Who is going to Inherit the D Franchise?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
The Witch Hunt investigation means that a lot of people need to roll over on Ds higher up in the food chain.

Since many of the people that are big enough fish to act as a get out of jail free card will have to raise money from donors. They will then roll over on donors when the money is no longer forthcoming and many D dynasties will be hit hard.

However the D label means automatic inclusion in the presidential nominees debate so there will be a non-monetary prize for the political vulture capitalists who take over the remnants of the party, so the D name will stick around even if the only connection with the current party is in name only. What is the likely end game?
I'll go with the Insect Overlords finally reaching full gestation and shedding their human skin cocoons - and then seizing power away from any human remnants left among the Democrats.

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