Who here would defend Ramos's right to buy AR's

Are you scared of not passing a psych exam? I'm not. I can pass one with flying colors.

Who is going to administer the test?

I do not need to pass the test, I own all the guns I every plan to own. No way I would buy one from a deal/gun store even if I wanted a new one.
Abbott makes the same speech after every massacre.

You bed wetting parasites parrot the same insipid bullshit after every mass murder that gets any attention and the ones that get no attention. It's always "ban the guns" as if people who are intent on violating laws against fucking MURDER give a fruit fly's fuck about violating laws about the tool used in committing that crime.

You leftists are so fucking retarded I can not actually oppose abortion because you should have been shop vacced into a toilet and the whore that briefly carried you in a cum dumpster womb should have been sterilized. There are not words vulgar enough yet developed in the english language to describe what despicable pieces of shit like you are.

Who is going to administer the test?

I do not need to pass the test, I own all the guns I every plan to own. No way I would buy one from a deal/gun store even if I wanted a new one.

This is part of the discussion that hasn't taken place yet. We haven't gotten passed the "It's ok to kill my kids, but don't take my guns."
Who's going to give the tests, what's going to part of the test. Those are good conversations to have.
I would object to anti gun left leaning radical psychologist having anything to do with these tests or interviews. The same as I would object to some psychologist who'd pass every Tom, Dick and Harry that walked through his door.
This is part of the discussion that hasn't taken place yet. We haven't gotten passed the "It's ok to kill my kids, but don't take my guns."

It is not ok to do either.

Who's going to give the tests, what's going to part of the test. Those are good conversations to have.

As well as the conversations on how all this fits into the Constitution.

I would object to anti gun left leaning radical psychologist having anything to do with these tests or interviews. The same as I would object to some psychologist who'd pass every Tom, Dick and Harry that walked through his door.

Do you think there are enough "neutral" shrinks to give the test? Does one get the test once or every time you buy a gun?
Under the circumstances he bought the gun he had every right to do so.

Maybe background checks are flawed
It’s the weapon that is “flawed“ for the purchase in this case. It’s a low recoil, high cap, high velocity military round. It’s not made for classrooms.
This is part of the discussion that hasn't taken place yet. We haven't gotten passed the "It's ok to kill my kids, but don't take my guns."
Who's going to give the tests, what's going to part of the test. Those are good conversations to have.
I would object to anti gun left leaning radical psychologist having anything to do with these tests or interviews. The same as I would object to some psychologist who'd pass every Tom, Dick and Harry that walked through his door.
..and never suggest the one thing that would stop it all...
Lol, we got enough laws, but you idiots cannot grasp that concept, can you? What laws would have stopped this mass murder seeing how scum doesn't obey laws?
He broke no laws dude. Obviously, they were inappropriate.

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