Zone1 Who Is Destroying The World?

Love the biblical baloney here folks

question to y'all....

didn't Satan get the boot for a similar stance?


the age of the crucifiers took hold in the 1st century -

liberation theology, self determination as their primary target to persecute and victimize the innocent.
If you read Rand, you will find that she indeed does not condemn compassion.

What she condemns is compassion without justification. The idea that any person, regardless of their personal choices are automatically worthy (in fact, entitled) to compassion is what Ms. Rand argues against.

Promiscuity, not just in with whom we sleep, but in whom we help, or befriend, or work for, is not rational.

they claim as much, as moses - who destroyed the commandments etched on the heavenly tablets to substitute their own - the jews, 4th century christians. fncceo.
If you read Rand, you will find that she indeed does not condemn compassion.

What she condemns is compassion without justification. The idea that any person, regardless of their personal choices are automatically worthy (in fact, entitled) to compassion is what Ms. Rand argues against.

Promiscuity, not just in with whom we sleep, but in whom we help, or befriend, or work for, is not rational.

I have always said ... "If you want to destroy a Nation ... Encourage it to destroy itself in the name of Humanity."

Love the biblical baloney here folks

question to y'all....

didn't Satan get the boot for a similar stance?

He got the boot from Heaven and wants the rest of us to keep him company where he ends up going.
Fact: Everyone agrees Bin Laden's acts were evil, his killing over 4,000 innocent NYers through his resistance of America was evil.
Yet those same supposedly rational people shrug off Former Gov Cuomo who in Resistance of Political rivals and Americas best interest refused to use the floating hospitals that lead to him killing way over 4,000 NYers (Grandmoms and Grandpas).
SO isn't the media and political hate programing that created and recruited that obstructionist resitance responsible just as the Islamic radicalism hate propaganda and recruiting was responsible? Aren't the enablers evil and those who looked the other way for sake of politics- evil?

You keep commenting and I will keep responding to your comments.
If you don't want me to respond to your comments, then quit posting your nonsense.
Although I can see where you might be perfectly fine talking to yourself and don't like discussions.

I am not quoting you and pretending that is an original thought ...
Or attempting to use it as a justification or validation to lean on.

Who said anything about losing face?
Everything you post says more about you than me ... :auiqs.jpg:

:smoochEE: As stated......Its "fun", free entertainment watching a so called progressive become so twisted up in his/her own words.....they simply keep presenting the same retort.......over and over and over, like they are stuck in a loop. Why? Because they are.........simple logic and reason based upon the actual facts in evidence can't be addressed via any type of Circular Reasoning....aka, a logical fallacy. I demonstrated in a lesson of objectivity that its impossible to THINK and REASON independently without using the words of the other people that live in the same reality as you. If you attempt this unnatural act you will end up dumb as a rock.........just like an example of the feral child raised for a decade after birth by animals.

Which demonstrates another great truth revealed in the Word of God, by a Holy Spirit inspired apostle of Christ, its addressing life, and the meaning of life in pointing out where our very existence comes from and how we are all together bound by nature in the great circle of life.

We are all created from "one blood", every nation of men on earth, our habitat is determined by the God of creation........and we are born with an innate need to find God.........many people seek Him blindly, groping in the hope of one day finding Him.........not understanding or comprehending that we owe our very nature, life, homes, etc.,to God..........we are never far from Him because we all have our existence WITHIN GOD........ which explains God's personality of being Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent. The Universe and this reality all exist WITHIN the GOD OF CREATION. (Acts 17:24-28)
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:smoochEE: As stated......Its "fun", free entertainment watching a so called progressive become so twisted up in his/her own words.....they simply keep presenting the same retort.......over and over and over, like they are stuck in a loop. Why? Because they are.........simple logic and reason based upon the actual facts in evidence can't be addressed via any type of Circular Reasoning....aka, a logical fallacy. I demonstrated in a lesson of objectivity that its impossible to THINK and REASON independently without using the words of the other people that live in the same reality as you. If you attempt this unnatural act you will end up dumb as a rock.........just like an example of the feral child raised for a decade after birth by animals.

Which demonstrates another great truth revealed in the Word of God, by a Holy Spirit inspired apostle of Christ, its addressing life, and the meaning of life in pointing out where our very existence comes from and how we are all together bound by nature in the great circle of life.

We are all created from "one blood", every nation of men on earth, our habitat is determined by the God of creation........and we are born with an innate need to find God.........many people seek Him blindly, groping in the hope of one day finding Him.........not understanding or comprehending that we owe our very nature, life, homes, etc.,to God..........we are never far from Him because we all have our existence WITHIN GOD........ which explains God's personality of being Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent. The Universe and this reality all exist WITHIN the GOD OF CREATION. (Acts 17:24-28)

Dude ... I think it is really funny that you would suggest I am a Progressive,
I already wished you luck on your Holy Crusade ... What do you want, a cookie ... :auiqs.jpg:


Dude ... I think it is really funny that you would suggest I am a Progressive,
I already wished you luck on your Holy Crusade ... What do you want, a cookie ... :auiqs.jpg:

:smoochEE: the gift that keeps on giving. :lastword1: My wife is rolling on the floor, after reading this thread. As demonstrated.........your words (that you never borrow from another) "suggested" that you are a progressive. You can't hide from your "ID". It it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and swims like a duck..........its a progressive. I are a self professed "LIBERTARIAN"? Its always the same...........99% progressive 1% BS. A progressive with a twist........hatred of being judged. After reading this thread .......... Who'd thunk that you didn't like being judged.......even by your own words. :abgg2q.jpg:

On the surface attempting to look like grace and beauty..........but underneath you are paddling your little flappers off trying to maintain face. AKA............the 2 faces of a progressive. Its a face for public consumption, the other the true face in private.
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She's been trained to walk 3 paces behind me. :abgg2q.jpg: Actually she's a fantastic lady.......a pharmacist by trade.......she keeps me in line in this walk called life. But we both agree........a good belly laugh is good for the human soul. As I have stated numerous times previously......that's why I'm here, for the entertainment. Who wants to deal with anyone that walks around like most supposed progressives acting as if they have the proverbial stick up their kister at all times. I have never encountered a well adjusted "satisfied" socialist, who are always demanding something or seeking accolade from those they consider their peers (those that think and reason as they do.......... with sheer emotionalism with no cognition to logic whatsoever. Happiness to a socialist is having everyone else in the same cess pool as they.
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Rand saw the world in black and white. There was only good/moral/producers or evil/immoral/looters. I have never met anyone who is either good or evil, everyone has elements of both to different degrees.

comparing child-murderers or rapists to.. people who tell white lies is really out there..
My wife is rolling on the floor, after reading this thread.
Did you over-inflate her again? You know that voids the manufacturer's warranty, right?

- they're a team, they laugh at everyone not a desert adherent ... so religious.

I have never met anyone who is either good or evil, everyone has elements of both to different degrees.
comparing child-murderers or rapists to.. people who tell white lies is really out there..

sometimes the least innocuous are the most savage in the perceived unexpected outcome that is not always by chance.

and to free a spirit, the key is to become one or the other ... and the metaphysical to decide between the two.
:smoochEE: the gift that keeps on giving. :lastword1: My wife is rolling on the floor, after reading this thread. As demonstrated.........your words (that you never borrow from another) "suggested" that you are a progressive. You can't hide from your "ID". It it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and swims like a duck..........its a progressive. I are a self professed "LIBERTARIAN"? Its always the same...........99% progressive 1% BS. A progressive with a twist........hatred of being judged. After reading this thread .......... Who'd thunk that you didn't like being judged.......even by your own words. :abgg2q.jpg:

On the surface attempting to look like grace and beauty..........but underneath you are paddling your little flappers off trying to maintain face. AKA............the 2 faces of a progressive. Its a face for public consumption, the other the true face in private.
The alt-left progressives live in an insular world where everywhere they look radical leftism is portrayed as main stream, middle of the road. Thus, real riots become peaceful protests as cities burn in front of them, brain dead people like Biden become 'good leaders', sex becomes a 'choice' along with killing babies. Yeah, to them, that's all normal stuff.
The alt-left progressives live in an insular world where everywhere they look radical leftism is portrayed as main stream, middle of the road. Thus, real riots become peaceful protests as cities burn in front of them, brain dead people like Biden become 'good leaders', sex becomes a 'choice' along with killing babies. Yeah, to them, that's all normal stuff.
Or it could be the Right is completely out of touch with America. It seems most Americans don't see abortion as a simple matter of 'killing babies':

The alt-left progressives live in an insular world where everywhere they look radical leftism is portrayed as main stream, middle of the road. Thus, real riots become peaceful protests as cities burn in front of them, brain dead people like Biden become 'good leaders', sex becomes a 'choice' along with killing babies. Yeah, to them, that's all normal stuff.

I don't know a single radical leftist. I do know a great many moderates who find Trump to be stupid and disgusting. He's not really a republican.
I don't know a single radical leftist. I do know a great many moderates who find Trump to be stupid and disgusting. He's not really a republican.
Of course you don't because you see them as middle of the road. I would bet you don't know any moderates.

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