Who hate Putin?

Merry Christmas to you and yours, Stratford!

any Russian patriot knows that our Christmas is January 7, you western puppets :)
dont you know who hinds behind nickname Baron? its famous Muscovite actor Panin, putlerist and great patriot of Putin´s "ruSSki mir"


Unfortunately, you can't: Deep State badly needs its puppets in Russia to help to turn Russia into another sh*thole like Ukraine.

How patriotic - you call your own country sh*hole :) And who is a traitor?
Are you really that naive, Comrade? Ok, for those who spent the last 4 years in a freezer or have been deeply brainwashed (in USA and Ukraine) a long story short: traitors are those

- who organized/supported an anti-constitutional coup and allowed Ukraine to be controlled from abroad by Deep State and thus intentionally to turn it into sh*thole. FYI, a hundred thousand Soros paid crowd in Kiev Miadan decided the fate of the 40 million country;
- who have been turning historical Russian lands with Russian speaking people into anti-Russia;
- who have been breeding Nazis in the middle of Europe;
- who started and participated a civil war against Ukrainian citizens in Donbass (just because they refused to recognize the coup) calling it "Russian aggression".

The list may go on and on. Traitors have been encouraged in Ukraine since 2014 and are called "patriots" now. Unfortunately for everybody, that is an ugly face of Ukrainian "democracy" at the moment.

Looks like the Western "news" you prefer to watch don't inform you too well, poor Comrade :itsok:.

A few pictures may also help to educate you a little bit even though it's not my job to educate you:





Thanks God it looks like Putin will be reelected (regardless if you like it or not, Clown Johnson) and will never allow to turn Russia into another Ukraine at least for the next 6 years.
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Unfortunately, you can't: Deep State badly needs its puppets in Russia to help to turn Russia into another sh*thole like Ukraine.

- who have been breeding Nazis in the middle of Europe;

Who are these Nazi breeds in the middle of Europe?

Here are new european nazis who fight against freedom, native folks, moral, Christianity and traditional values.
They kill, beat and robe absolutely unpunished and receives millions from european socialistic governements

Attached is the list of Putin Haters:

- Deep State
- Merkel
- Freemasons
- One well-known nation ( chukchas )
- Democrats
- Liberals
- Satanists
- Soros
- McCain
- Psychos
- Whore-houses owners
- Presstitutes
- Human right activists ( all are paid by Soros )
- Russian Fifth Column
- Pornoindustrie

Who else?

If you love putin, pack your shit and go live in russia

oh, it fucking sucks there?

well to bad, you hero is there
Renaissance II

Even if Russians are oppressed, that's their business, not ours. Our business is to make money off Russia's human and natural resources, benefiting both countries; an alliance against terrorism, on the model that exterminated ISIS; the destruction of the New World Order, which is worse than the Communist Evil Empire; overthrowing degenerate and emasculating Liberal social values; and, marching together, form a larger alliance with other countries on the move while the regressive Postmodern West drifts, drools, and dips into disintegration.
so you want to ally with russia

I truly hate public school for failing to teach history.
Dilated Pupils

Wherever you were indoctrinated, your mind-bending masters never taught you how to post a detailed and rational objection.
Unfortunately, you can't: Deep State badly needs its puppets in Russia to help to turn Russia into another sh*thole like Ukraine.

How patriotic - you call your own country sh*hole :) And who is a traitor?
Are you really that naive, Comrade? Ok, for those who spent the last 4 years in a freezer or have been deeply brainwashed (in USA and Ukraine) a long story short: traitors are those

- who organized/supported an anti-constitutional coup and allowed Ukraine to be controlled from abroad by Deep State and thus intentionally to turn it into sh*thole. FYI, a hundred thousand Soros paid crowd in Kiev Miadan decided the fate of the 40 million country;
- who have been turning historical Russian lands with Russian speaking people into anti-Russia;
- who have been breeding Nazis in the middle of Europe;
- who started and participated a civil war against Ukrainian citizens in Donbass (just because they refused to recognize the coup) calling it "Russian aggression".

The list may go on and on. Traitors have been encouraged in Ukraine since 2014 and are called "patriots" now. Unfortunately for everybody, that is an ugly face of Ukrainian "democracy" at the moment.

Looks like the Western "news" you prefer to watch don't inform you too well, poor Comrade :itsok:.

A few pictures may also help to educate you a little bit even though it's not my job to educate you:

View attachment 167884

View attachment 167885

View attachment 167886


Thanks God it looks like Putin will be reelected (regardless if you like it or not, Clown Johnson) and will never allow to turn Russia into another Ukraine at least for the next 6 years.

Comrade knows it very well.He is hardly working on destroying of Russia within and on a new Soros sponsored Orange Revolution.
Are you really that naive, Comrade? Ok, for those who spent the last 4 years in a freezer or have been deeply brainwashed (in USA and Ukraine) a long story short: traitors are those

Are you really that stupid, Lady Stgatfogt, that you don't understand I am lazy to read your moronic posts :)
You posted several photos, do you think that they proved something? :)
If you like Zhirinovsky, stop your bullshit about brainwashing...

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