Who gets to decide when and how we die?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
If we were to out and look for fentanyl, wouldn't that end your life?

Euthanasia is complex beyond the scope of this column, but its essential question deserves attention: Who has the right to decide when and how we die?

Christian says suicide go to hell?
The religious often accept the principle, as well, deferring to their perception of the will of God, even if it means enduring prolonged suffering.

n fact, the Canadian Minister of Health’s recent annual report notes that among the reasons cited by patients who chose euthanasia, only 58% mentioned “inadequate control of pain.” Eighty-six percent said they prefer to die because of the “loss of ability to engage in meaningful activities.”
Euthanasia, sometimes called mercy killing, is the ending of a person’s life who is terminally ill and suffering in pain. It is different from assisted suicide, which refers to a physician assisting the person in ending their life.
Euthanasia is more commonly performed on sick or injured animals, as euthanasia for humans is illegal in the majority of the United States. As of June 2021, the only jurisdictions that allow this procedure are Oregon, Washington D.C., Hawaii, Washington, Maine, Colorado, New Jersey, California, and Vermont.

Euthanasian should be the law of the land in the US, but with conservatives on the SC would never go for it, because they believe in heaven and hell.
What zealots.

If we were to out and look for fentanyl, wouldn't that end your life?

Euthanasia is complex beyond the scope of this column, but its essential question deserves attention: Who has the right to decide when and how we die?

Christian says suicide go to hell?
The religious often accept the principle, as well, deferring to their perception of the will of God, even if it means enduring prolonged suffering.

n fact, the Canadian Minister of Health’s recent annual report notes that among the reasons cited by patients who chose euthanasia, only 58% mentioned “inadequate control of pain.” Eighty-six percent said they prefer to die because of the “loss of ability to engage in meaningful activities.”
Euthanasia, sometimes called mercy killing, is the ending of a person’s life who is terminally ill and suffering in pain. It is different from assisted suicide, which refers to a physician assisting the person in ending their life.
Euthanasia is more commonly performed on sick or injured animals, as euthanasia for humans is illegal in the majority of the United States. As of June 2021, the only jurisdictions that allow this procedure are Oregon, Washington D.C., Hawaii, Washington, Maine, Colorado, New Jersey, California, and Vermont.

Euthanasian should be the law of the land in the US, but with conservatives on the SC would never go for it, because they believe in heaven and hell.
What zealots.

Oh, look. The supposedly compassionate fascist wants to kill more people.
Asst suicide should be legal. Its none of you or the states business if i want to end my life.
You have NO idea what people go through.

Agreed. But it should not be administered by government. Government will decide to end your life instead of giving you medications to prolong your life if they get to choose.
My mother suffered the torments of the damned as she slowly died from colon cancer. Now here I am 12 years later with colon cancer. So far the prognosis is good but should things go bad I'll go walk into the surf before I go out like she did. It's a goddamned shame a merciful option does not exist for most Americans.
My mother suffered the torments of the damned as she slowly died from colon cancer. Now here I am 12 years later with colon cancer. So far the prognosis is good but should things go bad I'll go walk into the surf before I go out like she did. It's a goddamned shame a merciful option does not exist for most Americans.

I know someone that was going through cancer treatments for the third time. His doctor gave him pain meds. He was told by the doctor that if he took them all he wouldn't wake up the next day......................
Agreed. But it should not be administered by government. Government will decide to end your life instead of giving you medications to prolong your life if they get to choose.
Our government has demonstrated incompetence at managing just about everything. The last thing they need to be involved with is control over ending peoples lives. There are people whose lives are a living hell racked with pain. Prolonging their life is cruel and they should have the option to a peaceful end. We need more Dr. Kevorkians, not a Federal suicide squad.
I know someone that was going through cancer treatments for the third time. His doctor gave him pain meds. He was told by the doctor that if he took them all he wouldn't wake up the next day......................
I'm a pretty clever guy. I'll find a way out should I make that decision.
As long as the government isn’t involved and it it the person’s decision, then that is between them and their God. No one else, especially the government.
Oh, look. The supposedly compassionate fascist wants to kill more people.

Democraps are the party of evil, the party of death.

Keep in mind that the OP comes from the same depraved ideology that denies the humanity of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings, and considers murdering them to be an essential human right.
Agreed. But it should not be administered by government. Government will decide to end your life instead of giving you medications to prolong your life if they get to choose.
Doctors are not part of the government. WHat a patient, his family and doctors decide is not anyone's business.

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