Who Is Causing The Most Trouble In America?

Who or what is the greatest cause of division and instability in America?

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Polls such as these are basically meaningless because the online world, much like talk radio, is dominated by anti-gov't trolls. By people who believe that "we the people" is a bad thing.

I squarely lay the blame for our biggest troubles on Republican Tea Partiers in Washington, who have openly admitted to resisting and opposing President Obama, even if they agree on the issue at hand.

Holding a thoughtful check to power is a must, but having nothing but contempt and scorn for the office of the presidency and for the idea that we can actually make our government work to better our lives collectively and in a responsible, efficient way while preserving freedom, borders on treason, imho.

The country gave the President another resounding win and it had a lot to do with Obamacare, immigration reform, a more fair tax system that rewards American innovation instead of rewarding outsourcing, the expiration of the Bush Tax Cuts on the wealthy as well as fewer tax loopholes for the well-connected and well-off, sensible cuts to defense and reforms to Social Security and Medicare that keep the programs in place while saving some money where we can.

Republicans lost the election. So what have they done? They just killed Obamacare for the 37th time in the House of Representatives, knowing full well it will go nowhere. They continue on as if it's campaign season, but the matter is closed with the majority of us and Obamacare is here to stay.

President Bush wanted to do the Dream Act, but too many people in his party killed the idea. Now this President has been re-elected in order to finally make common sense immigration reforms happen which better America and better our economy by keeping talented people here and by having people come above ground and start paying into the system. But no, since Republicans in Washington hate Obama, they filibustered it in the Senate, even though it got something like 57 votes, which is quite a healthy number, historically speaking.

Republicans finally passed permanent Bush tax cuts for the middle class, but not before the administration and everyone else had to beg and plead for it and trade things we should never have traded in exchange for it.

President Obama was the first Democratic President in history to propose actual cuts to Medicare and SS. Of course, Republicans have held any and all plans up in the Senate, even though they agree with the President on the $700 billion in savings over a decade in cuts made to money that ends up getting wasted by hospitals. With the new healthcare exchanges, competition will help bring rates down, as seen in Oregon over the last year or so. Republicans used to be for competition in the marketplace, but now that a black President passed it, they hate the idea.

More than half of registered Republicans polled say that background checks ought to be universal in the case of gun ownership, and should include even flea markets and trade shows. Wherever guns are sold. But of course, senate Republicans won't have anything to do with it, even though one or two of them may change their vote.

Europe gave itself a second downturn because of austerity-only policies. America gave herself a soft-recovery because she decided to invest in herself. The President wants to continue doing some of that, because 5 years later now, our yearly deficit is now $1 trillion lighter and going down fast. It makes sense to continue making investments while we find sensible ways to save money.

Of course, the Republicans only want cuts and nothing else.

Republicans are no longer a serious party because of their contempt for our democracy and the office of the presidency.

There is a lot to be done, and it takes people wanting to work together to do it, but the GOP in Washington, because of the Tea Party element, appears happy to watch everything collapse around us if they think that they'll be able to use it against the President. It's shameful behavior, and it's the reason why they should be voted out of office in 2014.

We elected the Tea Party to help out with guiding our country, but all they continue to do is to make a point instead of making change.
I blame American's who don't have the balls to become well-informed citizens.
I'd agree with you, except they are brainwashed to be that way.

Their brains are fried by television and movies and other prole-feed, and they are stressed and addled by carefully contrived cognitive-dissonance.

How can you expect the brain-dead creatures in this clip to become well-informed?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seYUbVa7L7w]Rick Mercer Talks with Americans[/ame]
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I'd agree with you, except they are brainwashed to be that way.

Their brains are fried by television and movies and other prole-feed, and they are stressed and addled by carefully contrived cognitive-dissonance.

How can you expect the brain-dead creatures in this clip to become well-informed?

Rick Mercer Talks with Americans
Have you ever read the book, "Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television", by Jerry Mander?

The author argues that far from being "neutral," television predetermines who shall use it, how they will use it, what effects it will have on individual lives, and, if it continues to be widely used, what sorts of political forms will inevitably emerge.

The four arguments are:
1.While television may seem useful, interesting, and worthwhile, at the same time it further boxes people into a physical and mental condition appropriate for the emergence of autocratic control.
2.It is inevitable that the present powers-that-be (or controllers) use and expand using television so that no other controllers are permitted.
3.Television affects individual human bodies and minds in a manner which fit the purposes of the people who control the medium.
4.Television has no democratic potential. The technology itself places absolute limits on what may pass through it. The medium, in effect, chooses its own content from a very narrow field of possibilities. The effect is to drastically confine all human understanding within a rigid channel.​

What binds the four arguments together is that they deal with aspects of television that are not reformable
I got the book because the title seemed pretty "out there", but when I read it, I found the guy has some solid arguments regarding the televisions affect on the general population, which is a clue to answering the question in the OP.
Mr Clean and you both voted for financial inequality. Might I suggest getting jobs?

You could not know if I even bothered to vote on that silliness.

Not unless you were a criminal who hacked this site.


Numbskull. It told you before you voted it was a public poll.

Maybe you thought it said pubic and voted with your dick.

Try clicking on one of the totals in the column. See how it lists all the people?

Are you a liberal? I'm thinking that you might be with your fantastic thinking skills. :lol:
Mr Clean and you both voted for financial inequality. Might I suggest getting jobs?

You could not know if I even bothered to vote on that silliness.

Not unless you were a criminal who hacked this site.

Asshole! It's a public poll. All one need do is click on the votes numbers and you see who voted and how.

Now I expect a public apology. If I don't get it, you can expect to receive your 5th red splat Tuesday night.


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Mr Clean and you both voted for financial inequality. Might I suggest getting jobs?
How do you get jobs, when no jobs are offered?

Educate yourself. Acquire a skill that makes you valuable, or flip burgers. There are plenty of jobs out there, just few for people without marketable skills and an ego that tells them they are worth more than the offers they receive.

Do you have a degree? In what? do you have any skills? Can you solder coper pipe? Can you wire an outlet. Are you intellectually capable of lifting a basket of French fries out of hot oil when a buzzer goes off?
Educate yourself. Acquire a skill that makes you valuable, or flip burgers. There are plenty of jobs out there, just few for people without marketable skills and an ego that tells them they are worth more than the offers they receive.

Do you have a degree? In what? do you have any skills? Can you solder coper pipe? Can you wire an outlet. Are you intellectually capable of lifting a basket of French fries out of hot oil when a buzzer goes off?
I'm an electrical engineer, you fuckin' asshole! I've only been on un-employment twice since 1973. It's taken me almost 2 years to get a job after I was laid off in January 2012.

And I'm here to tell you from experience that it doesn't matter what you're educated in, what skills you have or how well your job search abilities may be, if there is no market for your trade, you're TSOL. And frying burgers don't pay the rent.
I blame American's who don't have the balls to become well-informed citizens.

I blame Liberals who believe they're well informed.

Ernie S. is one of the most low-informed reactionaries on the Board, only matched by the far lefty poet.

They both act from feelings, not facts.
Well, I'm a leftist and a liberal and look at my blogging skills from the perspective of that line in a Dylan song,
"I know my song well, before I start singing".​
Now I expect a public apology. If I don't get it, you can expect to receive your 5th red splat Tuesday night.
Hmmph! Splat away! I might have known that this site would be so Nazoid as to reveal people's votes, and that you would be so ungentlemanly as to look them up!!

I will be sure not to vote in any future polls.
Numan, dude, stand by what you vote.

Don't let a crood like Ernie S. change a whit in how you act on the Board.

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