Who has helped blacks the most...Democrats or Republicans?

Who has helped blacks the most?

  • Democrats

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • Republicans

    Votes: 19 70.4%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 2 7.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Maybe we should let blacks decide......90% who will not vote Republican
When has the GOP ever done anything unless the Democrats were obviously going to do something alone? GOP is the Pander to the rich party end of story... And making things more difficult for people to rise adding expense for training and education every chance they get...
Conservatives ranting about past Democrats being evil racists one day,

then demanding that we keep the statues honoring Confederate Democats like Robert E. Lee the next.
Democrats and other lunatics like to rant about that happened 150 years ago. Perhaps you should rant about how the Democrats opposed civil rights for blacks for decades until realizing the value of their votes.
Conservatives ranting about past Democrats being evil racists one day,

then demanding that we keep the statues honoring Confederate Democats like Robert E. Lee the next.
Democrats and other lunatics like to rant about that happened 150 years ago. Perhaps you should rant about how the Democrats opposed civil rights for blacks for decades until realizing the value of their votes.

You lie.
Blacks need to be convinced of several things.
The Democrat Party is not their friend. The Democrat Welfare System is not their friend. The Democrat led liberal governments of shithole liberal cities are not their friends.

There are far more whites on the 'welfare system' than blacks.

There are far more whites than blacks, oh wait your point is actually dumb.
Then you admit. More whites are on welfare than blacks.

Especially in the 13 Red State area known at "Appalachia".

Appalachian Poverty
Considering Blacks are only 14% of the population, why would whites not outnumber blacks on welfare? It is just common sense. You have none, or you would not even mention it.
Just so we are clear. There are more whites on welfare than blacks.

Just so we are clear, there are more whites than blacks in the first place. :cuckoo:
The question SHOULD be... which party has harmed the blacks the least? The Republicans. The Republicans believe in giving a hand up and Democrats believe in giving hand outs.

The GOP provides opportunity to grow, be responsible and encourages blacks to be the best they can be.
Historically, Democrats have been on both sides of racism towards Blacks.

They have held them down as slaves, discriminated against them during Jim Crow, and screamed the loudest for them since passage of the Civil Rights Bill in the 60s.They assume that Blacks are on average uneducated or financially unable to get proper identification to allow them to vote. At the same time they are encouraged by Democrats not to work, get married, or raise a family without government assistance. They also are busy trying to prove that cops are racist and are trying to shoot them at every opportunity, even black cops. Is there any wonder why they're paranoid???
Yet some blacks think Democrats are only concerned about their well-being or see the GOP as no decent alternative because of their effective demonization by the media.
Republicans have elected just eight blacks to higher office (Congress, Governor, President) in the last 100 years. 100 years and they can only find eight who were worthy of their votes

Democrats have elected hundreds to include the first black President who was frozen out by Republicans who refused to deal with him
If you believe there is a secret Democratic conspiracy to keep Blacks poor and dependent you give the Dems way too much credit. They are way too disorganized to ever pull that off.

If you believe welfare dependency is bad, you're not alone. It was Bill Clinton who signed a major welfare reform bill into law.

As to the video, it is a GOP propaganda piece, cherry picking history to put the best face on the GOP. The party of Lincoln is not the same party that it became after Goldwater and his support to States Rights (code for segregation). It was Johnson who forced the voting rights bill through Congress, noting in this Texan charm the it would show Blacks exactly who was on their side. It also reversed the political landscape turning the segregationist Southern Dems into the segregationist GOP.
My, my! How you twist history to fit your fantasy!
Really? How so? Please explain.

I seriously doubt you will read anything other than the titles of these articles. This is based on your obvious reluctance to learn anything not taught by your idiotic liberal mentors.

If LBJ had the interests of the black communities in mind, he wouldn't have called them " n i g g e r s ".

Urban Legend: Goldwater Against Civil Rights

Bill Clinton's crime bill destroyed lives, and there's no point denying it | Thomas Frank

How a Democrat Killed Welfare

FACT CHECK: Did LBJ Advocate: 'Convince the Lowest White Man He's Better Than the Best Colored Man'?
Conservatives ranting about past Democrats being evil racists one day,

then demanding that we keep the statues honoring Confederate Democats like Robert E. Lee the next.
Democrats and other lunatics like to rant about that happened 150 years ago. Perhaps you should rant about how the Democrats opposed civil rights for blacks for decades until realizing the value of their votes.

You lie.
That fact has already been linked here more than once.
Conservatives ranting about past Democrats being evil racists one day,

then demanding that we keep the statues honoring Confederate Democats like Robert E. Lee the next.
Democrats and other lunatics like to rant about that happened 150 years ago. Perhaps you should rant about how the Democrats opposed civil rights for blacks for decades until realizing the value of their votes.

You lie.
That fact has already been linked here more than once.

What fact? This thread about the Democratic Party being racist comes up about once a month.
Conservatives ranting about past Democrats being evil racists one day,

then demanding that we keep the statues honoring Confederate Democats like Robert E. Lee the next.
Democrats and other lunatics like to rant about that happened 150 years ago. Perhaps you should rant about how the Democrats opposed civil rights for blacks for decades until realizing the value of their votes.

You lie.
That fact has already been linked here more than once.

Do you think secession by the South was legal? Do you support it? Would you
Republicans have elected just eight blacks to higher office (Congress, Governor, President) in the last 100 years. 100 years and they can only find eight who were worthy of their votes

Democrats have elected hundreds to include the first black President who was frozen out by Republicans who refused to deal with him
Conservatives ranting about past Democrats being evil racists one day,

then demanding that we keep the statues honoring Confederate Democats like Robert E. Lee the next.
Democrats and other lunatics like to rant about that happened 150 years ago. Perhaps you should rant about how the Democrats opposed civil rights for blacks for decades until realizing the value of their votes.

You lie.
That fact has already been linked here more than once.

What fact? This thread about the Democratic Party being racist comes up about once a month.
There is no claim here that Democrats are racists. The claim is that Republicans have historically done more to help the blacks than have the Democrats. I suspect that deep seated racism has something to do with that FACT, but it is not the crux of this thread.
I seriously doubt you will read anything other than the titles of these articles. This is based on your obvious reluctance to learn anything not taught by your idiotic liberal mentors.

If LBJ had the interests of the black communities in mind, he wouldn't have called them " n i g g e r s ".

FACT CHECK: Did LBJ Advocate: 'Convince the Lowest White Man He's Better Than the Best Colored Man'?
LBJ was a man of his time and that was a crude but common term. He was also a very shrewd politician and was almost certainly correct in what he said. He made the 1964 law possible, he didn't have to do it.

I lived through that time so I don't need anyone rewriting history for me. In the presidential campaign, Goldwater played down civil rights and played up state's rights. State's rights was code for segregation.
Republicans have elected just eight blacks to higher office (Congress, Governor, President) in the last 100 years. 100 years and they can only find eight who were worthy of their votes

Democrats have elected hundreds to include the first black President who was frozen out by Republicans who refused to deal with him
Conservatives ranting about past Democrats being evil racists one day,

then demanding that we keep the statues honoring Confederate Democats like Robert E. Lee the next.
Democrats and other lunatics like to rant about that happened 150 years ago. Perhaps you should rant about how the Democrats opposed civil rights for blacks for decades until realizing the value of their votes.

You lie.
That fact has already been linked here more than once.

What fact? This thread about the Democratic Party being racist comes up about once a month.
There is no claim here that Democrats are racists. The claim is that Republicans have historically done more to help the blacks than have the Democrats. I suspect that deep seated racism has something to do with that FACT, but it is not the crux of this thread.

Democrats have given blacks political power

Something Republicans are afraid to do

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