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Who is an anti semite ? Does the phrase have meaning when it is used so much ?

Does the phrase have meaning when it is used so much ?​

Turdy showing us how difficult even simple matters are for him .
Thinks repetition reduces accuracy and relevance .

Shit . There goes Science and Logic .

What a Fuck Wit you are Turdy .
It seems like any criticism of the actions of the Israeli state brings a response of anti semitism ..

I cannot believe that is right. It would mean that the Israeli state is not subject to the norms of civilised behaviour. Most of which relate back to the treament of Jewish people by the Nazis.

The concept of collective punishment never existed before the Holocaust.

I have been accused of anti semitism on very spurious grounds and I have seen other posters accused of the same.

I just dont get it. It makes the slur meaningless when it is used and is an insult to those who have suffered.

There is a grand canyon between someone like Nick Fuentes denying the Holocaust and someone who thinks bombing babies is a bad thing.

Ive seen similar tactics used by the same people in other areas. For example, older posters may remember when Drag Story Hours were going to end civilisation.Anyone who deumrred frrom that nonsense was called a "groomer".
Even someone calling for a ceasefire is tarred with the same brush. Isnt it better to talk than kill ?
It seems a boneheaded approach and risks alienating friends of jewish people.
When is it OK to criticise the Israeli state ?

Who is?
You are.
There was no real lead-up to it.
I'd point out 9/11 Lisa along with 20 years of subsequent M.E. conflict

In the interest of intellectual honesty and historical accuracy with regard to the previous claim which was made that there was no real lead up to the events of Oct 7; relevant reading...

October 5 2023: Over 800 Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa compound during Jewish Sukkot holiday

''More than 800 Israeli settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem on Thursday morning under the protection of Israeli forces.

Rabbis, heads of settlement associations, and far-right university lecturers were among 832 people who forced their way into the religious site compound, a source in the Islamic Endowments Department in Jerusalem told The New Arab's Arabic sister site Al-Araby Al-Jadeed.

Israeli forces imposed severe restrictions on Muslim worshippers entering Al-Aqsa and those under 60 were prevented from accessing the site.

It comes during the Jewish religious holiday of Sukkot, which started on 29 September and ends on Friday. The holiday has seen thousands of Israeli extremists storm the Al-Aqsa compound, with almost 1,500 entering the site on Monday.

Israeli extremists also continued on Thursday to hold provocative marches both inside Jerusalem's Old City and outside its walls, attacking Palestinians and their property.

They also beat and spat at journalists in a market area near Al-Aqsa, where shops were forced to close for the sixth day in a row.

The Old City is home to Al-Aqsa as well as the Western Wall and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

The Al-Aqsa compound is the third holiest site in Islam and the most important Muslim place in Palestine.''


This event occured just days prior and went unreported in western cable news entertainment programming, predictably.

Anyway. As it is now, I think we have some NGOs further stirring up conflict here in the states and across the globe among the citizenry collectively. Never let a perfectly good crisis go to waste and whatnot...
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In the interest of intellectual honesty, historical accuracy with regard to the previous claim which was made that there was no real lead up to the events of Oct 7; relevant reading...

October 5 2023: Over 800 Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa compound during Jewish Sukkot holiday

''More than 800 Israeli settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem on Thursday morning under the protection of Israeli forces.

Rabbis, heads of settlement associations, and far-right university lecturers were among 832 people who forced their way into the religious site compound, a source in the Islamic Endowments Department in Jerusalem told The New Arab's Arabic sister site Al-Araby Al-Jadeed.

Israeli forces imposed severe restrictions on Muslim worshippers entering Al-Aqsa and those under 60 were prevented from accessing the site.

It comes during the Jewish religious holiday of Sukkot, which started on 29 September and ends on Friday. The holiday has seen thousands of Israeli extremists storm the Al-Aqsa compound, with almost 1,500 entering the site on Monday.

Israeli extremists also continued on Thursday to hold provocative marches both inside Jerusalem's Old City and outside its walls, attacking Palestinians and their property.

They also beat and spat at journalists in a market area near Al-Aqsa, where shops were forced to close for the sixth day in a row.

The Old City is home to Al-Aqsa as well as the Western Wall and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

The Al-Aqsa compound is the third holiest site in Islam and the most important Muslim place in Palestine.''


This event event occured just days prior and went unreported in western programming, predictably.
Things Americans know nothing about.
Things Americans know nothing about.

eeeyep. Collectively speaking anyway. Of course, those who might know donlt seem particularly interesteda in all of the facts being invoked into the equation. Getting back to what I was saying to sparky about dividing and conquering.

But whatever. Not my circus. Not my monkeys.

I'm more concerned with how this is going to be manipulated for the purpose of expanding government and usurping civil liberties here at home. And it will be. They'll try anyway. Watch and see. In fact, I've already seen instances of not so cleverly invoked/placed calls for that very thing around here. The NGOs will and certainly do seem to be helping that along without hesitation, given what we're seeing with a lot of these recent ''protests'' and ''clashes'' That's the benefit of racing to control the terms of controversy, I imagine.
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Poor shitstain. Mad that you, sparky, Natural Citizen, and the rest of the Anti-Semites here are having your bigotry exposed all over the place. Now throw out more lies and bullshit to pathetically attempt to deflect from your stupidity.
The thinking of a child. It never ends. No wonder the elites get away with so much. There are too many dumb people.
Poor shitstain. Mad that you, sparky, Natural Citizen, and the rest of the Anti-Semites here are having your bigotry exposed all over the place. Now throw out more lies and bullshit to pathetically attempt to deflect from your stupidity.

It's probably not a very good idea to invoke my name into those Micky Mouse type shenanigans. Not if you wanna salvage your pride. It never works for the intent that people like you play that kind of laughable game. Not on me anyway.

Social justice warriors like yourself seem to always rely on what you foolishly and naively feel are fruitful shaming tactics, observably. It's probably just about the only ammo that low info misfits who like to play that game have. And that's really only because people are dumb enough to waste their time defending themselves against such trivial shit rather than discussing the actual terms of controversy. But you're shooting blanks anyway, cowboy. Slandering an opponent with a label that does not really apply to him or her, in order to control his arguments and behavior only works on people who care what you think about them. Or whatever anyone else thinks about them.

Firstly, I'll tell you that it just doesn't work on me particularly. lol. And I'll tell you why. I control my own arguments. Not you. And not anyone else. As well, I don't really care what you or anyone else thinks about me particularly. Ultimately your feelings or what you personally think about me or anyone else in particular are unimportant. And its just a cop out anyway, so you don't actually have to discuss something like a big boy

And secondly, judging by the level of dialogue you've invoked here, you're very likely outta your league tinkering around with me anyway, homeboy. You just don't know it yet.

With an attitude like that, I'll take you to school in front of all of your friends and won't lose a second worth of sleep about it. You're acting like just another low-value social justice warrior type of poster, with a filthy mouth regurgitating what he sees or hears on his idiot box to me.

Of course, if you wanna show us all how smart you are, you know where the Bull Ring is. Just whistle. I might be in the neighborhood. You never know when I might pop in here. Heck, I like to learn. :)

Thanks for the points, though...
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Now....be brave....

What do you suggest the Israelis do to stop hamas?

For starters, out the bigots , stop the hate 2aguy

Yes that sounds simplistic, but it really is that simple

Where that to be universally applied, the 'holy land' might actually live up to it's namesake

Poor shitstain. Mad that you, sparky, Natural Citizen

They are giving a platform for 21st century Nazis as they lie

It's hard to not feel sorry for the tools feeding the global hegemony

yet you're free to keep it fed, just as i am pointing out that is exactly what you're doing (so far)

brownshirts historically have no idea they're slitting their own throats.....~S~
Not perpetual......when you kill them to the point they can't rape, torture, murder, and mutilate you people any more....

Now....be brave....

What do you suggest the Israelis do to stop hamas?

Do you approve of indiscriminate bombing of homes, hospitals, and schools killing huge numbers of women and children?

Do you fail to see what Israel is doing is just as bad as what Hamas did, only the numbers are higher?
...Natural Citizen, and the rest of the Anti-Semites here are having your bigotry exposed all over the place
What I can’t figure out is why USMB has allowed these Stormfront, Jew-hating posters spew their venom without moving the threads to Badlands.

Be careful what you ask for, sunshine.

You've gotten very confident in yourself with that baseless, arbitrary slandering game you've been routinely playing with people on here as of late.

It's a long fall from atop of that high horse you've arbitrarily placed yourself on. But it's that sudden stop at the end of it that hurts so bad.

People like you are my absolute favorite. You're no different than the rabidly statist race hustlers on here, from where I'm sitting. Just different packaging.
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Be careful what you ask for, sunshine.

You've gotten very confident in yourself with that baseless, arbitrary slandering game you've been routinely playing with people on here as of late.

It's a long fall from atop of that high horse you've arbitrarily placed yourself on. The sudden stop at the end hurts.

People like you are my absolute favorite. You;re no different than the race hustlers on here. Just different packaging.
I don’t hear you calling out the antisemites for slandering me by calling me “Nazi” or siding with Hamas terrorists.

You're awfully critical of Jews for some reason, and tolerant of barbaric terrorists and the antisemites who support them.
I don’t hear you calling out the antisemites for slandering me by calling me “Nazi” or siding with Hamas terrorists.

You're awfully critical of Jews for some reason, and tolerant of barbaric terrorists and the antisemites who support them.

No, huh uh. I don't believe I've mentioned anything about Jews. Heck, I don't even know any Jews. In fact, I've largely avoided the whole sideshow some of you are orchestrating.

But I'm not going to flatter you by defending myself against the terms of your arbitrary game. There's simply no value in it. There's nothing to be had by it. It's pablum. So that's probably all I have to say about that. As I'd mentioned previously in the thread. I control my argument(s). Not you. And not anyone ese.

And I'm certainly not interested in contributing to reducing the scope of fruitful, meaningful dialogue relevant to the goings-on over there to merely coercing the forum membership to hurry up and pick a side so that the ship quickly gets steered in the direction of just standing around wagging each other's peckers back and forth at each other rather than actually discussing the matter more thoroughly and relevantly to scope.

Unlike what you and what seems like many others have demonstrated, I'm not afraid of nor am I incapable of discussing the goings-on in the more relevant, more thorough way that it deserves. So I just don't need to rely on that sort of hurry up and pick a side and start waving your peckers back and forth routine to avoid it. More importantly, I don't want to participate in that infantile routine. And indeed it is a choice to do so, if that's the very shallow model to which one wants this particular discourse relegated.

Just remember what I said. And if they move the discussion to the Badlands, per your suggestion, so as to hide any relevant dialogue that goes beyond the pecker wagging contest as well as beyond the parameter of your observable desire to strictly maintain it as such from the view of casual passers-by, then perhaps I'll see you down there if I pop in here and you can show all of us that high IQ of yours.
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