Who Is Causing The Most Trouble In America?

Who or what is the greatest cause of division and instability in America?

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I was wondering who everyone though was the greatest force for instability in America.

Is it the left, the right, Obama, terrorism, Republicans, Democrats, racism?
I think it is people who are politically unaware. And I say that after being a widow and raising my children alone. It was all I could do for us to just survive. Voting maybe happened and maybe didn't. When enough people are too overwhelmed by just trying to survive to participate in the system in the manner the plan set forth, I think that could bring about an unstable situation pretty quickly.
A media who has turned in their journalistic standards for an opportunity to help make history...they drive the stories with an agenda to mold public opinion.

I'm voting with Sherry. This one wasn't on the list so I didn't cast a vote.
obama has caused the most division and instability because that was his intent from day one.
The indisputable fact of modern politics is that the left wing thrives on crisis. Democrats can't get elected unless Americans are unhappy about something. If things are going fine the left will manufacture a crisis. Flu vaccine, SARS, Bird flu, Swine flu, global cooling, global warming, hetrosexual AIDS epidemic, overpopulation, infrastructure deterioration, gun crime, carbon pollution and a hundred other threats to human existence are all left wing liberal manufactured well timed crisis issues tailored to specific economic or political campaigns.
Wow mudwhistle. That's a lot to think on. I nodded to all of them so that is my answer. All The Above.
Who Is Causing The Most Trouble In America?

anyone undermining the 1st 2nd 4th amendments
I agree with numan.

It's humans.

Humans as the ones listed in the above are the ones causing the most strife. Humans cause racism, sexism, cause political party strife and the like.

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