Who here is an atheist?

I respectyour beliefs, I ask only that mine also be respected.
See, this is garbage, IMO. I may respect YOU, but there is no reason to respect an idea, if that idea has not earned respect. When is the last time you heard a scientist ask that his belief in evolution "be respected"?

Faith is more than an idea, I will rephrase for those of your strident, angry faith. Respect my liberty to have my beliefs. (Atheists tend to be both arrogant, and demanding in their faith; I accept the lack of explanation without demeaning the "void".)
I will absolutely respect your liberty to have your beliefs, so long as you guarantee not to attempt to use the legislative, and judicial branches of my secular government to try to force everyone to behave as if they agree with the moral strictures of your beliefs, whether they actually agree, or not, by force of law.

not accepting Creation and Intelligent Design as being valid concepts
Those are not "valid scientific concepts". They arent scientific ideas at all. They have no place in a science department. That's true regardless of whatever sky wizard anyone does or does not believe in.
Why does this not surprise me? As soon as he dismissed evolution, out of hand, I recognised that LittleNipper was a science hating, pseudoscience loving Young Earth creationist, and rational discussion was an impossibility.

You are in the running for Ultimate Judge obviously : ):eusa_clap:
I respectyour beliefs, I ask only that mine also be respected.
See, this is garbage, IMO. I may respect YOU, but there is no reason to respect an idea, if that idea has not earned respect. When is the last time you heard a scientist ask that his belief in evolution "be respected"?

Faith is more than an idea, I will rephrase for those of your strident, angry faith. Respect my liberty to have my beliefs. (Atheists tend to be both arrogant, and demanding in their faith; I accept the lack of explanation without demeaning the "void".)
I will absolutely respect your liberty to have your beliefs, so long as you guarantee not to attempt to use the legislative, and judicial branches of my secular government to try to force everyone to behave as if they agree with the moral strictures of your beliefs, whether they actually agree, or not, by force of law.


100%! Government and religious beliefs MUST be separate! No Ten Commandments on public property, no religious symbols in public lands(.) That I will fight with you to prevent.
uu huh. How much have you studied on climate change? It is one of my favorite subjects. I've studied it quite extensively.

Do you really need for me to walk you through each point? Because I suspect you are behaving religiously over your dogma and have never really done your own investigation and know very little about it.

Now given that, do you really want for me to make you look like an ass?
Funny you say that because what it looks like to the rest of the world and half of America that it’s you fundamentalist Christians who are the only ones denying evolution and global warming.

In other words it’s you who’s brainwashed.
If you added up all the CO2 that has ever been emitted by man, do you know what percentage of CO2 that is compared to what is presently stored in the ocean and the atmosphere. We'll just ignore plants and grasses for the moment?

If you don't know that answer and what it means, maybe you are the one who is brainwashed, no?

You say things based upon emotion. You saying things like "it looks like to the rest of the world and half of America that it’s you fundamentalist Christians who are the only ones denying evolution and global warming" is so riddled with error that no rational person would say that.

First of all the facts are this.... the US and Western Europe CO2 emissions have been falling for the past 14 plus years, while the emissions of your so called rest of the world have been increasing by 1 billion tons per year. They will produce a new US worth of emissions every 5 years. Where do the Christians live?

I absolutely deny that atmospheric CO drive climate change. The data does not support it. That data you think you have is a model. That's inaccurate. Has been revised downwards multiple times. And has multiple cases for emissions most of which are unrealistically high.

I would love to share more data and information with you but you have been brainwashed by your religion of climatology (Scientology's kissing cousin).

As for evolution, compared to me, you are an evolution denier.
Don’t want to hear right wing spin on global warming.
We are in an interglacial cycle. That's what happens. The earth warms up.

See the differences?

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I know the right wing spin. If you were lying for decades that’s its a hoax then now argue its being exaggerated why believe anything you say.

I’ve heard more truth from newt Rex and Nikki than from you. The world knows the truth
How much has the earth warmed up since the industrial revolution?
I respectyour beliefs, I ask only that mine also be respected.
See, this is garbage, IMO. I may respect YOU, but there is no reason to respect an idea, if that idea has not earned respect. When is the last time you heard a scientist ask that his belief in evolution "be respected"?

Faith is more than an idea, I will rephrase for those of your strident, angry faith. Respect my liberty to have my beliefs. (Atheists tend to be both arrogant, and demanding in their faith; I accept the lack of explanation without demeaning the "void".)

Note: I do not believe any human must believe in a creator to go on to the state of heaven.
Excuse you, you bloviating egocentrist. The only person of angry, strident faith is the arrogant person who INSISTS his magical paradigm "be respected". That would be you. You have not a shred of evidence for any of it, yet you demand and think it deserves respect, else you will get upset?

No, let's be clear: only one of us is strident, angry, and employs any faith. That's YOU.
not accepting Creation and Intelligent Design as being valid concepts
Those are not "valid scientific concepts". They arent scientific ideas at all. They have no place in a science department. That's true regardless of whatever sky wizard anyone does or does not believe in.
Why does this not surprise me? As soon as he dismissed evolution, out of hand, I recognised that LittleNipper was a science hating, pseudoscience loving Young Earth creationist, and rational discussion was an impossibility.

You are in the running for Ultimate Judge obviously : ):eusa_clap:
Ultimate Judge of what?
I respectyour beliefs, I ask only that mine also be respected.
See, this is garbage, IMO. I may respect YOU, but there is no reason to respect an idea, if that idea has not earned respect. When is the last time you heard a scientist ask that his belief in evolution "be respected"?

Faith is more than an idea, I will rephrase for those of your strident, angry faith. Respect my liberty to have my beliefs. (Atheists tend to be both arrogant, and demanding in their faith; I accept the lack of explanation without demeaning the "void".)

Note: I do not believe any human must believe in a creator to go on to the state of heaven.
Excuse you, you bloviating egocentrist. The only person of angry, strident faith is the arrogant person who INSISTS his magical paradigm "be respected". That would be you. You have not a shred of evidence for any of it, yet you demand and think it deserves respect, else you will get upset?

No, let's be clear: only one of us is strident, angry, and employs any faith. That's YOU.

No, I am not angry, I demand the liberty of my beliefs, you seem VERY angry however:eusa_clap:
I respectyour beliefs, I ask only that mine also be respected.
See, this is garbage, IMO. I may respect YOU, but there is no reason to respect an idea, if that idea has not earned respect. When is the last time you heard a scientist ask that his belief in evolution "be respected"?

Faith is more than an idea, I will rephrase for those of your strident, angry faith. Respect my liberty to have my beliefs. (Atheists tend to be both arrogant, and demanding in their faith; I accept the lack of explanation without demeaning the "void".)
I will absolutely respect your liberty to have your beliefs, so long as you guarantee not to attempt to use the legislative, and judicial branches of my secular government to try to force everyone to behave as if they agree with the moral strictures of your beliefs, whether they actually agree, or not, by force of law.


100%! Government and religious beliefs MUST be separate! No Ten Commandments on public property, no religious symbols in public lands(.) That I will fight with you to prevent.
And what a person - including a woman - does with their own body is their own damn business. Who a person loves, and marries is between them. You see, you hit the two easy ones. It's those sticky "I have a personal moral distaste for this" things that I'm more interested in.
I accept the lack of explanation without demeaning the "void".
Which is what a rational person does, when he doesnt know something.. A deluded egocentrist who thinks he MUST be special fills this void with fairies and unicorns and sky wizards who promise he is "super special".
No, I am not angry, I demand the liberty of my beliefs
Bullshit. Nobody could ever take away your right to believe anything. You demand respect of them,, else you get upset. And you are in this compromised position precisely because you have not a shred of evidence for any of this magical bullshit. An evidence based thinker doesnt have to demand respect for a belief. He can just point to the mountain of evidence and say, "argue with THAT, son".
I respectyour beliefs, I ask only that mine also be respected.
See, this is garbage, IMO. I may respect YOU, but there is no reason to respect an idea, if that idea has not earned respect. When is the last time you heard a scientist ask that his belief in evolution "be respected"?

Faith is more than an idea, I will rephrase for those of your strident, angry faith. Respect my liberty to have my beliefs. (Atheists tend to be both arrogant, and demanding in their faith; I accept the lack of explanation without demeaning the "void".)
I will absolutely respect your liberty to have your beliefs, so long as you guarantee not to attempt to use the legislative, and judicial branches of my secular government to try to force everyone to behave as if they agree with the moral strictures of your beliefs, whether they actually agree, or not, by force of law.


100%! Government and religious beliefs MUST be separate! No Ten Commandments on public property, no religious symbols in public lands(.) That I will fight with you to prevent.
And what a person - including a woman - does with their own body is their own damn business. Who a person loves, and marries is between them. You see, you hit the two easy ones. It's those sticky "I have a personal moral distaste for this" things that I'm more interested in.

I do not, I know loving humans of the same gender that are great parents and humans. As I believe God is omnipotent, a woman's medical decisions cannot destroy creation, in my beliefs. Again, I am non denominational Christian. Of course gay Americans must have the liberty to marry, of course, no religion should overstep the bounds of the Constitution(.)
I respectyour beliefs, I ask only that mine also be respected.
See, this is garbage, IMO. I may respect YOU, but there is no reason to respect an idea, if that idea has not earned respect. When is the last time you heard a scientist ask that his belief in evolution "be respected"?

Faith is more than an idea, I will rephrase for those of your strident, angry faith. Respect my liberty to have my beliefs. (Atheists tend to be both arrogant, and demanding in their faith; I accept the lack of explanation without demeaning the "void".)

Note: I do not believe any human must believe in a creator to go on to the state of heaven.
Excuse you, you bloviating egocentrist. The only person of angry, strident faith is the arrogant person who INSISTS his magical paradigm "be respected". That would be you. You have not a shred of evidence for any of it, yet you demand and think it deserves respect, else you will get upset?

No, let's be clear: only one of us is strident, angry, and employs any faith. That's YOU.
We're almost always on the same page, Fort, so I hope you'll accept this suggestion from me. peach isn't asking for anyone to respect his beliefs. Rather he is asking that we respect his right to have his beliefs.

If someone believes that grass is green because the Little Green Grass Fairy comes out each dawn and paints each bloade with his Little Green Grass Fairy Brush, I will recognise all day long that person's right to believe that. I will also spend many hours laughing at the moron who is stupid enough to believe something so absurd.

One can respect a person's right to have a belief, without respecting the belief even a little bit. Just sayin. :)
No, I am not angry, I demand the liberty of my beliefs
Bullshit. Nobody could ever take away your right to believe anything. You demand respect of them,, else you get upset. And you are in this compromised position precisely because you have not a shred of evidence for any of this magical bullshit. An evidence based thinker doesnt have to demand respect for a belief. He can just point to the mountain of evidence and say, "argue with THAT, son".

I have yet to see evidence of many things, yet I believe, feel, and love.
Apparently you do as the evil you see exists only in your mind.
Hmm, no, it can be found all through the bible. One doesn't even have to search hard for it.
Rather, it evil is found by those who have no understanding of actual Bible accounts and therefore create their own understanding.
Ha, yes, same default argument every time : "You just dont understand the Bible correctly!"

Hilariously, you can fjnd devout Christians saying this about each other as well. And every one of them, to a man, declares his own account to be the correct one, and does so by dferring to his own authority. Just like you are right now.

I will counter your authoritative declaration with the only appropriate response: "Nuh uh! I'm right, and YOU'RE wrong!" And the discussion ends there, as there is no way to ever figure out who is right and who is wrong. That's the downfall of magical bullshit.
See, this is garbage, IMO. I may respect YOU, but there is no reason to respect an idea, if that idea has not earned respect. When is the last time you heard a scientist ask that his belief in evolution "be respected"?

Faith is more than an idea, I will rephrase for those of your strident, angry faith. Respect my liberty to have my beliefs. (Atheists tend to be both arrogant, and demanding in their faith; I accept the lack of explanation without demeaning the "void".)
I will absolutely respect your liberty to have your beliefs, so long as you guarantee not to attempt to use the legislative, and judicial branches of my secular government to try to force everyone to behave as if they agree with the moral strictures of your beliefs, whether they actually agree, or not, by force of law.


100%! Government and religious beliefs MUST be separate! No Ten Commandments on public property, no religious symbols in public lands(.) That I will fight with you to prevent.
And what a person - including a woman - does with their own body is their own damn business. Who a person loves, and marries is between them. You see, you hit the two easy ones. It's those sticky "I have a personal moral distaste for this" things that I'm more interested in.

I do not, I know loving humans of the same gender that are great parents and humans. As I believe God is omnipotent, a woman's medical decisions cannot destroy creation, in my beliefs. Again, I am non denominational Christian. Of course gay Americans must have the liberty to marry, of course, no religion should overstep the bounds of the Constitution(.)
Hey. Then we have no problems here. As long as you don't try to enforce your belief-based morality on anyone by force of law, you can believe whatever your beady little heart desires. Now, as I pointed out to Fort Fun Indiana , that doesn't mean I respect your beliefs - just your right to hold them.
Rather he is asking that we respect his right to have his beliefs.
Yeah....and? Who is attempting to take this way? Nobody. What Peach is doing is called manipulation. Like when a toddler asks for a puppy, you say no, and the toddler asks, "Why do you hate puppies, Daddy? Why do you hate me, Daddy?"

Peach can believe whatever Peach wants to believe. But if Peach doesn't want anyone scrutinizing or criticizing his beliefs, then he should keep them to himself, and certainly not go post them on open internet forums that exist precisely for the open scrutiny amd exchange of ideas.
Faith is more than an idea, I will rephrase for those of your strident, angry faith. Respect my liberty to have my beliefs. (Atheists tend to be both arrogant, and demanding in their faith; I accept the lack of explanation without demeaning the "void".)
I will absolutely respect your liberty to have your beliefs, so long as you guarantee not to attempt to use the legislative, and judicial branches of my secular government to try to force everyone to behave as if they agree with the moral strictures of your beliefs, whether they actually agree, or not, by force of law.


100%! Government and religious beliefs MUST be separate! No Ten Commandments on public property, no religious symbols in public lands(.) That I will fight with you to prevent.
And what a person - including a woman - does with their own body is their own damn business. Who a person loves, and marries is between them. You see, you hit the two easy ones. It's those sticky "I have a personal moral distaste for this" things that I'm more interested in.

I do not, I know loving humans of the same gender that are great parents and humans. As I believe God is omnipotent, a woman's medical decisions cannot destroy creation, in my beliefs. Again, I am non denominational Christian. Of course gay Americans must have the liberty to marry, of course, no religion should overstep the bounds of the Constitution(.)
Hey. Then we have no problems here. As long as you don't try to enforce your belief-based morality on anyone by force of law, you can believe whatever your beady little heart desires. Now, as I pointed out to Fort Fun Indiana , that doesn't mean I respect your beliefs - just your right to hold them.

That is all I demand, and I respect the liberty of atheists to not take part in religious ceremonies. For the umpteenth time, no religious symbols on public property.
If there is a god he isn’t a Christian Muslim or Jew. He’s a scientologist
If there is "a" god, then there are probably an infinite number of gods
The universe and universes beyond the dark matter bubble we are in are alive. The universe was born and will die. We are like a cell or atom in the body. But how amazing here I am in zero degree weather warm and watching football. I’d like to thank the universe for my place. Man am I lucky.

That doesn’t mean I’ll ever buy into any organized religion ttHat claims to have been visited. I don’t care how good a lies intentions are.

Control. The churches use heaven and hell to control.

Organized religion is just that, a creation of humans. There is matter, there is a creator(.) How else do atheists explain what caused, and comprised, the "Big Bang"?
We don’t. We don’t conclude anything. We say we don’t know yet. We are honest and keep on looking for answers

That is agnosticism, much different than the committed, zealotry of atheists.
Well they lump us together and I don’t mind.

A theist or Christian Muslim Jew says he visited them. What’s the opposite of that? That’s me
Rather he is asking that we respect his right to have his beliefs.
Yeah....and? Who is attempting to take this way? Nobody. What Peach is doing is called manipulation. Like when a toddler asks for a puppy, you say no, and the toddler asks, "Why do you hate puppies, Daddy? Why do you hate me, Daddy?"

Peach can believe whatever Peach wants to believe. But if Peach doesn't want anyone scrutinizing or criticizing his beliefs, then he should keep them to himself, and certainly not go post them on open internet forums that exist precisely for the open scrutiny amd exchange of ideas.
This is also a tactic they use when debating this subject. Guilt. Make you feel bad for criticizing them on a personal level when there’s really nothing personal about this discussion

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