Who hate Putin?

"The sad thing is that ‘Christian’ religion preached by a great number of its followers including" fundamentalists and evangelicals and Pentecostals "has as much in common with the teachings of Christ as a guinea pig has in common with a pig."
The mentioned branches are something worse than Catholic and Orthodox corporations?
Perhaps, but Orthodoxy has kind of become the religion of KGB informers. Not all the priests and certainly not the majority of monks, but clearly a lot of the Patriarchs did that.
"The sad thing is that ‘Christian’ religion preached by a great number of its followers including" fundamentalists and evangelicals and Pentecostals "has as much in common with the teachings of Christ as a guinea pig has in common with a pig."
The mentioned branches are something worse than Catholic and Orthodox corporations?
Perhaps, but Orthodoxy has kind of become the religion of KGB informers. Not all the priests and certainly not the majority of monks, but clearly a lot of the Patriarchs did that.
man what do you know about RPC? when Mongols has introduced Christianity in lands of Moksha it was not Orthodoxy. than when the Mongols created RPC as the taxation office , bank, and propaganda office in Moscow, Constantinople didn´t recognized it for more than 100 years . than Khans of Muscovy bribed semi - bum patriarch of Constantinople.

2) Koba turned PRC into the snitches, its all official, without KBG paper no one could start PRC education...
"The sad thing is that ‘Christian’ religion preached by a great number of its followers including" fundamentalists and evangelicals and Pentecostals "has as much in common with the teachings of Christ as a guinea pig has in common with a pig."
The mentioned branches are something worse than Catholic and Orthodox corporations?
What do you think?
"The sad thing is that ‘Christian’ religion preached by a great number of its followers including" fundamentalists and evangelicals and Pentecostals "has as much in common with the teachings of Christ as a guinea pig has in common with a pig."
The mentioned branches are something worse than Catholic and Orthodox corporations?
What do you think?
I think that religious entities whose main goal is struggle for money and power aren’t a good thing.
Attached is the list of Putin Haters:

- Deep State
- Merkel
- Freemasons
- One well-known nation ( chukchas )
- Democrats
- Liberals
- Satanists
- Soros
- McCain
- Psychos
- Whore-houses owners
- Presstitutes
- Human right activists ( all are paid by Soros )
- Russian Fifth Column
- Pornoindustrie

Who else?

Awwww. How cute. Did vlad pay you for that?

Putin is former KGB who has journalists and opponents killed or jailed.

I know trumptards and paid Russian spammers love that
Whom did Putin kill?

While Soros propaganda wants you to believe Putin kills somebody, your darling Ukraine (its officials) has killed and detained both opposition and journalists, that's Ukrainian officials who have been committing numerous war crimes and have to be judged by International tribunal.
Journalists have faced threats and violence since Myrotvorets began publishing the details of those it believes to be supporting separatism in Ukraine

Myrotvorets has long been raising concerns and criticism of Ukrainian human rights activists. Launched in the spring of 2014, it publishes the personal data of people its writers see as supporting separatism in Ukraine.

In particular, it had published the personal data of former Ukrainian lawmaker Oleh Kalashnikov and journalist Oles Buzyna. Both were murdered near their apartments shortly after the release of their information.

Journalists, whose personal data was published, have already received threats. Ukrainian freelance journalist Roman Stepanovych has published a threat he received via e-mail.

Ukraine: Website leaks personal information of more than 4,000 journalists

Committee to Protect Journalists:

Politicians are creating a toxic atmosphere for the media by dividing Ukrainian journalists into patriotic and unpatriotic, when they should be encouraging a wide variety of viewpoints to inform the public.

Ukrainian press union president threatened after criticizing raid on news website
The UN report documents hundreds of cases of illegal detention, torture and ill-treatment of detainees — both by pro-Russian armed groups and by government agencies. The United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) suspended its visit to Ukraine after being denied access to places in several parts of the country where it suspected people were being deprived of their liberty by the SBU Security Service of Ukraine.

The Times: Kyiv allows torture and runs secret jails, says UN
The Right Sector, Azov or Svoboda created parallel irregular forces that easily go out of control. In Odessa, in May 2014, they were responsible for a mass killing without facing any charges. 45 people from opposition burnt to death. A massacre that didn’t get much attention.

How come western democracies haven’t raised their voice in protest?

Most likely because these Ukrainian nationalist militias actually played a significant role in a much larger scale war. The Ukrainian revolution was strongly supported by the US diplomacy.

In the new cold war that opposes Russia to the USA, Ukraine is a decisive pawn. A tactical pawn to contain Putin’s ambitions.
Ukraine, masks of the revolutionSpecial Commendation Prix Europa – Berlin 2016
Can you imagine what would happened if, in Russia, three opposition figures, a well-known writer and two politicians, were killed in the span of two days? We have a vague of idea of what that would look like, after the Western hysteria about Nemtsov.

History of Ukraine Told by Assassinated Ukrainian Writer Oles Buzina
Meanwhile Russian crooks who claim to be "victims of Putin's regime" and who were granted a political asylum in Western countries are arrested there for committing the same crimes.

A “Victim of Putin’s regime” arrested in France

Putin don't give Russia to international mafia. Therefore he's guilty on anything. Plain and simple.F.... Deep State.
Attached is the list of Putin Haters:

- Deep State
- Merkel
- Freemasons
- One well-known nation ( chukchas )
- Democrats
- Liberals
- Satanists
- Soros
- McCain
- Psychos
- Whore-houses owners
- Presstitutes
- Human right activists ( all are paid by Soros )
- Russian Fifth Column
- Pornoindustrie

Who else?

Power is a thing that people strive for, the more power they have, the more they seek. They hate those who are competing for power with them. Most people in power have a long list of people who hate them.
Attached is the list of Putin Haters:

- Deep State
- Merkel
- Freemasons
- One well-known nation ( chukchas )
- Democrats
- Liberals
- Satanists
- Soros
- McCain
- Psychos
- Whore-houses owners
- Presstitutes
- Human right activists ( all are paid by Soros )
- Russian Fifth Column
- Pornoindustrie
Who else?

and many Russians of any political views :) Communists, democrats, nationalists... One should be a comple moron to think that all the nation can love one person :)
Attached is the list of Putin Haters:

- Deep State
- Merkel
- Freemasons
- One well-known nation ( chukchas )
- Democrats
- Liberals
- Satanists
- Soros
- McCain
- Psychos
- Whore-houses owners
- Presstitutes
- Human right activists ( all are paid by Soros )
- Russian Fifth Column
- Pornoindustrie

Who else?

Crazy nutters who believe every dumb conspiracy theory on the Internet don't.
I think that Navalny will be the next Russian president.
He is not too clever but he is a true Russian patriot.

As always, your posts, Baron are amazingly idiotic :) How you can know from Bruklin who loves and who hates Putin...

If Baron is from Brooklyn, then there must be a small town of about 15 people that didn't have any schools in the middle of Siberia named "Brooklyn."

He is not from Brooklin he is from the Soviet Union and hasn't been to Russia for 30 years :) So he hasn't a clue about what is going on here...
As always, your posts, Baron are amazingly idiotic :) How you can know from Bruklin who loves and who hates Putin...

If Baron is from Brooklyn, then there must be a small town of about 15 people that didn't have any schools in the middle of Siberia named "Brooklyn."

He is not from Brooklin he is from the Soviet Union and hasn't been to Russia for 30 years :) So he hasn't a clue about what is going on here...

As an American citizen I'm allowed to write anything I want on an American web-page.But you are wrong. I'm a former European who worked in USSR and know Russia and its language very well.
I think that Navalny will be the next Russian president.
He is not too clever but he is a true Russian patriot.

Navalny is a true patriot for Washington.

Kseniya Sobchak: Alexei Navalny, who has been campaigning for over a year now. Fake criminal cases were begun against him, he is not allowed to stand in the election.
My question is: why is this happening? Is the government afraid of honest competition?

Vladimir Putin: As for competition and whether we have a capable opposition, I have already answered in enough detail. The message was not that anyone is not mature enough, but that the opposition must emerge with a clear, understandable programme of positive action.

Suppose your slogan is “Against everyone.” Is this a positive action programme? What are you proposing to resolve the problems we are discussing today? (Applause.)

A question about Ukraine was already asked. Do you want dozens of people like Saakashvili running around here? Those you named are a Russian version of Saakashvilis. Do you want such Saakashvilis to destabilise your country? Do you want us to live from one Maidan to the next? To survive attempted coups? We have been through this already. Do you want all this to return? I am sure that the absolute, overwhelming majority of Russian citizens does not want this and will not allow this. (Applause.)

I assure you that the government has never been afraid and is not afraid of anyone. But the government should not be watching the state turn into a muddy puddle where oligarchs fish out goldfish for themselves, like it was in the 1990s or in Ukraine today. Do we want a replica of today's Ukraine in Russia? No, we do not want it and will not allow it.

Vladimir Putin’s annual news conference
As always, your posts, Baron are amazingly idiotic :) How you can know from Bruklin who loves and who hates Putin...

If Baron is from Brooklyn, then there must be a small town of about 15 people that didn't have any schools in the middle of Siberia named "Brooklyn."

He is not from Brooklin he is from the Soviet Union and hasn't been to Russia for 30 years :) So he hasn't a clue about what is going on here...

As an American citizen I'm allowed to write anything I want on an American web-page.But you are wrong. I'm a former European who worked in USSR and know Russia and its language very well.

Brighton Beach?

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