Who gave us this debt? Well, both parties did, but the fault is more "R" than "D"

How did we get all this debt? Let's look at the whole picture:

Let's start in the Johnson administration, when the debt rose from $305 Billion Dollars to $350 Billion Dollars. A total increase of $45 Billion Dollars over 5+ years

By the end of the Ford Administration the debt stood at $620 Billion Dollars. An Increase of $270 Billion Dollars over 8 Years.

The National Debt at the end of the Carter administration stood at $907 Billion Dollars. An Increase of $287 Billion dollars over 4 years.

During that entire period, Democrats held congress, so we'll halve the damage from the Nixon/Ford era.

So far the Democrats caused more debt, 467 Billion Dems to 135 Billion Reps, but here's where things start to change...

In January 1981, the House of Representatives went Republican on the wave of Reagan's popularity, and remained that way until 1987. This meant that Republicans were effectively in control of spending, having the House, the presidency and a good portion of the Senate.

During this period, the debt rose from 907 Billion to 2.2 Trillion Dollars, an increase of 1.3 Trillion Dollars.

For everyone keeping count, that is now 467 Billion Dems, 1.43 Trillion Reps.


Damn clueless you are.

Why didnt you mention Democrats spending SS to hide the debt and deficit?

Mainly because BOTH parties have done this, and again, Republicans have done it a bit more than Democrats, but both parties are responsible for the rape of SS.

You should really stop listening to just Rush Limbaugh and expand your horizons.
Who gave us this debt? Well, both parties did, but the fault is more "R" than "D"
But theyyyyyyy'rrrrrre doing it moooooooooorrrre!

Sheesh! :rolleyes:
Neither political party seems to be able to do anything that is truly a benefit for the citizens of the US. They can only measure their success and justify their reason for even being in Congress by spending money. Both political parties are guilty of it. They should coin their official motto as "We're only here to spend your money." Throwing money at a problem is not always the best solution but it's the only political solution.
I really don't give a shit about pointing fingers at dead and retired people. Fact is that Bush spent too damned Much and Obama is trying real hard to double or triple his record.

We need some fiscal conservatism in Washington very soon or we may just be too late.
Once again PT Barnum has been proven correct. No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.

Who the hell cares who did the most damage.....it's past time to fix it. The party in power now is the dems and they've made things worse not better. Blaming it on the reps is just a blame game to keep Americans from realizing that both parties are so corrupt as to be the worst thing for this country. Our only hope, absent a bloody revolution, is the 3rd party and I honestly think it's too late for that. We have too many Americans blaming everything on the "other" party rather that trying to fix what's wrong.
I really don't give a shit about pointing fingers at dead and retired people. Fact is that Bush spent too damned Much and Obama is trying real hard to double or triple his record.

We need some fiscal conservatism in Washington very soon or we may just be too late.

Can we clone Blowjob Bill? Boy do we really need somebody like him. He was far more fiscally conservative than Bush (Either I or II)

As it is , I will gladly vote for any Conservative Democrat out of Arkansas. Now, tell me who do they have. I don't care if he gets three BJ's a day. That is none of our business just as long as he runs the office of the presidency better than the two most recent clowns.
Wrong again.
No D No R.
Murkins created this by acting like a bunch of spoiled chillunz.
Living like Stallone while earning 50 grand a year.
No interest ! No down payment ! Third mortgage available CLICK HERE.
$100,000 credit card. Sign here and get 3 night in Bimini for free !
You only owe $250 grand on your house. It's worth $600 now ! Sign here to receive a check !
Look how cheap everything is at Walmart. We'll buy everything there so China can get Rich !

You bought it lock stock and trash can.
The bankensteins went broke but you had to " bail them out"
Gawd Blass The Idiocracy.
Last edited:
Wrong again.
No D No R.
Murkins created this by acting like a bunch of spoiled chillunz.
Living like Stallone while earning 50 grand a year.
No interest ! No down payment ! Third mortgage available CLICK HERE.
$100,000 credit card. Sign here and get 3 night in Bimini for free !
You only owe $250 grand on your house. It's worth $600 now ! Sign here to receive a check !
Look how cheap everything is at Walmart. We'll buy everything there so China can get Rich !

You bought it lock stock and trash can.
The bankensteins went broke but you had to " bail them out"
Gawd Blass The Idiocracy.

Always have to correct people about Walmart. If you lookat the items there, and I mean actually look at them, you can find quite a few things Made in the USA. Most recently we purchased a 16 piece glassware set, heavy duty glass, Made in the USA, $10 at Walmart. And a three piece frying pan set at Sams Club (same difference) Made in the USA. Of course if you buy the $1.19 can opener it was probably made in China.

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