Who here is an atheist?

I am now an atheist. It just makes so much more sense and all the evidence points to science and the processes of science causing the universe and life.

I won't believe in such evil as your god.

Apparently you do as the evil you see exists only in your mind. You believe your own interpretation/creation of an evil God.
I was told that I can't join the Elks, because I am an atheist. That is disappointing, because their bar is one of the best in my small town. On the other hand, whenever I think of joining fraternal orders, such as the Elks, Moose, Shriner's, etc., I simply can't take it seriously. It makes me think of the Mystic Knights of the Sea from Amos and Andy, or whatever Ralph and Ed belonged to in the Honeymooners. What this country needs is an atheist fraternal organization, perhaps named, the Royal Order of the Godless Drinkers.
You could always lie, amirite?

Lie for the privilege to hang out with a bunch of drinking Christians? Naw. I just don't see myself doing that.
Yeah, filthy Christians.

No. Mostly just self righteous and judgemental Christians.
Maybe we should form a mob.
No, just form your own club with silly rituals and secret handshakes. it is actually kind of fun. We used to do it in grade school!
Except you're not discussing philosophy. You are trying to introduce philosophy into a question of science. There's a difference.

Leon Lederman, American experimental physicist and Nobel Laureate, states it thusly:

"In the very beginning, there was a void, a curious form of vacuum, a nothingness containing no space, no time, no matter, no light, no sound. Yet the laws of nature were in and this curious vacuum held potential. A story logically begins at the beginning, but this story is about the universe and unfortunately there are no data for the very beginnings--none, zero. We don't know anything about the universe until it reaches the mature age of a billion of a trillionth of a second. That is, some very short time after creation in the big bang. When you read or hear anything about the birth of the universe, someone is making it up--we are in the realm of philosophy. Only God knows what happened at the very beginning."
"Only god"

Lederman is an atheist and uses that euphemism to mean "we dont know" and to poke fun at the idea of "god of the gaps".
How do you know that is what he is doing?
You could always lie, amirite?

Lie for the privilege to hang out with a bunch of drinking Christians? Naw. I just don't see myself doing that.
Yeah, filthy Christians.

No. Mostly just self righteous and judgemental Christians.
Maybe we should form a mob.
No, just form your own club with silly rituals and secret handshakes. it is actually kind of fun. We used to do it in grade school!
There's a lot to be said for traditions. They are the glue that binds us together.
Isn’t that what conservative Americans are guilty of? Let me give you an example. Europe has conservatives too. What’s different about American conservatives is they don’t believe in global warming or evolution. Is that what you meant about not critical thinking?
No. We practice traditional theory, not critical theory. Traditional theory is when you make an affirmative case for what something is. Critical thinking is when you challenge what you believe to test it's validity. That's what we do. You on the other hand practice critical theory. You don't know how to make an affirmative case for something and sure as heck don't challenge your own beliefs to test their validity. You have arguments against other people's arguments.

Here is an example of what Traditional theory looks like in practice. Given that we are still well below the peak temperatures of the previous interglacial cycle, and given that the geologic record shows that CO2 does not drive climate change, CO2 reinforces climate change, and given that for most of the planet's history earth has been a greenhouse world and only in the last 5 million years transitioned to an icehouse world and given that for the past 500,000 years we have oscillated between pretty severe glacial cycles and interglacial cycles, and given that the conditions which led to this transition are still in place today, I'd be more worried about what triggers the ice age than I would be of a 1 C increase.

Besides do you really believe they can represent the earth's average temperature with one number for the last 2000 years? C'mon man. You got days and night and you have seasons.

The most comical of all though is how you over exaggerate the damage caused by atmospheric CO2. It's like you don't even logic.

Riddle me this batman, if it is the rest of the world is responsible for increasing CO2 emissions by ~ 1 billion tons per year, are you going to send our money to other nations so they don't build gas and coal fired power plants?

Because our emissions could go to zero overnight and the rest of the world would replace what we are presently emitting in 5 short years.
The only "comedy" I see is some uneducated slob of a climate denier listing things that were all taught to him by the very same scientists who have concluded that our actions are warming the planet, then trying to peddle some stupid con that these things are the reason these scientists are wrong. Embarrassing and absurd. Think about the absurdity of your entire line of bullshit...you are explicitly stating that the people who have dedicated their lives to these fields of science and taught you anything and everything you know are so incompetent that they are laboring under the ignorance of the very knowledge they discovered. Fuckin A people, how do you not realize how idiotic you sound?

What's next? Got a few boxing tips for Floyd Mayweather, do ya? I'm sure Yo Yo Ma would really appreciate your advice on how to play the cello. Maybe you could travel back in time and show Van Gogh how to paint? Make sure, just for accuracy of the analogy, you show him one of his own paintings and ask him why he can't paint better, like the guy who painted it.
uu huh. How much have you studied on climate change? It is one of my favorite subjects. I've studied it quite extensively.

Do you really need for me to walk you through each point? Because I suspect you are behaving religiously over your dogma and have never really done your own investigation and know very little about it.

Now given that, do you really want for me to make you look like an ass?
Funny you say that because what it looks like to the rest of the world and half of America that it’s you fundamentalist Christians who are the only ones denying evolution and global warming.

In other words it’s you who’s brainwashed.
If you added up all the CO2 that has ever been emitted by man, do you know what percentage of CO2 that is compared to what is presently stored in the ocean and the atmosphere. We'll just ignore plants and grasses for the moment?

If you don't know that answer and what it means, maybe you are the one who is brainwashed, no?

You say things based upon emotion. You saying things like "it looks like to the rest of the world and half of America that it’s you fundamentalist Christians who are the only ones denying evolution and global warming" is so riddled with error that no rational person would say that.

First of all the facts are this.... the US and Western Europe CO2 emissions have been falling for the past 14 plus years, while the emissions of your so called rest of the world have been increasing by 1 billion tons per year. They will produce a new US worth of emissions every 5 years. Where do the Christians live?

I absolutely deny that atmospheric CO drive climate change. The data does not support it. That data you think you have is a model. That's inaccurate. Has been revised downwards multiple times. And has multiple cases for emissions most of which are unrealistically high.

I would love to share more data and information with you but you have been brainwashed by your religion of climatology (Scientology's kissing cousin).

As for evolution, compared to me, you are an evolution denier.
Don’t want to hear right wing spin on global warming.
No. We practice traditional theory, not critical theory. Traditional theory is when you make an affirmative case for what something is. Critical thinking is when you challenge what you believe to test it's validity. That's what we do. You on the other hand practice critical theory. You don't know how to make an affirmative case for something and sure as heck don't challenge your own beliefs to test their validity. You have arguments against other people's arguments.

Here is an example of what Traditional theory looks like in practice. Given that we are still well below the peak temperatures of the previous interglacial cycle, and given that the geologic record shows that CO2 does not drive climate change, CO2 reinforces climate change, and given that for most of the planet's history earth has been a greenhouse world and only in the last 5 million years transitioned to an icehouse world and given that for the past 500,000 years we have oscillated between pretty severe glacial cycles and interglacial cycles, and given that the conditions which led to this transition are still in place today, I'd be more worried about what triggers the ice age than I would be of a 1 C increase.

Besides do you really believe they can represent the earth's average temperature with one number for the last 2000 years? C'mon man. You got days and night and you have seasons.

The most comical of all though is how you over exaggerate the damage caused by atmospheric CO2. It's like you don't even logic.

Riddle me this batman, if it is the rest of the world is responsible for increasing CO2 emissions by ~ 1 billion tons per year, are you going to send our money to other nations so they don't build gas and coal fired power plants?

Because our emissions could go to zero overnight and the rest of the world would replace what we are presently emitting in 5 short years.
The only "comedy" I see is some uneducated slob of a climate denier listing things that were all taught to him by the very same scientists who have concluded that our actions are warming the planet, then trying to peddle some stupid con that these things are the reason these scientists are wrong. Embarrassing and absurd. Think about the absurdity of your entire line of bullshit...you are explicitly stating that the people who have dedicated their lives to these fields of science and taught you anything and everything you know are so incompetent that they are laboring under the ignorance of the very knowledge they discovered. Fuckin A people, how do you not realize how idiotic you sound?

What's next? Got a few boxing tips for Floyd Mayweather, do ya? I'm sure Yo Yo Ma would really appreciate your advice on how to play the cello. Maybe you could travel back in time and show Van Gogh how to paint? Make sure, just for accuracy of the analogy, you show him one of his own paintings and ask him why he can't paint better, like the guy who painted it.
uu huh. How much have you studied on climate change? It is one of my favorite subjects. I've studied it quite extensively.

Do you really need for me to walk you through each point? Because I suspect you are behaving religiously over your dogma and have never really done your own investigation and know very little about it.

Now given that, do you really want for me to make you look like an ass?
Funny you say that because what it looks like to the rest of the world and half of America that it’s you fundamentalist Christians who are the only ones denying evolution and global warming.

In other words it’s you who’s brainwashed.
If you added up all the CO2 that has ever been emitted by man, do you know what percentage of CO2 that is compared to what is presently stored in the ocean and the atmosphere. We'll just ignore plants and grasses for the moment?

If you don't know that answer and what it means, maybe you are the one who is brainwashed, no?

You say things based upon emotion. You saying things like "it looks like to the rest of the world and half of America that it’s you fundamentalist Christians who are the only ones denying evolution and global warming" is so riddled with error that no rational person would say that.

First of all the facts are this.... the US and Western Europe CO2 emissions have been falling for the past 14 plus years, while the emissions of your so called rest of the world have been increasing by 1 billion tons per year. They will produce a new US worth of emissions every 5 years. Where do the Christians live?

I absolutely deny that atmospheric CO drive climate change. The data does not support it. That data you think you have is a model. That's inaccurate. Has been revised downwards multiple times. And has multiple cases for emissions most of which are unrealistically high.

I would love to share more data and information with you but you have been brainwashed by your religion of climatology (Scientology's kissing cousin).

As for evolution, compared to me, you are an evolution denier.
Don’t want to hear right wing spin on global warming.
We are in an interglacial cycle. That's what happens. The earth warms up.

See the differences?


not accepting Creation and Intelligent Design as being valid concepts
Those are not "valid scientific concepts". They arent scientific ideas at all. They have no place in a science department. That's true regardless of whatever sky wizard anyone does or does not believe in.
The only "comedy" I see is some uneducated slob of a climate denier listing things that were all taught to him by the very same scientists who have concluded that our actions are warming the planet, then trying to peddle some stupid con that these things are the reason these scientists are wrong. Embarrassing and absurd. Think about the absurdity of your entire line of bullshit...you are explicitly stating that the people who have dedicated their lives to these fields of science and taught you anything and everything you know are so incompetent that they are laboring under the ignorance of the very knowledge they discovered. Fuckin A people, how do you not realize how idiotic you sound?

What's next? Got a few boxing tips for Floyd Mayweather, do ya? I'm sure Yo Yo Ma would really appreciate your advice on how to play the cello. Maybe you could travel back in time and show Van Gogh how to paint? Make sure, just for accuracy of the analogy, you show him one of his own paintings and ask him why he can't paint better, like the guy who painted it.
uu huh. How much have you studied on climate change? It is one of my favorite subjects. I've studied it quite extensively.

Do you really need for me to walk you through each point? Because I suspect you are behaving religiously over your dogma and have never really done your own investigation and know very little about it.

Now given that, do you really want for me to make you look like an ass?
Funny you say that because what it looks like to the rest of the world and half of America that it’s you fundamentalist Christians who are the only ones denying evolution and global warming.

In other words it’s you who’s brainwashed.
If you added up all the CO2 that has ever been emitted by man, do you know what percentage of CO2 that is compared to what is presently stored in the ocean and the atmosphere. We'll just ignore plants and grasses for the moment?

If you don't know that answer and what it means, maybe you are the one who is brainwashed, no?

You say things based upon emotion. You saying things like "it looks like to the rest of the world and half of America that it’s you fundamentalist Christians who are the only ones denying evolution and global warming" is so riddled with error that no rational person would say that.

First of all the facts are this.... the US and Western Europe CO2 emissions have been falling for the past 14 plus years, while the emissions of your so called rest of the world have been increasing by 1 billion tons per year. They will produce a new US worth of emissions every 5 years. Where do the Christians live?

I absolutely deny that atmospheric CO drive climate change. The data does not support it. That data you think you have is a model. That's inaccurate. Has been revised downwards multiple times. And has multiple cases for emissions most of which are unrealistically high.

I would love to share more data and information with you but you have been brainwashed by your religion of climatology (Scientology's kissing cousin).

As for evolution, compared to me, you are an evolution denier.
Don’t want to hear right wing spin on global warming.
We are in an interglacial cycle. That's what happens. The earth warms up.

See the differences?

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View attachment 169053
I know the right wing spin. If you were lying for decades that’s its a hoax then now argue its being exaggerated why believe anything you say.

I’ve heard more truth from newt Rex and Nikki than from you. The world knows the truth
not accepting Creation and Intelligent Design as being valid concepts
Those are not "valid scientific concepts". They arent scientific ideas at all. They have no place in a science department. That's true regardless of whatever sky wizard anyone does or does not believe in.
If there is a god he isn’t a Christian Muslim or Jew. He’s a scientologist
not accepting Creation and Intelligent Design as being valid concepts
Those are not "valid scientific concepts". They arent scientific ideas at all. They have no place in a science department. That's true regardless of whatever sky wizard anyone does or does not believe in.
If there is a god he isn’t a Christian Muslim or Jew. He’s a scientologist
If there is "a" god, then there are probably an infinite number of gods
So. Big Bang.

What caused the "Big Bang"?

Did the Big Bang bring existence into existence? Or did something exist before that?

If so, how?

What caused "God"?

Did God bring existence into existence? Or did something exist before that?

If so, how?
GOD created TIME. Before that there was none --- yet GOD was.

So who created God? If you try to claim God was always here, how can you be so sure that what caused the Big Bang wasn't always here?

Prove love, it is probably a myth, self interest at best. Some beliefs, feelings, and ideas defy science.

Why? I have no need or desire to prove love to you. You can believe in love or not, makes no difference to me. Religious nuts like yourself claim you have an obligation to "share" God., and you do it by insulting and trying to remove the rights of all who aren't just like you.

I claim no obligation, one is to show evidence by acts. I respect your beliefs, I ask only that mine also be respected.
not accepting Creation and Intelligent Design as being valid concepts
Those are not "valid scientific concepts". They arent scientific ideas at all. They have no place in a science department. That's true regardless of whatever sky wizard anyone does or does not believe in.
If there is a god he isn’t a Christian Muslim or Jew. He’s a scientologist
If there is "a" god, then there are probably an infinite number of gods
The universe and universes beyond the dark matter bubble we are in are alive. The universe was born and will die. We are like a cell or atom in the body. But how amazing here I am in zero degree weather warm and watching football. I’d like to thank the universe for my place. Man am I lucky.

That doesn’t mean I’ll ever buy into any organized religion ttHat claims to have been visited. I don’t care how good a lies intentions are.

Control. The churches use heaven and hell to control.
not accepting Creation and Intelligent Design as being valid concepts
Those are not "valid scientific concepts". They arent scientific ideas at all. They have no place in a science department. That's true regardless of whatever sky wizard anyone does or does not believe in.
If there is a god he isn’t a Christian Muslim or Jew. He’s a scientologist
If there is "a" god, then there are probably an infinite number of gods
The universe and universes beyond the dark matter bubble we are in are alive. The universe was born and will die. We are like a cell or atom in the body. But how amazing here I am in zero degree weather warm and watching football. I’d like to thank the universe for my place. Man am I lucky.

That doesn’t mean I’ll ever buy into any organized religion ttHat claims to have been visited. I don’t care how good a lies intentions are.

Control. The churches use heaven and hell to control.

Organized religion is just that, a creation of humans. There is matter, there is a creator(.) How else do atheists explain what caused, and comprised, the "Big Bang"?
not accepting Creation and Intelligent Design as being valid concepts
Those are not "valid scientific concepts". They arent scientific ideas at all. They have no place in a science department. That's true regardless of whatever sky wizard anyone does or does not believe in.
If there is a god he isn’t a Christian Muslim or Jew. He’s a scientologist
If there is "a" god, then there are probably an infinite number of gods
The universe and universes beyond the dark matter bubble we are in are alive. The universe was born and will die. We are like a cell or atom in the body. But how amazing here I am in zero degree weather warm and watching football. I’d like to thank the universe for my place. Man am I lucky.

That doesn’t mean I’ll ever buy into any organized religion ttHat claims to have been visited. I don’t care how good a lies intentions are.

Control. The churches use heaven and hell to control.

Organized religion is just that, a creation of humans. There is matter, there is a creator(.) How else do atheists explain what caused, and comprised, the "Big Bang"?
But this is where you are falling on your face without even realizing it. You have not "explained" anything at all. You have merely replaced one mystery with another and tapped out.

"It's magic!!"

^^ explains nothing
I respectyour beliefs, I ask only that mine also be respected.
See, this is garbage, IMO. I may respect YOU, but there is no reason to respect an idea, if that idea has not earned respect. When is the last time you heard a scientist ask that his belief in evolution "be respected"?
not accepting Creation and Intelligent Design as being valid concepts
Those are not "valid scientific concepts". They arent scientific ideas at all. They have no place in a science department. That's true regardless of whatever sky wizard anyone does or does not believe in.
If there is a god he isn’t a Christian Muslim or Jew. He’s a scientologist
If there is "a" god, then there are probably an infinite number of gods
The universe and universes beyond the dark matter bubble we are in are alive. The universe was born and will die. We are like a cell or atom in the body. But how amazing here I am in zero degree weather warm and watching football. I’d like to thank the universe for my place. Man am I lucky.

That doesn’t mean I’ll ever buy into any organized religion ttHat claims to have been visited. I don’t care how good a lies intentions are.

Control. The churches use heaven and hell to control.

Organized religion is just that, a creation of humans. There is matter, there is a creator(.) How else do atheists explain what caused, and comprised, the "Big Bang"?
We don’t. We don’t conclude anything. We say we don’t know yet. We are honest and keep on looking for answers
I respectyour beliefs, I ask only that mine also be respected.
See, this is garbage, IMO. I may respect YOU, but there is no reason to respect an idea, if that idea has not earned respect. When is the last time you heard a scientist ask that his belief in evolution "be respected"?

Faith is more than an idea, I will rephrase for those of your strident, angry faith. Respect my liberty to have my beliefs. (Atheists tend to be both arrogant, and demanding in their faith; I accept the lack of explanation without demeaning the "void".)

Note: I do not believe any human must believe in a creator to go on to the state of heaven.
Last edited:
not accepting Creation and Intelligent Design as being valid concepts
Those are not "valid scientific concepts". They arent scientific ideas at all. They have no place in a science department. That's true regardless of whatever sky wizard anyone does or does not believe in.
Why does this not surprise me? As soon as he dismissed evolution, out of hand, I recognised that LittleNipper was a science hating, pseudoscience loving Young Earth creationist, and rational discussion was an impossibility.
Those are not "valid scientific concepts". They arent scientific ideas at all. They have no place in a science department. That's true regardless of whatever sky wizard anyone does or does not believe in.
If there is a god he isn’t a Christian Muslim or Jew. He’s a scientologist
If there is "a" god, then there are probably an infinite number of gods
The universe and universes beyond the dark matter bubble we are in are alive. The universe was born and will die. We are like a cell or atom in the body. But how amazing here I am in zero degree weather warm and watching football. I’d like to thank the universe for my place. Man am I lucky.

That doesn’t mean I’ll ever buy into any organized religion ttHat claims to have been visited. I don’t care how good a lies intentions are.

Control. The churches use heaven and hell to control.

Organized religion is just that, a creation of humans. There is matter, there is a creator(.) How else do atheists explain what caused, and comprised, the "Big Bang"?
We don’t. We don’t conclude anything. We say we don’t know yet. We are honest and keep on looking for answers

That is agnosticism, much different than the committed, zealotry of atheists.

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