Zone1 Who Is Destroying The World?

Two things ... First, I don't know why anyone would equate being self-centered with f'ck everyone else.

F'ing someone is a deliberate act. You can either seduce them into the act or force them into the act. It is either the highest physical expression of love or the most vile physical expression of violence. But, f'ing someone can never be a thoughtless act.

When I say that I'm self-centered, I mean precisely that. The reason for every decision I make rests upon what I believe will make me happy. That could be learning to play a musical instrument (or practicing to play that which I can better), building a table from scratch, or giving away my money to a cause. Regardless of which one I choose, my decision will be based on what makes me happy and not a desire to f anyone.

Second, I'm glad you know what character traits in people you choose to avoid. I'm glad you think that much of yourself to recognize that dealing with people with whom you don't share common values is something you prefer to avoid. I'm glad if you use that knowledge about yourself to make yourself happier.
You are stuck on her books, I watched her interviews.
The hosts were disgusted by her.
Great quote but I prefer Lennon's "Nothing to kill or die for", at least the "Nothing to kill for" part.
Not a quote, I made it up. So many people blame Hitler, or Bush, or, or, or ------- but I think it's important to remember that it's the killers who kill, and the killers are not the people who sit in offices and don't kill. That is, we're responsible for what orders and whose orders we obey.

I am not atheist/agnostic nor progressive, and not even close, so just stop ... You have been wrong consistently.
I do think it is funny how smart you think you are though ...:auiqs.jpg:

:smoochEE: Yeah........right.......err......left. I once knew a socialist...that walked into a bar.........

You can call yourself anything you wish.......but your words expose your ID.

"ID": Clearly you are not motivated by "EMOTION". You are an emotional twat. (I bet you still live with your parents, if not you have "MOMMY" on speed dial and You have never responded to any post with a series of emtional diatribes.

I'd also wager that you present the logical fallacy that Blacks are the only one's in history that have ever been subject to enslavement.

You have never stated that its always others that are wrong. You have never denied the content of the Holy Scriptures
You have never pretended to be something that you are not...........a critical independent thinker that never uses the words or ideas of others. You have never denied the history actual of this republic and its founding documents.

You are never presenting the "words" of others that make it clear that you are divorced from reality. You were born with a dictionary shoved up your ass. :abgg2q.jpg: Yet you keep responding to MY WORDS without using them? :biggrin:

If it looks like a DUCK.............its not a duck........its a beautiful swan. Talk about being a narrissist.:blues: All that's lacking is the long beard and skull cap in your pretension of Orthodoxy.
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You obviously know, and rely entirely on a lot of fake stuff for any kind of rebuttal ... :auiqs.jpg:

Clearly you are not a inflicted with narcissism and you never respond with one line ad homiem attacks, due to anger (which you attempt to mask with humor (psych 101).......just like a progressive, because you are a critical independent thinker. :party:

I am enjoying the show.........its very entertaining.
Clearly you are not a inflicted with narcissism and you never respond with one line ad homiem attacks........just like a progressive, you are a critical independent thinker. :party:

I am enjoying the show.........its very entertaining.

Sweetie ... I am not attacking ... Just volleying the ball back to you.
Your garbage about narcissism and ad hominem (which I can actually spell) attacks, is coming from your head and understanding,
and is just a reflection of your rebuttals.

As brilliant as you think you are ... I kind of thought you would have recognized that by now ... My bad.
You may be finding some entertainment in it ... But the really funny part is that you are like a two-year-old
playing in a pile of your own shit and are as happy as you can be doing it ... :auiqs.jpg:

What's destroying our world today, is people that will fight over nonsense just to fight.

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Sweetie ... I am not attacking ... Just volleying the ball back to you.
Your garbage about narcissism and ad hominem (which I can actually spell) attacks, is coming from your head and understanding,
and is just a reflection of your rebuttals.

As brilliant as you think you are ... I kind of thought you would have recognized that by now ... My bad.
You may be finding some entertainment in it ... But the really funny part is that you are like a two-year-old
playing in a pile of your own shit and are as happy as you can be doing it ... :auiqs.jpg:

What's destroying our world today, is people that will fight over nonsense just to fight.

And you continue "not using the words of others"..................because you are a critical independent thinker, your continued reponses to the words of others are just a conspiracy, an illusion.......your archived posts do not exist, because clearly, you are a free thinker. :lastword1:and you can't be baited into playing an amusing game of WORDS. (progressives are easy.....due to the commonality of narcissism) You are far to smart for such a game, you can't be "MANIPULATED", BY THE WORDS OF OTHERS.

Manipulated: Being influcened by "shrewdness" :smoochEE:
Again. The Law of the Excluded Middle. Law of excluded middle - Wikipedia
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Two things ... First, I don't know why anyone would equate being self-centered with f'ck everyone else.

F'ing someone is a deliberate act. You can either seduce them into the act or force them into the act. It is either the highest physical expression of love or the most vile physical expression of violence. But, f'ing someone can never be a thoughtless act.

When I say that I'm self-centered, I mean precisely that. The reason for every decision I make rests upon what I believe will make me happy. That could be learning to play a musical instrument (or practicing to play that which I can better), building a table from scratch, or giving away my money to a cause. Regardless of which one I choose, my decision will be based on what makes me happy and not a desire to f anyone.

Second, I'm glad you know what character traits in people you choose to avoid. I'm glad you think that much of yourself to recognize that dealing with people with whom you don't share common values is something you prefer to avoid. I'm glad if you use that knowledge about yourself to make yourself happier.

When I say that I'm self-centered, I mean precisely that. The reason for every decision I make rests upon what I believe will make me happy.

their beliefs, ann and the priests - definition of happy ...


their decision for helping others to be just like them.

the desert practitioners, give them paterfamilias or they will take it for themselves. nothing less.
their beliefs, ann and the priests - definition of happy ...

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their decision for helping others to be just like them.

the desert practitioners, give them paterfamilias or they will take it for themselves. nothing less.
Yeah the Nation of Christianity.....worldwide is made up of desert practitioners. The United States is nothing but a Desert Nation. Your can't refute one word found in the Holy Scriptures by a presentation of Applied Science or History Actual. The Judeo/Christianity philosophy still exists.......regardless of the history. Just as Christianity has evolved (Grown) from the historical beginnings of One Carpenters Son and 12 friends into the largest religion on earth, encompassing over 1/3 of the worlds population........a history is simply a HISTORY and does not reflect the reality of today.

That's the problem with "theorethical science"........Pseudo Science, it must assume that things have remained static over eons and billions of years when Applied Science proves that the Universe is in a constant state of flux/change.
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Yeah the Nation of Christianity.....worldwide is made up of desert practitioners. The United States is nothing but a Desert Nation. Your can't refute one word found in the Holy Scriptures by a presentation of Applied Science or History Actual. The Judeo/Christianity philosophy still exists.......regardless of the history. Just as Christianity has evolved (Grown) from the historical beginnings of One Carpenters Son and 12 friends into the largest religion on earth, encompassing over 1/3 of the worlds population........a history is simply a HISTORY.

really clyde, have you located the etched tablets from heaven yet - claimed by the murderer and liar moses ...

An investigation by Israel's military found that its IDF forces likely killed Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh by mistake during an exchange of gunfire with Palestinians earlier this year, officials said Monday.

the desert practitioners: embedded by their false commandments of servitude and exclusivity - without remorse in defiance of the metaphysical exert themselves relentlessly throughout history - the feeble clyde.
Rand saw the world in black and white. There was only good/moral/producers or evil/immoral/looters. I have never met anyone who is either good or evil, everyone has elements of both to different degrees.

I am sure Ted Bundy was nice to his mom.
I've done everything I could within reason. I bet I am one of the few people in the world that could say they planted a forest in their lifetime. I don't mean to brag I'm just getting fact, have a good day.

You're not alone. I've planted hundreds of trees.
Not a quote, I made it up. So many people blame Hitler, or Bush, or, or, or ------- but I think it's important to remember that it's the killers who kill, and the killers are not the people who sit in offices and don't kill. That is, we're responsible for what orders and whose orders we obey.
There is enough blame to go around. If I lie to you and you believe me, I think we are both to blame for what you do.
No ----- not if it's killing people. That's on you, whatever I said.
Strongly disagree. If I'm President and I lie to convince you that a foreign country is planning to build a nuclear bomb and has ties to a terrorist network that is planning to attack your country, and your only chance is to strike first, I don't see you as being culpable since self-defense is your right.
You are stuck on her books, I watched her interviews.
The hosts were disgusted by her.

By all accounts, from his enemies and what few friends he had, Isaac Newton was a truly reprehensible individual. He has been described by his kinder biographers as “an eccentric, an egoist, a troublemaker and a mystery-monger, who tolerated no criticism; was uncompromising, vengeful and conniving..."

Despite his personality, "Principia Mathematica" remains to this day one of the most brilliant books every written. Every word in it remains unerringly true today as it was written over 300 years ago.

In that respect, it is more enduring that The Bible or The Koran.
By all accounts, from his enemies and what few friends he had, Isaac Newton was a truly reprehensible individual. He has been described by his kinder biographers as “an eccentric, an egoist, a troublemaker and a mystery-monger, who tolerated no criticism; was uncompromising, vengeful and conniving..."

Despite his personality, "Principia Mathematica" remains to this day one of the most brilliant books every written. Every word in it remains unerringly true today as it was written over 300 years ago.

In that respect, it is more enduring that The Bible or The Koran.

not everyone does, ok - ive not read their book ... and now, never will.

Nine enslaved people worked for the Audubon family while he was in Henderson, until he needed money, then he sold them. Audubon was condemned for his owning of slaves and his overall support for enslavement by the movement of abolitionists at the time who were working to free the enslaved. In return, he dismissed abolitionists in both the USA and the United Kingdom.


most of the famous people were in fact lowlif's ... desert adherents (trash) ...

so what's the point with newton ... maybe a better book was written by the liberation theology side never to be published -

the 1st century was a reversal of noah particularly the crucifixion ... those are the true book burners.
really ... ann rand - if ever there was - me me me - its in her book for who is in doubt.

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fnco just worries if there are enough mcdonalds to feed them ...
OVERPOPULATION is this world's biggest problem. Right up there with human ignorance and arrogance which also creates the rest of the problems.

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