Who Is Causing The Most Trouble In America?

Who or what is the greatest cause of division and instability in America?

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You forgot to mention the Military-Industrial Complex and the Brainwashing Machine of the mass media.

The greatest problem is the great American electorate which generally lacks civic virtue, which allows the extreme lefties and the extreme reactionaries far too much power in the parties.
I haven't read the other posts so don't know if someone else has made the obvious point -

Good fucking gawd. ObamaCare is the foster child of stupid GObP/pubs. $52MILLION DOLLARS those useless fucks have thrown away. They have known from the very first time they pushed through their phony "repeal" bills.

How many jobs bills have they signed? How many have they introduced?


And, the voters are paying attention.

Obstruction will ruin GOP - Salon.com
I haven't read the other posts so don't know if someone else has made the obvious point -

Good fucking gawd. ObamaCare is the foster child of stupid GObP/pubs. $52MILLION DOLLARS those useless fucks have thrown away. They have known from the very first time they pushed through their phony "repeal" bills.

How many jobs bills have they signed? How many have they introduced?


And, the voters are paying attention.

Obstruction will ruin GOP - Salon.com

You can legislate jobs into existence? I didn't know that.
I was wondering who everyone though was the greatest force for instability in America.

Is it the left, the right, Obama, terrorism, Republicans, Democrats, racism?

It is Obama and the Progressive Party, who kisses his every lofty word. Obama's non-leadership has set the stage for all evil and unrest in the past 5 years. There is no accountability and anyone knows now is the time to push their liberal agendas because no one is in the suit to stop them. Too bad really. His legacy could have been so historic in a most valiant way. He had the opportunity.


"Mr. Obama has shown himself to be a chronic blame-shifter, whether he’s pointing fingers at his predecessor, ATMs, the Arab Spring, tsunamis and earthquakes, Europe, the GOP, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, Super PACs, the Supreme Court, the Chamber of Commerce, and countless other people and organizations. He simply is unable to take responsibility for the problems that have occurred on his watch.

My guess is that the reasons are rooted in cognitive dissonance. Mr. Obama views himself as a transformational, world-historical figure. But as his failures mount one atop the other–from the Affordable Care Act and his stimulus package, to the worst economic recovery on record, to the collapse of his foreign policy, to mounting scandals–the president simply cannot process it.

To accept responsibility would blow his circuits. And so he seems to have developed several coping mechanisms–including blaming others and pretending that what is happening in Washington has nothing at all to do with him.

But back here on Planet Earth, it does. Mr. Obama could--------

more: Accepting Responsibility Would Blow Obama?s Circuits « Commentary Magazine

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