Who got the US out of the pandemic? (Poll)

Which admin got the US past the Covid-19 pandemic?

  • The Trump administration by expediting vaccine development

    Votes: 28 77.8%
  • The Biden administration by not being the Trump administration

    Votes: 8 22.2%

  • Total voters
Pfizer had the vaccine in February of 2020 because they received information from China to know it's protein strains an upside from previous research with SARs. Pfizer was not part of Operation Warp Speed. They didn't use USA funds to develop the vaccine.
especially because pfizer teamed up with a german company who actually found and validated the vaccine candidates.
If you look at the latest pandemic numbers it's clear.
The new vaccines, developed, tested, manufactured, distributed, and jabbed in arms in record time look to be working.
At the start of the pandemic Dr Fauci said that developing a new vaccine in (18) months would be a medical miracle. ...

It was. And I never heard anyone say in the USA for this miracle "Thank you, Germany."

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If you look at the latest pandemic numbers it's clear.
The new vaccines, developed, tested, manufactured, distributed, and jabbed in arms in record time look to be working.
At the start of the pandemic Dr Fauci said that developing a new vaccine in (18) months would be a medical miracle.
Then add on 6-months to build manufacturing facilities and make the vaccines, or about (24) months as the earliest time possible to distribute a vaccine. even if one could be found.
The Trump admin got it done in 9-months, saving hundreds of thousands of live, you're welcome.

View attachment 457845

View attachment 457846
This rate will jump up when the JNJ "1-shot" vaccine gets approved
Were still in trump’s pandemic.
My proof is the rate of coming off of the peak
That’s not proof. Correlation =/= causation.

Yes, your statement that vaccines are helping is true. The problem is there is no scientific case that this was contributing any more than a minuscule amount in January given the percentage of people who were vaccinated was minuscule.
OK, we agree. I'm not saying that the initial drop in January was ONLY because of vaccines, it was probably more related to the end of holiday gatherings. However, as that drop continued, more and more of the most vulnerable kept getting vaccinated.
I don't know when the "break point" happens, or happened, where the vaccinations reduced more new cases than the non-gatherings, but by looking at the "slow" drop rate in new cases from the first two peaks, it looks to me that the vaccinations are accelerating the drop in new cases and deaths, and we already passed the "break point" which is the point of the OP.
The vaccines are in-fact significantly reducing new cases and deaths.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel, as long as a new "vaccine proof" variant doesn't happen. You're welcome.
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1. You ignored the FACT that FL, which did not lock down, had fewer cases per 100,000 than states that did lock-down.

That's a bunch of BS as anyone can see in FL statistics vs NYC after initial pre-shutdown spike.

The new vaccines, developed, tested, manufactured, distributed, and jabbed in arms in record time look to be working.

"look to be working"?

You need to check your eyes, because it ain't so. Only a small % of population got vaccinated already, it helps, but it doesn't really account for the drop in cases.

Timeline is pretty simple - people get togather en-mass around Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Years, which caused the normal seasonal spike that is now relenting.
Today about 17% of the US population is vaccinated. That 17% is the most likely to be exposed or be the most vulnerable. So IMHO it is the vaccine.

Thats just not so, only 4% actually got the full vaccination course by TODAY.

Of course people who are hospitalized or died today got infected weeks ago, not today.
True 4.5% got two doses of the vaccine for 93% effectiveness.
But, 12% got at least one dose, I call that "vaccinated".
in a pandemic, any protection is a good thing.

View attachment 458083

We are not discussing "good things" per se, we are discussing vaccine being or not the driving factor behind falling hospitalizations and deaths and the answer is no, people in the hospital now got infected weeks ago.
Looking at the daily numbers, the graphs will all keep falling this week as even more and more people get vaccinated.
The only "proof" I have is the shape of the curves and the rates of drop-off from the peaks.
The first two small peaks had very slow drop offs.
The current high peak is dropping like a rock. Here are today's graphs, and Fridays will all be lower, the "deaths" will be much lower.
View attachment 458187

...if a peak is proof of vaccine action then the Vaccine must've come out at the end of the summer, when the second pandemic peak declined.
A rapid drop in new cases is proof of vaccine action. Look at the "slow" drop rate of the first two peaks, and then look at the rapid drop of the latest peak AFTER the vaccines are given to the most vulnerable segments of the population.
The drop rates are very different, if not for the vaccines, then why?
The poll choices are inadequate. The correct choice:

- Nature. The virus follows the typical curve that pretty much all seasonal virus' do. Human immune systems have evolved over millennia to enable the species to recover from and develop immunity to viruses. It was never a pandemic; Covid is a seasonal corona virus.

The government (Fed, State and Local) turned the virus into a Panicdemic to seize power. I exclude Trump from the Fed blame. The permanent bureaucracy undermined his commons ense approach.
OK, we agree. I'm not saying that the initial drop in January was ONLY because of vaccines, it was probably more related to the end of holiday gatherings. However, as that drop continued, more and more of the most vulnerable kept getting vaccinated.
I don't know when the "break point" happens, or happened, where the vaccinations reduced more new cases than the non-gatherings, but by looking at the "slow" drop rate in new cases from the first two peaks, it looks to me that the vaccinations are accelerating the drop in new cases and deaths, and we already passed the "break point" which is the point of the OP.
The vaccines are in-fact significantly reducing new cases and deaths.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel, as long as a new "vaccine proof" variant doesn't happen. You're welcome.
I don't know what you mean by "break point" or how you determined how we passed it.

The drop in cases is still almost certainly primarily driven by changes in behavior as the percent of the population vaccinated is still around 10%, not nearly enough to give us any kind of herd immunity by any stretch of the imagination. That probably won't happen until we are closer to 40 or 50% vaccinated, combining with another 10-20% of people who have acquired immunity.

Donald Trump had less than nothing to do with the developement of vaccines against the Sars-CoV-2 virus. He liked to get a vaccine exclusivelly only for the USA and I guess he ruined in this way the research of the German company Curevac, which he liked to buy for a billion dollar. Fortunatelly another German company - BionTech - "migrants" from about 60 nations of the world - stopped their fight against cancer and used their methods for the developement of a new vaccine and worked later together with the experienced company Pfizer - including the many "migrants", who work for Pfizer - to save also the asses from racists and anti-racists in the USA.

And let me say: It's not over yet. They and others plan to produce 20 billion doses this year - but this still needs time. So all other rules are still very important!

If COVID-19 is spreading in your community, stay safe by taking some simple precautions, such as physical distancing, wearing a mask, keeping rooms well ventilated, avoiding crowds, cleaning your hands, and coughing into a bent elbow or tissue. Check local advice where you live and work. Do it all!

Make wearing a mask a normal part of being around other people. The appropriate use, storage and cleaning or disposal of masks are essential to make them as effective as possible.

WHO - Source: When and how to use masks
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1. You ignored the FACT that FL, which did not lock down, had fewer cases per 100,000 than states that did lock-down.

That's a bunch of BS as anyone can see in FL statistics vs NYC after initial pre-shutdown spike.

The new vaccines, developed, tested, manufactured, distributed, and jabbed in arms in record time look to be working.

"look to be working"?

You need to check your eyes, because it ain't so. Only a small % of population got vaccinated already, it helps, but it doesn't really account for the drop in cases.

Timeline is pretty simple - people get togather en-mass around Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Years, which caused the normal seasonal spike that is now relenting.
Today about 17% of the US population is vaccinated. That 17% is the most likely to be exposed or be the most vulnerable. So IMHO it is the vaccine.

Thats just not so, only 4% actually got the full vaccination course by TODAY.

Of course people who are hospitalized or died today got infected weeks ago, not today.
True 4.5% got two doses of the vaccine for 93% effectiveness.
But, 12% got at least one dose, I call that "vaccinated".
in a pandemic, any protection is a good thing.

View attachment 458083

We are not discussing "good things" per se, we are discussing vaccine being or not the driving factor behind falling hospitalizations and deaths and the answer is no, people in the hospital now got infected weeks ago.
Looking at the daily numbers, the graphs will all keep falling this week as even more and more people get vaccinated.
The only "proof" I have is the shape of the curves and the rates of drop-off from the peaks.
The first two small peaks had very slow drop offs.
The current high peak is dropping like a rock. Here are today's graphs, and Fridays will all be lower, the "deaths" will be much lower.
View attachment 458187

...if a peak is proof of vaccine action then the Vaccine must've come out at the end of the summer, when the second pandemic peak declined.
A rapid drop in new cases is proof of vaccine action. Look at the "slow" drop rate of the first two peaks, and then look at the rapid drop of the latest peak AFTER the vaccines are given to the most vulnerable segments of the population.
The drop rates are very different, if not for the vaccines, then why?
View attachment 458223

More peak, more drop....right?
The poll choices are inadequate. The correct choice:

- Nature. The virus follows the typical curve that pretty much all seasonal virus' do. Human immune systems have evolved over millennia to enable the species to recover from and develop immunity to viruses. It was never a pandemic; Covid is a seasonal corona virus.

The government (Fed, State and Local) turned the virus into a Panicdemic to seize power. I exclude Trump from the Fed blame. The permanent bureaucracy undermined his commons ense approach.

I guess you are kinda clueless about the historic death toll that takes place in the "typical curve" that happens as "species to recover from and develop immunity to viruses".

Today a flu strain called N1H1 is a seasonal occurance, but when it was a novel virus the way Covid-19 is it killed 50 million people over a few years it took build up immunity among populations to normalize it.
If you look at the latest pandemic numbers it's clear.
The new vaccines, developed, tested, manufactured, distributed, and jabbed in arms in record time look to be working.
At the start of the pandemic Dr Fauci said that developing a new vaccine in (18) months would be a medical miracle.
Then add on 6-months to build manufacturing facilities and make the vaccines, or about (24) months as the earliest time possible to distribute a vaccine. even if one could be found.
The Trump admin got it done in 9-months, saving hundreds of thousands of live, you're welcome.

View attachment 457845

View attachment 457846
This rate will jump up when the JNJ "1-shot" vaccine gets approved
It's very much like asking why Obama won the Nobel and Reagan/Bush I, Maggie Thatcher haven't and Trump won't. Or why, in fact, the ugliest of the contestants win. beauty prizes today.
The poll choices are inadequate. The correct choice:

- Nature. The virus follows the typical curve that pretty much all seasonal virus' do. Human immune systems have evolved over millennia to enable the species to recover from and develop immunity to viruses. It was never a pandemic; Covid is a seasonal corona virus.

The government (Fed, State and Local) turned the virus into a Panicdemic to seize power. I exclude Trump from the Fed blame. The permanent bureaucracy undermined his commons ense approach.

I guess you are kinda clueless about the historic death toll that takes place in the "typical curve" that happens as "species to recover from and develop immunity to viruses".

Today a flu strain called N1H1 is a seasonal occurance, but when it was a novel virus the way Covid-19 is it killed 50 million people over a few years it took build up immunity among populations to normalize it.

Actually, I am quite well informed. We didn't shut down the economy for the flu in 1958 or 1968. It was destructive and stupid to do so for Covid. All of this damage to the health and well being of millions of people for ZERO benefit. The shutdowns didn't save any lives at all.

But, given how toxic our SJW Safe Spaces Woketopia is, sacrificing the welfare of children to make adults feel more comfortable is just par for the course. This has been going on for decades in public schools. Covid just ripped the lid off of the disgusting mess.
The poll choices are inadequate. The correct choice:

- Nature. The virus follows the typical curve that pretty much all seasonal virus' do. Human immune systems have evolved over millennia to enable the species to recover from and develop immunity to viruses. It was never a pandemic; Covid is a seasonal corona virus.

The government (Fed, State and Local) turned the virus into a Panicdemic to seize power. I exclude Trump from the Fed blame. The permanent bureaucracy undermined his commons ense approach.

I guess you are kinda clueless about the historic death toll that takes place in the "typical curve" that happens as "species to recover from and develop immunity to viruses".

Today a flu strain called N1H1 is a seasonal occurance, but when it was a novel virus the way Covid-19 is it killed 50 million people over a few years it took build up immunity among populations to normalize it.

Actually, I am quite well informed. We didn't shut down the economy for the flu in 1958 or 1968.

...mr.well-informed it was actually the Pandemic of 1918, the deadliest one in the 20th century. 1958 pandemic was H2N2 variant and 1968 was H3N2

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The poll choices are inadequate. The correct choice:

- Nature. The virus follows the typical curve that pretty much all seasonal virus' do. Human immune systems have evolved over millennia to enable the species to recover from and develop immunity to viruses. It was never a pandemic; Covid is a seasonal corona virus.

The government (Fed, State and Local) turned the virus into a Panicdemic to seize power. I exclude Trump from the Fed blame. The permanent bureaucracy undermined his commons ense approach.

I guess you are kinda clueless about the historic death toll that takes place in the "typical curve" that happens as "species to recover from and develop immunity to viruses".

Today a flu strain called N1H1 is a seasonal occurance, but when it was a novel virus the way Covid-19 is it killed 50 million people over a few years it took build up immunity among populations to normalize it.
... Actually, I am quite well informed. We didn't shut down the economy for the flu in 1958 or 1968. It was destructive and stupid to do so for Covid.

You are not well informed. The best is you let it be to confuse the expressions cold (what you call in your language normally "flu"), the dangerous influenza (what you also call "flu") and Covid-19 (now again a "flu" in your way to think).

The Sars-CoV-2 virus destroys a body in many ways. For example you are able to have something in what you could call "symptoms of a cold" - but indeed it could be Corona or covid-19. But an addtional symptom will perhaps stay to be: you will not be able to taste food any longer. Cells which are needed to do so are destroyed. Or covid-19 destroys cells in your pancreas and you get diabetes. This are only two "symptoms", which are for example different from any flu. And there are much more problems.

If you like to understand how many people die then paint a little rectangle. Start with 1 year (new born babies up to one year are alwas in danger, because their immune system needs help) - end with 100 years (left-right axis). And down-top start with 0% and end with 100%. In the age of "80" take 25% and make a point there. Then draw a line from the left corner down through this point. Who is over the line will live - who is under the line will die. Unfortunatelly this is a very positive perspective in case of the fight against covid-19 last year - basing on data of people who are fighting against Covid-19. How the gradient looks like, if no one fights - this I never like to see. And now stop it to surrender and start to fight. It's easy to do so: do not carry the virus to anyone else. The problem: You could be infected and bring it to others although you don't have symptoms on your own. Show to everyone your best will not to infect anyone and use masks!
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3rd survey option:
* Unknown - we're not "out of the pandemic" yet

4th survey option:
* BOTH the Trump AND Biden Administrations ***

*** Trump for fast-tracking and approving development and signing contracts and for getting initial manufacturing and distribution underway
*** Biden for tackling massive manufacturing and distribution logjams and for being transparent and bringing the project home - batting clean-up
If you look at the latest pandemic numbers it's clear.
The new vaccines, developed, tested, manufactured, distributed, and jabbed in arms in record time look to be working.
At the start of the pandemic Dr Fauci said that developing a new vaccine in (18) months would be a medical miracle.
Then add on 6-months to build manufacturing facilities and make the vaccines, or about (24) months as the earliest time possible to distribute a vaccine. even if one could be found.
The Trump admin got it done in 9-months, saving hundreds of thousands of live, you're welcome.

View attachment 457845

View attachment 457846
This rate will jump up when the JNJ "1-shot" vaccine gets approved
No one yet! And now we have the variants that are more contagious and more deadly to worry about..... another surge in the virus is expected in March/April..... only with one of the new variants....

Vaccines give some protection from all variants so far, but not as good as for the original version they developed the vaccines for....

Getting vaccine supply quickly, and getting people inoculated quickly, is critical!

New variants create themselves through heavy community spread. We have to stop or slow the spread, to slow the creation of these stronger variants.
The poll choices are inadequate. The correct choice:

- Nature. The virus follows the typical curve that pretty much all seasonal virus' do. Human immune systems have evolved over millennia to enable the species to recover from and develop immunity to viruses. It was never a pandemic; Covid is a seasonal corona virus.

The government (Fed, State and Local) turned the virus into a Panicdemic to seize power. I exclude Trump from the Fed blame. The permanent bureaucracy undermined his commons ense approach.

I guess you are kinda clueless about the historic death toll that takes place in the "typical curve" that happens as "species to recover from and develop immunity to viruses".

Today a flu strain called N1H1 is a seasonal occurance, but when it was a novel virus the way Covid-19 is it killed 50 million people over a few years it took build up immunity among populations to normalize it.

Actually, I am quite well informed. We didn't shut down the economy for the flu in 1958 or 1968.

...mr.well-informed it was actually the Pandemic of 1918, the deadliest one in the 20th century. 1958 pandemic was H2N2 variant and 1968 was H3N2

I fear he did not understand that you used this as an example.
The poll choices are inadequate. The correct choice:

- Nature. The virus follows the typical curve that pretty much all seasonal virus' do. Human immune systems have evolved over millennia to enable the species to recover from and develop immunity to viruses. It was never a pandemic; Covid is a seasonal corona virus.

The government (Fed, State and Local) turned the virus into a Panicdemic to seize power. I exclude Trump from the Fed blame. The permanent bureaucracy undermined his commons ense approach.

I guess you are kinda clueless about the historic death toll that takes place in the "typical curve" that happens as "species to recover from and develop immunity to viruses".

Today a flu strain called N1H1 is a seasonal occurance, but when it was a novel virus the way Covid-19 is it killed 50 million people over a few years it took build up immunity among populations to normalize it.
... Actually, I am quite well informed. We didn't shut down the economy for the flu in 1958 or 1968. It was destructive and stupid to do so for Covid.

You are not well informed. The best is you let it be to confuse the expressions cold (what you call in your language normally "flu"), the dangerous influenza (what you also call "flu") and Covid-19 (now again a "flu" in your way to think).

The Sars-CoV-2 virus destroys a body in many ways. For example you are able to have something in what you could call "symptoms of a cold" - but indeed it could be Corona or covid-19. But an addtional symptom will perhaps stay to be: you will not be able to taste food any longer. Cells which are needed to do so are destroyed. Or covid-19 destroys cells in your pancreas and you get diabetes. This are only two "symptoms", which are for example different from any flu. And there are much more problems.

If you like to understand how many people die then paint a little rectangle. Start with 1 year (new born babies up to one year are alwas in danger, because their immune system needs help) - end with 100 years (left-right axis). And down-top start with 0% and end with 100%. In the age of "80" take 25% and make a point there. Then draw a line from the left corner down through this point. Who is over the line will live - who is under the line will die. Unfortunatelly this is a very positive perspective in case of the fight against covid-19 last year - basing on data of people who are fighting against Covid-19. How the gradient looks like, if no one fights - this I never like to see. And now stop it to surrender and start to fight. It's easy to do so: do not carry the virus to anyone else. The problem: You could be infected and bring it to others although you don't have symptoms on your own. Show to everyone your best will not to infect anyone and use masks!

I'm far better informed that you. Covid is not the Black Plague.

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