Zone1 Who Is Destroying The World?

Roe was unconstitutional, SCOTUS said so.
After SCOTUS said it was constitutional.

The 'Public' and the courts can't just make unconstitutional laws.
Sure the legislature and the courts can and they often do. They don't know what is unconstitutional until the SCOTUS decides and that decision can change

You have no idea what the majority disapproves or approves of.
I think it is called a Poll. Google it.
After SCOTUS said it was constitutional.

Sure the legislature and the courts can and they often do. They don't know what is unconstitutional until the SCOTUS decides and that decision can change

I think it is called a Poll. Google it.
Thank God SCOTUS corrected THAT abomination. SCOTUS decided Roe was unconstitutional, the courts should follow that. You believe polls only when they suit you. The BEST 'poll' is the VOTE....unless, of course, Democrats cheat once again.

Thank God SCOTUS corrected THAT abomination.
God had nothing to do with I'd bet.

SCOTUS decided Roe was unconstitutional, the courts should follow that.
Until they don't.

You believe polls only when they suit you.
You make absurd assertions based on ignorance and arrogance. Of do you know me?

The BEST 'poll' is the VOTE....unless, of course, Democrats cheat once again.
I've yet to see proof that fraud had any effect. The best VOTE would be where a majority of Americans are not governed by a minority. That is how revolutions get started, just ask the Founding Fathers.
God had nothing to do with I'd bet.

Until they don't.

You make absurd assertions based on ignorance and arrogance. Of do you know me?

I've yet to see proof that fraud had any effect. The best VOTE would be where a majority of Americans are not governed by a minority. That is how revolutions get started, just ask the Founding Fathers.
God adores human life. SCOTUS is no longer ruled by radical leftists so , I don't think they will be re-instituting ROE anytime soon....Thank GOD. OK, so you actually BELIEVE polls? You don't see proof of voter fraud because you don't WANT to see it. You don't care if voting laws were changed do you?
God adores human life.
except for the occasional miscarriage

SCOTUS is no longer ruled by radical leftists so , I don't think they will be re-instituting ROE anytime soon....Thank GOD.
Pendulums swing.

OK, so you actually BELIEVE polls?

You don't see proof of voter fraud because you don't WANT to see it.
You don't accept Trump lost because that would mean your values are not mainstream values.

You don't care if voting laws were changed do you?
To make it easier to vote? Certainly not
brain dead people like Biden become 'good leaders'

good leaders - are few and far between and seldom run off tyrants that may, historically make them great ...

trump isn't going to survive to the next election, being put out of office has made him go insane within a year he will be in an infirmary. or, where he belongs in jail.
good leaders - are few and far between and seldom run off tyrants that may, historically make them great ...

trump isn't going to survive to the next election, being put out of office has made him go insane within a year he will be in an infirmary. or, where he belongs in jail.
Biden is insane. Get real.
except for the occasional miscarriage

Pendulums swing.


You don't accept Trump lost because that would mean your values are not mainstream values.

To make it easier to vote? Certainly not
God doesn't cause miscarriages. Human bodies are not controlled by God. Not everyone is created physically equal. Yes, and the pendulums are swinging RIGHT. Polls are not science. The MSM is no longer mainstream. They are controlled by the alt-left and the Democrats. People are getting wise and those MSM media 'news' outlets are bleeding viewership. Why do you want to make it 'easier to vote?' Is going to the polls too stressful for little you? Is it too hard to request an absentee ballot for your feeble little brain? You need your Big Daddy Government to take you by your little hand and TELL you how and who to vote for? WTF!!??
. I think Ayn Rand wrote some good novels.

Actually, her novels, while the most well known of her writing, isn't her best work.

Her novels, with the notable exception or "Anthem", tend to be long-winded and repetitive in theme.

Her non-fiction work is a better read.
"When you have made evil the means of survival, do not expect men to remain good.

Do not expect them to stay moral and lose their lives for the purpose of becoming the fodder of the immoral.

Do not expect them to produce , when production is punished and looting rewarded.

Do not ask, “Who is destroying the world?” You are."

-- Ayn Rand (Atlas Shrugged)
We are ALL destroying this world, it's called overpopulation to put it simply. It's giving rise to all the big problems we're facing. GOD / the creator entity has nothing to do with it ( and there is no devil ). GOD gave us brains to use and avoid all this but we just don't seem to have the desire to stop our own self-destruction. Maybe he'll / it will give us a make-over but don't bet on it. It might be time to move on to plan G.
We are ALL destroying this world, it's called overpopulation

Anyone who believes overpopulation is the source of all the world's ills hasn't opened a history book.

If you still believe it and are unwilling to personally contribute to reducing it then... what you're saying is, "The world has just the right amount of me, and way too much of you".
We are ALL destroying this world, it's called overpopulation to put it simply. It's giving rise to all the big problems we're facing. GOD / the creator entity has nothing to do with it ( and there is no devil ). GOD gave us brains to use and avoid all this but we just don't seem to have the desire to stop our own self-destruction. Maybe he'll / it will give us a make-over but don't bet on it. It might be time to move on to plan G.
Bullshit. Most of the Earth is unpopulated. Only the coastal cities are overpopulated. Mostly liberal-leftist bastions are over populated. Hopefully they'll kill most of their babies.
Anyone who believes overpopulation is the source of all the world's ills hasn't opened a history book.

If you still believe it and are unwilling to personally contribute to reducing it then... what you're saying is, "The world has just the right amount of me, and way too much of you".
You don't get it, this world is almost at the breaking point and all the problems we believe we're facing are caused by this one simple ( largely ignored ) fact.
You don't get it, this world is almost at the breaking point and all the problems we believe we're facing are caused by this one simple ( largely ignored ) fact.

What do YOU plan to do about it?
Actually, her novels, while the most well known of her writing, isn't her best work.

Her novels, with the notable exception or "Anthem", tend to be long-winded and repetitive in theme.

Her non-fiction work is a better read.
I read her novels 60 years ago and to be honest I only remember I found them interesting. I also read Brave New World, 1984 and Catch 22 while in high school. I found those novels so interesting I have read them again after I left high school.

I remember a high school teacher asking if anyone had any questions so I asked, “Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?” Those who have read Catch 22 will recognize the question.

I also remember asking the same question in a military class in the Air Force during the Vietnam Era. The instructor had read Catch 22 and pointed that out while laughing. I did find some similarities between Catch 22 and my experience in the Air Force.

I later became an electronics instructor in the service and learned it is not wise to ask, “Are there any questions?” It is better to ask, “Are there any questions about the subject we are discussing?”


Yossarian attended the education sessions because he wanted to find out why so many people were working so hard to kill him. A handful of other men were also interested, and the questions were many and good when Clevinger and the subversive corporal finished and made the mistake of asking if there were any.

“Who is Spain?”

“Why is Hitler?”

“When is right?”

“Where was that stooped and mealy-colored old man I used to call poppa when the merry-go-round broke down?”

“How was Trump at Munich?”

Hi-ho beriberi!”

and “Balls!” all rang out in rapid succession, and then there was Yossarian with the question that had no answer:

“Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?”

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