Zone1 Who Is Destroying The World?

What do YOU plan to do about it?
I personally have spread the word as much as I can. I've never married or had children. I recycle everything I can, eic. etc. And all my congressmen, governor and the president know my feelings on the subject. No one has addressed it. No one wants to. It did not go over well in Communist China when the people were told they could only have one child. Imagine what would happen in a free nation like ours. It's just going to have to get so bad that people will not want to bring children into this world I guess. I'll be gone soon anyway, it'll be their problem then.
Why do you want to make it 'easier to vote?'
That seems like a silly question. If we want a democracy we have to enable people to vote and, as far as I'm concerned, the easier the better.

Is going to the polls too stressful for little you? Is it too hard to request an absentee ballot for your feeble little brain? You need your Big Daddy Government to take you by your little hand and TELL you how and who to vote for? WTF!!??
It's easy to get an absentee ballot in VA now. It used to be you had to have a reason, travel, illness, etc. Now anyone can request one. Easy. I look forward to online voting someday.
I personally have spread the word as much as I can. I've never married or had children. I recycle everything I can, eic. etc.

Yet, you continue to use up Earth's valuable resources ... I believe there is more you can do.
Yet, you continue to use up Earth's valuable resources ... I believe there is more you can do.
I've done everything I could within reason. I bet I am one of the few people in the world that could say they planted a forest in their lifetime. I don't mean to brag I'm just getting fact, have a good day.
I've done everything I could within reason. I bet I am one of the few people in the world that could say they planted a forest in their lifetime. I don't mean to brag I'm just getting fact, have a good day.

Uh huh.
What about if it is done not for the welfare of the state but for the welfare of the individual? In other words, if Hitler had done those things for his own good, wouldn't what he did be defined as good under Rand's philosophy?
Except that Hitler had his own philosophy about altruism.
Anyone who believes overpopulation is the source of all the world's ills hasn't opened a history book.

If you still believe it and are unwilling to personally contribute to reducing it then... what you're saying is, "The world has just the right amount of me, and way too much of you".

really ... ann rand - if ever there was - me me me - its in her book for who is in doubt.


fnco just worries if there are enough mcdonalds to feed them ...
:smoochEE: the gift that keeps on giving. :lastword1: My wife is rolling on the floor, after reading this thread. As demonstrated.........your words (that you never borrow from another) "suggested" that you are a progressive. You can't hide from your "ID". It it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and swims like a duck..........its a progressive. I are a self professed "LIBERTARIAN"? Its always the same...........99% progressive 1% BS. A progressive with a twist........hatred of being judged. After reading this thread .......... Who'd thunk that you didn't like being judged.......even by your own words. :abgg2q.jpg:

On the surface attempting to look like grace and beauty..........but underneath you are paddling your little flappers off trying to maintain face. AKA............the 2 faces of a progressive. Its a face for public consumption, the other the true face in private.

I am not a Libertarian either ... Just stop pretending you have a clue or are capable of figuring it out.

I hate Progressives and I laugh at Libertarians ... And your ability to judge is vapid and utterly flawed.
I am probably one of the most consistent in my political ideology, you haven't even come close, and at the rate you are going, never will.

But ... I could have told you that from the beginning because you still haven't really understood what I was expressing in my first post.
All because you don't like being challenged ... And you have nothing but make-believe crap to offer as a rebuttal.


I am not a Libertarian either ... Just stop pretending you have a clue or are capable of figuring it out.

I hate Progressives and I laugh at Libertarians ... And your ability to judge is vapid and utterly flawed.
I am probably one of the most consistent in my political ideology, you haven't even come close, and at the rate you are going, never will.

But ... I could have told you that from the beginning because you still haven't really understood what I was expressing in my first post.
All because you don't like being challenged ... And you have nothing but make-believe crap to offer as a rebuttal.

As I stated, and you proved by "your words" are 99% progressive, atheist/agnostic.....and 1% BS. You can't hide from your own "ID", it reveals things that you do not know you are revealing......such as always attempting to declare others wrong and the best you can come up with a pretense that wants others to assume you are conservative yet deny the freedoms rooted in our founding documents which demonstrates you to be anything but conservative.

Only progressives state they are never wrong........conservatives admit to making mistakes, as this is how one learns wisdom.

I once knew a liberal who thought he once made a mistake..........turns out he was not wrong.......only mistaken. :abgg2q.jpg:

A liberal...aka, progressive........will look like a cat attempting to cover up its what it has deficated when confronted with his/her own lack of logic. I find it very difficult to accept that you have never used the words of another to learn innately based upon your own private thoughts. I call Bull Shit on this most illogical and untrue statement.

You can't practice "republicanism" as defined in the US Constitution (Article 4 Section 4, Clause 1).........and deny the history actual of the founding principles of this republic.

FYI: there is no such animal as a NeoConservative.......its a buzz word, oxymoronic in nature coming from the Latin........"neo" meaning NEW and Convervative pertainting to the old status quo. Its impossible to be both. Rhino might come to mind.

As was also stated the law of the excluded middle and comprehend just how ignorant this basic logical truth makes your posts appear. :smoochEE: Its impossible to be that which you claim to be. Example: Hitler claimed to be a Christian. When in reality he was a socialist pagan that worshiped and attempted to serve the occult. There is no truth in the middle, either something is true or its negate (opposite) is true.........shadows of truth exist only in the mind. In reality you must deal with absolutes. Anything that stands on the dividing line of life's highways long enough will eventually be run down by truth or its negation.
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As I stated, and you proved by "your words" are 99% progressive, atheist/agnostic.....and 1% BS. You can't hide from your own "ID", it reveals things that you do not know you are revealing......such as always attempting to declare others wrong and the best you can come up with a pretense is wants other to assume you are conservative yet deny the freedoms rooted in our founding documents which demonstrates you to be anything but conservative.

FYI: there is no such animal as a NeoConservative.......its a buzz word, oxymoronic in nature coming from the Latin........"neo" meaning NEW and Convervative pertainting to the old status quo. Its impossible to be both.

As was also stated the law of the excluded middle and comprehend just how ignorant this basic logical truth makes your posts appear. :smoochEE: Its impossible to be that which you claim to be. Example: Hitler claimed to be a Christian. When in reality he was socialist pagan that worshiped and attempted to serve the acult.
Yes, 'neo-con' is an oxymoron.
"When you have made evil the means of survival, do not expect men to remain good.

Do not expect them to stay moral and lose their lives for the purpose of becoming the fodder of the immoral.

Do not expect them to produce , when production is punished and looting rewarded.

Do not ask, “Who is destroying the world?” You are."

-- Ayn Rand (Atlas Shrugged)
Ayn Rand, by Jewish definition, was evil.
No. The sacrifice of one person (physical or economic) to benefit or even save another is evil in Ms Rand's philosophy.

The state has no right to a person's life or their property in an Objectivist view.

No person is entitled to the work, the ideas, the property, or the life of another.

That doesn't eliminate altruism. A person is perfectly justified in giving to another as a voluntary act. Because that act, if truly voluntary, benefits the giver as well as the recipient (perhaps even more).

But, a coerced or forced sacrifice is evil in the Objectivist view.
I like to think of myself as an Objectivist excepting only that I'm not an atheist.
I like to think of myself as an Objectivist excepting only that I'm not an atheist.

There is room for objectivist thinking in my religion. I've been mixing the two for decades.

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