring oil over the border into Turkey. That's an important source of funding for them."
I know oil was was a source of ISIS revenue but I never really looked into how. I find it hard to believe ISIS is getting a significant revenue stream from oil by passing it through Turkey and Turkey not know about it.

zakat-----and love ----from the oil rich muslims of the world and----also "the widow's mite"
This is really weird though. Turkey assisting ISIS must have a connection to something/someone else. That connection must be really strong. It could be with the U.S. but Turkey and the U.S. really do not seem to be getting along lately. So who has Turkey allied with who gives the wink to ISIS? Saudi Arabia? Does that mean Saudi Arabia is really not the U.S. ally they once were? It is beginning to look that way, despite what the U.S. still believes.

silly boy-------it is ISLAAAAM do you think that the average Saudi hated OSAMA? I got news for you----he is
an IDOL for muslims. Pakistanis worship him too.. I know that FROM pakistanis

From the article:
Additional key financing sources for ISIS, according to Meyer, are the oil fields of northern Syria. "ISIS was able to get those oil fields under their control. They use trucks to bring oil over the border into Turkey. That's an important source of funding for them."
I know oil was was a source of ISIS revenue but I never really looked into how. I find it hard to believe ISIS is getting a significant revenue stream from oil by passing it through Turkey and Turkey not know about it.
I don't believe the Turks are ignorant of it
There is no way they could be ignorant of it. Nor could anyone else who has interests in the matter. So Turkey is opening assisting ISIS and no one thinks much of it? That can not be good.

From the article:
Additional key financing sources for ISIS, according to Meyer, are the oil fields of northern Syria. "ISIS was able to get those oil fields under their control. They use trucks to bring oil over the border into Turkey. That's an important source of funding for them."
I know oil was was a source of ISIS revenue but I never really looked into how. I find it hard to believe ISIS is getting a significant revenue stream from oil by passing it through Turkey and Turkey not know about it.
I don't believe the Turks are ignorant of it
There is no way they could be ignorant of it. Nor could anyone else who has interests in the matter. So Turkey is opening assisting ISIS and no one thinks much of it? That can not be good.

you are naïve------ISIS is an ISLAMIC ENDEAVOR-----
CALIPHATISM central to islam

From the article:
Additional key financing sources for ISIS, according to Meyer, are the oil fields of northern Syria. "ISIS was able to get those oil fields under their control. They use trucks to bring oil over the border into Turkey. That's an important source of funding for them."
I know oil was was a source of ISIS revenue but I never really looked into how. I find it hard to believe ISIS is getting a significant revenue stream from oil by passing it through Turkey and Turkey not know about it.

zakat-----and love ----from the oil rich muslims of the world and----also "the widow's mite"
This is really weird though. Turkey assisting ISIS must have a connection to something/someone else. That connection must be really strong. It could be with the U.S. but Turkey and the U.S. really do not seem to be getting along lately. So who has Turkey allied with who gives the wink to ISIS? Saudi Arabia? Does that mean Saudi Arabia is really not the U.S. ally they once were? It is beginning to look that way, despite what the U.S. still believes.

silly boy-------it is ISLAAAAM do you think that the average Saudi hated OSAMA? I got news for you----he is
an IDOL for muslims. Pakistanis worship him too.. I know that FROM pakistanis
I see at least four different realities going on right now in the Middle East; U.S., Israel, Iran, Egypt, Russia, Saudi Arabia, ISIS, and the list goes on, definitely more than four. Some times there is a situation which everyone makes an assessment of and reacts according to their own agenda. With different realities what Egypt might do is based on its reality or its understanding of Turkey's reality for example. Turkey might do something based on its reality or what it perceives Iran's reality to be. Saudi Arabia might try to make sense of what Egypt and Turkey just did and makes its own decision. From the top-down these are completely chaotic reacts with no rhythm or reason.
In the aftermath of its conquest of Mosul, the jihadi organization ISIS has been recognized as the richest terrorist organization in the world. Where does its money come from?

Who finances ISIS Business DW.DE 19.06.2014
You know it's "da Joos".

Oh yes. Of course.

Nus-kharah-allah-----said ISRAEL AND THE USA
I vote for that one too. I think that Israel and the U.S. were either partly or completely responsible for the start of ISIS. It would seem that ISIS soon flipped on them. Either or both of those are still using the name of ISIS to perform acts for reactions but they are no longer in control of the beast itself. Using the name of ISIS for strategic reasons pours gas on a fire that is already burning completely out of control.

From the article:
Additional key financing sources for ISIS, according to Meyer, are the oil fields of northern Syria. "ISIS was able to get those oil fields under their control. They use trucks to bring oil over the border into Turkey. That's an important source of funding for them."
I know oil was was a source of ISIS revenue but I never really looked into how. I find it hard to believe ISIS is getting a significant revenue stream from oil by passing it through Turkey and Turkey not know about it.

zakat-----and love ----from the oil rich muslims of the world and----also "the widow's mite"
This is really weird though. Turkey assisting ISIS must have a connection to something/someone else. That connection must be really strong. It could be with the U.S. but Turkey and the U.S. really do not seem to be getting along lately. So who has Turkey allied with who gives the wink to ISIS? Saudi Arabia? Does that mean Saudi Arabia is really not the U.S. ally they once were? It is beginning to look that way, despite what the U.S. still believes.

silly boy-------it is ISLAAAAM do you think that the average Saudi hated OSAMA? I got news for you----he is
an IDOL for muslims. Pakistanis worship him too.. I know that FROM pakistanis
I see at least four different realities going on right now in the Middle East; U.S., Israel, Iran, Egypt, Russia, Saudi Arabia, ISIS, and the list goes on, definitely more than four. Some times there is a situation which everyone makes an assessment of and reacts according to their own agenda. With different realities what Egypt might do is based on its reality or its understanding of Turkey's reality for example. Turkey might do something based on its reality or what it perceives Iran's reality to be. Saudi Arabia might try to make sense of what Egypt and Turkey just did and makes its own decision. From the top-down these are completely chaotic reacts with no rhythm or reason.

all true---random-----but the middle east thing is even
MORE COMPLICATED-----on top of the different countries
and their respective interests -----there are tribes and sects
------LOTS AND LOTS ----all with their own agendae
In the aftermath of its conquest of Mosul, the jihadi organization ISIS has been recognized as the richest terrorist organization in the world. Where does its money come from?

Who finances ISIS Business DW.DE 19.06.2014
You know it's "da Joos".

Oh yes. Of course.

Nus-kharah-allah-----said ISRAEL AND THE USA
I vote for that one too. I think that Israel and the U.S. were either partly or completely responsible for the start of ISIS. It would seem that ISIS soon flipped on them. Either or both of those are still using the name of ISIS to perform acts for reactions but they are no longer in control of the beast itself. Using the name of ISIS for strategic reasons pours gas on a fire that is already burning completely out of control.

nope-----ISIS has existed in the minds of muslims long before there was a USA-----and long before 1948. Try to keep in mind-----BAGHDAD is the land of 1001 Arabian nights-----

From the article:
Additional key financing sources for ISIS, according to Meyer, are the oil fields of northern Syria. "ISIS was able to get those oil fields under their control. They use trucks to bring oil over the border into Turkey. That's an important source of funding for them."
I know oil was was a source of ISIS revenue but I never really looked into how. I find it hard to believe ISIS is getting a significant revenue stream from oil by passing it through Turkey and Turkey not know about it.
I don't believe the Turks are ignorant of it
There is no way they could be ignorant of it. Nor could anyone else who has interests in the matter. So Turkey is opening assisting ISIS and no one thinks much of it? That can not be good.

you are naïve------ISIS is an ISLAMIC ENDEAVOR-----
CALIPHATISM central to islam
It is not just the money. It is also the organization. By just about all standards of military order ISIS performs like a very well oiled machine. Odd for not having a very visible, charismatic leader. ISIS is brilliant in their own right to be sure but even the best organization is not that good. Just plain common sense says there is something more going on here than meets the eye.

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