Who is going to cook the food and raise kids in this country?

The left pushed women out into the workplace. Who is going to cook dinner and raise the kids. I guess men can do that but men were already into the workforce so where the heck do they get time to do that? Do you realize that their is a generation of young men and women who have no idea what it is like to be a relationship where each person has to care for one another. There is plenty of sex going on but their isn't any commitment to the other person which just makes dating kind of shallow sometimes.
To me, both can work. What they need to learn is how to manage their time. If they are going to work a job that takes up to much of their time, then they shouldn't have kids or be married.

God bless you always!!!

The left pushed women out into the workplace. Who is going to cook dinner and raise the kids. I guess men can do that but men were already into the workforce so where the heck do they get time to do that? Do you realize that their is a generation of young men and women who have no idea what it is like to be a relationship where each person has to care for one another. There is plenty of sex going on but their isn't any commitment to the other person which just makes dating kind of shallow sometimes.
The women will come home from work and do the laundry, make dinner, help the kids with their homework and bake cookies for the class picnic. She will do this because her husband, who also worked all day, comes home and with a befuddled gaze, says "Who is going to cook dinner and raise the kids?"
I made sure my son knew his way around a stove and how to run the washer, so he wouldn't always have to depend on a human with ovaries to perform those functions. I hear his generation is doing much better in this regard.
Where I come from everyone can learn how to do everything.

Enlightened people aren't tied down by throwback gender roles.

Except for cooking and cleaning.

Who does the cooking and cleaning will be determined by the couple. In some cases the woman stays home. In other cases the man stays home. In most cases both parents works and they divide the household chores.

Of course, there are plenty of examples of the man enjoying the added income of his wife working, but still wanting her to do all the household chores. Those men are worthless pieces of shit.
Where I come from everyone can learn how to do everything.

Enlightened people aren't tied down by throwback gender roles.

Except for cooking and cleaning.

So all the women and all the men I know can do everything, but you're at a loss because you can't cook or clean?


It looks like you'll be starving in a pile of filth, because I can't imagine a woman volunteering to do your share of everything. You're lazy.
Where I come from everyone can learn how to do everything.

Enlightened people aren't tied down by throwback gender roles.

Except for cooking and cleaning.

So all the women and all the men I know can do everything, but you're at a loss because you can't cook or clean?


It looks like you'll be starving in a pile of filth, because I can't imagine a woman volunteering to do your share of everything. You're lazy.

I almost spewed coffee on my keyboard. Thank you.
The left pushed women out into the workplace. Who is going to cook dinner and raise the kids. I guess men can do that but men were already into the workforce so where the heck do they get time to do that? Do you realize that their is a generation of young men and women who have no idea what it is like to be a relationship where each person has to care for one another. There is plenty of sex going on but their isn't any commitment to the other person which just makes dating kind of shallow sometimes.

Women have always worked outside the home. The big deal was about a bunch of middle to upper class white women working outside the home.

There is an entire culture going on with women that will do whatever it takes not to get a job. They will clean your house and raise your children. Many are not very religious and just as many are. I'm wondering.........is there something wrong with that group of women? Do you just not encounter them?

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