Who here supports BLM?

Do you support BLM?

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Ah, because you say so.

Well, all those BLM protesters are all violent then, because I say so. The burning cars and buildings with no one caught certainly supports that contention. Unlike the Jan 6th riot where there is extensive camera coverage to the point I am unaware there are any major crimes that went unsolved. We know a lot of the BLM violence was unsolved.

So we are just getting deeper and deeper into how you are treating this with a complete double standard. And I still note you are avoiding the other comparison because there is no way you are going to identify the KKK as 'peaceful' though they are more peaceful than BLM and would have to be such under your own standard.
It's not because I said so, it is what I saw. The people I saw rioting, were rioting. The overwhelming majority of BLM protests were peaceful. As far as the KKK, they are not peaceful by the mere fact they are a racist organization, which makes them inherently violent.
It's not because I said so, it is what I saw. The people I saw rioting, were rioting. The overwhelming majority of BLM protests were peaceful. As far as the KKK, they are not peaceful by the mere fact they are a racist organization, which makes them inherently violent.
So data is not not important, only your personal experience. Just like the guy that goes outside and claims there is no climate change because it was cold today.

And no, racism does not equate to violence. Of course, BLM are pretty racist too but you will ignore that as well. No need to have an actual standard, the people you don't like are violent and the people you support are not. Even if those you support launched protests that resulted in the most violent and destructive riots in the history of the entire nation.
So data is not not important, only your personal experience. Just like the guy that goes outside and claims there is no climate change because it was cold today.

And no, racism does not equate to violence. Of course, BLM are pretty racist too but you will ignore that as well. No need to have an actual standard, the people you don't like are violent and the people you support are not. Even if those you support launched protests that resulted in the most violent and destructive riots in the history of the entire nation.
What do you mean, data is not important? Walk your talk, dude! The "data" shows the overwhelming majority of BLM protests were peaceful, yet you keep trying to convince people of the opposite! You sound like a hypocrite?
What do you mean, data is not important? Walk your talk, dude! The "data" shows the overwhelming majority of BLM protests were peaceful, yet you keep trying to convince people of the opposite! You sound like a hypocrite?
Nope. The data shows they were not. That you cannot deal with that is a you problem.

You continue to post a double standard. Lots of images and news reports of people being violent at Jan 6th means they were violent. Lots of images and news reports of people being violent at BLM riots means they are not violent. 1000 people arrested for Jan 6th means they were violent. 14,000 people arrested during the BLM riots means they are not violent. 3 million in damages over Jan 6th means they were violent. 2 billion in damages (a record BTW) means they were not violent. 2 dead from the Jan 6th riot, one from the actual riot and one from the cops, means they were violent. 19 killed in BLM riots means they were peaceful.

Unlike you, I do not have a blatant double standard. They were both obviously violent and the actual data bears that out. The fact you support violence and lie about it makes you no matter than the Trumptards defending the Jan 6th riot. I do not go by "it is what I saw" because that is not data and is utterly at the whims of your own inherrent bias. It is the exact same standard the Trumpsters use when making their false assumptions.
Nope. The data shows they were not. That you cannot deal with that is a you problem.

You continue to post a double standard. Lots of images and news reports of people being violent at Jan 6th means they were violent. Lots of images and news reports of people being violent at BLM riots means they are not violent. 1000 people arrested for Jan 6th means they were violent. 14,000 people arrested during the BLM riots means they are not violent. 3 million in damages over Jan 6th means they were violent. 2 billion in damages (a record BTW) means they were not violent. 2 dead from the Jan 6th riot, one from the actual riot and one from the cops, means they were violent. 19 killed in BLM riots means they were peaceful.

Unlike you, I do not have a blatant double standard. They were both obviously violent and the actual data bears that out. The fact you support violence and lie about it makes you no matter than the Trumptards defending the Jan 6th riot. I do not go by "it is what I saw" because that is not data and is utterly at the whims of your own inherrent bias. It is the exact same standard the Trumpsters use when making their false assumptions.
The data shows what? 93% peaceful!

The data shows what? 93% peaceful!

Yup, 93% peaceful.

That is a violent advocacy group.

In case you don't realize it, the violent crimes rate is about 1%. So they were 7 times more likely to cause violence and when it was violent it led to mass damage creating the most destructive riots in US history.

That's right, you think the most destructive riots in US history represents 'peaceful.' But then again, we already established you have a double standard. Like I already pointed out, more than 93% of KKK rallies are peaceful. Yet you consider them violent because 'racism' even though those words are not synonyms.

Again, because of a double standard. Hard to be consistent when you are a partisan, right?

Who here supports BLM?​

Me. My taxes have gone toward feeding, clothing, and housing those worthless leeches my whole working life.
Yup, 93% peaceful.

That is a violent advocacy group.

In case you don't realize it, the violent crimes rate is about 1%. So they were 7 times more likely to cause violence and when it was violent it led to mass damage creating the most destructive riots in US history.

That's right, you think the most destructive riots in US history represents 'peaceful.' But then again, we already established you have a double standard. Like I already pointed out, more than 93% of KKK rallies are peaceful. Yet you consider them violent because 'racism' even though those words are not synonyms.

Again, because of a double standard. Hard to be consistent when you are a partisan, right?
To say BLM is a "violent advocacy group", is a fucking lie! And you are a fucking hypocrite! If your group is 93% peaceful, you are not a violent group!

The KKK, on the other hand, is a violent group. That has been their history. BLM doesn't lynch whites!

Finally, I am the most non-partisan poster at this website!
To say BLM is a "violent advocacy group", is a fucking lie! And you are a fucking hypocrite! If your group is 93% peaceful, you are not a violent group!

The KKK, on the other hand, is a violent group. That has been their history. BLM doesn't lynch whites!

Finally, I am the most non-partisan poster at this website!
lol. Sure you are.

That is why you give BLM a pass but do not do so for any group that does not agree with you. If I punched you in the face 7% of the time I certainly would not be a 'peaceful' person. You keep floundering over and over and over and over again. I give you other groups that are violent far less than 7% of the time but they are violent because you don't like them.

They are, of course violent but so is BLM. For the millionth time, they rioted causing the most destructive riots in US history and you call that peaceful. Even you know how asinine that sounds which is why you have avoided it.
lol. Sure you are.

That is why you give BLM a pass but do not do so for any group that does not agree with you. If I punched you in the face 7% of the time I certainly would not be a 'peaceful' person. You keep floundering over and over and over and over again. I give you other groups that are violent far less than 7% of the time but they are violent because you don't like them.

They are, of course violent but so is BLM. For the millionth time, they rioted causing the most destructive riots in US history and you call that peaceful. Even you know how asinine that sounds which is why you have avoided it.
If you are 93% white, but 7% black, are you considered a black man, or a white man?
If you are 93% white, but 7% black, are you considered a black man, or a white man?
It would actually depend on the cultural context. But that is FAR beyond your ability to engage with at this time.

It is not relevant to violence though, is it. Most destruction in us history and you counter with a question about race that cannot be connected to this logically in any way. If you are 49% black and 51% white are you black or white? Or the reverse? Would a 49% violent outbreak rate be 'peaceful.' The obvious answer is that it would be violent as hell and you damn well know it. Did you even think this asinine comparison out?

You are just reaching for straws at this point.
It would actually depend on the cultural context. But that is FAR beyond your ability to engage with at this time.

It is not relevant to violence though, is it. Most destruction in us history and you counter with a question about race that cannot be connected to this logically in any way. If you are 49% black and 51% white are you black or white? Or the reverse? Would a 49% violent outbreak rate be 'peaceful.' The obvious answer is that it would be violent as hell and you damn well know it. Did you even think this asinine comparison out?

You are just reaching for straws at this point.
And you already have your speech prepared and are not willing to look at this with an open mind!
And you already have your speech prepared and are not willing to look at this with an open mind!

It is not a 'speech.' Sorry you can't deal with the facts as they are presented. It is not my fault that you want to shift talking about violent groups that are directly analigious to race which is not. Sorry you want to ignore the counter I gave even in the race example.

An open mind has nothing to do with it. You have failed to do anything but demand you are right whilst ignoring every single example showing how blatant your double standard is.

The closed mind is obvious - you cannot deal with anything stated. I did not run from a single point, you ran from every singe one of them.

It is not a 'speech.' Sorry you can't deal with the facts as they are presented. It is not my fault that you want to shift talking about violent groups that are directly analigious to race which is not. Sorry you want to ignore the counter I gave even in the race example.

An open mind has nothing to do with it. You have failed to do anything but demand you are right whilst ignoring every single example showing how blatant your double standard is.

The closed mind is obvious - you cannot deal with anything stated. I did not run from a single point, you ran from every singe one of them.
Yes you did! You said an organization that is 93% peaceful, is a "violent advocacy group" and that is a fucking lie!
Yes you did! You said an organization that is 93% peaceful, is a "violent advocacy group" and that is a fucking lie!
No, its not. How violent does a group have to be for you to consider it violent? Does it have to burn down a house at 10 of every hundred events? 20? 30?

How many destroyed buildings per 10 events is one allowed? I guess I can hold 10 rallies, burn one house down and then we can claim to be peaceful then, right?
No, its not. How violent does a group have to be for you to consider it violent? Does it have to burn down a house at 10 of every hundred events? 20? 30?

How many destroyed buildings per 10 events is one allowed? I guess I can hold 10 rallies, burn one house down and then we can claim to be peaceful then, right?
Only 7% of the protests were violent. And half of those, were started by cops!

Do you live in this alternate universe where up is down, black is white and 7 out of a 100 is the majority?

You are pushing a lie! A fucking lie!

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