Who here supports BLM?

Do you support BLM?

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I've never been a fan of the Bureau of Land Management. They are horrible custodians of the environment.
How did I end up on the on the rabid right? Because I don’t agree with you?

You just said protests weren’t by definition violent. I quoted your post.
Your logic when you said this below. It is what I've seen many of the breed respond with while pretended they don't know they are conflated the two.

So any BLM “protests” that turned violent weren’t actual “protests”
Now you've doubled down on it.
Your logic when you said this below. It is what I've seen many of the breed respond with while pretended they don't know they are conflated the two.

Now you've doubled down on it.
So what did you mean by the post I quoted then?
You mean CNN is not proud of this shot:
The rabid right sure is proud to use it, but not these videos.

So what did you mean by the post I quoted then?
Simple. Rioting, looting, and setting fires is not protesting and rioting at the Capitol is not political discourse. Why do you call the rioting, looting and arson protesting? It's not. Those are crimes.
Simple. Rioting, looting, and setting fires is not protesting and rioting at the Capitol is not political discourse. Why do you call the rioting, looting and arson protesting? It's not. Those are crimes.
So, we should call them BLM riots, looting and arson instead of protests then. A bit long-winded, ya gotta admit.
If 99.99999% of the time I point my gun at you I dont pull the trigger, you really only care about that .000001% dont you?

How many news reports do we see about all planes that land safely or the 99.99% of the interactions between white police officers and black citizens that are just like every other police/citizen interaction?
Emotional wishers and feelers portray the very very rare as commonplace. It’s the only manner to advance their hateful feelings.
So, we should call them BLM riots, looting and arson instead of protests then. A bit long-winded, ya gotta admit.
The Faux Not News viewers have been calling them that since Jan 7th 2021, when the Neo-GOP/Faux Not News started their equivocation tour. They're still on tour btw. In reality there were many protesters and few rioters who set fires, looted, and generally causing mayhem and destruction.
When only a small percentage of riots take place, you cannot frame the entire set of BLM protests as violent. BLM did not make bombs, so the only thing asinine, is your analogy.

BTW, the majority of Jan 6th protestors, were not peaceful!
There were over 10,000 protesters there. That means the vast majority of them were, indeed, peaceful. You just have a double standard.
The Faux Not News viewers have been calling them that since Jan 7th 2021, when the Neo-GOP/Faux Not News started their equivocation tour. They're still on tour btw. In reality there were many protesters and few rioters who set fires, looted, and generally causing mayhem and destruction.
And there are very few KKK rallies that set fire and cause phisical harm. I guess the KKK is a peaceful org as well then, right?

Of course not. Welcome to double standards.
Simple. Rioting, looting, and setting fires is not protesting and rioting at the Capitol is not political discourse. Why do you call the rioting, looting and arson protesting? It's not. Those are crimes.

It's what made us a free country. You would be condemning the Boston Tea Party you Tory.

It's why the 2nd was made a right.
You'll pretty much only see that image on 'Faux Not News' now, several years after the subsequent protests and riots after Floyds' Murder.

Yes you will also see lots of 'Faux not News' screenshot on MSNBC too, btw.
And that refutes the fact that the BLM protesters rioted in multiple cities resulting in the most damage of any riots in US history because....

Who is being obtuse? Screaming "Fox not News" over and over again does not actually change anything or present a single fact.
The metaphor has nothing to do with BLM. They didn't hold a gun to people's head 99.9% of the time!
So you don’t know what a metaphor is…

Here this may help.

a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
So you don’t know what a metaphor is…

Here this may help.

a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
You are a troll and you are trying to wing it! You are unable to explain why your metaphor is relevant to BLM. That is on you, not me.

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