Who got the US out of the pandemic? (Poll)

Which admin got the US past the Covid-19 pandemic?

  • The Trump administration by expediting vaccine development

    Votes: 28 77.8%
  • The Biden administration by not being the Trump administration

    Votes: 8 22.2%

  • Total voters
If you look at the latest pandemic numbers it's clear.
The new vaccines, developed, tested, manufactured, distributed, and jabbed in arms in record time look to be working.
Any other president would have had a vaccine much faster!!!!
Even a third rate country like Russia produced a vaccine faster than Tramp!!!!
Fauci said 2 years, Trump did it in 9 months
T**** didn't do it. The researchers and scientists did. Let's give the former president credit for getting it distributed as quickly as possible to the states once it was available, but he wasn't responsible for how quickly it was developed. Pfizer and Moderna were.
I agree with what you say with one issue with definition.
1. The scientists developed the vaccines in record time, no question. Dr. Fauci said early on that IF we could develop a vaccine in as soon as (18) months that would be a "medical miracle". They developed it in (9) months with new funding. Kudos.

2. Normal corporate procedure is to NOT build manufacturing facilities until AFTER the vaccine was approved. The T**** admin gave the various companies $6b (between them) to build the manufacturing facilities "at risk". If the vaccine failed it would have been wasted.
That decision meant that we were getting shots in arms much earlier, saving lives. You're welcome.
Pfizer is 92% effective after 2 weeks of the first shot, why do they give a second shot that only increases efficiency to 95%?

Would we not be better off with double the vaccinations at 92% rather than half the vaccinations at 95%?
Dumbass post from a dumbass. One shot is NOT 92% effective, its only 52% effective.
"According to Pfizer data published in December 2020, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is roughly 52% effective after the first dose. "
the CDC seems to move at a snails pace so that is another casideration where people are killed daily.

This has nothing to do with the pace of the CDC, this has to do with the newness of the virus and the vaccine.
How do you consider two year effects when the vaccine is only in arms a few months?
Plus, I don't believe a one does study for Pfizer was ever done.
Pfizer is 92% effective after 2 weeks of the first shot, why do they give a second shot that only increases efficiency to 95%?

Would we not be better off with double the vaccinations at 92% rather than half the vaccinations at 95%?
Dumbass post from a dumbass. One shot is NOT 92% effective, its only 52% effective.
"According to Pfizer data published in December 2020, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is roughly 52% effective after the first dose. "

Not what the latest shows.
Pfizer is 92% effective after 2 weeks of the first shot, why do they give a second shot that only increases efficiency to 95%?

Would we not be better off with double the vaccinations at 92% rather than half the vaccinations at 95%?
Dumbass post from a dumbass. One shot is NOT 92% effective, its only 52% effective.
"According to Pfizer data published in December 2020, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is roughly 52% effective after the first dose. "

Not what the latest shows.
Then post a credible link or STFU. December 2020 is pretty fucking recent, dumbass.
Pfizer is 92% effective after 2 weeks of the first shot, why do they give a second shot that only increases efficiency to 95%?

Would we not be better off with double the vaccinations at 92% rather than half the vaccinations at 95%?
Dumbass post from a dumbass. One shot is NOT 92% effective, its only 52% effective.
"According to Pfizer data published in December 2020, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is roughly 52% effective after the first dose. "

Not what the latest shows.
Then post a credible link or STFU. December 2020 is pretty fucking recent, dumbass.

Just repeating what one of the talking heads told me on my TV yesterday.

That is more recent of December. We should hear more about soon. That or the guy was jerking the viewers chain. We'll see.

the CDC seems to move at a snails pace so that is another casideration where people are killed daily.

This has nothing to do with the pace of the CDC, this has to do with the newness of the virus and the vaccine.
How do you consider two year effects when the vaccine is only in arms a few months?
Plus, I don't believe a one does study for Pfizer was ever done.
Authorizing procedures, medications and/or changes in existing procedures and medications is 100 percent the CDC. As in they are the beginning and end of that process.
Pfizer is 92% effective after 2 weeks of the first shot, why do they give a second shot that only increases efficiency to 95%?

Would we not be better off with double the vaccinations at 92% rather than half the vaccinations at 95%?
Dumbass post from a dumbass. One shot is NOT 92% effective, its only 52% effective.
"According to Pfizer data published in December 2020, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is roughly 52% effective after the first dose. "

Not what the latest shows.
Then post a credible link or STFU. December 2020 is pretty fucking recent, dumbass.

Hey, Tulip, your post here made me check. Published yesterday in teh Wall Street Journal, " A single shot of the vaccine is 85% effective in preventing symptomatic disease 15 to 28 days after being administered, according to a peer-reviewed study conducted by the Israeli government-owned Sheba Medical Center and published in the Lancet medical journal. "

Why the talking head told me 92% after two weeks I can't say. I could probably find it but I don't feel like putting in the effort.

Later, Doll.
the CDC seems to move at a snails pace so that is another casideration where people are killed daily.

This has nothing to do with the pace of the CDC, this has to do with the newness of the virus and the vaccine.
How do you consider two year effects when the vaccine is only in arms a few months?
Plus, I don't believe a one does study for Pfizer was ever done.
Authorizing procedures, medications and/or changes in existing procedures and medications is 100 percent the CDC. As in they are the beginning and end of that process.

can't you follow a thread? Good grief.
Pfizer is 92% effective after 2 weeks of the first shot, why do they give a second shot that only increases efficiency to 95%?

Would we not be better off with double the vaccinations at 92% rather than half the vaccinations at 95%?
Dumbass post from a dumbass. One shot is NOT 92% effective, its only 52% effective.
"According to Pfizer data published in December 2020, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is roughly 52% effective after the first dose. "
Continue reading the article... part of the lower effectiveness is the study trial for the first shot started from the day of the shot, not allowing two weeks before counting those who got infected, trial participants had not developed an immune response yet....
OK, we agree. I'm not saying that the initial drop in January was ONLY because of vaccines, it was probably more related to the end of holiday gatherings. However, as that drop continued, more and more of the most vulnerable kept getting vaccinated.
I don't know when the "break point" happens, or happened, where the vaccinations reduced more new cases than the non-gatherings, but by looking at the "slow" drop rate in new cases from the first two peaks, it looks to me that the vaccinations are accelerating the drop in new cases and deaths, and we already passed the "break point" which is the point of the OP.
The vaccines are in-fact significantly reducing new cases and deaths.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel, as long as a new "vaccine proof" variant doesn't happen. You're welcome.
I don't know what you mean by "break point" or how you determined how we passed it.

The drop in cases is still almost certainly primarily driven by changes in behavior as the percent of the population vaccinated is still around 10%, not nearly enough to give us any kind of herd immunity by any stretch of the imagination. That probably won't happen until we are closer to 40 or 50% vaccinated, combining with another 10-20% of people who have acquired immunity.
"Break Point" means when the vaccines reduce new infections at a faster rate than normal measures w/o the vaccines.
As more and more of the "most exposed" and "most vulnerable" get vaccinated the rate of infections and deaths has to drop.
You seem to imply that the vaccines have no effect yet, I disagree based on the steep drops.
I think it's a combination

This wave and peak came from not social distancing during the holidays....it killed an additional 100,000 people.... in about just one month....

Then the American people started to social distance, wearing masks, and no super spreader rallies or other events AND people started getting the vaccine which has brought us down from that peak....

But not enough vaccinations have taken place to protect us completely....only slightly.

There are some super spreader events that have taken place after the New Year Holiday...the Trump rally and coup attempt on Jan 6th was massive, they went home to a gazillion different State, infected their families and coworkers who then infected others...and those others infected others etc etc....

But that could have already already been included in this last surge of sickness and deaths....let's hope it was....

So next is the Super Bowl super spreader event, again affecting every state from parties and the Tampa Bay street celebrations in Ybor City and everywhere in the city and state....

And this past President Day long weekend, people traveled to other States on vacations and visiting families and friends.

Those two events, we may not have seen the results yet! :eek-52:

Vaccines and those who carry antibodies from previous infection have to be affecting a slower infection spread, but there still was 100,000 deaths the past 4 weeks, which is a HUGE amount of deaths...might be the WORST we have had, the past year since the virus showed up!!

The virus knows we are vaccinating people...and it will try its hardest to outsmart us....and outrun us, by creating variations that are more infectious and more deadly....trying to spread the virus at a faster rate than we can vaccinate. :eek:

My fear is it will mutate to start killing younger people and children, because we are only vaccinating the old and sick right now, while the younger are not being vaccinated yet ....so the sneaky evil virus may see them as easy prey?

Gosh, that sounds so bonkers...!!!! But I've learned one thing for sure about viruses like this one.... don't underestimate it!
Good post. Nothing major to disagree with, surprising?!
1. The Superbowl effect has long past, and thankfully no spikes!
2. One doctor said that he expected the virus to get less deadly, since killing your host is is dumb idea, but then we got the new deadlier strains, so that doctor was being too optimistic, and that lends credence to your pessimism.
3. Young people and kids have very strong immune systems. if they start getting sick, we're all toast.
4. Agree that its better to pound the virus down ASAP before it gets "smart" and beats the vaccine, that would be very bad.
4. I'm still optimistic in spite of the Fed and State governments handling the vaccines. These curves look good to me, hope they keep dropping.
View attachment 458881
I wish I could be optimistic.... but I'm in my protection from being hurt or disappointed mode.... I was optimistic so many times when death rates were on the downside of a big wave of deaths, only to see another wave in deaths even higher on the next peaks, and again happy when we got the vaccine only to see states not innoculating fast enough, to vaccines in short supply, and now these damn variants spreading.... :(

The other day I was reading that younger adults are the ones spreading the virus, primarily not older folks...

We've chosen to inoculate our elderly and healthcare first etc....nursing homes are critical due to confinement spread...

But I am wondering if it just should be open for any age to get one at this point... the younger ones are the initial superspreaders....then it reaches grandpa, who dies.... if we could knock the kiddos out from spreading the virus, that would be beneficial too???

I suppose 2 to 5 years from now a Post Mortem of our successes and failures on how to handle a pandemic like this is in order, so we can learn from it.
Because the statistics tell you that elderly need it right now:

The death rates spikes insanely fast as you get older.
Yes, it kills the elderly faster! Especially those in nursing homes with ailments, and spreads faster with their confinement...

We have been vaccinating the elderly since December...in my state it is open for shots for 70 and older and the 65 and up, has not opened up yet for the vaccine.... we have more elderly as a percentage of population than Florida up here in Maine.... and are very spread out up where I am, the Big City of 32k ....is about 35 miles from us, where centers have been just set up in February....but we have very limited supply and still limited to 70 and above, as said, and a health clinic close by that most of us rural folk use has just gotten handful for the 70 and above..... basically some states are just behind in getting vaccines....

So yes the 70 and above, and direct hospital workers should go first...

BUT KNOW that the virus has a double edged sword....

Old and folks with ailments die from it

But the virus spread of infection is rapidly taking place from say 20 to 55, who do not get really sick from it....in simple everyday terms, this makes the virus MAD so to say, so the virus mutates in to a variation that is stronger and more infectious and or, more deadly....

IF WE HAD ENOUGH VACCINES.... in a perfect world..... :)

We would be vaccinating everyone in the 20-55yrs group at the same time as the elderly, to slow community spread, thus slowing the virus's chances of changing in to a Variant....imo
the CDC seems to move at a snails pace so that is another casideration where people are killed daily.

This has nothing to do with the pace of the CDC, this has to do with the newness of the virus and the vaccine.
How do you consider two year effects when the vaccine is only in arms a few months?
Plus, I don't believe a one does study for Pfizer was ever done.
Authorizing procedures, medications and/or changes in existing procedures and medications is 100 percent the CDC. As in they are the beginning and end of that process.

can't you follow a thread? Good grief.
OK, we agree. I'm not saying that the initial drop in January was ONLY because of vaccines, it was probably more related to the end of holiday gatherings. However, as that drop continued, more and more of the most vulnerable kept getting vaccinated.
I don't know when the "break point" happens, or happened, where the vaccinations reduced more new cases than the non-gatherings, but by looking at the "slow" drop rate in new cases from the first two peaks, it looks to me that the vaccinations are accelerating the drop in new cases and deaths, and we already passed the "break point" which is the point of the OP.
The vaccines are in-fact significantly reducing new cases and deaths.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel, as long as a new "vaccine proof" variant doesn't happen. You're welcome.
I don't know what you mean by "break point" or how you determined how we passed it.

The drop in cases is still almost certainly primarily driven by changes in behavior as the percent of the population vaccinated is still around 10%, not nearly enough to give us any kind of herd immunity by any stretch of the imagination. That probably won't happen until we are closer to 40 or 50% vaccinated, combining with another 10-20% of people who have acquired immunity.
"Break Point" means when the vaccines reduce new infections at a faster rate than normal measures w/o the vaccines.
As more and more of the "most exposed" and "most vulnerable" get vaccinated the rate of infections and deaths has to drop.
You seem to imply that the vaccines have no effect yet, I disagree based on the steep drops.
I think it's a combination

This wave and peak came from not social distancing during the holidays....it killed an additional 100,000 people.... in about just one month....

Then the American people started to social distance, wearing masks, and no super spreader rallies or other events AND people started getting the vaccine which has brought us down from that peak....

But not enough vaccinations have taken place to protect us completely....only slightly.

There are some super spreader events that have taken place after the New Year Holiday...the Trump rally and coup attempt on Jan 6th was massive, they went home to a gazillion different State, infected their families and coworkers who then infected others...and those others infected others etc etc....

But that could have already already been included in this last surge of sickness and deaths....let's hope it was....

So next is the Super Bowl super spreader event, again affecting every state from parties and the Tampa Bay street celebrations in Ybor City and everywhere in the city and state....

And this past President Day long weekend, people traveled to other States on vacations and visiting families and friends.

Those two events, we may not have seen the results yet! :eek-52:

Vaccines and those who carry antibodies from previous infection have to be affecting a slower infection spread, but there still was 100,000 deaths the past 4 weeks, which is a HUGE amount of deaths...might be the WORST we have had, the past year since the virus showed up!!

The virus knows we are vaccinating people...and it will try its hardest to outsmart us....and outrun us, by creating variations that are more infectious and more deadly....trying to spread the virus at a faster rate than we can vaccinate. :eek:

My fear is it will mutate to start killing younger people and children, because we are only vaccinating the old and sick right now, while the younger are not being vaccinated yet ....so the sneaky evil virus may see them as easy prey?

Gosh, that sounds so bonkers...!!!! But I've learned one thing for sure about viruses like this one.... don't underestimate it!
Good post. Nothing major to disagree with, surprising?!
1. The Superbowl effect has long past, and thankfully no spikes!
2. One doctor said that he expected the virus to get less deadly, since killing your host is is dumb idea, but then we got the new deadlier strains, so that doctor was being too optimistic, and that lends credence to your pessimism.
3. Young people and kids have very strong immune systems. if they start getting sick, we're all toast.
4. Agree that its better to pound the virus down ASAP before it gets "smart" and beats the vaccine, that would be very bad.
4. I'm still optimistic in spite of the Fed and State governments handling the vaccines. These curves look good to me, hope they keep dropping.
View attachment 458881
I wish I could be optimistic.... but I'm in my protection from being hurt or disappointed mode.... I was optimistic so many times when death rates were on the downside of a big wave of deaths, only to see another wave in deaths even higher on the next peaks, and again happy when we got the vaccine only to see states not innoculating fast enough, to vaccines in short supply, and now these damn variants spreading.... :(

The other day I was reading that younger adults are the ones spreading the virus, primarily not older folks...

We've chosen to inoculate our elderly and healthcare first etc....nursing homes are critical due to confinement spread...

But I am wondering if it just should be open for any age to get one at this point... the younger ones are the initial superspreaders....then it reaches grandpa, who dies.... if we could knock the kiddos out from spreading the virus, that would be beneficial too???

I suppose 2 to 5 years from now a Post Mortem of our successes and failures on how to handle a pandemic like this is in order, so we can learn from it.
Because the statistics tell you that elderly need it right now:

The death rates spikes insanely fast as you get older.
Yes, it kills the elderly faster! Especially those in nursing homes with ailments, and spreads faster with their confinement...

We have been vaccinating the elderly since December...in my state it is open for shots for 70 and older and the 65 and up, has not opened up yet for the vaccine.... we have more elderly as a percentage of population than Florida up here in Maine.... and are very spread out up where I am, the Big City of 32k ....is about 35 miles from us, where centers have been just set up in February....but we have very limited supply and still limited to 70 and above, as said, and a health clinic close by that most of us rural folk use has just gotten handful for the 70 and above..... basically some states are just behind in getting vaccines....

So yes the 70 and above, and direct hospital workers should go first...

BUT KNOW that the virus has a double edged sword....

Old and folks with ailments die from it

But the virus spread of infection is rapidly taking place from say 20 to 55, who do not get really sick from it....in simple everyday terms, this makes the virus MAD so to say, so the virus mutates in to a variation that is stronger and more infectious and or, more deadly....

IF WE HAD ENOUGH VACCINES.... in a perfect world..... :)

We would be vaccinating everyone in the 20-55yrs group at the same time as the elderly, to slow community spread, thus slowing the virus's chances of changing in to a Variant....imo
Not really sure the age of the individual matters as far as mutation chance. Have not seen any data on that to be honest but I would bet that is mostly irrelevant. At some point we are all going to be inoculated, just a matter of how fast they can produce the vaccine. I can wait and my kids can wait until those that are in FAR more danger than we are.

The bigger question, IMHO, is going to be those that need to work vs those that do not need to get it to work. Hard to tranche the vaccine out when the very vulnerable have already received it on such metrics as there really is anything to actually measure such.
OK, we agree. I'm not saying that the initial drop in January was ONLY because of vaccines, it was probably more related to the end of holiday gatherings. However, as that drop continued, more and more of the most vulnerable kept getting vaccinated.
I don't know when the "break point" happens, or happened, where the vaccinations reduced more new cases than the non-gatherings, but by looking at the "slow" drop rate in new cases from the first two peaks, it looks to me that the vaccinations are accelerating the drop in new cases and deaths, and we already passed the "break point" which is the point of the OP.
The vaccines are in-fact significantly reducing new cases and deaths.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel, as long as a new "vaccine proof" variant doesn't happen. You're welcome.
I don't know what you mean by "break point" or how you determined how we passed it.

The drop in cases is still almost certainly primarily driven by changes in behavior as the percent of the population vaccinated is still around 10%, not nearly enough to give us any kind of herd immunity by any stretch of the imagination. That probably won't happen until we are closer to 40 or 50% vaccinated, combining with another 10-20% of people who have acquired immunity.
"Break Point" means when the vaccines reduce new infections at a faster rate than normal measures w/o the vaccines.
As more and more of the "most exposed" and "most vulnerable" get vaccinated the rate of infections and deaths has to drop.
You seem to imply that the vaccines have no effect yet, I disagree based on the steep drops.
I think it's a combination

This wave and peak came from not social distancing during the holidays....it killed an additional 100,000 people.... in about just one month....

Then the American people started to social distance, wearing masks, and no super spreader rallies or other events AND people started getting the vaccine which has brought us down from that peak....

But not enough vaccinations have taken place to protect us completely....only slightly.

There are some super spreader events that have taken place after the New Year Holiday...the Trump rally and coup attempt on Jan 6th was massive, they went home to a gazillion different State, infected their families and coworkers who then infected others...and those others infected others etc etc....

But that could have already already been included in this last surge of sickness and deaths....let's hope it was....

So next is the Super Bowl super spreader event, again affecting every state from parties and the Tampa Bay street celebrations in Ybor City and everywhere in the city and state....

And this past President Day long weekend, people traveled to other States on vacations and visiting families and friends.

Those two events, we may not have seen the results yet! :eek-52:

Vaccines and those who carry antibodies from previous infection have to be affecting a slower infection spread, but there still was 100,000 deaths the past 4 weeks, which is a HUGE amount of deaths...might be the WORST we have had, the past year since the virus showed up!!

The virus knows we are vaccinating people...and it will try its hardest to outsmart us....and outrun us, by creating variations that are more infectious and more deadly....trying to spread the virus at a faster rate than we can vaccinate. :eek:

My fear is it will mutate to start killing younger people and children, because we are only vaccinating the old and sick right now, while the younger are not being vaccinated yet ....so the sneaky evil virus may see them as easy prey?

Gosh, that sounds so bonkers...!!!! But I've learned one thing for sure about viruses like this one.... don't underestimate it!
Good post. Nothing major to disagree with, surprising?!
1. The Superbowl effect has long past, and thankfully no spikes!
2. One doctor said that he expected the virus to get less deadly, since killing your host is is dumb idea, but then we got the new deadlier strains, so that doctor was being too optimistic, and that lends credence to your pessimism.
3. Young people and kids have very strong immune systems. if they start getting sick, we're all toast.
4. Agree that its better to pound the virus down ASAP before it gets "smart" and beats the vaccine, that would be very bad.
4. I'm still optimistic in spite of the Fed and State governments handling the vaccines. These curves look good to me, hope they keep dropping.
View attachment 458881
I wish I could be optimistic.... but I'm in my protection from being hurt or disappointed mode.... I was optimistic so many times when death rates were on the downside of a big wave of deaths, only to see another wave in deaths even higher on the next peaks, and again happy when we got the vaccine only to see states not innoculating fast enough, to vaccines in short supply, and now these damn variants spreading.... :(

The other day I was reading that younger adults are the ones spreading the virus, primarily not older folks...

We've chosen to inoculate our elderly and healthcare first etc....nursing homes are critical due to confinement spread...

But I am wondering if it just should be open for any age to get one at this point... the younger ones are the initial superspreaders....then it reaches grandpa, who dies.... if we could knock the kiddos out from spreading the virus, that would be beneficial too???

I suppose 2 to 5 years from now a Post Mortem of our successes and failures on how to handle a pandemic like this is in order, so we can learn from it.
Because the statistics tell you that elderly need it right now:

The death rates spikes insanely fast as you get older.
Yes, it kills the elderly faster! Especially those in nursing homes with ailments, and spreads faster with their confinement...

We have been vaccinating the elderly since December...in my state it is open for shots for 70 and older and the 65 and up, has not opened up yet for the vaccine.... we have more elderly as a percentage of population than Florida up here in Maine.... and are very spread out up where I am, the Big City of 32k ....is about 35 miles from us, where centers have been just set up in February....but we have very limited supply and still limited to 70 and above, as said, and a health clinic close by that most of us rural folk use has just gotten handful for the 70 and above..... basically some states are just behind in getting vaccines....

So yes the 70 and above, and direct hospital workers should go first...

BUT KNOW that the virus has a double edged sword....

Old and folks with ailments die from it

But the virus spread of infection is rapidly taking place from say 20 to 55, who do not get really sick from it....in simple everyday terms, this makes the virus MAD so to say, so the virus mutates in to a variation that is stronger and more infectious and or, more deadly....

IF WE HAD ENOUGH VACCINES.... in a perfect world..... :)

We would be vaccinating everyone in the 20-55yrs group at the same time as the elderly, to slow community spread, thus slowing the virus's chances of changing in to a Variant....imo
Not really sure the age of the individual matters as far as mutation chance. Have not seen any data on that to be honest but I would bet that is mostly irrelevant. At some point we are all going to be inoculated, just a matter of how fast they can produce the vaccine. I can wait and my kids can wait until those that are in FAR more danger than we are.

The bigger question, IMHO, is going to be those that need to work vs those that do not need to get it to work. Hard to tranche the vaccine out when the very vulnerable have already received it on such metrics as there really is anything to actually measure such.
I guess the age doesn't really matter, but the spread of the disease does, and if the 20-55 yr olds are the super spreaders, and variants chances to form faster from greater spread....then it behooves us to stop the rapid spread... those vaccines given, are eventually not going to work when a new variant that takes over, makes them ineffective or less affective.

A way to outrun the variant creations, is to vaccinate, everyone at once.....

Or be strict double mask wears, 6ft distancers, no crowds, sanitizer freaks....until all are vaccinated, I suppose? :)

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